Misha Silenosti

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This article is about a person who is under 18 years old.
You can help by knocking down their self esteem, telling them to stay in school and to get off of the Internets until then.


Misha Silenosti may have learned to play nice with others on the internet.

     Watch this page to find out if they revert to their natural state of being an asshole   (_Y_)

Hi, my name is Misha and this is my Youtube channel!!! Subscribe to see more crazy stuff!

E-mail address below is just for business and media purposes. We don't reply to other stuff.


If anyone cares...

"I'm back." Yes, unfortunately you are, faggot. Now please, do the right thing...
Individuals with severe autism are known for making unusual, sudden movements, such as the flapping of the hands.
No comment needed.
Misha likes to write songs about people who hate him.
Indisputable proof that Misha is a faggot.
Misha is in a deeply-loving, sexual relationship with his sister. And they actually want to fuck.

Misha Silenosti (Real name: Michal "Misha" Florian; b. January 2, 2007: Age 17) is an unfunny, autistic, buck-toothed Czech YouTube "singer", and is yet another prime example of why children shouldn't be allowed access to the internet. The content he "produces" consists of shitty songs about vidya games which are laced with ad hominem and petty insults aimed at other people on YouTube. In addition, there are other videos of him playing Meinkampf, and even a couple where he gets shot with a banana and explodes. No seriously. He cannot sing, make decent (and not retarded) videos that are actually worth watching, and has no comedic talent whatsoever.

Misha has explicitly mentioned other YouTubers such as LeafyIsHere, Pyrocynical, and RiceGum as being assholes and retards in his "Cyberbully Channels are Cancer" video. Several response videos were made to call Misha out and make fun of him. Although many would agree that listening to LeafyIsHere ramble on about random shit in his videos is dull and brain-numbing, the attention was quickly turned over to Misha as his faggotry gained notoriety. Despite Leafy having a nasally-pitched annoying voice, his voice is much easier to listen to than Misha's retarded accent and feeble command of the English language.

Misha claims to frequently get straight-A's on his school report cards; however, this has yet to be confirmed. As Misha has been branded a retard by many, it should come as no surprise that the video he made about getting straight-A's (implying that he has some degree of intelligence) is utter bullshit, and a failed attempt making him look good by bragging about something he never achieved. This is very similar to another video he made about himself having a girlfriend... at age 17 - another attempt to make him look good among the mass of autism he produced.


Misha absolutely fucking loves making attack videos aimed at other people on YouTube and other shit he doesn't like, yet at the same time, claims that he is "against cyberbullying and internet harassment." The is one of many reasons why he disables ratings videos on his videos - top prevent everyone from rating down his shitty videos and getting them removed from the "Recommended" category on YouTube's front page. Curiously, he leaves the comment section open on all of his videos for everyone to bash and call him out for his retarded ways.

A sample comment:


Misha spends his YouTube revenue on crack.
An entire 12 second video is dedicated to only this.

Did you know...

  • ... that his real name is Michal Florian?
  • ... that he is Czech, and not Russian?
  • ... that he suffers from USI?
  • ... that he thinks he's funny?
  • ... that he is hated by most of the internet?
  • ... that he has a huge gap between his teeth?
  • ... that he disables ratings on his videos?
  • ... that he hates LeafyIsHere?
  • ... that if he ever discovers this article, he'll make a song about how ED is CANCER CANCER CANCER CANCER?
  • ... that he thinks the internet is his personal army?
  • ... that when he releases a retarded video on YouTube, he gets "cyberbullied", and then gets all butthurt about the "haters"?
  • ... that his retarded brother wrote all his songs, except "CYBER BULLY CHANNELS ARE CANCER" which was written by his parents?
  • ... that one of his public appearances was canceled because of the amount of death threats he received?
  • ... that he got a "girlfriend" from playing Minecraft?
  • ... that he lives in Kurim, Czech Republic?
  • ... that "Mishovy silenosti" is a registered trademark?
  • ... that his older brother's name is Olda Florian?
  • ... that he became "famous" after his Pokemon Go Song video went viral?
  • ... that he gets "straight-A's" on his report cards?
  • ... that he thinks he's a celebrity just because he has 300,000+ subscribers on YouTube?
  • ... that his YouTube name is officially "Misha / Mishovy silenosti" because he can't make up his mind between Misha or Mishovy?
  • ... that he is vegan?
  • ... that he absolutely fucking loves loves LoL?

