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If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.Trolling IRL
Trolling IRL is exactly the same as trolling OTI, except with the consequences. It is harder than OTI trolling because you might actually get your ass kicked, get raped or otherwise be violently assaulted. But if pulled off correctly, has potential for massive lulz. Think of it like this, Trolling IRL is the equivalent to getting pussy and Trolling OTI is equivalent to fapping.
In most cases, IRL trolling is caused by Chronic Troll Syndrome.
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Epic IRL Faggot
Astronomically Epic IRL Troll
Moar info: Stephen Colbert.
How it's done. Note his innate ability to never break character.
Trolling the United States Congress.
Trolling Wapanese Faggots.
the best part starts at 28:30Ways to Troll IRL
- Sing loudly in public, especially if your voice sucks.
- Threaten to build a mosque at Ground Zero.
- Throw cotton balls out in front of the black student center at your university. Enjoy the AIDS afterwards.
- Talk and scream through the cellphone for 16 hours in Amtrak train. Bonus points if it is done in a "Silent" interval for those who want to take a nap.
- Crank up your IPod music in the middle of a quiet, crowded library.
- Enter a contest at Atari with your friend that offers $100 for each chip that is shrunk in the game console. Agree to split the profit 50/50. Have him do all the work. He develops a design so tight that the company can't duplicate it on an assembly line. When the check for $5,000 comes back, tell him the two of you only made $600. He takes the $300.
- Build a statue that's larger than the Statue of Liberty. Make it cost $23 million. Build the statue in the Soviet Socialist style to piss of the West. Piss off the Muslims by making it an idol. To put the icing on the cake, hire North Korean workers to build the statue while employment is rare in your country and your people are starving.
- Release the iPhone for $600, forcing hipsters to choose between their weekly coke and Pabst binge and your technology. Shortly thereafter, drop the price by $200.
- Purchase a customized T-Shirt with the swastika printed on it and walk casually around large public places and gatherings.
- Put up posters IRL informing people of a free pizza with an online order at bigsausagepizza.com. Bonus points if it is posted in your college and reads "student discount."
- Become an /efg/.
- Kidnap a family's dog, kill it, and send its head back...giftwrapped!
- Speak loudly in movie theaters.
- Get your retarded kid to say "sparkling wiggles" on camera. Get a job, sparkling wiggle!
- Put Staedtler stickers on EVERYONE.
- Take a raunchy, watery shit all over a toilet seat in a public restroom without cleaning up.
- Take part in a skeet shooting competition, but instead of using clay pigeons, use recently-baptized babies and kittens.
- Perform satanic hip-hop at a Christian talent show.
- Killing your allies in a war.
- Place electronic signs featuring adult swim characters around Boston, and watch the city getting shut down due to a bomb scare.
- Blow up your underwarez on a packet trans-Atlantic flight. Some people claim boxers, some briefs while some fly Commando. Show the world you really go Commando.
- Pretend you are loli on facebook and have someone drive 9 hours to meet you. For further humiliation, make them wait 3.5 hours when they get there.
- Swim with deadly stingrays and dare them to sting you in the heart.
- File frivolous lawsuits.
- For sports fans: go up to a fan of a major-league team whose fans are known for fapping to them and being butthurt whenever someone calls them out on what a shitty team theirs is. (I.E. Talk about how the Yankees are a bunch of greedy juiced-up pricks, or how the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl in almost 15 years. This works very well OTI too.)
- Columbine.
- dress up as Hitler and go to a synagogue.
- Do WTC.
- Publish cartoons of Mohammad.
- Hold a Holocaust cartoon
contest. DELETED! - Claim that you found the corpse of Jesus [1].
- Dress up as Satan and go into a church
[2]LOL BALEETED. - Open a restaurant named Hitler's Cross.
- Tell a Jew comedian he's UNFUNNY until he snaps.
Kidnap Jew soldiers.DELETED- Kill your wife and her lover, beat the murder rap in court, and write a book called "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened".
- Force hundreds of prisoners to dance on camera for the amusement of Japanophiles.[3]
- Find a girl on the strictly platonic page of Craigslist, realize that she is just looking for sex without feeling like a whore, be a total asshole to her until shes writhing in your palm, then give her a fake phone number at 2AM. Lulz Ensue when you later have her show up at your Brother's house midnight a week later.
- Push someone in a wheelchair down 3 flights of stairs.
- Walk around town playing this on a boombox.
- Claim the pope was euthanized: "Intensive care specialist Dr. Lina Pavanelli has concluded that the ailing Pope's April 2 death was caused by what the Catholic Church itself would consider euthanasia."
