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Tommy Sotomayor

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Tommy Sotomayor (Thomas Jerome Harris) is not your average YouTube ranter; he is a black gentleman who contrary to his dark skin and boisterous nature hates niggas, with a keen and focus eye towards black women.

According to the Book of Sotomayor, "black women are a bunch of evil, child abusing, lazy, agressive cunts who are too obsessed with their hair." While the layman would concluded that Tommy himself seems to be pretty much obsessed with hair their hair too, as evidenced by the youtube search results for Tommy Sotomayor and Hair. This would be erroneous and duplicitous, just like black women.

Sotomayor Origins

Some argue that the Tommy we know and love, was shaped through the greedy hands of his ex-wife and a couple of encounters with nasty black pussy.This would be grossly inaccurate as it implies there is good black pussy. Still others think he is a Klansman born in the wrong body. The more likely of scenario is that one too many rejections carved into the fragile bones of the True Black Jesus, thus leaving him thoroughly embittered towards blacks in general.

Like rape in an elevator, Tommy is right on so many levels, and watching him is entertaining as hell.

External Links

His Websites

Active YouTube Accounts

Terminated YouTube Accounts

Sock Accounts

Typical fan art

Tommy Sotomayor
is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

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Tommy Sotomayor is part of a series on YouTube.

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