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==Austin Evans==
==Austin Evans==

Sony created a slightly different PS5 model, which made all of the tech nerds loose their shit. [[nerd|Austin Evans]] decided to make a video showing how the model is objective worse than old one, as companies all make their companies inferior to the old one. This is because it's heats up, meaning it's more likely to [[SHOOP DA WOOP|explode]].  
Sony created a slightly different PS5 model, which made all of the tech nerds loose their shit. [[nerd|Austin Evans]] decided to make a video showing how the model is objective worse than old one, as companies all make their companies inferior to the old one. This is because it's heats up, meaning it's more likely to [[Shoop Da Woop|explode]].  

DreamcastGuy who masterbastes to Sony everyday, got really pissed at Austin and telling the truth about his precious company wanting to create a fire hazard, and uploaded a shitty uneducated video. He took his video way took seriously and acts like he was saying the PS5 going to kill you. He only talks about one part of the video and ignores everything else, to dicksuck his Sony. He basically shills to Sony buy saying [[wrong|"there trying to cut costs"]], despite the millions of jew gold their making of scalpers. He also gets his sources from shitty journalists, that didn't break it down. He even calls Austin Evans an [[bullshit|"Xbox fanboy"]] as he thinks anyone that shits on his Sony is one. He himself is nothing more than pathetic Sony fanboy.
DreamcastGuy who masterbastes to Sony everyday, got really pissed at Austin and telling the truth about his precious company wanting to create a fire hazard, and uploaded a shitty uneducated video. He took his video way took seriously and acts like he was saying the PS5 going to kill you. He only talks about one part of the video and ignores everything else, to dicksuck his Sony. He basically shills to Sony buy saying [[wrong|"there trying to cut costs"]], despite the millions of jew gold their making of scalpers. He also gets his sources from shitty journalists, that didn't break it down. He even calls Austin Evans an [[bullshit|"Xbox fanboy"]] as he thinks anyone that shits on his Sony is one. He himself is nothing more than pathetic Sony fanboy.

Revision as of 08:57, 19 September 2021

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.

The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.

DreamcastGuy is another gaming JewTuber. Unlike the other channels like him, he isn't even trying to hide that he doesn't know shit about video games. He basically looks some retarded basement-dwellers opinion on GameFAQs and makes it into a video. He will rage over anything as he got pwnd in Dark Souls and is too pussy to actually play the games he's talking about. He has the intelligence of a McDonalds employee, because he was one. He can't tell them difference between bullshit and legit criticism. So he will shit out video, only to game back on it to please the outraged gamers. He is definition of clickbait content only designed to please the most small-minded people.

To get his desperate views, he has to lie about some bullshit in every video that no one would believe and he too much of a dumbass to try and hide it.

Everything He has lied about

  • The Piranha Plant save file being corrupted that he got so pussy over for loosing all his save data for his snapshots of Zero Suit Samus ass that he jacks off too the loser he is. Even no if his save data was deleted he will still have Piranha Plant
  • Saying he played Final Fantasy 7 Remake early obviously just pirated the game since he to desperate for his realistic Tifa, as Square Enix doesn't give jack shit about him.
  • Those shitty Sega Flashback systems made by some unknown company with the shittiest emulation you can imagine are actually good, and he calls himself the biggest Sega fan on earth.
  • Hearing Fallout 76 developers at a bar he went to. He doesn't even near close to any Bethesda workers and expects us to believe this shit. Besides even the workers at that dumpster fire of a company are too good to go to bar full of pathetic rednecks.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 Saying he beat the game in 10 hours, which is impossible meaning he didn't play the fucking game. The other review's weren't out, yet somehow DreamcastGuy got a copy before everyone else. He gave the game a fucking 9/10 despite the fact his PC can't even run the game. Then he removed the video as CD Projekt Red had cover there asses, and told everyone that no one can show footage early. Then makes a video after were he rages over the game.
  • Talking to PlayStation 5 beta tester when he has never been to Japan in his fucking life as he is too lazy to get out of his room as he sits all day complaining on JewTube.
  • Saying that some guy had a the Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer and showed it to him. Even though Viacom would seal that trailer in an impossible to open lock.
  • Anthem would fucking blow up your console.
  • Collecting Dreamcast games when he was "homeless and starving", which is impossible without selling Dreamcast games that he got from stores, when there's no plugs on the street.
  • Claiming Watch Mojo stole his top ten list, when in reality he has the most basic ass opinions on the the entire internet.
  • IRL Troll got decided to put a gun in his face when he was working at GameStop.

Copying other JewTubers

Some channel named Smash JT was sick of this cunt stealing all his video and getting views from making the same shitty clickbait trash as him and decided to expose him for being the failure he is. The video eventually was deleted so he wouldn't have angry losers in comments who don't know shit attacking him.

Dreamcast responded basically proving he is a lying douchebag, with all his points.

Soulja Boy Console

The completely irrelevant rapper known as Soulja Boy decided he wanted to boost his complete dead relevance by making his own video game consoles. However he has no knowledge on tech, so he bought a bunch of shitty pirated consoles from China and sold them as his own for $600 dollars thinking people would actually pay for that.

DreamcastGuy saw this as way to his deep hatred for Soulja Boy in a video were he rages at Soulja Boy selling the pirated consoles, in this video he says Soulja Boy wouldn't go to jail for such a tiny crime.

But then Soulja sued Nintendo and his sad outrage becomes even more of an overreaction because his get's pissed at everything, basically in this video he contradicts everything in last video and gets pissed like he wants to kill Soulja Boy. He acts like he finally got his chance to shoot Soulja Boy with a gun and kill him like it's his greatest achievement.

Were not even going to link his videos to save you from severe cancer and aids. Instead we link a video buy this LeafyIsHere wannabe.

No Online

Last tuesday, DreamcastGuy decided to shat him raging other their not being another shitty campaign in Battlefield 2042, he was rightfully mocked to death by every one.

Austin Evans

Sony created a slightly different PS5 model, which made all of the tech nerds loose their shit. Austin Evans decided to make a video showing how the model is objective worse than old one, as companies all make their companies inferior to the old one. This is because it's heats up, meaning it's more likely to explode.

DreamcastGuy who masterbastes to Sony everyday, got really pissed at Austin and telling the truth about his precious company wanting to create a fire hazard, and uploaded a shitty uneducated video. He took his video way took seriously and acts like he was saying the PS5 going to kill you. He only talks about one part of the video and ignores everything else, to dicksuck his Sony. He basically shills to Sony buy saying "there trying to cut costs", despite the millions of jew gold their making of scalpers. He also gets his sources from shitty journalists, that didn't break it down. He even calls Austin Evans an "Xbox fanboy" as he thinks anyone that shits on his Sony is one. He himself is nothing more than pathetic Sony fanboy.

Austin Evans responded to shitty videos attack him for such minor tech downgrade. Basically he talks about it's worse. He doesn't even have anything to do with him, outside one of his shitty, low effort, poorly made thumbnails being shown as an example.

DreamcastGuy was butthurt and made another shitty uneducated video were he blows this way out of proportion and acts like it was some huge drama. He plays victim and acts like he is being slandered by Austin, despite the only thing he had to do with the video was 2 second clip of one of his quickly made in photoshop, no though or care thumbnails. He uses a shitty tech channel from proof that the PS5 is not worse, yet he can't even show the fucking clips. The console having less heat syncs even if it's not necessary still makes it objectively worse. He says that he sent his fans to attack DreamcastGuy, despite never doing it in the video, which is slander something he raged at Austin for doing.


See Also

Typical fan art

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