Garrett Simmers

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Garrett Simmers looks like it was written by pseudo-intellectual 13-year-old boys.
Look out for unfunny Uncyclopedia bullshit, boring in-jokes, and angsty teen-ery.
You could also add in actual humor.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Garrett Simmers is an irrelevant lolcow who had long since been milked by the masses.

You can help by finding someone else to pick on, you meen-spirited cyberboolie!


Garrett Simmers may have learned to play nice with others on the internet.

     Watch this page to find out if they revert to their natural state of being an asshole   (_Y_)

Gabby Shitters
Born February 3, 2004
Nationality Americunt  
Residence South Carolina
Ethnicity White devil
Gender Male
Sexuality Pansexual
Aliases GarrettComedian
Garrett Simmers
Occupation Trolling random people online for literally no reason

Garrett Simmers (Garrehandro) is a 20-year-old typical Internet Tough Guy from South Carolina that first joined on YouTube in 2013, who is the leader of a group of vigilantes and weens known as The Meming Crew, who are notorious for having busted lolcows like Keegan Salisbury, Geoshea and Engelbash in doing all the wrong things.

YouTube Past

On 2013, when Garrett had an obsession with Vyond, he decided to go to YouTube to spread his Go!Faggotry to others so that they can do the same. People left hate comments on his channel and like the blank mind he is, he started to go to the channels of the users that left hate comments started being retarded and made pointless videos out of them. He also stole content from other users and turned it worse that what it should have been. After many months of hate comments, Garrett decided to be like Chris-Chan and close his account to avoid more hate comments, but he usually comes back to do the same type of mullarkey that he usually does. But unfortunately, it doesn't end there. Eventually, he moved on from YouTube and got a life.

Puzzle globe logo
A photoshopped image of Garrett

The "Feud"

One faithful day in the world of YouTube, A YouTuber named Jose "Dax" Hernandez (known better as a member of the Daxter5150 channel) was busy making some videos until Garrett, like the fat dumbass he's known for, decided to vent his frustrations on someone who is more talented than him so he can make himself look intimidating and gain attention. So then he started harassing Dax on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, and pretty much any site without a policy against diabeetus. Dax eventually took notice and responded with a video called "How to Play Guitar Like Garrett Simmers", a parody of a video Garrett made in August 2013 where Garrett pulled around on the strings of a toy guitar from Toys-R-Us in an effort to "torture" Warren Cook (an 11-year old logo kid who would make fictional VHS openings for his own entertainment and got made fun of badly for it).

Garrett became asshurt as soon as he saw the video and began flaming Dax, who says that the flame war will never end until Garrett finally decides to go back to school and get off the internets for good. The video itself received praise from several viewers, and Dax would later go on to make several sequels as Garrett's shit-encrusted ass stands horrified. However, by 2018, things appeared to have cooled off between the two...

At one point in 2015/2016, during one of Gabby's autistic sessions with other lulcows, he almost managed to get Dax killed in a car crash by spamming his notifications on Skype while he was driving when he forgot to put his phone on silent. This resulted in Dax looking at his phone and getting into a deadly car crash that resulted in a visit to the hospital. Eventually, other people found out about the incident and turned against Gabby for months thanks to this. Rumor has it that Dax is still not over this incident.

The Taylor Conundrum

Not too long ago, Garrett had an enemy named Taylor, "The Hayniac VGCP" (AKA VideoGameCartoonPolice). This girl was involved in a fight Garrett started with one of her known friends. She attempted to stand up for her friend and try to keep him from making fun of him and/or harassing him. Since having only an IQ of Chris-Chan's, he became a total pussy and decided to block Taylor, which then lead to a war with Garrett vs Taylor's fanboys/fangirls over Garrett blocking a girl on the internet, and it has become the most silliest war of 2014 that only results from letting your 10-year-old son on the internet.

On February 19, 2015, Taylor even started an awesome hashtag called #GarrettUnblockTaylor which caused a giant movement against Garrett and have a shit ton of comments up his ass to the point where Garrett's friends start to defend him, but fails every way it can, growing this "war" to the point of annoyance.

The movement that made him popular

After Garrett got trolled even worse than before, his mass army of haters decided to do something to make Garrett butthurt once again, by forcing him to air his body language on the "Garrett Network", but just like how Garrett is the retarded 11-year-old blob that he is, he refused, piling on more hate and pressure and hate on him. On May 2014, during a Google hangout call, Garrett was crying and screaming while his mom was teaching him body language. Someone by the name of "Darran Good" decided to record the entire footage of Garrett screaming and crying, and upload it onto YouTube. Sadly, the original footage was BALEETED off the interwebz, however, one of Garrett's ex-friends has a video containing the audio from Garrett's Body Language being streamed on an online radio station.