- Program a video game in order to specifically troll those who raped its prequel, then release details about it every weekday.
- Killdozer.
- Pull up next to a guy driving a Honda S2000 and say: "Hey, nice Miata"
- Tell those weaboos that their beloved motherland is dead.
Additional suggestions for Trolling IRL
Obtain image.
Produce copies.
TPS Report.
- Ask your cash- strapped IT department why the computers don't have Windows 7 yet.
- Kirk or Picard?
- Constantly treat Americans like shit, then ask for their help when you don't have the balls to defend your own country.
- Fuck with the thermostat.
- Offer Western ships off the Horn of Africa friendly navigation advice.
- Wear a New York Yankees hat in Boston or Kansas City.
- Start a meth lab by your local day care center or elementary school.
- Be Andy Dick.
- Take a shit in the top tank (Upperdecker).
- Defend the actions of, or claim to attend, Westboro Baptist Church
- Ask someone for help when using the urinal.
- Tell a Jew about your massive collection of Nazi memorabilia.
- Take a shit in a public restroom. Don't flush.
- Shit in the urinal.
- Sleep with all of the white wimminz, even though your wife is a Scandanavian supermodel.
- Find a South Korean Baptist Church. Take the North Korea Is Best Korea image, place it on a sign, and put it by the church.
- Find a road sign indicating you have entered a county. Correct the spelling.
- Call a sexual abuse support line. Tell them that the woman who called in before you is a tramp and that no one believes her.
- Post a sign outside the local fundamentalist church about the gay singles' night and pride parade they will be having that Friday.
- Ask an atheist what's so logical about everything coming from nothing.
- When an atheist points out how religion kills, talk about Mao, Stalin, and every other communist dictator who was both an atheist and managed to wipe out a few million.
- Go to the local college. Take a shit somewhere. Anywhere. Post a sign about how the shit was generously donated by John Rubenstein, Class of 1948.
- Go to some place with public computers (library, school, etc.) and set the homepage for all of them to last measure.
- Wear iPod headphones attached to a shitty MP3 player and walk into the ghetto.
- Find any street sign named CANAL STREET, and correct its spelling with green spray paint
- Put AIDS in the pool, then close it.
- Give AIDS to your lover.
- Kill 6 million Jews in ovens and gas chambers all over eastern Europe
- Join an anarchist black bloc
- Join a sex cult and give them AIDS
- Rearrange grocery items on the shelves
- Wear Klan Kloths
- Glue coins to the top of busy stairs ie a train station and watch/film people falling over
- Happy slapping
- Get a tattoo like this and never wear a shirt again.
- Paste rape support group fliers on the doors of Catholic churches.
- Invoke Satan in discussions with street preachers.
- Urinate into a lemonade bottle and leave it in somebody's fridge. For extra fun, change the nutrition-box information.
- Take a crap on a paper towel and then put it in a soap dispenser.
- Follow old people around with a boom box playing
Vengaboys' "We Like to Party"ERASED OFF THE INTERWEBS. - Glue a quarter to the ground. Watch as fucktards try desperately to get it (bonus points if you do it near landscapers).
- Sharking.
- Move a bookstore's entire stock of bibles into the fiction section.
- The Christfag version of the above: Move the bookstore's stock of Richard Dawkins books to the beginning readers' section.
- Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
- In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
- Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO."
- Have buttsecks with a girl and halfway trough, pull back her head by her hair and whisper into her ear, "I Have AIDS."
- Make beeping noises when a fat person backs up.
- Ask faggots if buttsecks hurts.
- Use words such as "abortion" and "Holocaust" in casual conversation
- Announce a random person has just come out of the closet.
- Go to Planned Parenthood and ask if they sell coat hangers.
- Wake Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons up at 5 AM on Sunday to ask if they've considered atheism.
- Dance to music in your iPod at deaf support groups.
- Sell nickel bags of oregano to fat emo kids.
- Steal a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
- Ask people what gender they are.
- Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
- Print out shock images and place them in places people can't reach.
- Go to a feminazi rally and hold up a sign that says, "Make me a sandwich."
- Don't flush.
- Successfully use the word virgin as an insult against a 16 year old girl (bonus points if you deflorate her).
- Draw a huge penis on a football field using weed killer a day before the game.
- Bring sex toys for show and tell...
or if old enough, bring as your project.Always old enough. Hide a little bag full of white powder in a butthurt college student's bag at the airportBALEETED.- Go to the opening of the New Star Trek movie dressed as a stormtrooper, with a lightsaber, blasting the theme to Star Wars on a nigger.
- Hack a programmable road sign to say "Jews did WTC"
- Go to a gamestop on the midnight release of battletoads.
