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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Oibesvsse-Cplvmiouse Derdiosr (otiwsrehe knwon as OCD) is plogcscyoahil qurik whcih csueas the viticm to slef-dulesretictvy raepet rounite aoctins lkie wsnhaig, dstunig, gdrinnig, ckhnceig Foabcoek , tcoinuhg his or her dtiry ptars seavrel tmeis a mntuie or ryelpnig to a tlrol who is bntiiag the ovebissse-covmlipseus in a dosuscisin gorup by aennirswg all psots wtih mpesisleld non suueqtirs pierntd in sarevel coolrs and ftons OCD is the mian focre taht holds msot Wkiis tteehgor (as wlel as mnay otehr prats of the ienrnett.

View original introductory paragraph.

As A Ploy For Attention

 Much like Asperger's Syndrome, OCD is frequently used in self-diagnoses by attention whores. In modern filmography (fucking Monk), certain character quirks are often accounted for by OCD (among other disorders), because the writers are usually too lazy to concoct an actual back story. You do not have OCD.

Actual Diagnosed Patients

It mostly manifests in compulsive routines and rituals, possibly a result of being raised Catholic or as a result of child abuse... although quantifiable those are basically one in the same. Like all mental illness it's seemingly more prominent in women than men, mostly as a result of men keeping their psychological weaknesses on the down low so as not to look like a bitch titted cuck case. Where as women tend to carry their baggage around like a badge of bravery, demanding pity pats and praise for how strong they are in the face of their debilitating first world problem.

You might have OCD if...


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Things That Irritate People With OCD About missing Pics
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is part of a series on Psychology
Mental illness & Disorders

AcrotomophiliaAddictionAgoraphobiaAlcoholismAlexis Pilkington SyndromeAlzheimer'sAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAnxietyADDADHDAsperger's SyndromeAutismBimboficationBipolarBorderline personality disorderBug ChasingBulimiaCognitive dissonanceDeep thinkerDepressionDick ImpalementDown's SyndromeDyslexiaEating disorderFactitious disorderFake SchizophreniaFauxlimiaFeminismGender dysphoriaGirl on the Internet SyndromeHeterophobiaHero ComplexHFAHistrionic Personality DisorderHutchence's SyndromeHyperbolimiaInadequacyInconsistent personality disorderInsanityLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberalismLow Self-esteem'Missing White Woman' SyndromeMultiple personality disorderNapoleon ComplexNarcissistic personality disorderNeurotypicalObsessive Compulsive DisorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderPeter Pan SyndromePost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychopathyPyromaniaRetardationSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSelf-diagnosisSelf InjurySexsomniaSickfuckerySociopathySocial anxiety disorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeTerminological percipience disorderTrolling Induced Transsexuality SyndromeTulpaUnrealistic expectationsVictim complex


AcrotomophiliaAquaphiliaArborphiliaAudiophiliaAutogynephiliaBalloon FetishBestialityCarmen Electra complexCross DressingDollfiliaEmetophiliaEmosexualityEproctophiliaFatty Fetish (Female Fat Admirer) • FetishismFoot FetishFurniture PornFurrismGoo girlGuroHeterophiliaHomophiliaInflation FetishJapanophiliaJungle FeverLesbian pedophiliaLotion PlayMacrophiliaMaiesiophiliaMechanophiliaMpregNecrophiliaObjectophiliaOedipial ComplexParaphiliaPedophiliaPlushophiliaPregnant LoliPregnophiliaQuicksand FetishRangerphiliaSpectrophiliaStatuephiliaTrichophiliaVoraphiliaWet and Messy FetishismWetlookXenophiliaYellow feverZoophilia


Chronic Troll SyndromeDeletionismE-goE-PsychiatristE-PsychiatryETDHivemindI-DosingI have a 140 IQIRC DiseaseImaginary girlfriendInternet Disease & Internet Disease ChartInternet poverty delusionsInternet RehabInternet troll personality disorderMega ultra super geniusNerdy Fandom Gateway TheorySex by associationLulz-BlindnessWikipedia's Greatest Hits Diseases


ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram ExperimentScientologyStanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


Above Top SecretB/Bodies Under SiegeCYOCChatrouletteDefense Industries

See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is part of a series on Diseases and Disorders

AIDSCancerCoronavirusDiabeetusDwarfismMonkeypoxErectile dysfunctionFetal Alcohol SyndromeFibromyalgiaGenital HerpesGRIDSObesityParkinson's DiseaseSexually Transmitted DiseasesSwine Flu


AgoraphobiaAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAsperger's SyndromeAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderBipolar disorderBody dysmorphic disorderBorderline personality disorderBug ChasersCarmen Electra complexChristianityChronic Troll SyndromeDepressionDyslexiaEating disordersEbola virusEpilepsyFauxlimiaGender dysphoriaHistrionic personality disorderHeterophiliaHomophiliaInconsistent personality disorderInsanityMental retardationMultiple personality disorderNarcissistic personality disorderObsessive-compulsive disorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderParaphiliasPost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPrader-Willi SyndromePsychopathyPyromaniaSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeVictim complex

Internet Diseases and Disorders:

Internet disease (see also Internet Disease Chart) • Internet troll personality disorderThe Cancer That Is Killing /b/The GRIDS that is killing ED

Featured article Decemer 10 & December 10, 2017
Preceded by
Mariah Anderson
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Succeeded by
Alex Mauer