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*Why [[User_talk:CowMonster|ED shouldn't spam]] his youtube channel.
*Why [[User_talk:CowMonster|ED shouldn't spam]] his youtube channel.
*[[body builder|Pumping Iron]]
*[[body builder|Pumping Iron]]
*[[4chan]] is a perfect example of a working anarchy

==Anarchism Today==
==Anarchism Today==

Revision as of 15:12, 23 May 2011

Anarchy is the belief that hierarchies among men is immoral. The average anarchyfag spends the ride to and from soccer practice in his mother's SUV contemplating how to abolish the rule of the elite over the plebs.


In theory, anarchism is a political belief that civilization should be run from the bottom up. Politics, the economy and the courts are supposed to be run directly by the people without hierarchy. In reality, most anarchists just want to throw rocks at cops and complain about how their parents stifle their creativity. Anarchy's final form would be a fucked up socialism or end stage communism with no central government. It would also be the return to an era where the strongest rule, making the actual anarchist wimp die out within seconds, because they are sensitive. Of course, such a society would require a highly educated and mature population which obviously won't be happening anytime soon in America.

Anarchists are grossly hypocritical because they are always calling the cops to complain if you run them over in the bike lane.


Contrary to popular belief, Anarchy does have a history despite the fact that many anarchists today are posers that failed high school. Like communists, anarchists have a misguided belief that people can live in a society without bosses and the government. History is still waiting for them to prove themselves right. The most often cited example is Spain during its civil war, before anarchists were pawned by Fascists and Communists and their own aura of worthlessness.

Normal anarchism was invented by liberal emos and queers like Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Peter Kropotkin, both of whom hated their parents as 13 year old boys. They had the idea that they could live "outside of society," but keep all their stuff. Both being trustfund junkies, this was pretty easy to envisage. Most anarchists believe in markets controlled by workers while others believe in a system that's like the end-state of communist theory where everybody is free to sit on their bums and collect dust while magically receiving all the finer shit in life.

Abnormal anarchism was invented by cruds before they all became capitalists a few years later. Abnormal anarchists believe just about any bullshit that anyone with a brain stem would laugh at.

This video explains the sociopolitical ramifications of anarchy:


People who "believe" in anarchy are all 16 year old girls or emo boys (or Weev, who is both) who hate their parents, George W. Bush and the law. They listen to Linkin Park and/or Morrissey.

Ashlee Simpson is an anarchist because she has the anarchy symbol on her drum set, and thus she r0x0rs.

Winona Ryder is an anarchist because she defied the law and stuck it to The Man!

Noam Chomsky is an anarchist, but unlike most suburban anarchist kids, he actually has more than just a brain stem. He makes anarchism seem like an intellectual philosophy and writes essays on the foreign policy of the US. Every god-fearing American knows that he's an America-hating liberal who should be shot for treason.

You yourself can become an anarchist and fight the system dawg, by walking to your Hot Topic and finding some shit. This will make you accepted by your peers and will prepare you for your rebellion when your parents take away your car keys for failing that test. Remember that if they actually were to create a REVOLUTION!( SM4SH THEH STAET!!!1!!), there would be only a max of 100 anarchists per rioting area. Since the majority of their power level comes from stimulant drugs and death metal, you would simply need to burn the drugs and cut stereo wires to leave them fleeing back to their online forums. (Bonus if you burn the weed in their direction.)

Unknown to most, longcat is a loooong time Anarchist, because of his fuck off attitude towards the long standing cat length regulation standard act passed at least 100 years ago. No system will ever hold him down and tell him how long he can be. He stands as an inspiring model of self-expression.

A Real Life Anarchist

XOmniverse prepares to feast on either wheat thins or your soul
French anarchists standing around waiting to kill ZE

XOmniverse is a fat, pasty dude bent on overthrowing all forms of government. Although, as an "anarcho-capitalist" he is completely oblivious to the fact that should government disappear another entity resembling a government would develop run by corporate scum. Make sure not to watch the video where he airs out his armpits while while showing off his pendulous mantits. It is the most horrifying thing on the internet, beating out 2girls1cup and Swap.avi. The sight of him shirtless may drive weaker men to GTFO, or have a sudden urge to Puke tl;dr

That bullshit aside, the only funny thing about him is that there used to be a video on youtube of him narrating his actions while eating wheat thin/cheez-whiz towers. The whole thing would probably be mythic if anyone had any goddamn idea who the pasty fucker is.

He is an excellent representative of the movement. He would be happy to engage in rational discourse with you regarding the following important topics:

Anarchism Today

File:Anonymous Anacap.png
Anarchy is not only communism, but also capitalism.

Nowadays anarchists mostly hang out in malls and try to look tough. Every year, they also go to international labor rallies to smash shit and get arrested by the cops. Many try to bring back the good ole days of Spain and Hungary, with no rules, free booze and Martian hookers. Others follow the modern examples of Mexico and Argentina, where an anarchist is just a lazy fuck who complains about capitalism, which is still cool.

Tribes, Kazaa and P2P are also based on anarchy which is why they suck. Most Internet anarchists are hypocrites because most are admins on message boards anyway, and they suck cock.

Most anarchists are socialists and commies who smoke too much weed and ain't got no love for Lenin. FUCK MAINSTREAM MUSIC FUCK EMOS FUCK COMMUNISM FUCK CAPITALISM SM4SH TEH STAET REGARD THIS, CUS COCKS SUCK ME, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

See Also

is part of a series on Politics.
Ideologies: [You are wrong!We are right!]

Alt-rightAnarchyCapitalismCentrismCommunismConservatismCyanismDemocratHippieLiberalismLibertarianismMiltopismNaziNihilismNeo-conPacifismRepublicanReconquistaSocialismStoner GuruTory

Issues: [Fuck it, Too lazy.Get it fixed!]

AbortionArab SpringBahrainBarron TrumpBirthCISPADeath penaltyDrugsEnvironmentalismGaysGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleGirlfriendsMarijuana AddictionGround Zero MosqueMarijuana AddictionMass ShootingGun controlGunsHealthcare (2) (3)• HomelessHousing CrisisHuntingIceslaveIranMarriageMiller TestMiltopiaNAUPimpin'RacismShoesTaxesTerrorismUnemploymentWarWelfare

Politicians: [Rigging Elections is funVote for me]

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Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

America's Third PartyBlack BlocDramacratic PartyHard PartyLemon PartyLiberal Party of AustraliaNorth American DONG PartyOBAMACORNSocialist Workers PartyPirate PartyZapatistas

Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

2013 US Government ShutdownBlaming ChinaCaptain Nigga DefendaCloward Piven StrategyCritical race theoryCuckservativesDemockeryDoomsday ClockG20 Toronto LollercaustLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberal guiltMacaca#NotMySuperbowlChampsOccupy DemocratsOperation LemonpartyRaped StatisticsThe ResistanceUpworthyWunderground

See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade

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