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Pedobear lives in the Netherlands
9 out of 10 people think he is Pedobear irl!
Pedobear is now an official mascot of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, according to this totally reliable Polish newspaper.
He'll mongle your lolis!
No exception..

Pedobear or also Pædobear aka Roy Harms (born January 49th, 1949 in the Netherlands) is one of the more famous and long running 4chan memes. He actually originated from 2channel (2ちゃんねる, ni channeru, 2ch for short), Japanese Internet forum, where he was called Kuma (クマー), literally "Bear". Some argue the Japanese omitted the "Pedo-" prefix to avoid redundancy since most anything churned out in Japan is assumed to promote pedophilia.

While Kuma was generally lecherous, Pedobear became the mascot for 4chan's legion of knuckle-dragging pedophiles, targeting prepubescent girls, or "loli". Like King Leonidas and each subsequent wave of Lolcats, Pedobear is the subject of many bad photoshoppings, usually pasted into whatever piece of child pornography b-tards get their filthy paws on.

Pedobear has become so popular newfags and 12 year olds alike flock to /b/ under the impression that that they can find more "funny" Pedobear pictures. This is similar to the popularity brought on by the previously mentioned lolcats. Sadly some poorly informed Anonymous refer to him as Pedrobear believing that to be his real name.


According to this post by an oldfag, Pedobear originated as ASCII art on 2channel, simply named "Kuma" or "bear".

A mirror of the first evar 2channel thread with Kuma can be found here. (See post 590)

くまくま━━━━━━ヽ( ・(ェ)・ )ノ━━━━━━ !!!

Over time on 2ch, posting Kuma ASCII art evolved into a call out of an obvious troll; Kuma would be pictured bursting into the thread to eat the "troll bait".

Then Anon got his hands on Kuma and the rest is history - the one time a meme got more perverted when moving away from Japan.

Coming from the ancient ages, to rape you.


The president approves.
Ironically, Pedobear's skills have been put into service of the Department of Homeland Security
Dum...Dumdumdum dummmm
Swimming equipment fail.

Gaia Online

A recent update from the retarded developers of Gaia made it so you can no longer say or post Pedobear pics. This is because the developers are cowards and don't want to be raided by Anonymous (though of course making such a declaration increases the likelihood that Anonymous will raid). So to be sure they're protected, they're going to put up curtains, add an advanced security system, and put up phoneline trackers.

However, it is now known that Pedobear had infiltrated Gaia Online's servers some time ago. He can be seen by the sharp eyed to whistle innocently as he buys the little ones from vending machines and hits the forums with the intention of obtaining n00ds. See Gaia Online for more info. Pedobear is known to be secretely raeping Hannah Montana.


In typical faggotry, Gamespot has banned any avatars with Pedobear in them, and warns the user. They claim it is offensive.

Tinypic and Imageshack

Pedobear is also banned from both Tinypic and Imageshack.


"Pedobear is a violation of terms. We do not allow images of Pedobear and we are actively removing all images containing Pedobear. Sincerely, Your Photobucket Support Team."

Online Help Center: FAQ's: Support Forums: Support Email:"

Facebook (pending)

Recently on facebook, a group of moralfags took it upon themselves to remove pedo bear from the internets forever, failing completely to heed to the saying "what goes online stays online". In a discussion with one of the admins on that page, it has also beeen revealed that she is in fact a god fag, meaning that she is 9000 times more self righteous than we originally thought. The group can be found here: lol gone


Chris Hansen approves
Too old.
Proper advertisment.

TheShadowmistress, who is described by her friends as a RAGING LESBIAN, thought it would a good idea to directly attack the internet hate machine by claiming that anyone who gazed upon Pedobear was supporting child porn, rape, and Child Molesting. Ironically, shortly after this deviant-art site was found by anonymous, an entire month of posts went missing, minus her post saying that those who rallied to defend our beloved fictional furry child molester were uncivil and she was going to ignore us. /b/ and anonymous has been seen preparing to defend Pedobear against these accusations.

