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Want to do anything on 4chan, better verify your email or wait over 10 mins (or just lurk) |
4chan is and always has been many things to many people. To Faux News, 4chan is a hazardous "Leftist Internet Hate Machine" filled with domestic terrorists, to CNN, it is a person and a hacker responsible for leaking newdz and installing Blumpf into power. To others, it is that site full of weeaboos, incels, trolls, racists, children, and pedophiles that churns out many of the Internet's most popular viral content.

At its core, 4chan is an anonymous Japanimation-themed collection of image boards based on the popular Japanese site Futaba Channel. 4chan is proof positive that the United States should not have stopped with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but should have nuked the entire island of Japan off the face of the Earth. The site is home to a wide assortment of degenerate losers, all of whom have at least some variant of social anxiety disorder. So, not surprisingly, most of the nsfw imageboards consist of hentai and shock images. And at the heart of 4chan is /b/.
—moot on registering 4chan. At least he was right about the faggotry. |
A few popular Internet "memes" have their roots in /b/, 4chan's largest and most notorious board. This has led to Anonymous declaring itself "the face of the Internet", when it is truly more reminiscent of the anus of the Internets. 4chan is like the butt-plug of the Internet in that it holds all the shit inside the rectums so it doesn't spray out all over. When 4chan goes down, it's like the Internet has explosive diarrhea.
4chan got it's start from Something Awful moot a poster on ADTRW (The Anime Forum) and some other faggots needed a site that they could host their Child Porn Anime. Moot also had an obsession with 2Channel so he decided to download Futabally and translate it to English, then host it on a webserver. He originally sent it to 20 of his goon friends and eventually everyone in ADTRW and every other Something Awful board full of closet anime pedophiles (all of them) started to use 4chan and the Internet Hate Machine began.
Imageboard Guide
The seasoned Internet traveler might find himself debased when presented by the mass of confusion that is so well embodied in 4chan. It is the home of asocial, and at times anti-social, white folk who believe in the superiority of everything that is Japanese because 4chan users love anime almost as much as they love dick. It is divided into many sub-boards, each having its distinct theme for image posting to satisfy the deviant mind. Occasionally to stir up some fun, the mods place wordfilters in the boards to completely fuck around with peoples' posts/opinions. When it comes down to it, every board on 4chan is just /b/ with a theme. Everyone talks the same, complains the same, and trolls the same. Except the hentai boards, they're special. There are also a number of text boards, but nobody cares about them.
- /3/ - Quite possibly the slowest board on 4chan, /3/ is about 3D animation (also referred to as 3DCG), and where a bunch of basement-dwelling hobbyists discuss such projects. Due to the fact that almost no one outside of the film industry wants to waste thousands of hours learning how to use obtuse softwares, the board is pretty much a ghosttown. It is regularly being bent over and raped by various flavors of /b/tards who go there for faggotry like combos, doubles, and otherwise predicting their post number.
- /a/ - Animu & Mango. Basically just /v/ for anime and, as such, churns out its own memes at a similar rate. They hate anime just like /v/ hates the vidya. No longer tame by any standard, it has become a hive of ronrey otaku seeking PROMOTIONS and discussing their waifus ad infinitum.
- /aco/ - Adult Cartoons. A board added a short while after moot skipped town and the age-long taboo against furries and non-Japanese cartoon porn was lifted. It is filled with horribly drawn rule 34 of Disney characters, lifted directly from the bottommost reaches of DeviantArt.
- /adv/ - /r9k/ 2: Electric Boogaloo. Advice was a test board that was made in attempts to deter all the bawww threads from /r9k/. Obviously the experiment had failed, but /adv/ got to hang around regardless.
- /an/ - Animals and shit like that. These people take their hobby very seriously. You will learn things you never needed to know about cats, iguanas and jumping spiders. The regulars there refer to themselves as /an/ts because they couldn't come up with anything better.
- /b/ - What the fuck did you just say about me? MODS = FAGS slowpoke1.jpg rolling I wanna marry BAWKSY guis! Wincest thread shit was SO cash DESU hay guise do i look hot requesting cp I'm 12 and what is this I don't even She EPIN /b/. If you want to lose all moral value and sanity, feel free to visit /b/. The majority of all 4chan traffic frequents this board. Illnesses and sexual deviations including but certainly not limited to autism and coprophilia have been scientifically proven to be symptoms of browsing /b/. Most people who regularly visit /b/ (or "/b/tards") are sociopaths altogether. They
arewere also known for planning and executing attacks on others using the internet, such as scientologists, Australia, and most recently Mastercard and PayPal in a misguided attempt to avenge Julian Assange. However, since moot and his mods are a pack of faggots, 4chan raids are no more.
- /bant/ - International/Random, aka the grotesque lovechild of /b/, /int/ and /pol/. Was created sometime last thursday by hiromoot to try and stem the tide of shitty off-topic threads on /pol/, and failed miserably at doing so. The unholy synthesis of some of 4chan's worse boards ended up creating an entirely new form of cancer, populated entirely by underage meme-spouting faggots. Is also the current home of the beleaguered k-pop general, after it managed to get kicked out of every other board on 4chan.
- /biz/ - Looking for a board where slumdogs can give you advice on how to make the big bucks? Then this is for you. Created by moot when buttcoins overloaded the asshole of /g/ and had to unload all the e-money begging threads here. Be wary of what the /biz/raelis tell you about how they "made it" or about random cryptocoins you've never heard of; the place is full of pump-and-dump scams.
- /c/ - A very tame board (compared to the rest) for nerds who prefer Japanese cartoons containing girls (and the term is used lightly) who look like four year olds with freakishly huge eyes. One of the four realms where women could plausibly exist on the Internet.
- /cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL. Board full of tacos that partake in salsa. Images of people dressed as their favorite anime characters are posted here.
A fewMost of those people happen to be quite obese and they get severe muffin top when they attempt to dress up as Yoko.
- /ck/ - Food & Cooking. A board for people who have an unhealthy obsession with all things edible. Expect weeaboos and ramen.
- /cm/ - A board for animated cute males. A haven for Gaia/LJ fags and obese trailer trash. One of the four realms where women exist on the internet. Also a place where Shotacat might hang out. Call them h/cm/os.
- /co/ - Comics & Cartoons. A place where the dregs of society congregate to talk about cartoons made for children and comic books made for manchildren. It's populated mostly by deeply closeted furfags that embrace racism and misogyny, to the point of reporting and removing posts calling them out. Also, they can't stop sucking their own cocks. They refer to themselves as /co/mrades.