5:51 is where the infamous shitshow begins.

And then he decided to make the new and improved GBL which looks like total ass.

How to avoid getting fucked up by Garrett

If you don't want the professional Internet Tough Guy to bust your kneecaps open, this is what you SHOULDN'T do when you're around him:

  • Defend any of the people who have wronged him, like Nancer, LyricWest, Wildcat, Jax Hahn, Dax and tons more people.
  • Tell him to shut up whenever he's gossiping about the people that have wronged him
  • Do basically anything stupid like the things either Engelbash, Geoshea or Keegan Salisbury did -- He will eventually put you as a target of his shitty circlejerk.
  • Bother him enough and he'll soon find a way to hack one of your social media accounts. -- He did this with Logan Swan and Doggis, both people being arguably just as bad as Garrett.

And finally...

  • Tell him to "air his body language." -- He will, of course, be very pissed, and repeat the same shitty comeback: "Body language? OK!" -Pulls middle finger-.

His friends

Like every other popular kid on the internet, Garrett has friends.... on the internet. Shockingly, most of his friends are younger than Garrett (8-10 years old). Garrett has notable friends who receive as much hate as himself, further proving that children should never have access to the internet or to their $5 webcam from Walgreens.


BBF's forever.

Keegan James Salisbury or "KeeganTheYTPMaker1000" is a 10-year-old (now a 20-year-old) kid from Illinois who makes bland YouTube Poops. He is Garrett's best friend on YouTube and Skype. When in fights, he will make comebacks that are shockingly more stale than Garrett's. It was proved that Keegan is more of a delinquent than Garrett in real life. On March 5, 2015, Keegan was suspended from his school for punching a teacher right toward her face because his teacher didn't want him to play on his iPad. That caused Keegan to lose his internet privileges and many found out about it. Keegan was popular when he was accused of killing Dipper, a fictional hand-drawn cartoon character from Gravity Falls. Thus caused him to spew out profanity and cry about it. The video below had Keegan deal with people accusing him of killing Dipper.

Brandon Figuracion

Isn't he cute?

Brandon Figuracion is an Asian-American kid who is overprotective when it comes to things that happen bad to Garrett. He often becomes a whiteknight when someone hates Garrett with a passion. His most popular hate targets are Alex Surge and DeadGiraffe, two people who, you guessed it, hate Garrett. He often makes fun of them and even talks about them behind their backs. Brandon also sends death threats to Garrett haters as well.

The comment section on a video in parody of Garrett. An aspie in need, is an aspie indeed.

  • amazingcousins19 amazingcousins19 His Skype


Now here's someone who's really dyslexic!
It hurts to look at him.

Kaleo Marek or "CuteEwok" is Garrett's highly supportive friend. Though claiming he has neutral opinions towards Garrett's haters and fans, he secretly lies and decides to defend Garrett and his friends and will keep anyone against Garrett from attacking him in a powerful fashion.

DeadGiraffe, one of Garrett's haters, mostly gets targeted by CuteEwok, though being the dumbass he is, he makes videos to make fun of Giraffe and gives him attention. Ewok foolishly did the wrong thing and got his YouTube account taken down for violations of their "terms of service". He then came back, But not on a happy note. Every time Garrett's haters call up his grandmother (They currently can't get a hold of his mother) telling her all the shit Garrett did (Y'know, death threats an' shit), Ewok has to come to the rescue, which, of course, gets Tits Migee out of trouble.

Today, Ewok is no longer involved with Garrett, and much like Garrett himself he too has moved on. He makes pretty cool YTPMVs which are better in comparison to the shit Keegan Salisbury would make.

"i disagreed with his squeaky 10y/o friend on skype (garrett) and garrett threatened to "hack" me and attempted to ddos me and tried to get his friend to gain access to my youtube account anyways, i ddosed and doxxed garrett and did some other cruel stuff and ewok started to whiteknight and made THIS" -Giraffe on Reddit

  • live:cuteewokgaming live:cuteewokgaming His Skype

Garrett Today

Nowadays, Garrett isn't around and has barely produced any drama or milk worthwhile for the time being. In fact, he's pretty much found a passion in art these days and has also become a furfag, as you can see on his new deviantART, and even recently came out of the closet as a bisexual. But one of his now ex-friends, Keegan Salisbury has sperged out so hard and far that he not only has earned a page of his own here, but it has become far bigger and more well-made than this page.


Never let your children be on the internet. Ever.


See Also

External Links

Garrett Simmers is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Garrett Simmers is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

Garrett Simmers is part of a series on Aspies.