The Battle Begins

Shadowmistress posted a comment stating that Pedobear supported child pornography and that his image should be banned from Deviant-Art. Thus, memebers were enraged, and there was a massive battle of wits ultimatly ending in her hiding all comments she disliked, displeasing Anonymous.

On 15 November 2007, shadowy figures struck a mighty blow, though not even their heroic sallies of "UR TEH GHEY" or "Your a pedo" were able to stop her faggotry. No, she would not be content until she reported every single post of Pedo-bear.

The following day, 4chan struck again with slightly less force, but still enough to confuse deviantartlets wandering around the burnt-out wreckage of her Deviant gallery:

what exactly happened here?


— - chase24

I think she got into a fight with someone about something... Something about some letter or whatever...


—- ~SOnicHerO100

'Tis truly a dark dark day for Pedobear; we have won the battle. Prepare for war. Recently there has been a rumor that Pedo-bear might actually be removed from Deviant-art. ONOES! Some Argue that this is a good thing. Most people disagree. However, there may be lulz if she is able to get Pedobear removed, since she is leaving The Internet permanently because her husband is returning from somewhere she is not clear about. Sources say that Anonymous has decided Not to raid DA, as if they are banning Memes It might result in less newfags. In reality it's because Anon is lazy. If Pedo-bear isn't allowed on DA, newfags will just post their art on the /b/ and /v/ instead.

Another random faggot

Another intelligent, sexy, and independant who basically said the same thing to someone he banned from his awesome chatroom was Morgan Miller, and was promptly hacked and permanently banned.

An American Icon?

Pedobear is an exclusive 100% American creation. From what has been observed, he can be generally found in Florida and has little interest to move to any other part of the world (except for vacations to Denmark)

Currently, even toddlers are being exploited by money grubbing American parents to appear TV shows such as Toddlers and Tiaras. Apparently, children don't find such shows entertaining. Guess who does? Pedobear sets his DVR to record the show.

It was Sinclair Lewis who said, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." Similarly, Pedobear is usually Americanized to make him more politically correct. A pedobear with the stars and stripes in the background is more likely to be accepted than a pedobear without them.

Pedobear Stats for USA (Or Why Pedobear is proud to be American)

Show your patriotism, faggot!
  1. There are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year.
  2. In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults.
  3. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is now publicly advising parents that infants and young children are “sexual beings“.
  4. 67 percent of all sexual assault victims in America are children.
  5. The state of Illinois has actually been paying convicted sex offenders to babysit young children.
  6. 20 percent of all child sexual abuse victims are under the age of 8.
  7. According to researchers, convicted rapists in the United States report that two-thirds of their victims were under 18, and among those cases 58% said that their victims were 12 years old or younger.
  8. One out of every four teen girls in the United States now has an STD.
  9. Law enforcement officials estimate that about 600,000 Americans and about 65,000 Canadians are trading dirty child pictures online.
  10. In airports all over the country, many young children are being subjected to “enhanced pat-downs” during which their private parts are touched before they are allowed to get on to their airplanes.
  11. It is estimated that 500,000 babies that will be born this year will be sexually abused before they turn 18.

Pedobear And USA About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Old media recognition

With the new animu striking TV's, we can at last see him starring in! It took a bit too long, but we made it! Pedobear sighting in Portland Or [3] as people are butthurt over Pedobear being used to advertise a costume sale.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Hitting Vancouver

In February 2008, a Polish newspaper reported[4] that one of the mascots for the Vancouver Winter Olympics was, in fact, Pedobear. Historians believe that this is the greatest lolocaust since a certain champion of the lulz decided to have a barbeque with die juden and proves the universally recognized point that Polish people are fucking stupid and should've been wiped about by Hitler years ago. HEIL!

lol you stupid Poles
lol you stupid Poles

Obviously the Dutch couldn't stay far behind. Perhaps the most internets 1.0 Dutch TV station, AVRO, printed in their in-house TV guide an article introducing the Vancouver mascots:

Chillin with the Holy-See in Malta

The Pope IRL

Pedobear is frequently mistaken for Pandas by southeast asians. Unfortunately, this was clearly a job for Shotacat, not Pedobear. Stencil fail.