- /d/ - /d/icks, because EVERY FUCKING CREATURE IN THERE HAS A DICK!!!1 - Perhaps the hottest of all the cartoon boards on 4chan, /d/ is where they post images of hermaphroditic females with titanically oversized tits. It should be noted that those on this board find such things sexually attractive and fap away over the posted images. But at least they don't post furries! (Except in every single monster girl thread, which all descend into working out how "furry" a picture is and thus how faggy they are. They genuinely do not see the irony in this). These people can no longer piss in a straight line due to massive fappage.
- /diy/ - Do-It-Yourself. No, not a board for posting shit tier quality webcam photos of yourself fapping. Probably the only potentially interesting board to emerge on October 23, 2011, its purpose is to encourage the large statistic of typical 4chan users that include technophiles, hoarders, poorfags, and other people who spend way too much time at home to get their lazy asses away from the innanetz and actually do something productive with their time. To reduce the chance that this board will too quickly spiral into
funchaos, moot strictly disallowed sharing knowledge of crafting illegal items such as weapons or drug paraphernalia.
- /e/ - Ecchi. A specialized cartoon board where they post naked women without explicitly showing their reproductive organs (or PENISes). Wholly uninteresting, because it tends not to contain hilarious sexual fetishes or things blowing up. Additionally, there is a 50% chance that if you post an ecchi image in a new thread, the moderators will accuse you of trying to make a request, banning you from /e/ for "this iz not /r/!!!!!1111"
- /f/ - Flash. Somehow still hangs around despite Adobe killing Flash years ago. This board doesn't suffer from as much faggotry as some of the others due to the fact that most /b/tards have never fucking heard of it, and choose to dump their garbage onto /gif/ and /wsg/ instead. As a result, some good content has been posted on occasion, such as 8bitsharkwithwheels and flying lawnmower. Unfortunately, the rest of the content is shit already on Newgrounds, reposts of flash videos that were already posted on /f/, and unfunny black person shoops of said reposts, except worse. Furries also like to troll this place by posting yiffing flash videos to piss everyone off. On Mondays, people love to post vocaloids flash videos.
- /fa/ - Fashion. If you're looking for hipster faggots, /fa/ is the place to find them. This board might make sense on a site that wasn't filled with overweight wapanese assholes with no fashion sense of which to speak. But sadly, this is 4chan we're talking about. Call them /fa/gs.
- /fit/ -
Health &Fitness. Made out of fatasses who think posting SQUATZ in every thread is funny. Seeing as nobody on 4chan actually works out, the fail is doubled. The answer to every question is "SKWATZ N OATZ".
- /g/ - Technology. A lawless wasteland full of folk lacking in life and substituting it with superficial techno-worship. It is evident to the observant electronic eye that no knowledgeable persons reside there. In ancient days it used to be for guro images, but then 4chan went pussy. It is well known /g/ is filled with more sage and nerdrage than any other board. They call themselves "tech support for the lulz".
- /gd/ - /3/, but in 2D.
- /gif/ - Board for posting animated GIFs of porno clips and saying "sauce" and "rapidshit" until someone goes out, finds you porn, and delivers it to you. Seriously, are you people that fucking devoted to being such utter basement-dwellers you can't just find your own porn, you have to get /gif/ to do it for you?
- /hc/ - Hardcore porn.
moot finally decided to let it die.One of the old boards that was revived on October 23, 2011. Probably the most normal porn you will see in any single collective area of 4chan. Expect plenty of photos of anon's ex-girlfriends.
- /hm/ - Handsome Men. Intended for users to post up pictures of good looking men. Unfortunately it has become a horrific offspring of /b/ and /soc/ that is usually clogged up with threads that only consist of average to fugly guys begging to see if people will fuck them, pointers on how to please your man, and stories about their first gay experiences. Not to mention all the sick fucks here who masturbate to anything ranging from land whales to lemon-party to infantilism. This board is truly a piece of shit, even by 4chan standards.
- /hr/ - High Resolution. Originally intended for pictures that are unnecessarily XBOX HUEG so it would take you 36 minutes to load anything on your grandma's shitty dial-up. Nowadays the focus has shifted to the discussion of Hollywood celebrities and their feet.
- /his/ - History & Humanities. Basically /pol/ but with dates. Populated entirely by 21-year-old pseudo-intellectuals who get their history from video games and YouTube videos. Enjoy the daily Holocaust denial thread.
- /i/ - No, this is not an invasion board, but a board for drawing. Why moot didn't just choose a different letter for the board is anyone's guess. The "i" apparently comes from the last letter in the word "oekaki", which is moonspeak for "doodle" or "scribble". The board has a built in application for drawing pictures to upload and share, called Shi-Painter. Not a bad board, but slower than fucked fuck. Gets about a dozen or so posts per day.
- /ic/ - Artwork/Critique. Birkhead and drawhores who consider themselves too hipster for DeviantArt.
- /int/ - International /b/, where trolls can troll in their own retarded language. Otherwise, you can start a thread about just about anything, just as long as you append your shitty post with "in your country".
- /j/ - The 4chan team's secret internal board. It's password-protected so you can't access unless you're a faggot.
- /jp/ - Otaku Culture. A board made for the sole purpose of moving all the Touhou and Type-Moon out of /a/, because they're actually off-topic. In other words, /jp/ is /v/, except that you need to install East Asian languages and AppLocale to run anything. Full of ronery otakus buying figurines, body pillows, and other stuff "normal" people would look down on you for possessing. Please don't think that /jp/ has anything to do with Japan. The name is misleading, and, if you go there expecting to talk about IRL Japan, you will be disappointed.
- /k/ - Weapons. Most of the denizens of this board are young Ted Kaczynski's, who believe that "the gubmint is gonna take our guns n' put us all in FEMA camps." One of the most common topics discussed on /k/ is how to kill feds, niggers, and ZOG. The other inhabitants of /k/ are mostly Europeans and weeaboo tripfags who are there solely to troll the incredibly easily trolled /k/ommandos with gun control topics.
- /lgbt/ - Moot's most recent attempt at going mainstream; catering to all those who are butthurt. After all, why shouldn't fags have a circlejerk board? The main board where most transissies complain about not being a girl or how badly they want to be a such a huge cock whore.
- /mlp/ - For ponyfags. Basically it's just /b/ and /co/'s lovechild. It was created when the mods got asshurt about too many pony posts, and posting pony shit outside /mlp/ was made into a bannable offense as per the site's rules. It is the only rule the mods bother to enforce.
- /mu/ - Your favorite band sucks. If you've forgotten, /mu/ is happy to remind you. Made exclusively for discussing trv kvlt Black Metal, Daft Punk, and Neutral Milk Hotel. In other words, it's pretty much pitchfork.
