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Sir Vinson Ngo's RL self, checking out the loli's panty behind the camera.
His IRL self, looking for teh loli.
Certified by the organization, and still active!
Bleedman's new deviantART ID, features himself lusting over one of his underage characters. He is a creepy fuck who tries to set his lolicon preferences appear as a Joke so nobody could take it seriously.
You Complete Me by Bleedman. "Complete" is a code word for "Fuck".
Brother and sister bonding time.

Bleedman (Vinson Ngo) is an AZN pedophilic deviantART (and Snafu Comics) artist who, in a shockingly expected display from a DA user, shows little talent for drawing, and has no imagination when it comes to storytelling. He uses it all on shitty fan comics instead of on something that could earn him money or, in effect, hookers and blow. He is a man who recently entered his 40's, but keeps a close eye on shiny anime; His dA frontpage displays a shitload of pageviews due to his fucking huge fan base made of pure fail, weeaboos trying too hard to appeal to his attention, and of course, the future priests that will take care of your children. Snafu Comics has reached such popularity, that it's said in the legends that there is a red link in ToW referring to that site, which N.A.S.A. calls Virtual Fandom Pedo Area; it is also mentioned in the U.S. Army manuals and has been a typical topic in Christian discussions. The fact remains, however, that Blo'oldman wouldn't have that huge fucking fan base if he used original characters rather than established, not to mention copyrighted, ones. His massive legions of fans are, as mentioned above, illiterate morons. They are trying too hard to worship this pedo, who has passed deviantART rules by his tiny dick almost in every post and laughs at the administrators of the site just because he has enough pageviews to be semi-banhammerproof.

So I herd u liek Bleedmanz? NEWSFLASH: he doesn't liek you. Even if you crawl in your intestines, without eyes, covered in your shit, shit, shit, begging him to notice your talents, he still wouldn't give any crap about you or anyone else who likes him. Try V&'ing yourself for real attention, you whiny twats.


Bleedman crosses over more than John fucking Edward:

Nightmare Before Christmas Meet Joe Black Yogi Bear, Megas XLR, Evil Con Carne, Teletubbies, Invader Zim, Dora the Explorer Danny Phantom Fairly OddParents Spawn Hey Arnold! and Lenore ...Among other things.

One of Dexter's newest inventions have accidentally transported him and the Powerpuff Girls into a different dimension where machines called reploids are at war. Forced to engaged in combat our heroes must fight their way into battle against these machines. Along the way they encounter a few of number unknown reploids who they must fight with either as allies or foes." Heh...just a little story I came up with for a fighting game "Mini Titans". I've always wanted try game designing.


—Himself, shamelessly fucking things up as always.

Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi

Pantyshots of elementary school lolis feature often in this comic. Of course, in Asia looking up little girl's skirts is cute and rape is polite.

The Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi is Bleedman's bread and butter, the thing that attracted a massive following of devianTART's lame cock sucker weeaboo population to him and elevated him to the status of (literally) "The Most Popular Person on devianTART". The comic takes place in some town named Megaville, which happens to be the most original name ever. It crosses over every Cartoon Network show Bleedman happened to be watching at the time, and when he ran out of CN characters to rape (poor holy childhoods) he started throwing in Nickelodeon characters as well, or any other character his fantards begged to see rendered in all their pedophilic animu glory. Kind of like Kingdom Hearts.

Pedobear is unimpressed with his delivery.
"Bleedman also likes to make things a bit of a laugh like Zim in his maid uniform! XD.

This comic features a version of Samurai Jack who is no longer concerned with saving the future from a horrible Japanese demon as he is with making sure the children of Megaville Elementary are well educated in history and are physically fit. It features Dexter of Dexter's Lab fame with a tragic past in which his airheaded sister Dee Dee is tragically killed by his rival science geek. Despite how absolutely stupid it is to introduce horrible murder into an innocent children's comedy, his fans eat this shit up. It also features far too much of Invader Zim in a French maid's outfit. What the FUCK?!.

Also, despite his usual, nearly mental shit retentive attention to canon information, he has decided to turn blindly away from the fact that almost every character he uses in the comic lives in a city of another name, thus showing that his works aren't really much better than anyone else's fan comic... and showing the fuckhead he is.

