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Communism: Difference between revisions

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Added Commuinst Smurf Video.
Line 148: Line 148:
File:CommunismOpenSource.png|When you program [[open source]], you're programming Communism.
File:CommunismOpenSource.png|When you program [[open source]], you're programming Communism.
Image:image-kopey.jpg|The administrator for America's Communist Party.
Image:Kopey.jpg|The administrator for America's Communist Party.
Image:CommieMudkipz.jpg|[[In Soviet Russia...|In Soviet Russia]], [[Mudkip]]z liek u!  
Image:CommieMudkipz.jpg|[[In Soviet Russia...|In Soviet Russia]], [[Mudkip]]z liek u!  
Image:Eastgermankitteh.jpg|Suffering under the insufferable yoke of communism.
Image:Eastgermankitteh.jpg|Suffering under the insufferable yoke of communism.

Revision as of 13:19, 14 June 2011

In Soviet Russia, meme posts you.
Oh god, it's everywhere!
Papa Smurf, pretend commie - secret capitalist.
Now kids can play too!
Super Soviet!
Hide your dogs from Reds!

Invented by Karl Marx at least 100 years ago, cummunism is the final form of socialism liberalism, the arch nemesis of capitalism and some people say is the reason why America is #1 and why the rest of the world sucks. Under communism, there is no need for money, because all goods needed to support life are free, which by "free" means you never actually get what you need and the bastards at the Party bathe in your hard-earned cash. This is why Communism failed: everybody loves money. When cavemen found the first ten dollar bill, found in the prehistoric form of a giant black monolith (money was freaking heavy back then), they fought to the death over who would get to keep it, despite the lack of a place to spend it (this well known fact has been used by Jewish theologians to assert that Judaism was indeed the world's first religion).

The Cubans, Soviets, and Chinks claim(ed) to be communist, but never read the instruction manual, so they have no clue that they're doing it wrong and/or did it wrong. Did it entirely correctly, it just turns out it doesn't work outside the minds of retards and/or hipsters. Or in real life So, they (at least the smart ones) ride cars, doors, car doors, each other, or dolphins across the Gulf of Mexico into Miami. Well, all of them except for black person, Elian Gonzalez and Fidel Castro, because they love MSNBC a lot. Communism spawned places like Korea and Vietnam.

Although the USSR collapsed, China is changing to capitalism, and Castro the Castros in Cuba is are dying (likely because of tuberculosis), communism still thrives within the minds of leftarded hipsters and is still a point of intellectual debate. Most notably, Wikipedia is communism!!! (removed due to CONSPIRACY).

Enough is enough! I have had it with this motherfucking bourgeoisie dissin' the motherfucking proletariat!


—Len(w)in on the purpose of his life in general.


Screengrab from 1960's Post Cereals television ad provides proof of International Communism's insidious plot to push Marxism on America's children in the guise of crunchy breakfast treat.
Communists (apart from Yuri Gagarin) fail at life.
Lenin would shoot political oppponents, and then shoot some hoops made of win

Theoretical communism is the natural conclusion of Christian Doctrine that suggests in an unregulated economic system of nearly-infinite goods production, everyone will play fair and nevar ask for moar evah, and God disappears because we have nothing to pray for. This differs from the fake Christianity of W and Sarah Palin where if you hate the Jew God rewards you with gold and power. This new religion is obviously an extension of Judaism and will never become perfected into the final stage of man known as communism, rather everyone will just digress into Meth and Hookers.

Karl Marx was so furious that his rich Jew parents did not leave their colonial estate in their will to him (which was tended by mud races for him to deliciously mouthrape), he used communism to troll lower-class factory workers into spamming the ruling class for moar money. Commies got IRL banhammered all over Europe and many lulz ensued. When Germany helped arm the Great October Socialist Revolution in World War I to remove the Imperial Russian military threat from their Eastern Front so they could relocate those soldiers to curbstomp France. After killing anarchist heathens and pwning Adolf Hitler, the commies felt so validated that they haven't shut the fuck up since.

Communism is the most amazing religion ever because it is based upon the ideology that everyone is equal. However, it has been mathematically proven that English People > women > Asians > Jews >>>> niggers > fags > Scientologists > Juggalos > furries > homosexual Scientologist furry juggalo niggers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scottish People> The welsh. The vast majority of adherents to communism are not only gay losers, but also paedos. All paedos love Children?. Russians love vodka. Therefore, Russians are Children.

The Crucible

The Crucible was a story about dumb Christians killing people they believed to be possessed by the Devil. Based on Communism

The origin of the Crucible performed by faggots

If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?

A shitty propaganda movie made by some preist about what Communist America would be like. Atleast he did SOME research to know that communists hate religion. For lulz he added a scene with a child getting his head chopped off because he wouldn't step on a picture of jesus

The Communist Smurfs

Undeniable truth that The Smurfs was a pro-communist brainwashing attempt by American media during the Cold War.