- /n/ - /n/igga stoled mah board. A board for some gayshit about transportation (because every faggot who comes here loves long and hard things like trains).
- /news/ - Not to be confused with /new/. A boring textboard where 50 year old Republicans hang around to share their favorite conspiracy updates from such reputable sources as daily-eagle.co.info.
- /o/ - Board for cars. No one on this board actually owns a car. Regardless, most of the posters like Volvos, late 1980's Mustangs, Japanese economy cars, and Initial D.
- /out/ - A board where outdoorsmen talk about fishing, fishing, fishing, and google pictures of scenery.
- /p/ - Photography. Full of pretentious hipsterfaggotry by weeaboos who take photographs when not fapping to lolicon. Whatever camera you use, they will claim that it sucks, unless it's a Pentax K-X.
- /po/ Papercraft & Origami. Strong contender for the slowest board on 4chan, as it's been years since any normal person has actually given a shit about origami. But, hey, it's Japanese so it must be cool! The board's abbreviation is alternatively short for "poor" since it's filled with poorfag weeaboos asking for instructions on how to make substitute animu collectibles out of cardboard, and typically failing miserably with their creations.
- /pol/ - Politics, or, /new/ 2: Electric Boogaloo. Once a place for OWS fags and stormfronters to gather in a circlejerk of pseudo-intellectual opinions and images of historical figures that they vaguely believe are relevant to their posts. It has since grown to become one of the biggest boards on the site, even rivaling /b/ in its sheer flood of asinine garbage. RON PAUL 2012 GUISE!!1!11
- /pw/ - Professional Wrestling. Has first been split from /sp/ to create /asp/, and then finally got its own dedicated board when gookmoot realized the wrestling crapflood left no room for anyone to talk about rollerblades or whatever. As the subject matter might imply, it is full of limp-dicked little faggots who enjoy discussing their favorite TV soap opera played by sweaty men and skimpily-clad aging women.
- /qst/ - Quests. A place for boring fatsos to engage in make-belief fantasy adventures with other neckbeards. Some actually decent stuff can be found here (as long as you've resigned yourself to dying alone and enjoy this sort of collaborative Dungeons & Dragons storytelling), but it is usually hidden beneath piles of uninspired trash written by illiterate monkeys.
- /r/ - A mythical board where only few traverse. If, by some luck, you manage to find it, usually after you post a picture, in any thread (Posting pictures = Requests), you'll be no closer to finding the source of the picture, because /r/ is shit and never ever fucking works. Despite this, half of the fuckholes on 4chan will still sage your thread because YOU NEED TO POST 10 IMAGES OR ELSE ITS A REQUEST HURRRRR.
- /r9k/ -
ROBOT9000ROBOT9001. The main hangout of whiny faggots and incels on 4chan. Has a bot that tries (often unsuccessfully) to prevent reposts in hopes of promoting OC. In practice it only encourages a TL;DR fest of whiny relationship threads and pseudo-intellectualism. When /adv/ was split from it, the original proceeded to get even worse, and it was finally removed in early 2011 (followed by weeks of random idiots swarming /b/ with "BRING BACK MY /R9K/" posts). It has since been revived by mootikins, to the dismay of the world at large. The board in its current state serves no apparent purpose other than to house boring virgins with rage.
- /s/ - A place for preteen fanboys to yell NAME! SAUCE! MOAR! and fap to pr0n. The entire board consists of reposts of the same 500 images from the last two years.
Not /r/.
- [s4s]- 4chan's dedicated shitposting board. In practice it's a place where moronic inbreds congregate to share anime pictures and talk like 5 year old children. The board is most notable for being one of the few places on the site where moderators still make their presence known; threads regularly get stickied and random HTML fuckery is not uncommon. The board is also a massive circlejerk, spawning its own crop of mindbogglingly retarded memes and harboring a large amount of namefags.
- /sci/ - Science & Math. Most serious posters are basement-dwelling Agnostic Atheists with Aspergers and an IQ in the low 180s. Regularly flooded with religion and pseudo-science threads from /b/tards, along with requests for help with algebra homework from 13 year old boys. Mods do not give two halves of a flying fuck about /sci/, and so it is heaven on Earth for people whose favorite trolling topic are calculus and race science.
- /soc/ - Social (aka Fat Camwhores and Faggots); or, part of the chemo that is curing /b/. Created very early in 2011, the board's contents are 95% cancerous bullshit transferred from /b/ to attempt to cut down in 'Rate X', 'Post your area code' matchmaking threads, amongst other things. In other words, /soc/ is primarily the offspring of a half-dead /b/, in a shameless attempt to revive 4chan's flagship forum. Populated mostly by camwhores, (insert US province)fags, and anon. At one time, /soc/ was also a tripfag wonderland where a tripfag could become more popular than all others by continually whoring themselves however moot feared that someone might become more popular than him so he disabled trip ability. Now you may only namefag. WARNING: Nigger and Jew are now auto-ban words.
- /sp/ - Sports board. Good luck finding a thread that isn't USA vs. Europe, or about how BAWWston sucks cocks. 18-1.
- /tg/ - For the obscure 4channer demographic that so desperately needs to evade reality, they play tabletop RPGs (Which everybody knows are against the will of our Lord, Mudkipz, and well, just plain wrong). Posting anything other than Warhammer: 40,000 and Magic: The Gathering or similar, or elf porn, will get you banned. Srsly.
- /toy/ - A nice playpen for the young at heart. Talk about toys and figurines with other basement dwelling dumb fucks like Jin Saotome.
- /trash/ - A secret hidden board where threads /co/ or /v/ doesn't want to deal with are dumped, as well as a place to discuss anything that isn't allowed on the other boards. Miraculously, despite housing nothing but furry porn, it is the only board with actual manners and decent people, though again, that's not saying much.
- /trv/ - Travel. As in outside of mom's basement. One of the quieter boards on 4chan, obviously. People who do travel most likely wouldn't even go on 4chan in the first place, but sometimes, tourist post vacation pics in which, unsurprisingly, nobody gives a shit about.
- /tv/ - Obligatory television/movie board. Once was populated by pretentious hipsters who went out of their way to find (and never watch) the most obscure arthouse films from Taiwan or whatever. Is now full of hordes of unwashed memefags who pretend to talk about the latest Marvel dumpster fire whenever they're not obsessing over black cocks or celebrity feet.
- /u/ - Board for fat men pretending to be women and 13 year old girls looking to discuss the latest chapter of their favorite worksafe cutesy romance manga. Home of stolen pixiv artwork that these faggots are too lazy to credit (which simply requires using their fat fingers to press ctrl and v to actually credit the original faggot who made artwork for other faggots to choke the one-eyed snake to).