- Ask anyone in a candy store if they sell edible condoms.
- Ask a typical fat person if he has more than one pair of underwear.
- Go to a kindergarden classroom, and when nobody's there, tape a image of Goatse to the blackboard.
- Throw batteries at people.
- Draw a cock on the male bathroom door.
- Go to a playground wearing a trenchcoat, and hold one of those shake-to-charge flashlights under the coat at about waist height. Stare at the children and charge vigorously. If called out on it, produce the flashlight, and remark that even had you been jacking off, it would present no danger to the children.
- Call a taxi or pizza delivery guy to your neighbor's house. Bonus points if they answer the door.
- Run for mayor of your city. http://youtu.be/QKqNljMssAg
- Liquid Ass a store making it stink really bad.
- Shine a laser pointer at a plane or helicopter.
- Write JEWS DID WTC on a piece of paper, laminate it, and tape it onto the door of a synagogue.
- Get a realistic looking squirt gun. Spraypaint it black. Go to a bad part of town at night and wait for a nigger to try to mug you. Pull it on him.
Trolling IRL: Racism
- Call yourself nigger and claim to hold a Compton Cookout party. Video Here
- Start a whites-only basketball league (Anything whites-only makes a great IRL troll)
Have a whites-only bathroomDEAD LINK- Find a tree. Call it "The white tree".
- Wear blackface.
- Go to Wal-Mart. Get on the intercom and announce "
Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now". Try this one - Blame Obama for everything.
List of Professional Old-Media and IRL Trolls
- William Tecumseh Sherman (Burned the whole American South to the ground)
- Adolf Hitler
- Islam
- Aliza Shvarts
- Capp
[4]DELETED - Al Qaeda
- Andrew Meyer
- Andy Kaufman
- Andy Milonakis
- Ann Coulter
- Ari Shaffir
[5]DELETED - Atlasshrugs2000
- Barack Obama
- Beastie Boys
- Bill Clinton
- Bill O'Reilly
- Borat
- Bus Uncle
- Chaser Team, The
- China
- Chris Hansen
- Chris Morris
- Christopher Hitchens
- Cindy Sheehan
- Daniel Tosh
- Dave Attell
- Dave Mustaine
- Dave Sim
- David Koresh
- Dick Masterson
- Discordians
- Faux News
- Fidel Castro
- Fred Durst
- Fred Phelps
- Geert Wilders
- Geraldo Rivera
- George Carlin
- Germany
- GG Allin
- Glenn Beck
- God
- Hamas
- Hezbollah
- Howard Stern
- Hugo Chavez
- Imperial Stars
- Hurricane Katrina
- Keith Olbermann
- Kevin Smith
- Kid Rock
- Israel
- Jack Thompson
- Jack the Ripper
- Janet Reno
- K Foundation
- Jesus
- Jarrad Willis
- Johnny Knoxville
- James S. Harris
- James Randi
- Japan
- Jonathan Swift
- John Ziegler
- Joseph Stalin
- Julian Assange
- Kanye West
- Karl Marx
- Kim Jong Il
- Lady GaGa
- Lars Ulrich
- Madonna
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Mao Zedong
- Matt Stone
- Mega64
- Mel Gibson
- Michael Moore
- Muhammad
- Napoleon
- Nathan Gamber
- Neil Hamburger
- Nick Griffin
- Noam Chomsky
- Norm Macdonald
- Not You
- North Korea
- OJ Simpson
- Opie and Anthony
- Osama bin Laden
- Patrick Knight
- Perverted-Justice
- Petey Greene
- Professor Philip Zimbardo
- Prussian Blue
- Tele-marketers/Phone Trollers
- Ralph Nader
- Remi Gaillard
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard Nixon
- Ric Romero
- Ricky Gervais
- Roman Empire
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Robert Mugabe
- Rush Limbaugh
- Russia
- Saddam Hussein
- Sacha Baron Cohen
- Seth MacFarlane
- Sex Pistols
- Sal & Richard
[6]DELETED - Shawn Lonsdale
- Shirley Phelps
- Simon Cowell
- Socrates
- Stephen Colbert
- Steve Ballmer
- Steve Irwin
- Steve Jobs
- Strippers
- Sunshine Megatron
- Terry Childs
- Trent Lott
- Trey Parker
- Tommy Lee
- Uwe Boll
- Victor Lewis-Smith
- Victoria Alexander
- Vladimir Lenin
- Vladimir Putin
- W
- Walt Disney
- William Thode
- Will The Pope
- Ali Dia
- Noah Webster (has trolled any and all individuals that use the British version of English with the American version for the past 200 years, making his trolling streak the longest in recorded history)
See Also
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