How To Tell Who is a Communist

It's communism time!
A typical Wikipedia editor.
File:Communism Is A Party.jpg
In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, the party finds YOU! -Actual joke by Yakof Smirnoff

Communists are actually quite easy to identify. They do not believe in colors besides red, black and gold, so any person seen sporting any other colors is definitely not a communist. Typical communists come in two flavors. The first kind are the poor college students either taking Political Science or Liberal Arts or some such shit, made obvious by their world weary expressions and distaste for anything they deem "unintellectual". Secondary yet ultimately phony communists include the "teenage" communists. They can be seen on Facebook or MySpace joining groups or pointing to communist flags. They usually don't know what the fuck they're talking about and are in the process of looking for another way to piss off their fascist, consumerist parents. Lulz. Besides, everyone knows that real Communists have facial hair. Thus you have to first hit puberty to be a Communist. If Red Alert 3 has taught us one thing it is that Tim Curry is also a Communist, possibly the only true Communist left in the world, even if he has the worst Russian accent ever.

Famous Last Words

Despite their misguided economic agenda and obviously misguided political agenda, commies are really good lays.
source of anti-Lulz.

Practical communism is defined as the economic system, re-interpreted by Josif Stalin, in which the government owns everything and the government is owned by people who make your life hell. This makes it possible for the government to ban the game Monopoly. Anyone found with said board game will be sent to the gulags for "re-education". The last words Stalin said before he died were inevitably: 'I did it for the lulz'.

Famous Communists

what college professors fap to
Yeah, but Mao was a faggot.

History and Leadership

Everyone's favorite commie dictator and his infamous stand-up routine!

Few realize that the current president of communism is John Lenin, winning 18 consecutive unanimous elections. Though Marx holds the copyright on communism, many credit Lenin with its distribution and popularity. Richard Marx was also a strong propogator of Communism in the eighties with his hatred filled diatrabe "Endless Summer Nights". In 1917, Lenin downloaded a hacked version of communism off Kazaa and copied it to some floppy disks (Blu-ray hadn't been invented yet) with some other snazzy programs like Banzai Buddy and Mac OS. When he offered the disks on eBay for 5 cents a pop, it became an instant hit, spreading across nations like China and Soviet Union which thought they were simply buying a picture of Fonzie from Happy Days straddling the crack smoker from the Dell commercials. When Marx found a copy of the disk, he summoned the RIAA and sued Lenin for copyright infringement, more commonly known as sharing. After some convincing testimony, Marx agreed to settle for $231 and an apologetic kiss on the cheek. Though many rumors have been spread hinting that Lenin might have died, they are highly unverified and have come from questionable sources.

Sexual Practice

Hepkitten, a well known supporter of groups with communist agendas, often dresses herself in erotic latex versions of communist uniforms. This is srsly A++ hot and more people should do it. Jesuitx also believes in the tenets of communism, as he was too young when the Soviet Union fell to realize how shitty it was.

The Typical Communist

File:NYIT alumni mentoring.jpg
After failing college, many of the developmentally challenged enter VIP programs, from which the communists directly recruit.

The typical communist is a 13-year-old boy who has never paid a cent of tax in his life, other than with his parents' money. He doesn't trust the government, and naturally wants the government to be in charge of every facet of society. Wears a Che Guevara T-Shirt and a U.S.S.R. pin, both purchased from Hot Topic for 75 dollars. Thinks the entire human populace can effectively share all their resources to end poverty.

Most of these can be found on Wikipedia, deviantART and YouTube. When anything is criticized about communism a typical 13 year old boy reply will be "well lyk it ttly hasnt been done right yet!!11", usually hypocritical with previous evidence of said boy sucking Marx's, Engels', Lenin's and Stalin's cocks in screensavers or banners. They will usually hate Nazis and purelily with a passion but do not seem to mind the fact communism pwned at least 100 people. 97% of the Gaian populace is made of Commies. The other 3% consists of socialist, though, similar to Wikipedia or deviantART or any other site in the Interwebs, no body has the slightest fuck of what it is.

Non-juvenile communists - namely those making up the communist voting base and party officials - are mostly crusty, old ex-hippies who, unlike their counterparts who are now CEOs of companies, flunked out of college and are now working EXACTLY 40 hours a week (Marx help you if they should work a second of overtime) at the box factory or some other lame manufacturing sector job. This is usually to get more time off work to campaign, write gay zines, and be the token creepy old people at punk rock shows.


  • A communist government is better equipped to fight zombies.
  • Bribery does not exist due to the absence of money.
  • Everyone is too tired to copulate from all the starving and working that the spread of aids is dramatically slowed.
  • If you like cocks in your ass, you'll feel like you have one in your ass 24/7.
  • Although the Final Boss of the Internet has not been determined, it has been determined that the Soviet Union was the final boss of IRL. Since the defeat of the Soviet Union, the world has jumped the shark.
  • A society without Justin Bieber
  • A society without Ashton Kutcher
  • A society without Dane Cook

Gallery La Revolución Comunista

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