To Jail He Goes

The illustrious Pedobear was just put into a juvenile delinquent correctional facility for pedophilia. Pedobear now inhabits this facility as a stuffed animal toy for kids who have no care for the world. While his "friends" may leave juvies when they are 18, he will be staying there for the remainder of the interwebz.

Crass Commercialism

The full story of pedobear, found on a T-shirt in a japanese store.

Plush Doll

Pedobear has the distinction of being one of the first Internet memes to ascend to the level of a plush doll available for online purchase. SRSLY. Purchases presumably boost ad-revenue for ED. The truth of what's to come, however, is pretty obvious.

The dolls will be purchased mostly by pedophiles to lure little kids into their van.

For those keeping score:

  • ED - Ad revenue from sales
  • - direct revenue from sale of dolls
  • Pedophiles - will help molest moar children
  • Chris Hansen - increased child sex crimes is good for business
  • You - Resultant fallout will provide steady stream of Lulz which you'll hear about from ED.
  • ???
  • PROFIT: That's right. Another way to accrue pr0fit has been discovered and its based on little kids being molested.
  • Little kids - Gonna Be Raped
  • Your soul - deriving entertainment tertiarily from child sex abuse is no way to win points with the boss, unless you pray to Satan. In which case Kudos!

Nintendo DS Video Game

Click here for full version

Gameplay video

Movie Trailer


Oh yeah...

A few of his favorite things…

See Pedobear/favorites

Pedobear Hot Spots

The world's most snuggly bear can be spotted out in a wide variety of kiddie-friendly locations. Here is a list of such places to look (or better yet, look OUT) for:

  • Elementary/Primary schools...
  • Playgrounds...
  • Petting zoos...
  • Daycare facilities...
  • In malls during the Christmas and Easter holidays when kiddies get their picture taken with Santa or the Easter Bunny...
  • Carnivals and fairgrounds...
  • Any movie theater with a rated-G flick playing...
  • TOYS 'R US...
  • Ice-cream shops...
  • Children's center at libraries...
  • France...
  • Child fitting-rooms at Wal-Mart...
  • Hospital nurseries...
  • Any busy town or city on Halloween night...
  • McDonald's Play Place...
  • Middle school dances TOO OLD
  • Disney World...
  • Disney Land...
  • Chuck E. Cheese's...
  • Justin Bieber concerts...
  • Twilight conventions
  • Harry Potter conventions...
  • Comic-Con...


Pedobear doing what he does best

Pedobear reviewing a videogame

Pedobear tunes

Pedobear in "Doubt"

Pedobear in Germany

Pedobear on Faux


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Ownership, claimed by a real life pedophile

Unfair Prejudices

On 11/15/2010 Photobucket stated that any pictures that feature bears, such as our beloved pedobear, will be removed from their image hosting site. This obvious prejudice against animals and ultimately pedobear will not go unpunished.


PedoBear Approves! About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Pedobear On The Lam

"A Seemingly Innocent Menace" indeed

The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department has put out an All Points Bulletin on Pedobear, claiming that he is now the adopted mascot of pedophiles everywhere.

Although there have been no reported sightings of the image on the Central Coast, individuals dressed in the bear costume and car decals have been seen in Southern California.



The Sheriff's Department has advised citizens spotting Pedobear to immediately contact the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement division at 805-781-4550.

Pedobear on next gen consoles

He is back for moar lolies

Pedobear flips out after not being invited to a birthday party and starts murderous rampage as a "naughty bear".