- /v/ - /b/ with vidya gaems. Populated by trolls, former GameFAQs users, former /b/tards, console fanboys, and people who masturbate to depictions of underage video game characters. It's a common misconception that /v/ has no mods. This is false; /v/ has mods, they're just a bunch of lazy niggers. In a rare display of self-awareness, they refer to themselves as /v/irgins.
- /vr/ - Because the /v/ and /vg/ boards weren't enough, moot had the brilliant idea to add a Retro Gaming board. They haven't decided on a name for themselves yet, but no doubt they'll come up with something awesome like /vr/etards. Actually they're known as VR Troopers, and this board was needed to stem the tide of massive butthurt (that usually stems from someone having a sense of humor) and dramafagging. So far it's been more mellow than other boards, although faggotry still leaks in, such as furious debates over the shadow of the Black Omen from Chrono Trigger. Easiest way to piss them off is to mention Kaizo or Terry.
- /vp/ - LOLPOKEMANZ!!1!1 moot created this board on July 14, 2010 due to the large amount of "Pokemon General" threads on /v/.
Frequent users of this board like to refer to themselves as /tr/ainers in attempts to further distance themselves from /v/.Nowadays, these fine folks prefer to call themselves "/vp/oreons", omitting the "a" of the name of a Pokémon they are all too familiar with. People who regularly visit /vp/ include underage b&, aspie adults, butthurt Digimon fans, and closeted furries. JUST MAKE SURE NOT TO POST HENTAI WITHOUT A SPOILER TAG; THIS IS A WORKSAFE BOARD GUISE!
- /vm/ - No amount of boards seem to be enough to contain the sheer amount of vidya faggotry, and so /vm/, /vmg/, /vrpg/ and /vst/ were bolted onto the website sometime last Thursday. /vm/ is the dedicated multiplayer games board. It's basically /v/ but you're only allowed to talk about Team Fortress 2, MMORPGs and shitty fighting games nobody cares about.
- /vmg/ - Mobile games. A mostly dead board occasionally visited only by poor third worlders whenever they manage to obtain a stable internet connection.
- /vrpg/ - RPG games. A place for sexless neckbeards to talk about boring decades-old RPG Maker games and have their daily Fallout 3 vs. Fallout: New Vegas slapfight. Also ZOMG SKYRIM!!!1
- /vst/ - Strategy games. Yet another /v/ reskin with not much going for it. Only notable for containing substantially more butthurt than the others, with users constantly complaining about the latest installments to their favorite franchises. The possibility of simply not buying the shovelware continues to elude them.
- /vip/ - Hiro's latest attempt at boosting 4chan Pass sales. Only Pass users may post on this board. Completely pointless as there is nothing to talk about (other than their "oldfag" e-peen with the since4pass flair) and nobody even attempts to troll, lest they lose their 10bux. As a result it's absolutely dead.
- /vt/ - Virtual Youtubers. A place for romantically-challenged losers to discuss the latest antics of their favorite Japanese woman with an animu avatar. Surprisingly lulzy, as the userbase is incredibly pathetic and all imagine themselves to be in one-sided relationships with their idols. As a result they are both easy to troll and have a tendency to post extremely depraved sexually-charged ramblings about the objects of their desires. Thankfully, none of them are poised to leave their mom's basement anytime soon, so society at large is safe from these would-be rapists.
- /w/ - For all your wallpapers anime. As can be noted by merely observing that "w" comes before "wg", the anime board must have appeared such, only strengthening the entire "Japanese are 1,000x cooler than us" mentality. The only board that lacks (well, not as much "lack" as has a decline in) this philosophy is /b/.
- /wg/ - Wallpapers/General. A board devoted to posting desktop wallpapers with pictures of anything ranging from cars to girls to random geometric designs and colorful scenery, anything else a spoiled teenage boy or other typical basement dweller desires yet is unable to afford; likely due to his tendency to waste money on things like the latest several hundred dollars each series of displays for a multiple monitor setup. Also includes people too stupid to check 4scrape.
- /wsg/ - "Work-safe" version of /gif/. Added after various requests by people tired of all the porn on /gif/. Functions as 4chan's dedicated video-sharing board.
- /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests. About as useless as plain ol' /r/.
- /x/ - Paranormal. Another oldfag filled /b/ outlet, except with ghosts. Here, late night insomniacs gather in attempts to scare each other shitless with posts like creepypasta, images including Photoshopped "paranormal activity" and schizophrenic doodles, and anecdotes by people who believe they have a sixth sense or are being haunted. Fact: every other post on this board ends with "THEN WHO WAS PHONE?!" or "THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT!!1"; memes exclusive to /x/.
- /xs/ - Extreme Sports. A place to discuss shit like skateboarding, skydiving, martial arts and other stuff people cooler than you enjoy. Pretty much dead because the typical 4chan user is an overweight, short-sighted, wheezing little virgin who gets winded from just climbing up the stairs from his basement.
- /y/ - This is where girls and guys masturbate to sodomy. When not doing so, they battle over which is hotter: guys that look like girls fucking each other or guys that would give Rambo an inferiority complex fucking each other. One of the four realms where women exist on the internet.
Former/Retired Boards
- /5/ - A "secret" board that existed for a brief while a long time ago and probably involved mods posting pictures of the number 5 or something.
- /asp/ - A boards that consists of hipsters discussing way cool alternative sports such as skateboarding. When they're not busy blogging about their latest rock climbing trip, they're brainstorming about inventing their own kewlies sport. Despite being a board for alternative sports, the board itself is full of wrestling thread and gay fanfiction of a wrestler who got anally raped by a pack of Bulbasaurs in the hot sweltering summer of 92. They call themselves /asp/ies. The board was eventually split into /pw/ and /xs/
- /fk/ - For Kidz. Was opened as a joke board, but unlike /s4s/ didn't get to stay. Became password protected for a long time before being quietly snuffed sometime around 2012.
- /g/ - Before there was the /g/ we all know and hate, the /g/ board of 4chan stood for Guro, i.e. gore porn. Was shut down in late 2004.
- /ib/ & /ip/ - Two absolutely dead boards that were eventually combined into the ever-so-slightly less dead /i/.
- /l/ - Lolicon. Despite newfags denying its existence, and moot himself trying to make everyone forget about it, for a while 4chan had a dedicated loli board. The board went through expected turbulence, up to and including being deleted for a while, before being finally shut down completely in late 2004. Moved to not4chan.org by moot afterwards (don't bother clicking that, you sick fuck. not4chan itself has been dead for years).
