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Scott Pruitt

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I intend to run this agency in a way that fosters both responsible protection of the environment and freedom for American Businesses

On The Job

When Scott gets off work, there is one thing on his mind.

Having received over $300,000 the oil and gas industry for undisclosed private services in the Church of Broken Arrow, Pruitt made it clear his EPA leadership would take a nuanced approach. President Trump’s first budget instructed Pruitt to cut the EPA from 15,000 employees to 12,000. He plans to get the first 1,000 out by offering a buyout package, and the rest by spraying formerly banned insecticides into their waters to turn them and the frogs gay. Now those 3000 lost jobs can be replaced by the 1,300 coal jobs...strip mining and machinery take up most of the work. Last Thursday, Scott Pruitt polished off a can of dip and became head of the EPA, something he sued over 15 times. After counting his remaining hairs before balding, Scott decided to throw away all the silly unnecessary regulations on water and air pollution put in place by that liberal pussy Richard Nixon. Scott Pruitt is also known to be a fan of mixing church and state, as well as having strong feelings about gay sex.

Political positions

Either he read the bible too much or went blind from sinning his left hand with the one eyed snake.
  • Lung disease and Asthma suck but look at the 50,000 jobs I made in the coal sector I just found.

Actually scratch that Coal is 1,300, the number 50,000 reflects coal with mining sector jobs, and logging....mostly Logging.

  • BASEBALL BEEN OK TO ME: After attending University of Kentucky on a baseball scholarship and daddy's money, he left the Collage team after one season when he told the coach he needed to see more data before he would sacrifice time to play.
Pruitt would perform so well in data missions of the Baseball league owners, they let him become the co-owner of the Triple-A Oklahoma Redhawks. Among the in-game promotions he created was the Seventh Inning Stretch of the Truth, where fans would stand speak in tongues while the PA announcer offered proof the planet was only 4500 years old. For Pruitt,  prostrating church with powerful men would be a guilty pleasure.

Pruitt Prays the Gay Away

This does not count as gay, there wasn't a wedding ring on that fist
Pruitt believes marriage should be defined only as the union between one man, one woman, and that Gay sex is like getting fries with a meal because it's only on the side.

Pruitt serves as a deacon at the First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow, this Oklahoma church is known to confine homosexual activity to the Churches basement and the code word; "Show me what happened in Sodom gomorrah." This is said to be the Church

Executive Review

He’s a great guy. He is a job maker. I put him in charge of the environment...right? We’re going to have the most phenomenal air and water. I said to him, ‘I expect phenomenal air and water,’ and he said, "if we create jobs we can just buy phenomenal water and air

He's great thinker for jobs



Scott Pruitt
is part of a series on Politics.
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Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

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Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

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See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade