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Giggly Goonclown

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry

Anyone up for a round of the crying game?

Giggly Goonclown is actually a tranny.

     Enjoy your cock!   8====D (_(__)

This page is darker than coal....

Giggly Goonclown
Born May 13, 2002 (22 years old)
Nationality: American  
Gender Male
Occupation cook; gooner/child groomer
Paraphilias Autogynophilia
Diaper Fetishism
Orion Passmore himself, seen here uncharacteristically outside and not gooning.

Giggly Goonclown (powerword: (Orion Grant Passmore) is a disgusting gooner trooner whose mind is so fried by gooning that he has developed a fetish for literally everything including but not limited to fart porn, diapers, cross-dressing, "black new world order", incest, bestiality and last but not least, an affinity for clowns and children. He also has a humiliation fetish, so if you call him a sick fuck, he will revel in it. Orion describes his clown alter-ego as a "silly bouncing cumclown who escaped from your wet nightmares."

Encyclopedia Dramatica first mentioned Goonclown on Twitter in 2021 before caught eye of him in 2023, yet it took until 2024 for an article to be made on this freak.

Goonglown likes to waste his life on Twitter and Discord jacking off to and commissioning the most depraved pornography known to man. He was even known to give freebies of his asshole, of himself wearing diapers and of himself cross-dressing as a little girl. One such video played over farting noises and a laugh track involving himself masturbating while making goofy faces, which became a meme on the imageboard and would arouse their interest in him and lead to an undiscovered rabbit hole of DO NOT WANT and to an epic /raid/ saga culminating in Orion's doxxation.

The first course of action taken by Soyteens was of course to send Goonclown a 'jakked image of his clown alter-ago, which Goonclown responded to by drawing an enhanced version of their soyjak with enhanced features.

Always in the spirit to ruinate filthy troons on the internet, soyteens began looking into this character. Someone was even able to hack into his Discord account to reveal that he was a MASSIVE gooner through and through (which of course was to be completely expected). Hilariously, he even kept a goon log to which one could see how many hours he has gooned that day and with whom. It was only a matter of time before he was fully doxed, and on August 1st, 2023, a full dox would be leaked via a forum post titled "GOONCLOWN LOST"[1]. Trolling proceeded as usual and they sent him many pizzas and religious scriptures, but soyteens couldn't shake off the feeling that there wasn't something more sinister transpiring in this clown's goonworld. Through further scrutinization of his Discord messages, it was revealed that Goonclown was also a proud pedophile (SUPRISE!) and first jacked off to the real thing 6 years prior. For the incriminating evidence and further displays of his deranged sexual fantasies, please consult to the galleries below.


Giggly Goonclown is a sick fuck! About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

The Plot Unravels

Kris Tyson, F1NNSTER and Jean "Ella" Hollywood pictured together being fugly af.

It turns out, Giggly Goonclown was not the only player in the game, and he was involved in a larger pedophile ring with the intention of spreading EPI (Early Porn Indoctrination) to minors so that they would become coomers that are just as degenerate as them. It wasn't even just basement-dwelling nobodies that got tied up in this. One such notable e-celebrity involved in this was tranny pornstar Jean "Ella" Hollywood, who had a Twitter alt that went by the name of Toonsoda that had "no limits" written in his bio —which means he's super chill with child pornography. "Ella" here also fingers his boy pussy to the idea of early porn indoctrination for children. From there, Jean Hollywood also had connections with fellow tranny and former associate of Mr Beast, Kris Tyson.

The making of a freak

His mother's lack of care granted Orion with unlimited access to the internets. He was molested as a kid by a drunk 40-year-old babysitter, possibly resulting in him wanting to troon out as early as 14. By age 11 he was browsing r34 which he learned about from memes. A year later he joined Tumblr to get engaged in fetish communities where he learned about sissy hypnosis. According to one of his tweets, he has the desire to rape his crack addicted father. Apparently, he associated himself with the alt-right before becoming a degenerate and heiling Satan after running outside naked at night to masturbate.

A YouTube documentary put together by Turkey Tom

tl;dw video


tl;dr: "This only happened because I was 'gay and weird'"

After Orion Passmore got what he desurved and their was great justice, Orion hosted an AMA thread on the sharty, coupled with a video of himself giving a shout out to the Sharty as proof of legitimacy. Just kidding! That video was acquired by a troll who bargained with Orion to make the video in order to get his Discord back. Needless to say, that promise wasn't filled.

After about a week of silence, Goonclown returned to his Discord server to enact some damage control, alleging that right wing teenage boys were only harassing him for "being gay and weird".

Inexplicably afterwards, Soyjak.Party came under attack by a series of DDos attacks, causing it to loose it's domain registration only for an identical puppet site to pop up distributing CP. Attacks spread also to the xister site,, were more CP was uploaded and articles about Giggly Goonclown were vandalized. For the time being, these were the End Times and the sites were shut down. Now tell me, what do you believe happened?

A dramatic retelling of events

See Also

  • Bluefolf - Another tranny gooner who likes to show his asshole to people. This one even likes to do it while wearing his fursuit head.
  • Dorian Thorn - Goonclown should do what he did.
  • Pizzagate - There's always a bigger fish.
  • Shadman - An artist who has drawn fetish art for every fetish under the sun.
  • Siegepilled Zoomer - Basically Goonclown if he was an alt-right columbiner.
  • Sharty - They ordered the pizza, but it was not free.

External links

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