The end result of all of his redesigns of the characters he puts in his comic is that they look like someone shoved them through Todd McFarlane's brain and up Gary Glitter's ass. Unfortunately his influence has spawned at least 100 other copycat animu Powerpuff Girls all over devianTART and the internets, not to mention the mountains of fanart for Bleedman (especially of his Mary Sue evil Powerpuff Girl), and we can probably blame Bleedman for the creation of an actual, terrible, obviously-aimed-at-lolicon-fucks Japanime version of the show: Powerpuff Girls Z.

This comic, however, ended quite abruptly on dA and has been placed on "hiatus" on Snafu Comics to make way for Bleedman's next, even worse, fandom Bullshit.

Grim Tales From Down Below

Apparently Bleedman is into both loli and guro.
Castrating the creepy from your favorite franchises since 2004.

Grim Tales from Down Below is Bleedman's second attempt at fan comic fuckupery and is along the same lines in it's ability to take good and make it bad. It's a sickening bastardization of a perfectly acceptable cartoon, if only for that fact that it features a picture of the puppet from Saw holding a newborn Grim Jr. Although the fact that he named Mandy and Grim's daughter MiniMandy is a pretty big fault as well. Real clever, douche bag. It doesn't even matter to his fantards that he apparently "borrowed" the characters Minimandy and Grim Jr. from a TARTlet, a slightly less retarded deaddoll00, after which the characters were re-designed to less shittier versions later on.

The average page.

Oh yeah, did we mention Mandy is now grown up, dresses like Elvira, and is married to Grim? Yeah, she apparently became a Mayor/Hitman, and Grim fell madly in love with her after she did WTC so he came to see her in the form of Brad Pitt in the the film Meet Joe Black to ask her to marry him. You can't make this shit up (this page also includes a cameo of the two gangster characters of Loony Tunes fame. Jesus.)

Just how does one have babies with a skeleton anyway? So apparently, Mandy is a slut and got knocked up by someone who actually has a penis (supposedly Nergal Jr.). Grim then gives her a very graphic abortion so the dead baby can become his skeleton son. No, really. WTF.

It also features over 9,000 cameo appearances by Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, thus insuring its instant popularity.

Bleedman recently spawned for himself accusations of incest between his fan characters, Mandy and Grim's children, with this piece. His fans then argued amongst themselves over whether or not Mandy had an affair with Nergal and whether it counts as incest if you're only half-siblings. The official agreement was that it didn't fucking matter because it's a fan comic and fans never know what the fuck anyway. It's likely Bleedman fangirls will accept whatever pedocest he sends their way, because deviantART dote on whatever popular artists draw no matter how disgusting it is.

Apparently MiniMandy also got all fucked up by Oogie Boogie and a big robot in a disgusting guro scene. Once again, truth is stranger than lying for the lulz.

2nd official chapter: What about Mimi is about Mimi, but not so much.

3rd official chapter: GTFO Further Orientation, this time is about characters' backstory, but before the 1st chapter. And this time without Griddles' help.

Sugar Bits

That's a lot of underage pantyshots.

Sugar Bits is Bleedman's breakthrough work in that it is made up completely of original characters and... An original story, I guess. The comic itself is a morass of pedophilic shit about candy and sugar and all the other shit you'd expect to hear from a guy on To Catch A Predator. This comic was not as well-received by the fans on account of the fact that without the licensed cartoons to pretty everything up and the fact that Bleedman changed the main character's panties to bloomers, Bleedman's shitty writing and creepy art become unavoidable. It looks like it rips off elements of The Powerpuff Girls, Chobits, and every other nonsensical shitty anime with a shiny veneer and random character designs to hide its bad writing out there. There's not many pages yet but already it's taken a turn for the strange.

Robin, the flirty little vixen.

An incredibly unoriginal tale about there being "kingdoms" in a magical place called Harmonia that cater to every aspect of human life, from courage The main focus is a place called Confectionaria. That's about all anyone will get out of it before Bleedman's trademark "lazily telling the story through so much blatant, tl;dr narration that it might as well be an illustrated book rather than a comic book" style of storytelling bores them to death.