- /q/ - 4chan Discussion, added by moot as a place for butthurt faggots to cry about how shit and cancer filled the internet anus has become. Was unceremoniously closed when the whining reached uncontrollable levels.
- /qa/ - A temporary board created for moot's final Q&A. Inexplicably stuck around with no discernible purpose until Hiro officially made it into /q/ 2.0, only now with no obligation for mods to actually respond to complaints. Over time the lack of moderation allowed several consecutive groups of trolls make it their home. Was eventually locked and purged after an /lgbt/ raid. This event is commonly known by the /qa/ immigrants as The Great Soyset.
- /rs/ - Rapidshares. Aggregated all filesharing links posted anywhere on 4chan, providing easy access for those who are hellbent on infecting their PC with malware. Effectively replaced the now-defunct rapidsearch.yi.org, which was run by Popcorn Mariachi.
- /z/ - An oldfag board far more cancerous than even present-day /b/, if you can even fathom such a concept. The board was constantly trolled by randomly chosen mods who liked to decorate it with animated GIF backgrounds and looped music. Users given a "/z/ ban" would not be able to access any other board but this one. After its removal, attempting to view it will only allow you to see the lovely placeholder page that
has since taken its placewas also removed during a general site cleanup after moot left (for those curious, it was beecock).
- World4ch - For the longest time 4chan had integrated Japanese-style textboards tucked away in a shitty subbasement. They were absolutely dead and had a propensity to crap out and crash every other Tuesday. Most users were only made aware of them through links beneath the titles of several regular imageboards. The only one of note was /vip/ (no relation), which housed half a dozen mouthbreathers who insisted on constantly reposting the same ancient 2ch memes from 2005.
A Typical 4chan user
4chan Moderators
All of 4chan's moderators were moot's friends from Something Awful or people who have lurked in #janiteam and #team4chan on Rizon until they turned into snail-people. You really do not want to be one.
Former Mods
- W. T. Snacks was famous for banning many newfags on /b/ in an effort to make /b/ good. That made him cool. Moot got jealous of his e-fame and stripped him of his rank. He's less involved in the chan scene now, although he occasionally posts on /mu/ and /r9k/ with a tripcode. He also runs a radio show, "Midnight Snacks." His tripcode is TcT.PTG1.2 and he can be found in #4chan.
- MrSpooky is an ex-mod who spawned the catchphrases "I've never seen so many ingrates" and "You'll receive nothing from me." He frequently made stickies on /b/ begging for money because he got thrown in jail and now he needs donations to pay off his court fees. Smells real great. Now located here at ED with all you other fuckers as Mrs.Pooky!
- Anonymous-San - Quit due to stress, also due to him attempting to get it on with some 4chan girl (more info welcome).
- Shut
- Censored Vagina - Permabanned Something Awful pedophile. Talks about child genitals a lot.
- hova
- JDigital
- FrankStallone - Also known as dr.wiii. A huge Macfag and Nintendo DS gamer. Has a hard on for Churuya-san. He quit the internet (retired from modship) as of 12/1/2010.
- Shii - Wrote an earlier version of the textboards and ran them until he caused drama with moot.
- Allyson - A fat, underage whore that looks like the ugly tree that raped her through childhood, managed to go down on Moot long enough for him to give her Mod status. During all of this she apparently stalked a 4channer from her hometown, making her a slut. She's a filthy camwhore that has dozens of STDs and suffers from being a wapanese faggot.
- DocEvil - Started out a Janitor on /tv/ eventaully became a mod and over the summer became a /b/ mod.
Mod removed after his friend got on his account and started baleeting shit.He is back - InspRedwood- A notorious mod best known for shitting up /a/, started out as a janitor on /co/ back in 2013 and became reviled for his/her constant heavy policing of threads, after the GamerGate incident was promoted to a mod and has since crusaded across 4chan as a ban happy SJW lunatic. Commonly seen circlejerking and stirring up drama on the IRC.
Current Mods/Mod Sympathizers
- ALTERNATIVE - Joining as 4chan's lead coder/scripter back in 2004, notable for asking moot to create /tg/, therefore a hugely socially inept beardo. Also goes by the IRC nicks "Dave" and "buttly". Has a yellow wife (a la Kyanka) who is shamefully ugly, as evinced by the fact that she had to settle for a 4chan dork instead of a more sukksessufuru Amelican. His likes include outdated computer equipment, having theory-of-mind problems, and ancient shitty games. Has since become one of the sites three Admins with moots departure
- Dongfix, aka Enumeric. Another shitty gamer. Owns Imgbear.com and writes scripts for janitors and mods to be hosted there. Information showing proving as such was first possibly leaked here. Feel free to read that thread and take a look at the external links.
- Sporks - Real name: Dan Levin is best known for wearing the yotsuba TF2 mask at Otakon.
- Zanok
- Zephro
- pixel - Startlingly dumb /b/ tripfag whose only claim to fame is the GET they mention in their vhost. May have been known as "maggot"/"kyat" at one point and is an actual "woman" insofar as it possesses a vagina-like aperture.
- MrVacBob - Succeeded Shii in writing and administrating the textboards. Enjoys programming and anime. AKA "Alexander Strange".
- I_AM_ABIB - Retro gaymer dork and anime pedo. Formerly a mere janitor, ABIB and a number of other second bananas were promoted to moderator in late '09 and began taking out their long-stifled aggressions on the boards. Rivals ALTERNATIVE in terms of burbling autistic hostility.
- Jay Irwin / Invisibro / gingermod / swaglord - Balding, roid-raging ginger, also an [s4s] mod that sometimes posts in papyruse and comic sans.
- Concord- Retarded /b/ Mod who on accident posted with his name in his capcode instead of Anonymous ## MOD
- Troid- Real name Zack, resident tumblrina, redditor and mangina, usually found shitting up /a/ and cache banning any images from the site that end up exposing him. Was originally assigned in maintaining the 4chan archives but later had his archive privileges removed after going on a mass deletion spree whilst trying to cover up information about himself that was stored within the archives, despite such he retained his mod rights.
- RapeApe - A patron saint of /pol/, presumably the guy who sticked a video celebrating trumps victory on there. Known to be a Qboomer/fan of Tucker Carlson or some shit, his endorsement of /pol/ shenanigans has caused extreme butthurt from the mainstream media, claiming that 4chan is now a NATZEEE SITE!!!!!!!!1111ONE Cannot be entirely trusted, as he was one of the faggots known to delete GamerGate threads on /v/ back in 2014.
