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This person has Assburgers Syndrome, so you can't say anything bad! :-( Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck. |
—Let this quote set the tone for the rest of this article. |

Do you remember a game called Spyro? Like many, you may have grown up in the 90s playing this Playstation gem about a purple dragon and his whimsical adventures. Unlike many, however, you may have wanted to do more than just play the game. You may have become a hardcore fan: desiring to live in the world of Spyro, and lusting over not him but the enemies that he briefly encountered. That's right. Yes, I'm talking about having sexual fantasies about video game bosses that nobody remembers.
20 year-old self-proclaimed Aspie Amanda L. Turcol (or LadyALT69 as she is known on the Interwebs) is one such case. Now, if you are part of Spyro fandom, you may recall the drama that surfaced on deviantART in years past from Chantelle/Ripto's Fan Girl (RFG for short) and her insane sexual infatuation with Ripto (the main antagonist of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage). Both ALT and RFG have much in common, including jealously guarding their sacred relationship with a polygon to the point of verbal rage and violence (in the form of hate art) to any who dare oppose them. While Ripto's Fan Girl is still around somewhere, she appears to no longer have an obsession with Ripto. When last seen, she was drawing herself and her (allegedly real-life) crush as lesbian raptors. Her art also seems to have significantly improved, whereas Amanda's has gotten WORSE, and she is no longer a lolcow. Unlike Chantelle though, this Aspie may never grow out of her own drama. The main difference between the two, however, is the character in question. With ALT, an enemy called Jacques (a fucking Jack-in-the-box with a green face and no lower body, no less) is the target of her affection, or should we say fandom rape.
It is rumored that LadyALT69 started getting the internet's attention when someone linked to her artwork on /b/. From there, people have submitted her work to the tumblr blog Socially Unacceptable Art on numerous occasions.
Ladies and gentleman, meet the new Chris-chan!
Behavior and Fetishes

Upon close examination, it's quite clear that LadyALT69 - like all typical virgins retards (she's a huge slut) with internet access - has some serious mental disturbances involving sexual frustration that she attempts to relieve by creating art and stories of her and her "love". One can speculate from browsing her gallery and noting the frequency of her uploads that she puts a great deal of time into her work (read: she has no other hobbies besides recreating the same horrifying porn again and again). So it comes to no surprise that she also goes out of her way to obtain any attention that she can by regularly doing the following:
- Frequently posting "sexy" drawings of herself, Jacques, or pairings of characters belonging to her peers. Extra points for Lesbianism (she's obviously one of those fake bisexuals that pretends to lez out for male attention).
- Begging for money. Mimicking the methods of artists with actual talent, she set up a Paypal account for donations, auctions and commissions (that no one will ever buy).
- Broadcasting herself on a streaming channel, where you can watch her create twisted cartoon erotica or listen to her orgasm while playing Spyro. If you're lucky, she'll take requests!
- Begging for trades and requests of her and Jacques fucking and making green hellspawn.
- Begging for money for a car, cosplay materials, or whatever the fuck else she doesn't deserve.
- Flipping shit at Anons on
her TumblrBALETED
As you well know, the online art community has its share of popular artists. On the whole there seems to be a correlation between skill and ego, but there are also talentless amateurs (such as Chase the Hedgehog for example) who, despite never improving over the years, maintain the same attitude of unwarranted self-importance. Take into account the fact that the "artist" has Asperger's and you have the most egocentric breed of attention whore known to man. This is exactly the category that Amanda falls into.
LadyALT has a small following, mostly limited to her Furaffinity gallery. The most notable commenter, Falconwolf is a mentally retarded 35 year old woman whose art skills are on the same level as most kindergartners. The rest of them are either nearly equally retarded, just sympathetic toward her, (as proven by their constant asspats and advice to "ignore the haters"), or genuinely try to give her advice that she shakes off and ignores. She thinks getting pageviews actually means she's well received, but the fact is that the majority of attention she actually gets is from disgusted snickering onlookers who witness her freak show of a lifestyle.
With her mad skills, Amanda will undoubtedly go on to be the next internet superstar of the art community.
Amanda has always held the position that bullying is wrong and that we should all be tolerant and get along. However this moral tub of lard has hatred for one particular group of people: skinny girls. When pressed on the matter of her deteriorating health, she quickly goes into a fit of rage and claims that she is better than skinny people because they are all STD ridden whores and she's a REAL woman. While this is a typical response that you would expect from a fucking whale, it actually goes much deeper into the realms of hypocrisy as revealed in the quote below.
—[1] |
So there you have it folks. If you are an attractive person who goes for other attractive people, you are a slut. If you lower your standards and go for this cock hungry slut, you are a good person who is looking for 'true love'.
She later posted a reply on tumblr, stating that women who show their breasts in public deserve to be physically assaulted, unless it's for breast feeding purposes, because no one wants to see SAGGY BREASTS!11 Meanwhile, she's posting pics of herself naked, full chest view, and sending porn photos to random people online. Good job, you piece of blubber.
Child Abuse Approved

Amanda has mixed feelings about having children. She proclaims that she would not have a child because she doesn't want them to have her genetic disposition and that her anger would make her punch the kid into a coma, yet she goes out of her way to make sure that people fill her funk tunnel with cock snot to satisfy her desire to have her greasy ovaries filled. But with all that aside, why else should she not have children? Perhaps because she is a great supporter of children being beaten with a belt?
Or maybe because in the fictional world that she wishes she was a part of, kid fucking is okay?
Pregnancy Scurr

One day, after engorging herself on her healthy diet of fast food and soda, ALT felt a sensation of nausea occurring in her humongous gut. After running to Web MD and letting the crazy take over, she decided she was pregnant. Even after multiple pregnancy tests showing up negative, she got into arguments with people online, stating she KNOWS THE TESTS WERE LYING.
Despite stating before that she would beat her child into a coma, she vowed to become a better person once she had a babby and would be a better parent than everyone else in the universe. Her deadbeat pedo boyfriend also vowed to take care of his future demonspawn, while having had previous children and no money to his name.
ALT got checked out by a real doctor, and to her blissful happiness, found out she had a UTI and wasn't pregnant!
—Yay for bad health!!! |
Autistic, Crazy, or just Retarded?
—We can tell. |
LadyALT often uses her mental illness card as an excuse for her pathetic behavior (whether you ask why or not). Anyone who has browsed her page has learned from early on about her explicit claims of having Asperger's. But many also wonder how the hell that explains her butchering of the English language, especially when she was born and raised in good ol' Murka and it's supposed to be her native tongue. Nearly everything that this woman-child writes is incoherent and oftentimes irrelevant and extremely hard to follow, making Chris Chan's words look like goddamn poetry.
She has also been reported to advertise how much and what type of medications she is on, in the effort to prove how fucked up and beyond control she is. But we all know that it's just about attracting more attention and sympathy, of course. Among these is Lithium, so one can assume that she has a mood disorder such as Bipolar.
So, autistic, crazy, or retarded? She could very well be all three for all anyone knows. But that doesn't change the fact that she's still an attention whore. All advice offering a means to improve her lifestyle is insulted or gets shot down with excuses, even though she's claimed before that she WANTS to improve herself. And that is why she deserves no sympathy.
By LadyALT69
—Amanda, introducing herself. |
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Once LadyALT discovered that she had an ED article, she played it surprisingly cool for a while (at least on deviantART, where the link was advertised by a troll). She immediately made a Furaffinity journal about the bad day she had, but was quickly comforted by her hugbox. Not long after, however, she posted to her gallery a screencap of private conversation she had with the troll in question, claiming that it was a lie that her artwork was "disgusting and self-fulfiling" and daring him to prove it. This didn't last very long though, because people began commenting about how death threats are not cool. Discouraged by her lack of support and chants of "KILL THE TROLL", ALT pulled the screenshot from her gallery (but not before it was saved).
—Obviously the best course of action when you don't want people to associate you with CWC. |
Taking Down ED
In late July of 2012, ALT had put together a group called trolls-of-paradice. But hold on, you might say, doesn't she hate trolls? What could this club possibly be about? In her own words:
At the moment the group has a grand total of two members, and the gallery seems to consist of nothing but 1) troll edits of her own art and 2) "evidence" (read: screenshots of lines copied from dictionaries and TOW) that she plans to use against this site. Also, the only blog so far is simply more copy-and-paste nonsense from a particular ED article along with her own personal footnotes.
Taking the baffling non-sequitor from above into account, it's obvious that she has no fucking idea what she's even talking about. Shit, she can't even spell the word paradise correctly - how can she honestly expect people to listen to and learn something from her?
So basically this group really has nothing to do with trolls or lulz as much as it has to do with serving as a depository for her complaints against teh hat0rz.
The group is announced.
Typical gallery submissions.
She thinks Encylopedia Dramatica should be shut down and sued.
An e-mail to ED. I'm sure this page will disappear if she asks nicely.
Cunt on Display
Last Thursday, nude photos came to light of Amanda playing with the closest thing she'll ever get to a dong. In a fit of nerd rage she posted several blogs about how someone had 'leaked' them from private fap chats that she had had on Skype. She became even more irate when everyone called her a fucking retard for sending these pictures to anyone in the first place, and so proceeded to delete her archive of stupidity to save what little dignity she had left. What she forgot was that these photos were available for all to see via her Fuckbook (she quickly closed it down after someone pointed it out to her, but a cached version is still available) and Cam4 account, conveniently forgetting to mention this little fact when fellow furfags patted her cunt better in her time of need. In the wake of this drama she has now taken to whoring herself to anyone who wants to see nudes of a goblin on a cork screw by hosting live streams of her retardation for all to enjoy.