Misha's "Girlfriend"

Apparently, Misha has a girlfriend (known as "Denca") that he claims to have met while playing on his favorite Meinkampf server. On July 7, 2016, Misha released a video titled, "GIRLFRIEND TAG!!!" which appears to be filmed in his bedroom. It shows Misha, along with his purported "girlfriend" sitting on his bed while someone behind the camera asks them questions about their "relationship". Note that the video is in the incomprehensible language of Czech, so be sure to turn the subtitles on.

Watch at your own risk:

Would you want that to be your girlfriend?

Some argue that the girl in the video is in fact not his girlfriend, but rather his sister. Compared to the idea of her being his girlfriend, this theory seems much more accurate, considering that an autistic faggot as profound as Misha would never get an actual girlfriend. Perhaps the point of this video was to was just to make him look "cool" after looking like an idiot on the internet.

Holy Fucking Shit - please tell me that all of you CLEARLY see that she's just a fucking GOLD DIGGER. I mean, I TOTALLY get why ratings are disabled.



—  Kavser

Now imagine if it was a 16 year old boy and 9 year old girl.



—  Louis Blyth

He found his girlfriend in a dumpster behind a restaurant eating a rat. he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend and she looked at him like "WTF." He had to teach him the weird ass language he speaks. He never met her in Minecraft.



—  Harrison Rimmele

Thats ur fucking sister



—  Marlo Hernandez, stating the obvious.

"The ratings aren't the only thing disabled."

This is a common buzzword that you will see at least a few times when scrolling through the comments of any one of his videos. The original author of this truthful phrase is unknown, considering that everyone loves fucking spamming it all over the place in an attempt at being funny among the masses of critically unfunny.




—The collective reaction to any content Misha produces.

Underage prostitution? On my YouTube? If you press 3 a bunch
of times, you will hear him say "and pussy too".
Notice the shitty N.W.A reference at the beginning? Referencing black culture is a major symptom of being a dumbass wigger.

Sample Song Lyrics

Dota is for little children
League of Legends is the winner
League is what I like

Dota is for little children
League of Legends is the winner
League is what I like

Every time when I’m the best
with so many kills in a row
I hope that my Russian teammate
won’t mess up my score! OH!

Dota is for little children
League of Legends is the winner
League is what I like


Every time when I’m the best
with so many kills in a row
I hope that my Russian teammate
won’t mess up my score! OH!

Dota is for little children
League of Legends is the winner
League is what I like

Dota is for little children
League of Legends is the winner
League is what I like
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer! Cancer!

Leafy is an asshole
Leafy is a retard
Leafy is an asshole
who bullies little kids

LeafyIsHere, Pyrocynical,
RiceGum and Keem Star
They are all retards

Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer! Cancer!

RiceGum is an asshole
RiceGum is a retard
RiceGum is an asshole
who bullies little kids

LeafyIsHere, Pyrocynical,
RiceGum and Keem Star
They are all retards

I am the voice of the children!
My name is Misha
and I declare war to all cyberbully channels!
Stop bullying little kids!
These things need to end!
You are cancer!

Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer
cancer cancer cancer
Cyberbully channels are cancer! Cancer!
cancer cancer cancer
Cancer! Cancer!
cancer cancer cancer
Cancer! Cancer
cancer cancer cancer

Reaction from the Internet

Here are some of the things the internet had to say about Misha:

Okay, seriously: How old are you? I thought YouTube was only for 18+, maybe for 13+ now, but you don't even look like.. 11.



—  Midolir

Go to hell, please. miserable creature



—  Michal Rama

are you fuckin kidin me? Thats terrible! what is point of all this?



—  John Whasko

Mr. Trump can build 10 walls and it still wouldn't be enough to fill the gap between your teeth.



—  Mary Moore

The ratings aren't the only thing disabled..



—  Kawaii Penguin

You're good with the guitar but I feel sorry for you having a brother like that.



—  ⊹⊱⋛PICKLE⋚⊰⊹

pls shoot your brother!



—  DKC Snipex aka. Buck

[Misha] is the most shitty thing ever, and you too, go fuck your self!



—  Tibanes

Ur brother [Misha] is a piece of shit



—  Kalcitrocitron

Go die in a hole for supporting misha



—  $ cX

The faggot LeafyIsHere made a couple response videos:

Parodies of Misha's Retardation

You hear that? This is the extra-cancerous version.

What do Ralph Wiggum and Misha Silenosti have in common?

See Also

External Links

Email Address

Social Networking

YouTube Channels


Misha Silenosti is part of a series on Aspies.

Misha Silenosti is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
Featured article October 5 & 6, 2016
Preceded by
Misha Silenosti Succeeded by