The login page for admin is [server name].4chan.org/[board name]/admin.php. The page for /b/ can be found here
Before cancer took over 4chan, most users were above the age of eighteen. Thanks mainly due to gore. /b/ used to be a horrifying place and only those with the mental stability to handle the kind of shit posted had the balls to even lurk. Even when less horrifying memes became popular, the overall sense was terrifying. It was a bad idea to leave /b/ on your computer when you went to go take a shit.
Now, however, every post is written by someone around age twelve. These faggots found out about 4chan through researching the black person on Habbo Hotel. Most hang around because /b/ is turning into the new eBaum's World, with funny parodies/2edgy4me jokes on real world events, pics of people SHOOPIN DER WHOOPS, and a place to get free pr0n without getting a virus as well.
This problem could be easily fixed if 4chan's mods grew some balls and started overly enforcing the ban hammer, but we all know that will never happen since if it did, there would be no /b/ left.
Sticky, the 4chan Posting Guide
Sticky is 4chan's latest technology, a mutant inbred offspring of Jews and Clippit that moot worked really, really hard on for at least 100 sleepless days in order to help newfags spout memes more and actually sound like they know what they're talking about to other newfags. While Sticky says he would like to help you with trolling, he probably just wants to help you write a suicide note or rape you. He also doesn't seem to understand that copypasta and trolling is usually intricate work, and trying to do so without any experience will result in cancer like THE BEST and So Cash. Especially when he's flamboyant about his sexuality and weeaboo status. The best thing you can do is disable JavaScript or click "Don't show this tip again," although it likely won't do anything, because it didn't work any better trying to hide Clippit.
4chan goes 2.0
Before redesign: |
After redesign: |
The Day 4chan Died
A long, long, time ago, I can still remember how that website used to make me smile And I knew if I had my cat That I could make those people laugh And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while. But December made me shiver With every pic I’d deliver. Bad news on the front page; I couldn’t do anything but rage. I can’t remember if I fainted out When I read about this sellout, But something touched me deep inside The day the 4chan died. So bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy. Pointed my browser at the homepage, But the homepage made me cry. And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die. "this’ll be the day that I die." Did mootle write the book of love, And have you lost all faith in God above, If the /b/ board tells you so? Do you believe in An Hero, Can 4chan save your mortal soul, And can you teach me how to die real slow? So bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy. Pointed my browser at the homepage, But the homepage made me cry. And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die. "this’ll be the day that I die." Now for four years we’ve been on our own And mootle grows fat on his new page of home, But that’s not how it used to be. When Pedobear sang for the Partyvan, Using CP he borrowed from 4chan And a voice that came from anon alone, Oh, and while the FBI were looking down, Pedobear stole his horny crown. The courtroom was adjourned; The CP was returned. And while pedobear read a book of loli, The anon waited in the park, And we sang the Bel Air theme in the dark The day 4chan died. No-one knew what the new hompepage meant, The anons lurked in their mothers basement, Eight hours old and failing fast. It landed with web 2.0 on it's ass. The /b/tards tried for a bangbros pass, With slowpoke on the sidelines in a cast. Now the Bel Air was sweet perfume While the /b/tards played a marching tune. We all got up to the pool, Oh, and we made habbo look like fools! `cause the afros tried to block the way; The pool was closed, due to aids. Do you recall who was r34'd The day the 4chan died? We started singing, bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy. Pointed my browser at the homepage, But the homepage made me cry. And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die. "this’ll be the day that I die."
The Future (old copypasta)
The change to the front page of 4chan may not appear to have any significant effects as far as practicality goes. But, I believe that it foreshadows much darker times to come. For those who have their eyes open, you realize that almost the whole world has been taken control of by a very corrupt and ruthless group of people. This occurred through incremental methods, making small, seemingly meaningless changes until so many changes had been made to society, everything was different without anyone noticing. I believe that is what is happening with 4chan. Mootle is making seemingly trivial changes to 4chan at a slow pace, which will ultimately lead to our deepest fears: 4chan as an account-based paysite with official merchandise, big corporate sponsorship, fake, contrived aesthetics,14 and perhaps even an official account of the history of 4chan which differs from reality. Age verification will take place to visit any 18+ boards. All posts will be recorded. GETS will be staged for real. I've been here for over two years. I still feel like a "newfag" (which is a word mostly used by newfags, ironically) but lately I realize I've been here longer than 90% of 4chan users. Anyone who has been around as long as I have can see that the real issue isn't the quality of posted content, it's the changes that have been made to 4chan itself, the same way things happen with any big corporation. tl;dr, kill yourselves now
4chan - hurt
I checked on /b/ today To see if I still feel I see its filled with gay What the fuck is their deal The gays have but one hole The traps are now a thing Try to close the gay away But I remember everything What has /b/ become? My sweetest friend The oldfags that I knew Went away in the end And you can check what you want My 4chan of shit It will let you down It will make you cringe I close my browser now Upon my dirty screen Full of jizz and cum I cannot make clean I remember a great time When WT snacks was there Now he's somewhere else He is still not here And you can check what you want My 4chan of shit It will let you down It will make you cringe If I were but a mod On my favorite chan I would ban all the gay I would find a way
On February 12, 2008 Moot posted his fucking will (tl;dr) on the news page basically talking about imminent changes on 4chan (new trial boards, more janitors, how much he loves the site and much more).
02/19/2008 - The Trial boards and the death of Old /n/ - News
On February 19, 2008, Moot added 9 new "trial" boards: /fa/ (Fashion), /fit/ (Health & Fitness), /hc/ (Hardcore), /jp/ (Japan/General), /n/ (Transportation, replacing News), /r9k/ (ROBOT9000), /sp/ (Sports), /toy/ (Toys) and /trv/ (Travel), while at the same time killing the commie-phobic /n/.
The Occupation of /n/
During a battle with the site's upstream provider, the "/n/-transportation" board (which m♡♡t moderates) was forced off topic. The declarative post (to begin the occupation) was made on Monday, the 11th of April, 2008 at 7:13 pm with the text "Hello, I'm David Bowie." This was a blatant reference to the Adult Swim show the "Venture Brothers", and within the hour there were multiple threads about Barack Obama, the Beijing Olympics, abortion and the Texas Polygamist Raid. It was more than obvious that the anoraks had been invaded and their board occupied in order to be converted back to "/n/-news", yet, in the early hours of the morning, the "admins" reset the posts to remove anything not related to transport.
4chan on Jeopardy
On February 23rd 2010, a clue was featured on Jeopardy in a category entitled 'Internet' containing a reference to 4chan.org:
4chan and the End of Days
On the 1st of April 2010, a date which will always be remembered for April fools, took a dark turn for the humble Anonymous posters of 4chan. Moot being the Jew he is, intergrated a 4chan facebook feature, meaning camwhores and faggots can now post directly between the two websights. This will lead to a influx of newfags like Anontalk to CP. Thx Moot, good to see you always stuck out for the team. This was also marked with the second rising of Boxxy in the form of Deafsy. All contact has been lost with /v/, with only images of babby and a J-POP song being seen and heard, its the end, rape your children for you soon won't be able too.