Your score multiplier, raised by uninterrupted naughtiness, is key for getting the gold trophies.



Naughty Bear, a morally questionable game from Developer Artificial Mind.



It has been higly advised by the reviewers, not to play this game.

Pedobear opens a PC repair store

CP Distributor

In order to facilitate distribution of CP across the world, Pedobear also opened his own computer repair store in Florida, conveniently named "CP Distributor". It works much like any other repair firm, but additionally installs two encrypted hard drives packed with CP in your PC and Firefox with bookmarks to most popular CP websites. An ad published in America’s Favorite Coupon Book highlighted all these benefits.

Pedobear goes global and other fun facts

A Finnish designed shirt which caused massive butthurt
New ways to hunt lolis
There's a new sheriff in town

In a small northern sithole called "Finland", a finnish designer and clothing store owner Kari Seppälä held an contest for a new children design and somehow pedobear themed shirt claimed the first place in the contest. This ofcourse caused massive drama and butthurt among moms across the country, thus Seppälä were forced to withdraw their new hit product before it even saw the light of day.

This is very sad, since it would have ensured much lulz to see lolies wearing pedobear t-shirts at school..

Disney and China


Xi Jinping who is secretly Winnie the Pooh created the coronavirus so loli doctors would take his temperature.

See Also

Pervy Jap scientists have invented a Pedobear robot
Pedobear IRL
Tim Buckley of CTRL ALT Delete

External Links





Pedobear is part of a series on


Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.

Pedobear is part of a series on
V& Pedophiles [-+]
UnV& Pedophiles [-+]

Aaron WilliamsAdam LanzaAlenonimoAlison RappAmber ButtrumAndy MaherAngryjediAnimatedJamesBeefraveBikerfoxBill CosbyBritbongCamHeadCasey AnthonyChaosscizzorsColonel McBadassComicalityCyraxxCyril SmithDan SchneiderDoomentioDr DisRespectDreamDrossRotzankDaddyOFiveDahvie VanityDangermanDeekerDidaskalosDynacatlovesmeEric RidenourErik MöllerFergie OliverFrank BonafedeGreg MazujianGreville JannerG-ZayGeosheaGalaxyRailways2199Harrison DigfootHumonHypnoHunter MooreIrish282Isabella Loretta JankeJames Terry Mitchell JrJaSonicJerry Peetjervaise brooke hamsterJimmy SavileJoey NigroJohn Patrick RogersJoseph KonyJustin BerryJustin DabrowKaitlyn HuntKatherine MarionKyle PerkinsLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.LittleCloudLtFlaggerLogansperman2Lucian HodobocM. ChaosMagicrichMandoPonyMar9122Michael JacksonMikevirusMatrooko11MZMcBrideNathanrNeil FoxOmegaloreOnideus Mad HatterOnisionPaul WalkerPennywisePurple AkiPutridRalph SquillaceRiverman72Roger SampsonSam DeathWalkerSam RassenfossSarah ButtsShane LeeSibeScientologySethistoSmartschoolboy9Sophie LabelleTheAmazingAtheistThomas Watt HamiltonTimboxTrap-kunTyciolUncle GrandpaUpdownmostlyViolentacrezVonHeltonWoody AllenW. T. SnacksYandereDevYoung Tubers UnitedYtaskZeitgueist

Related Topics [-+]
Pedobear is part of a series on ED5 Pollfest Top 16.
[NO MOAR!Show me moar!]

Almost rapedAn heroAnonymousAspergersChris-chanChris HansenDracoGuardFox NewsInternet Tough GuyJEWS DID WTCMitchell HendersonMy ImmortalPedobearP-p-p-powerbookPrince JeremyVirginia Tech Massacre

Featured article September 13 and 14, 2020
Preceded by
Pedobear Succeeded by
Article of the Now October 15 and 16, 2024
Preceded by
Kevin Smith
Pedobear Succeeded by