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The Harlan Show: Difference between revisions

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Harlan is an extreme libtard.
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==External Links==
==External Links==
*{{ytchannel|UCP8rN98UV0snlvmNVzdK6RQ| The Harlan Show}} - Terminated, <s>go [ here] instead</s> so shit that the site deleted itself
*{{yt|c|UCP8rN98UV0snlvmNVzdK6RQ| The Harlan Show}} - Terminated, <s>go [ here] instead</s> so shit that the site deleted itself
*{{ytchannel|UCy5UvoXJIR5ngQQBiFqxCgw| The Angry Gaming Stoner}} - His gaming channel
*{{yt|c|UCy5UvoXJIR5ngQQBiFqxCgw| The Angry Gaming Stoner}} - His gaming channel
*{{ytchannel|UCWnXAWV2mi1QCLxxQwMrWIQ| Harlan reviews the World}} - His review channel
*{{yt|c|UCWnXAWV2mi1QCLxxQwMrWIQ| Harlan reviews the World}} - His review channel
*{{ytchannel|UCfN3Yj2oK4JAiOrxLFLP0mg| Lunatic Leonard Archive}} - Contains some videos from his previous incarnations in 2016
*{{yt|c|UCfN3Yj2oK4JAiOrxLFLP0mg| Lunatic Leonard Archive}} - Contains some videos from his previous incarnations in 2016

Revision as of 08:35, 13 January 2023

The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
His icon. How very edgy

The Harlan Show was the 4th incarnation of a shitty YouTube channel owned by a fat neckbeard named Harlan Moncrief.
Living in a Studio Apartment somewhere in California, this individual makes videos on popular topics such as Atheism, politics, religion, science and other stuff. That is, he used to, until he deleted every video he had and rebooted his channel into a pseudo-intellectual rant channel. But as of recently his main (as he has at least 5 other fucking channels) got deleted because he claims it was for "Speaking out against Neo-Nazis". And now he's moved all his rants to

His online career

"Hold on, I think I can hear somebody disliking my new video!"

Harlan claims to be in a character called "Lunatic Leonard", except his actual self and his fake self are the same fucking person and have no differing qualities.
His videos are basically the cookie cutter formula for making edgy rant videos, (i.e. saying nigger, autist, faggot etc) and it's because of this that he can pump out thousands of videos every hour. He gained a subscriber-base not through any effort of his own, but through a shoutout by his YouTube God, I Hate Everything. He also fucking abhors trump, and if you so as dare say something positive about trump he will

Pretty nice guy it seems.

IHE Shouts Him Out

You Look Like a School Shooter


YouTube Comment Section

He claims to be an advocate of free speech and says that people can like what they want, yet throws a tantrum whenever somebody dislikes one of his videos, or provides any form of criticism as small as "maybe you should get a laptop". Not only this, but he brushes aside any opinions of people who have less subscribers than him, while calling people with more subscribers than him cowards because they either made a video on him, or didn't make a video on him because he himself is a small channel and they didn't see his video with 100 views.
Despite the negative reception he's been getting, he's going to make his own show "Necessity" which he claims will be a "True Masterpiece to rival those such as Firefly".
Here is a video where he introduces his OC.

As a side note, Harlan often attempts to get more Subscribers by sucking the dick of his favorite Youtubers, hoping they'll be generous enough to shill his garbage so he can earn more Subscribers. This is generally the only way for him as his content rarely brings in any new subs, and within a week or so Harlan's fuckery would repulse them to the point of unsubbing.

DID YOU KNOW: Harlan has gone from fanfagging I Hate Everything to Bearing. For some reason Harlan is delusional enough to think most Youtubers he watches give a fuck about him let alone his opinions.


Harlan has had a few characters from time-to-time, such as the Iconic Leonard Church (Not the RvB one) who was a Racist Trechcoat-Kid. Then came Lunatic Leonard, who replaced Leonard Church but was even more retarded.

During the 2016 US elections he had a character dubbed "Cletus" who was a stereotypical Redneck Trump supporter. But many theorize this was actually Harlan expressing his true Political beliefs but hiding it behind a Satirical character.

He also had a blue furry handpuppet-thing named "Bowtie Berry". Sadly he hasn't been seen since late 2016 so it can be presumed Harlan's buried him somewhere in Nevada. He was also the best character on his show to date.

Then theres "Dack" which is a character for his upcoming show, "Necessity". Dack is basically some cookie-cutter edgelord that no one above the age of 12 would find cool or interesting. Plus his name sounds like Shit, quite literally.

Harlan's Fuckery (In non-chronological order)

  • Doxxing his (former) best-friend's partner going in to labour
  • Forcing said friend to edit a shitty Shrek Review that in the end was scrapped for being absolute shit
  • Getting banned from Twitch at least twice for streaming Fallout 4 with nude mods and streaming himself having Cybersex with a GTA V stripper
  • Starting constant, one-sided flame wars with anyone who dares to make a video criticizing him
  • Making videos where he talks about wanting to kill people who piss him off (people online and IRL)
  • Treating his audience like shit
  • Lying about his I.Q and possibly about his job
  • Getting banned from Youtube for breaking the Terms of Service
  • Harassing a young girl (roughly around the age of 12) for making a rant video about him. How classy...

Harlan's feud with DHT Dillin Thomas and TheAngryChimpShow

If you didn't think Harlan was already a fucking retard for all the above then prepare yourselves for even more Fuckery.

CONTEXT: When Leafyishere made a video on TommyNC2010 Harlan made a reply video to Leafy where he went berserk and said a bunch of retarded shit. This garnered the attention of Dillin Thomas, a guy who made videos on Sonic the Hedgehog.

THE FEUD: Although not much video evidence of this event has survived, there exists 2 Playlists containing most of important shit, they can be found on Dillin Thomas' channel. Anyways this will be a summary; Harlan and his sycophants talked a bunch of shit on Dillin and vice versa.

Then Dillin decided to team up with a furry named TheAngryChimpShow and made a commentary video on Harlan, which only made him even more furious. Eventually Dillin and co. had had enough of Harlan's bullshit and stopped talking about him, whereas Harlan kept making videos on him till late 2016 when he re-branded himself as The Harlan Show. As of now even mentioning the names of former fans, friends or his 'Arch Enemies' will get you banned from his Twitter.

Harlan's falling out

After the feud with Dillin Thomas and TheAngryChimpShow Harlan's former two best friends had also had enough of him and were driven to becoming friends with Dillin and AngryChimp. As you'd probably expect, Harlan went fucking berserk and made videos on them, criticizing them and the partner of one his best friends because they no longer wanted to associate with them.

For the record one of his former friends is also the same guy who Harlan revealed his partner was in labour, it was also this event that lead to their falling out.

As of early 2017 Harlan has claimed his friends in real life who apparently wanted to make videos with him, but none of this ever happened. From this we can speculate Harlan actually hasn't got any friends except for his Drug Dealer.

in short: Harlan is more toxic then China's Air Quality, avoid at all costs.


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See also

External Links

The Harlan Show is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
Typical fan art

The Harlan Show
is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

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