On the 4th of April the facechan functionality was revealed to be a lame April Fool's joke, with the title of /b/ changing to lol i trol u, resulting in much bawwing and rage. Joke's on moot, though, as any faggot knows that you have to admit to your joke by midday on April 1st. Although the faggots that fell for it fail just as hard.
Due to the fact that the typical 4chan lurker is not a wanna be moderator, on the seventh birthday ( 10/1/03 ) Moot opened up a meebo account only to have it overflowed within minutes. Moot redeemed his butt hurt fans by opening up an irc.
Operation Overlord
Moar info: Operation Overlord.
On the 14th of November 2010, 4chan was invaded by tumblr. Reactions such as "NOW WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO." erupted from now bonerless /b/tards everywhere.
Oh, lol, actually, tumblr failed and only DDoS'd the front page.
Moar info: Giga Pudding.
On the 1st of December 2010 some fucking hoebag embedded this video at the top of every board on 4chan, although cute and pretty lulzy at first, prolonged exposure to this video will ultimately drive you to finding the nearest pregnant woman and giving her a forced abortion with a rusty ladel while screaming uncontrollably and crushing your testicles with your bare hands. How hard is it to use AdBlock?
4/22/11 = THE END IS NEAR
On all NSFW pages of 4chan, the ads have gone. Possibly, due to the content of nature of the NSFW boards, essentially /b/, the Advertising company ditched moot and left him for dead ad-less and thus loosing money. Hopefully, 4chan won't end up like the old ED...
All NSFW pages now have ads again.
As news came out regarding the death of Bin Laden, moot decided to embed AMERICA FUCK YEAH into the /b/ board. this of course became old within minutes and /b/tards started banging their heads into their keyboards in an attempt to break their ears so they didn't have to hear it anymore.
10/23/11 moot resurrects boards
moot resurrects /r9k/, /new/ (now /pol/), and /hc/, and creates /diy/.
The Siege
4chan was DDoS'd on and off between 11/14/11 and 11/17/11. No word yet on the culprit, everything from tumblr (highly likely) to lulzsec (unlikely) has been put forward.
New Old /b/
It was Valentine's Day 2012. Considering moot likes penis, he had nobody to stick it into. Bored out of his mind, he had the bright idea to perhaps start managing 4chan again. For once, he listened to Anon, because he actually allowed the pathetic virgins that inhabit to talk to their god and give Him suggestions. For a brief moment, OC flowed like fresh blood through a rotting corpse. Post ending in XXX has been restored is still gone :(, ponies and Chloe threads paused, and Moot said he would be adding up to 15 new boards, including a a brony board. Could this be the Second Re/b/oot? For a while, it seemed like it wouldn't, but then moot did the unthinkable: He restored forced Anon but proceeded to give every poster 24-hour ID's, so posters are anonymous while not actually anonymous. /b/ finally returned to form: Cancer, shitposts and reposts have all but died. OC flowed through the land once again. But moot will find a way to fuck it up somehow.
Update: It went to hell quickly, cancer became terminal on /b/ once more, and moot ended up removing IDs in September the next year.
2013 was the 10th year of 4chan, and as such, many exciting, new changes took place.
New Boards
In 2013 moot added several new boards: /gd/ for the hipsters, /asp/ for the alternative sports fans, /vr/ for the nostalgiafigs, /lgbt/ for the LGBT users (read: all of them,) and the infamous [s4s] for the funposters.
AWA Con Panel
After a dinner with old 4chan mods, moot had the absolutely great idea of holding another 4chan panel, despite the disastrous results of the Otakon panels years before. Since he and 4chan were banned from having another panel at Otakon, Atlanta's AWA con was the nexyt best place to ruin. And so it was. Several days before the actual tenth anniversary, the panel was streamed live on YT. Users from boards such as /b/, /s4s/ and others crowded into synchtube-clone site rooms to watch the panel, resulting in shitposting across all boards as well as in the chats of said stream sites. The panel itself was incredibly boring and the only highlight was W.T. Snacks shouting an old classic, "why does your website suck," at moot after snatching the microphone from someone else who was probably just going to shout a catchphrase himself anyway.
For half an hour before the panel, all text on 4chan was turned bold.
Deletion of /q/
/q/ was deleted, and replaced with a hardly-used suggestion box.
2014 was a year with much lulz for 4chan but it will go into history as it's fatal year. It was the year in which the 3 main happenings (Independance Day Tumblr Raid, The Fappening and Gamergate) triggered the downfall of 4chan and m00t finally gave in to the SJWs and became a traitor to his own chan.
April Fools' 2014
For April 1 2014, 4chan added a new site-wide notice explaining the change in the CAPTCHA system to the Japanese spelling of CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN for the sake of improving the education of the userbase. The notice ends with the equally weeaboo ゆっくりしていってね!!, which is another equally terrible jap reference.
Aussie Events
Sometime in April 4chan was hacked by someone and all their faggot janitors got doxed. This resulted in mass confusion and celebratory champagne.
Independence Day Tumblr Raid
Moar info: Independence Day Invasion.
The Fappening
Moar info: The Fappening.
Moar info: GamerGate.
4chan is kill
Moar info: M00t's GamerGate Sellout.
Rumors have it that shortly after the Independence Day Invasion, Moot was contacted by a mysterious individual whom claimed a girl had committed suicide over said raid, Moot, being the dickless faggot he is, complied with this individual's every demand in fear of getting v& IRL, most notably, it included giving all oldfag mods the finger and replacing them with new mods straight from tumblr who happily throw out permabans to users who post threads about Zoe Quinn, gamergate, and those who dare criticize feminism.
Many believe 4chan has turned into an SJW infested shithole with no freedom of speech and therefore starting with the great 4chan exodus many anons started to migrate to their new home 8chan, where freedom of speech and privacy is taken seriously. It is assumed that m00t started to behave like a cuck because he did not want negative media attention for his new project canvas but he failed to reaize that his canvas project never had any chance. It is also believed that m00t gave in to the SJW becase he wanted to sell 4chan and therefore he had to mak the page appear as civillized as possible. Especially 2014 was a year with much drama involving the independance day raid, the fappening and the gamergate scandal which turned a lot of negative attention to 4chan.