LadyALT69 meets the Padded Cell

After months of endless of milking the lol-cow for all she is worth, she finally snapped from the sheer levels of ruin heaped upon her and disappeared into the funny farm for a long spell in the hugbox. Before she left she had another live session where she wanted people to wish her well; however this quickly turned sour when she realized she could not ban the trolls from Join.me sessions.
She eventually returned with a blog entry claiming that she went in for her internet addiction, depression, and anger issues. You may have noticed that her list of medical problems has dramatically decreased since the last time she talked out of her ass. As part of her rehabilitation back into society she is going to limit her internet time to 6 hours a day (two session lasting 3 hours), and is going to find a job. She has mentioned nothing about changing her attempts at censoring others or her abhorrent obsession with a game character. So what do her promises amount to?
After being deemed sane enough to be released back into society, Amanda went back to her old habits of drawing MS Paint porn, spamming meme garbage, and throwing tantrums because no one would give her money for her childish drawings around the Christmas period of 2012. Her claims for job hunting or going to college quickly disappeared. She stated that she didn't NEED a job or to contribute positively to society, and that the haters only wanted her to get a job for THEM. Any attempts to ask why she believed that just led to her spouting more bullshit about why she couldn't possibly hold a job.
She also began to take an interest in Chris-chan and even tried to make contact with him for reasons that are probably best left unknown. Slowly slipping into a deeper psychosis, she realized that she would never get her sexy time with Chris and so went on a tirade about how she wishes he would die, and how Anonymous are making up filthy lies about her. As of 01/05/13, she has given her laptop to her father to look after as she needs a 2‐3 week vacation from the stresses of being a lazy, fuckwit slut, and is spending quality time with her chump of a boyfriendher time online with Larry's computer. Dumb bitch will never change.
Now she's back to tard raging, hurling death threats at everyone, and being a bully to others. What a hypocritical cunt. Too bad for her, all of her friends see what a piece of shit she is.
On Feb 14, 2014, she started a 6change.org petition to make cyberbullying an offense. This will obviously be more effective than just turning her computer off.
Move over, Sonichu comics! You've got competition!
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Psycho Response
An internet critic known as BlackBusterCritic made a reaction video about Amanda's crappy endeavours with art and her nauseating nudes. Once she found it, shit got real.



Despite admitting that her one true love is, in fact, fictional, LadyALT has made room in her heart for real-life (albeit online) romantic partners as well. Of course, these rarely go well. But how can you expect an actual bond to last that's founded on nothing but fetishistic roleplaying?
To put it in a nutshell: Amanda is a narcisstic virgin with rage who knows nothing of actual relationships. She merely uses men to fulfill her psycho-sexual needs.
To date, ALT has had two e-relationships with fellow Furaffinity users. T-Ryo, being just one of two of her mindless sheep followers that leave the same one-worded comments on her art, was the first. The only thing known about him is that he is deaf (too bad he wasn't blind instead, so he'd never have to lay eyes on the landwhale and her hellish doodles). No one knows why they broke up, but there are many good guesses. (Update: according to her, she is now blocked by him for unknown reasons.)
Harter77 was the second "boyfriend" of ALT. Amanda seemed upset that he wasn't paying her enough attention.
She wasn't with Hintanoneko very long either before she dumped him for some alleged offline fuckbuddy that ended up not working either.
She had another relationship around 2018-2020 online with the subject of another article, Ruben Guzman who encountered her while in a drunken stuper [3] and in desperate need for a quick fix[4]. Both of them live in the same state and at one point alt actually thought they would meet in person. One friend and victim of pedo-rape online even pleaded to her to stay away from this pedophilic spic [5] but she refused to listen to them and instead listen to her tarot cards on whether he is a pedo or not. Showing that she cares more for sha-bams rather than the safety of herself and any minor online.
However, after his beer goggles worn off, Ruben just told her he didn't care for anything but the shecks and he went off on his own ways. He also was cybering with at the time, a 16 year old without her knowing. Amanda was so heartbroken over this. she made an original character of him to jut out more Pig Rodeo Ride 'em Up and Cum "artworks" of, no joke. After she moved on, she regurgitated out her sweaty, slimy, folds that Ruben Groomed Her despite being like, 30-something and wanting him. it's very clear she did this to get herself some BAAAWWWWWWW-points from the people he actually groomed.
She hated this groomer so much, she decided to keep a secret friendship with him for unknown reasons which also backfired because Ruben recorded every conversation they had ultimatley resulting in an audio leak where she admits to abusing her niece by sitting on and crushing her to death.[6] Despite this... STUNNING revelation, she STILL rolled back to him with nudes only to find out she has a Kiwi Farms thread on her.

