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Reaction guy: Difference between revisions

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[Image:Massimo.jpg|thumb|This is [[my face when]] [[User:OldDirtyBtard|ODB]] changed my article's name to "reaction guy".]]
[[Image:Massimo.jpg|thumb|This is [[my face when]] [[User:OldDirtyBtard|ODB]] changed my article's name to "reaction guy".]]
[[File:Massimo.png|thumb|left|[ Reaction guy on Failbook]]]
[[File:Massimo.png|thumb|left|[ Reaction guy on Failbook]]]
'''Massimo D'Alema''' or the '''reaction guy''' (not to be confused with the "'''[[Gaijin_4Koma|reaction guys]]'''") was the [[Italy|Italian]] Minister of [[Mexico|Foreign]] [[Sex|Affairs]] and [[Optimus Prime|Prime]] [[brb church|Minister]] but is much more [[Fat|widely]] known to [[Americunts|Americans]] as the man very alarmed and dismayed by the [[Faggotry|content]] posted on [[4chan]] just ahead of him.  Occasionally he also appears after something [[epic]] has just happened, but this is always a clear sign of [[newfags]] [[Fail|fucking everything up again.]]
'''Massimo D'Alema''' or the '''reaction guy''' (not to be confused with the "'''[[Gaijin_4Koma|reaction guys]]'''") was the [[Italy|Italian]] Minister of [[Mexico|Foreign]] [[Sex|Affairs]] and [[Optimus Prime|Prime]] [[brb church|Minister]] but is much more [[Fat|widely]] known to [[Americunts|Americans]] as the man very alarmed and dismayed by the [[Faggotry|content]] posted on [[4chan]] just ahead of him.  Occasionally he also appears after something [[epic]] has just happened, but this is always a clear sign of [[newfags]] [[Fail|fucking everything up again.]] Looks kind of like a younger Alex Trebek.

He is also an [[IRL]] [[Communist]]. Italy elects [[Benito Mussolini|people like this]] all the time, which is why it is full of [[Pope|pickpockets]].  
He is also an [[IRL]] [[Communist]]. Italy elects [[Benito Mussolini|people like this]] all the time, which is why it is full of [[Pope|pickpockets]].  
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File:Reaction guy kermit.jpg

Latest revision as of 07:51, 3 September 2018

This is my face when ODB changed my article's name to "reaction guy".
Reaction guy on Failbook

Massimo D'Alema or the reaction guy (not to be confused with the "reaction guys") was the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister but is much more widely known to Americans as the man very alarmed and dismayed by the content posted on 4chan just ahead of him. Occasionally he also appears after something epic has just happened, but this is always a clear sign of newfags fucking everything up again. Looks kind of like a younger Alex Trebek.

He is also an IRL Communist. Italy elects people like this all the time, which is why it is full of pickpockets.

His latest term of office ended when Silvio Berlusconi became the prime minister again again again.



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