Ryan's World

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Ryan's World (formerly known as Ryan's Toys Review) is a totally mid kids channel that started in 2015. Ryan was just a little boy at the time, being only 3 years old. The channel started off with just Ryan's family, before all the other autistic animated characters came in. Other than that, the channel has basically gone to shit now since Ryan is growing up, but his parents won't let him retire.

The Ryan's World Multiverse

Main Characters

  • Ryan - The main topic of the channel who is also an Aspie.
  • Ryan's Mother - His 40-something-year-old mother, who created the channel.
  • Ryan's Father - His dad who is like 30 or something, he co-created the channel.

Animated Characters

  • Red Titan - Some stupid faggot who thinks he's a superhero.
  • Combo Panda - An autistic panda who thinks he is a hardcore gamer, even though he most likely still pisses the bed. He denies having OCD, even though it's quite obvious he does. He hosts his JewTube channel. Whilst he isn't playing games, he often faps to lolis since he's a virgin with rage who can never find a girlfriend (for very obvious reasons).
  • Big Gill - An aspie shark who, just like Combo, thinks he's a hardcore gamer. He is the only real friend that Combo actually has.
  • Alpha Lexa - A dyke cat who at least has some fucking decency, unlike our wannabe hardcore gamers Combo Panda and Big Gill. Just like Red Titan, she is also retarded.
  • Gus The Gummy Gator - A kike gator who thinks he is a comradery for the channel, when he isn't whatsoever.
  • Peck - A nerdy penguin who thinks he is Ainan Cawley.
  • Moe The Monster - This little shit has always been a part of the trio alongside Ryan and Gus. Just like Gill, he is also an aspie.
  • Shelldon the Baby Dinosaur - The stupid ass baby which everyone for some fucking reason enjoys the opportunity when it is their turn to babysit him. He uses a cracked shell as a diaper, since he's retarded like Red Titan and Alpha Lexa.

Ryan Gets A Movie

During 2023 of September, it was revealed that... *GASP*, Ryan is getting a MOVIE, and he was in the CAST!!! But when the movie released it got a total of 2.1 rating on IMDB, which makes this movie the biggest fucking flop in mankind.


Violation of COPPA

Even though Ryan's World is the biggest channel on JewTube, they're still not safe from the fucktards at COPPA. In 2019, a complaint had been filed by Truth in Advertising and the Federal Trade Commission due to its sponsored videos not being properly disclosed. Truth in Advertising has claimed that "nearly 90 percent of the their videos have included at least one paid product recommendation aimed at preschoolers, a group too young to distinguish between a commercial and a review." This is definitive proof that the people at COPPA are total manchildren.

Ryan getting too old

Recently, Ryan's parents have been getting lots of backlash ALL over the Interwebz. Why, you ask? Ever since Ryan turned 12, he has been getting way too old to be doing what he does nowadays. Recently, he turned 13 on October 6th, 2024. This kid is in the goddamn 7th grade, and doing this shit. There's only three words to sum this up: LET HIM RETIRE ALREADY.

Ryan's World is part of a series on YouTube.

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