In October 2012, ALT dropped the bombshell via Tumblr that she is fucking a 46 year old man named Larry Gresham. Larry is a long-time friend of ALT's father, who has no problem with the relationship (great parenting skills, amirite?). He first met ALT when she was an underage schoolgirl. After ALT spent many months begging to ride on his shrivelled old-man cock, Larry finally gave in and boned her sweaty fat rolls. Now he partially lives with her, not contributing any money (he doesn't have a job), but supposedly helping out with food, while also having to pay child support for his other multiple children.
Not that it matters anyway, she still gets wetter over her beloved green blob of pixels, spending more time drawing Jacques porn than talking to her "boyfriend". She also still does "18+ livestreams" for strangers on the internet.
As of December 24, 2012, Larry has stated he wants to marry ALT. She was all for it at first, but at the advice of others, decided to wait. [7] [8]
(PROTIP: Call Larry a sexual predator and accuse him of molesting his children. Observe the rage that ensues.)
Despite insisting Larry is not a sexual predator and her TRUE LOVE, ALT doesn't seem to care so much as to not go looking for sexy roleplay time online. She also admits that she loves Larry only as much as she loves her beloved minor video game villain, Jacques, but states that she "sometimes prefers Jacques". Ironically, Larry gets off to Jack from Mass Effect 2, and has even said her name during sex with ALT. Can't blame him, we guess. They're so unattracted to each other, that it's okay to get off to other people and be unfaithful.
The Break Up
On 01/17/13, Amanda broke up with Larry as she just couldn't decide who she wanted more, Larry or Jacques. She was so heart broken that it took her an hour to get over it and get back to streaming porn again, while babysitting her niece.
On 03/7/13, ALT posted a remake of a drawing she did for Larry. This was met with confused reactions as to why she'd remake a drawing she did for her ex. It was then that she decided to reveal she got back with Larry a week after they broke up! (Spoiler alert: ED already knew, but I digress.) She had been too nervous to make it public online, because of all the haters and trolls. So she decided to do it anyway. She also posted a list of rules that every good relationship should follow, including being unfaithful and fapping to other people. Sounds golden.
They recently celebrated their one year anniversary, as of September 2013. They have been engaged since May 2014 according to her Facebook. Jesus fucking Christ. Let's hope the happy couple can celebrate a couple more before Larry keels over from being an old fuck.
Pedophile or imaginary goblin; Which would you choose?
Created after the break up. Comments from others consist of: "Isn't it a bit weird to make art of an ex bf?" "Or the fact that you dumped him for someone whose not real?"
She is fully aware that her boyfriend doesn't want her fucking around with other old men.
Guess she's getting much more cyber sex than real sex anyway.
It actually requires her to think whether she prefers real men or blobs of pixels anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Larry can't even stand fucking the whale; he has to imagine he's with a video game character, too.
Except Jack is 500x more of a badass than ALT could ever hope to be.
Larry admitting he likes having a 'ho to fuck?
Shoving a dildo into her cunt while looking at porn takes higher priority than looking after her own niece.
Your secret's safe with us, Amanda. :)
Words of wisdom from the relationship master.
Once the discovery of ALT was brought to light, many people noticed similarities between her and Christian Weston Chandler, and would often bring them up to her. ALT started out with a hatred for Chris, stating she didn't want to be anything like him. As the months went on, she softened her stance quite a bit, even to the point where she sympathized with him and wanted to get in touch with him. However, after everyone started shipping her with the original manchild, she went back to haeting him and wanting to break him dead.
Regarding Chris
Ironically, she's the one who will fuck anyone that will get within 5 feet of her.
Don't even say that fucker's name!
The beginning of her interest in Chris.
She would be his Boyfriend-Free-Girlfriend.
Freud would say she wants the CWC D.
She wants to know why everyone else thinks Chris is a fucktard.
Chris's #1 white-knight, LadyALT.
When being confronted about her boner for Chris, ALT gets defensive.
Apparently Chris has fucked children.
Similarities between them
- Fat.
- Autistic.
- Shitty art skills.
- Horrible personal hygiene.
- Lazy, and refuses to exercise or get a job.
- Anger problems, and frequently rages at people, even the ones who genuinely want to help.
- Draws horrible porn, and has nude photos on the internet.
- Has an imaginary daughter. (Crystal and Jaeka)
- Has a fursona.
- Lives in an imaginary world with their favorite fictional characters.
- Constantly threatens to leave the Internet forever, but comes back shortly after.
- Refuses to take help or advice from other people.
- No empathy towards other people or problems they have.
- Has "random access humor/random humor", which accounts for stupid shit that is said.
- HAETS the trolls and believes they are all basement dwellers who have no lives and live with their parents.
- Has their full name initials as their online handles.
- Never wakes up before noon.
- Has a shitty grasp on the English language, despite it being their native tongue.
- Blames their stupidity on having to attend special education classes during their school years.
- Have called someone they were angry at a "nigger".
- Sucks at taking photos, which always turn out under-lit and blurry.
- Abuses Social Security, despite being physically able to have a job.
- Thinks dreams are a vision from God.
- Thinks they're Internet SUPERSTARS!
- Believes it's acceptable to give death threats to people who make them angry, because they "deserve it".
- Takes constructive criticism about themselves/their art as "hate speech".
- Thinks the government controls the world.
- Thinks Autism and Aspergers are two different things.
- Both did a 180 on things they HAETED!!!1 (Chris: Alcohol, ALT: Marijuana)
- Owning animals and taking horrible care of them.
- Think that men showing their bare chests should be illegal.
Separated at birth?
- She writes Mary Sue fan fiction that will make your eyes bleed. [9]
- She is a 2012 conspiracy nutjob.
- She is drugged up to the eyeballs on all manner of medications.
- Like a typical Americunt, she treated her mother like shit because she only gave her $75 a month. Soon after she started to developed her obsession with Jacques and became a social recluse. [10] [11] [12]
- She made an online sex game that was so bad that even Newgrounds told her to GTFO. [13]
- She's smoked pot and cigarettes before, but was too much of a pussy to hold it down.
Gallery of Horrors
After hours of sifting through more than 250+ drawings (all of the same shit), I give you a delightful sample showcasing her talents. Notice how after getting SAI, she abuses the fuck out of the dodge tool, instead of learning how to shade.
Artistic Failures
When you've never seen a real dick, your drawn characters will suffer from Upside Down Dick Syndrome.
You mean that's not Shaggy and Scooby?
That's not how Japanese works.
Amanda and Chantelle: The two whores who ruined Spyro, together at last!
IRL Pics
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WARNING!: Massive amounts of eyebleach required to view and survive |
Even Facebook users are horrifed.
A challenger appears!
One of her own screencaps about how she wants to hide the fact that she's an Asspie.
ALT in her hugbox, after discovering this article. "Karma's a bitch", eh? Right. Because if you're an openly perverted drama freak on the internet, nobody's going to notice.
You can see that she has a lot of respect for Larry.
Hoe hoe hoe.
It hungers.
Troll Art
Jacques x ALT = The Mask
Amber's mother bears a striking resemblance to John Lennon.
External Links

