The KnowYourMeme mod team decided that we didn't explain your ban reason well enough so I've decided I shall be a representative to explain why.
We agreed that upon you making your very first posts, you would be an extremely helpful contribution to the website, so much so that you would actually become a problem due to how extremely good they were in quality. We believed that you would set a standard far too high for the average KYM member to reach. Your obsession with rape (and to be raped), multiple IP's in order to remain unbanned (a genuinely good backplan in case an inexperienced moderator banned you by mistake!) and stalker tendencies were also great traits, and we appreciated the "comedic prodigy" posts you provided for us!
Unfortunately, seeing as how you would post a danger to KYM's poster morale (I mean, it is pretty hard to keep up with your skills, so that would obviously make a lot of people feel bad!), and that would decrease highly-needed activity on the website.
So with the go from multiple mods, the decision was made to ban you. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
We hope you enjoyed your stay at KYM! We hope you enjoy a good, sociable life from now on, and please don't hesitate to try to get people to raid us!