January 2015 - Final sellout and le cuck est mort
On 2015-01-17 a new requirement paper for 4chan janitors was leaked to 8chan's Hotwheels by an enraged 4chan Janitor and confirmed what many anons already assumed after the exodus. 4chan now officialy wanted his janitors to provide identification documents, a photograph that would be uploaded on a server so everybody can steal it and sign a legally binding contract in order to be fucking unpaid and voluntary janitors. Yes you read it right. m00t has now confirmed a second time that he is a SJW cuck who gives a shit about freedom and his shithole of imageboard is definetely dead. After he heard about the leak he pretended he wanted to post it anyway and made a posting on the official 4chan blog about it but secretly he was mad that he got exposed once again for the faggot he is.
After the dust settled a bit over the weekend (as it was anyway clear since September that m00t is a SJW sellout bitch) m00t announced on 2015-01-22 that he will retire from his postition as 4chan admin. It was now clear that Hotwheels was the new emperor in the land of imageboards and the indulgent emperor he was, he even participated in m00ts farewell party that was organized on 8chan under the name of #jesuismoot and on the 8chan board /jesuismoot/ (just like the je suis charlie news that were prominent at that time). Hotwheels was not mad about m00t and remembered the good old days when he was on 4chan in his childhood and thanked m00t for the good time like a true indulgent emperor to a little brat.
However 8chans userbase did not share the good sentiments of their leader and decided to ridicule m00t on various image macros and thread postings. A phrase that was often used at that time was "le cuck est mort" a deviation of the French "le cock est mort" meaning the rooster is dead from the famous french song "le cock est mort". Another phrase that was used was "le roi est mort - vive le roi" implying that Hotwheels was now the unquestionned emperor of the imageboard-o-sphere. Also a funny fact is that Hotwheels was actually sleeping when m00t announced this because he lives in the Philippines and they have a time shift compared to America and so he was very surprised and one of the later ones who learned about m00ts retirement.
However, 4chan was now officially dead after about 11 years and 8chan also felt another influx of 4chan newfags who were in denial about the happenings of the last months but apparently noticed that they are now beeing ruled by SJW mods who started flooding their chan.
September 2015 - The End Two - Electric Boogaloo
On 9-21-15 the final death knell rang for 4chan's passing when m00t announced that Hiroyuki Nishimura (former owner and admin of 2ch) would be taking his place as new head moderator and owner.
Nishimura has a reputation for being a massive faggot who was even unable to pay his server bills and violated Japanese privacy laws. After Jim took over 2ch, Nishimura was allowed to keep his admin position but in the end Jim had to fire him anyway because he was caught selling user data for jew goldz and letting political parties pay him for the right to shill on the website. Nishimura then got butthurt that he was kicked and started DDoS-ing 2ch in revenge. After this action the whole 2ch userbase hated him even more than before and he even today still has persona-non-grata status all over 2ch.
He also allegedly had ties to the japanese government and american 3-letter organizations.
m00t has fucked off since January to become a redditcuck.
when Hotwheels learned about the issue
the official 4chan blog page about it
m00t officially announcing he will step down as admin
the farewell party at 8chan
the official "news" posting
A reading from Genesis
In the beginning, there was Moot. On the first day, Moot created 4chan and said "Lo, this is 4chan, bringer of pain." On the second day, Moot created Anonymous. They became lonely so Moot created [[Bridget]]; Anonymous complained of this trap, but Moot proclaimed "There are no girls on the interbutt, Bridget will suffice." On the third day, Moot gave man tripcode. "Behold tripcode," he said. "Only ye who wish to forgive may perform." On the fourth day, Moot created /b/, and many Anonymous rejoiced. On the fifth day, the server crashed, Moot's creation was in disarray and MySQL errors killed off many Anonymous with no mercy. On the sixth day, there was a sticky, and many complained of this sticky and thus proclaimed 'This sticky sux0rz.' On the seventh day, Moot sold 4chan.
Trump's effect on 4chan
Mobile Browser Support
4chan makes a big deal out of the fact it supports mobile browsers. It even goes so far as to provide neat columns of images to fap to as you plan your next epic troll.
However, don't bother trying to post if you're one of the 300 million people who use Opera Mini. Or one of the over 9000 people who use Opera's Main competitor, UC Browser. In their fight against trolls, spammers, rabid bronies, and Lucifer himself, 4chan bans anything vaguely resembling a proxy. Opera Mini passes all data through Opera servers, and these are treated as satanic proxies. Some might question why 4chan doesn't simply read the real IP address from Opera Mini's header data like any properly designed website should. The answer to that question will be someday discovered on /b/. Or perhaps /v/. Or,even possibly, /q/.
Proceed with caution.
Don't let the lies on the rules page fool you: these are the actual rules that 4chan enforces.
Full of normal people.
You've been warned.
Your reaction to a banana thread
4chan: The place where you admit wanting to fuck General Cornwallis.
See Also
- Chanapocalypse
- 4chan Gold Account
- 4chan-verify
- chanarchive
- Fuuka
- /b/ - Random board
- /pol/ - Political board
- Time Magazine
- moot
- Hiroyuki Nishimura
- brb, soup
- brb, compromised
- Old /b/ Day
- The xchan effect
- rape.sh
- 4scrape
- 4chan bans
- Moot is Olev
- Newfag
- July 29 Merchant broadcast
- 4chan/WikiWorld - History - (archive) [1] (archive)
- Pedophilia apologia
- Clovergender
See: 4chan/IRC.
External links
- 4chan's twitter
- 4chan Official YouTube Account
- The
incompletemore or less complete history of 4chan — A timeline of early history to the present. - 4chan image mirror — Realtime mirror of the /b/ images with categorizing, tagging, and searching.
- Instructions on how to access 4chan (works as of 08/10/2008).
- Pedobear — The Worlds Famous Meme Created By 4chan
- 4chanstatus The current 4chan Status — in case 4chan is inaccessible.
- Additional Pylons — A compilation of 4chan lulz
- Sign the petition to get rid of furries on 4chan.
- Macrochan — A collection of lame 4chan image macros.
- Macrochan — A completely different collection of lame 4chan image macros.
- Chanhistory — A collection of 4chan screencaps.
- In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 508 result(s) from this page. — 4chan banned from the Internet, one thread at a time.
- Dongfix owns Imgbear: evidence
- Dongfix's janitor script
- Dongfix's report script
- email moot
4chan is part of a series on Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage. |
Featured article February 6, 2009 | ||
Preceded by Islam is the Light |
4chan | Succeeded by Fail |
Featured article February 24 and 25, 2013 | ||
Preceded by Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt |
4chan | Succeeded by Lauren Faust |
Featured article October 1 & October 2, 2013 | ||
Preceded by The xchan effect |
4chan | Succeeded by Silk Road |