- https://toyhou.se/Universal-blessings
- https://x.com/AmariStrawberry
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6E-N8Dg9hcHYyx0GHMdMvA
- https://www.twitch.tv/amaristrawberry
- https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlessedArtsandCrafts
- https://bsky.app/profile/amaristrawberry.bsky.social
LadyALT69 - original
Manda-Tee - current
Her NEW Deviantart account.Deactivated.ladyalt69 An archive of her hideous Furaffinity gallery can be found here.
altxjacques Alternate account
- Her Rule34 account
ladyalternate Looks like she's back on tumblr.
- Random access humor
Her Facebook fanpage
Her personal Facebook
- Her OkCupid profile
- Her ED account (banned due to butthurt)
BLACKbusterCritic's reaction to LadyALT69
- Her shiny new Weasyl account
- Hentai Foundry account
- Imagefap account (Check out the zoophilia and abysmal commissions)
- Second Life account
Go say hello
- MSN: ladyalt69
- Yahoo: generationalt2
- Skype: LadyALT69
See Also
- Spyro
- Fangirl
- Yeffyaboyuice
- Onigojirakaiju
- Realmrsoptimusprime
- Ruben Guzman
- Dying Alone
- Christian Weston Chandler
- Shelby Rox
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LadyALT69 is part of a series on Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage. |
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