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Operation Overlord

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Operation Overlord iswas the organized raid in which /b/ planned to destroy the hipster blogging tool Tumblr. /b/ flooded Tumblr with phishers, gore porn, and cp, temporarily sending tumblr users into a whirlpool of rage and confusion until both sides decided this was boring and that they should sex the living fuck out of each other forever instead.

The Origin

Spam /b/ with kittens, oh god no!

On November 12th, 2010, a butthurt Tumblr user got sick of not receiving as many reblogs as FuckYeahKissing, and decided to make a personal army request to /b/. This included photos insisting 4chan had declared war on Tumblr. As most people who use /b/ nowadays are the same people using Tumblr, nobody really cared. The first move of Operation Overlord, started when /b/ organized a flood of tumblr accounts used to phish, troll, and post gore porn and cp.

After a few 16 year old girls were sufficiently butthurt, a couple of them decided to name /b/ "scoliosis". Tumblr then began to flood the 4chan boards with kittens (a really great idea) and their own forced meme What is air? They even blanked the ED page for Tumblr and got pwned by mysterybot.

Da Plan

At 5pm, November 14th, /b/ planned to DDoS Tumblr, claiming that it would "deliver the final blow" to the website. This threw Tumblr users into a nerd rage and prompted them to shit all over their blogs. Unfortunately, since the only people who use 4chan are hipsters, nothing happened.

Nothing is going to happen to your Tumblr. We are the only people who use /b/, anymore.


—some hipster

It's obviously a butthurt hipster, these Operation Overlord photos are way too nicely done and way too color coordinated.


—some other hipster, stating the truth

The Attack

Not surprisingly, the DDoS failed due to most /b/ users being stupid faggots. Tumblr began claiming that they had defeated /b/, but it was the mods who fucked with the site, possibly because they too are virgins and want some hipster pussy.

When the DDoS attack against Tumblr failed to bring the site to its knees, the gooey hipster core of Tumblr began to shit post all over /b/. When this happened the mods at 4chan put in a word filter that 404'd every thread with the word "Tumblr" in it, creating a vast empty space where /b/ once stood.

Sorry dumbshit /b/tards, but I'm not gonna let your shitface cock sucking 4chan ruin my tumblr sanctuary.




I swear if they shut down my tumblr, I’m gonna go grab my machine gun and hunt em all down and kill them one by one, whoever the fuck is running that shit.

Just sayin.



let me the first to say, 4chan is a worthless piece of shit. At least Tumblr looks decent, it looks like a four year old built their site. BRING IT CUNTS.



4chan is trying to shut down Tumblr through hacking the site..

Well guess what, FUCK YOU 4CHAN. I don’t care what your reasoning is, but if you shut down Tumblr, I will personally come after you.



We are like the Civilized version of 4chan




Tumblr Dumbledore’s Army, 4chan Death Eaters, we’re stronger, and better. they will fail.



If 4chan is so big and mighty, then why the hell have I not heard of them untill today?

I’ve been trollin’ on the internet wayyyy before I found the life I now call tumblr, and 4chan has always been unheard of to me.

So, I can’t help but laugh at this threat. It might turn out to be try, but right now it kinda sounds like a bunch of DnD nerds who still live in their mothers basements.




COUNTER-TROLL. Go to /b/, now, and see what it’s like. Go there post a thread saying ” Hai guise!!!1!!! I’m from Tumb1r!!! Oh, yeah THE GAME. Lololol.”(or post anything else but say you’re from Tumblr) and then leave they’ll get all mad and troll that thread and waste their time. Veryy simple.



lolololol /b/ try and fuck with us, just try.

4Chan Is Apparently Taking Down Tumblr?

So apparently some fags are taking down Tumblr because they’re jelly? Seriously leave Tumblr alone and get some fresh air, crack open your basement window if you nerds have to. Obviously your plan isn’t going to work, people who love the site are going to work hard to get it running back up in no time. Bring on the LOIC cannon Oldfags.



If some Porno bitch hacks my tumblr tomorrow

I’ll go ape shit.



The Surprising Conclusion

How both sides immediately reacted to this discovery.
Anonymous was bound to love her. The furious sex was inevitable.

As tumblr and /b/ users found themselves torn between the two sides, they decided to create a 3rd side like a child during a divorce. This gave birth to a line of one panel comics featuring /b/ as the bitter husband, and tumblr as the cute hipster wife.

