The Bahamas

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This is where all that money you lost on that "get rich quick" scheme went.

The Bahamas is a tropical paradise located near Florida. It is known as a the holiday resort of the rich and beautiful where whores such as Anna Nicole Smith and her son Daniel go to hide from the press and later to become an hero with drugs. For some retarded reason it is also a popular place for zillionaires to hide their massive fortunes to evade paying taxes or going to jail for massive scams. This is probably why Bill Gates officially lives there, and why the Bahamas attracts money like Goatse attracts fags. A large number of negro celebrity residents such as Oprah also live there, but this is probably due to America locking up black people for any minute reason rather than the tax benefits. Moving to the Bahamas is the only way for a nigger to keep his or her money from the government.

Chances are that if you've lost money through an elaborate email scam or through being retarded enough to believe some random guy wants to make you a millionaire, your money is now in the Bahamas. You really have noone to blame but yourself if you die of starvation, it's called evolution.

Famous White Residents

Famous Black Residents

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