  • What /b/ apparently claims: Everything below is the direct result of all the underageb& faggots on /b/, so please disregard it.
  • What everyone else is saying: Only butthurt newfags pretending to be oldfags are in complete denial over this.

[Posting on /b/: A survival guidePosting on /b/: A survival guide]

In the end, 4chan, filled with basement dwelling, sex-craving neckbeards, and Tumblr filled with attention seeking, sex-starved hipster girls got bored flooding each others sites and realized they could fuck each other's brains out in some angry make up sex.

so all along, I thought /b/ was a bunch of deformed troglodytes, but some of y'all are in fact pretty cute.

Would any heterosexual males on /b/ be up for a meetup?


—A tumblr-tan, on 4chan

I say we all make T.umbler pages, get tons of female followers, meet up with the attractive ones, and finally get laid.


Anonymous, preparing to 'raid'

the greatest lovestory ever written and now you are a part of it.



I knew /b/tards are hot, but no one believed me.

Tits threads suddenly began to get answers from the very owners of said tits. ID threads suddenly began to get answers from owners of their own dox. You Love You Lose threads suddenly had everyone losing as tumblr girls kicked out the usual celebrity drivel with their own real photos. Hookup threads started flooding /b/'s front page as tumblr-tans began wading through the forced memes and fail for the hidden love waiting for them. And /b/ did not wait either as they started signing up on tumblr in heaploads advertising the sudden love call.

this is/has been one of the most wonderful, requestfilling, and happiest cumdumpsters /b/ has seen in a very VERY long time.

way fucking better than those fat bitches you normally get making demands before they show shooped goods.


Anonymous, on /b/

It’s amazing to see how much 4chan has changed over the past few days. So many new events are on the site besides the advent of 4chumblr now.

Before, everyone complained over excessive “rate me” threads, stale content on you laugh you lose, and pointless flamewars between Atheists and Christians. Now that Tumblr users have started posting, I’ve seen the entire mood of /b/ lighten up quite a bit.

People are now laughing again in the you laugh you lose threads, which in turn, makes me laugh (it’s just a contagious thing, seeing others laugh at something make me want to laugh), people are bringing up old memes that bring back nostalgia to my first days on the site. Also, people are generating OC for the old memes again to keep them going (not much, but I still see it happening, and hope to see more).

Today, /b/ is now an enjoyable place that serves its purpose, a place for shits and giggles, and to say what you want to say under the name Anonymous. A lot of people lost view of what the place is all about, and Tumblr users have helped many of us remember how much fun /b/ can actually be.

So I would just like to say thank you Tumblr. Thanks for reviving the board into something people actually like.


—An anon on tumblr

Tumblr is the chemo for 4chan’s cancer.


—Maybe. Maybe. [1]

We raided them. It kinda turned them on. They came here. We said TITS OR GTFO... they went with tits. How the fuck do you raid that?


—/b/, shutting up its butthurt minority in the corner.

I never thought I would ship two websites as hard as I do right now.



My Tumblr can't be this cute



everyone knew they’d end up together. they belong together. they need each other. they’re perfect and i’m fucking loving it.



this is amazing.



Oh god. I like it



TEEHEE ohdear tumblr yew so hot for anon <3






This is the start of something orgasmic. & beautiful. hnng.



This makes sense. 4chan is an image posting site that spams porn and gore used by mostly males. tumblr is an image/blogging site that spams porn and gore used by mostly females. They both have tech sections, anime/video game sections, advice sections and random shit as well as people who spend an unreasonable amount of time on the internet.

These people also spend time bitching about being alone. Well derp maybe they should get along then-have they seen how horny tumblr girls are yet? lol



This is beautiful.

I think the internet might explode.









I'm just saying, 4chumblr is the hottest thing since... nothing's ever been this hot, to be honest. xD






Over 9000 hookups IRL are expected to take place in the near future.

Love on the internet, folks. It's that real.

The Signs Were There

[That NightThat Night]


my nutbladder, dick and balls just imploded at the same time About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


HA HA HA, OH WOW About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

In addition to the uncounted camwhores that suddenly decided it was time to make several anons happy, reports have surfaced that indeed, anons are beginning to return those feelings by expressing them as well. Truly strange how the internet hate machine works.


See Also

Operation Overlord is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.

Operation Overlord is part of a series on

Social Media

Visit the Social Media Portal for complete coverage.

Operation Overlord is part of a series on Tumblr.

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