Apparently the sole job of the Confectionarians is to oogle creepy close-ups of the mouths of small children about to lick ice cream. The main character is the Princess of Confectionaria who, despite living in a magical realm of goodness called "Harmonia", has her bloomers in bunch over a giant robot man taking away her dead mother. Her sidekicks are a rabbit furry named Cupcake who is inexplicably the "Veggie Hut Princess" (whatever that means), and a hardcore little ginger bread man (too bad Bleedman still can't bother to draw fight scenes with complicated monsters) who the Princess created and is in love with her. For srs. Bleedman also decided to write himself into the comic with a self-insertion character. This self-insertion character is a giant, muscle-bound beast that looms threateningly over helpless little girls and carries the bodies of dead women into the night. Scientists are currently determining which parts are wish fulfillment and which parts are the dankest parts of his id slipping into his art. There is now another character named Robin. She is a fox (Oh, like that crappy Disney movie Robin Hood). Robin is obvious fan service to his furry fans for the first scene you see her in, you can almost see her fucking panties. Thus making her "cute", though in a later comic, she's wearing practically nothing at all. (See right.) It is also easily assumed that she is underage, just like all of Bleedman's characters. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!!one!


Even his nephew thinks he's a pedo.

Bleedman's work often has the aroma of pedophilia about it. To judge by this blog post, he appears to be an avid loli fan as well. This was also reverberated by an someone who apparently knows him IRL, who stated in a deviantART something along the lines of "If you saw some of his personal doujinshi, you would be disgusted."

His version of Mandy and Grim.
"My most favorite artist."
One of my most favorite artist would probably be Oyari Ashito. And If I may caution you most of his works usually involves...little girls as subjects. So if you are easily offended by these kinds of things BACK OFF!!! Yeah...some people might call them sick and weird, and if they think animes aren't sick and weird I dunno what is.


—Bleedman, on his above blog post.

"If I may caution you most of his works usually involves ...little girls."

This is the guy whose art he's talking about. (See also pics on right.)

Lastly, apparently this is what a pedophile from the Philippines looks like. Portal of Evil collected some of the more lulzy responses to his photo:

for some odd reason, reading your comics now feels weird...I actually imagined that you were younger! :D


I thought you were younger, and female. 0_0; But you are an old dude in a bright orange shirt. XD


um thats you


Knowing your older...and stuff *cough* makes me a bit freaked out on how much you love 10 year old girls with tight panties...



somehow you remind me of my father...O_o;




—Finally getting it.

Someone tells it to him straight, without licking his balls.

Moar From Bleedman's Fap Gallery

Mandy Did WTC

Mandy did WTC.
The only record of the Bitch Incident. Figures it'd be fucking tiny.
Bleedman's warning on the above page. He's real sensitive to the fact he used the irl deaths of thousands of people as fodder for his crappy fanfic romances.

This page in Grim Tales resulted in Bleedman getting suspendwrenched for a week on dA. It is safe to assume that realitysquared was not on this case, as his preference for popular users would've saved Bleedman a week of inactivity.

The events of the incident are unclear, save for someone (possibly RoseDincht to judge by the screencap on the right) objected to the idea of Mandy using Grim's powers to execute 9/11 and Bleedman calling them a bitch in response. This isn't a terribly horrible offense, but dA mods are strict and do not forgive. At least when they aren't being a clusterfuck of failure.

In a fit of righteous indignation, bleedman made this journal entry about his suspension wherein he reveals his masterful and not at all childish (but what do we expect from someone who draws fan comics about Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network shows) plan to thwart the overzealous banhammer of deviantART. The responses were numerous. They mostly fell into five categories:

  • Fans who didn't even know he was suspended.
  • Agreement and further indignation at the unjust ruling of the dA admins.
  • Fear that they too would be suspended for all the swear words in their journals, comments, etc.
  • Lame copycat attempts at "tempting" the mods into suspending them by "accidentally" swearing.
  • Suggestions for further ways to censor yourself.

Every few pages or so, there would be a glimpse of the voice of reason, but they were quickly hidden under eighty more responses like this:

XD; i didint know you were suspended XD;;;; but just by saying teh "b word"... i use it all the time and nothing happend ;;>> but good luck using "beeyatch" XD;;; kinda funny really


mewmewpower, a fine example of TARTlet intelligence.

Bleedman's Explanation For His WTC Bullshit

From the page description on deviantART.

tl;dr lulz emphasized

"I felt a bit nervous when I started making these pages. And I can truly understand if I have made some people very upset over it .But at least hear me out.. I too am entitled to express my point of view.

I was just trying to find ways how I can relate the concept of the characters with our real world. I guess we'll start off with Mandy. What I love about Mandy as a character is that she sees the real world, not some idealistic “only good and justice prevails freedom for all and love is everything screwed up” wonderland. Although she's just a fictitious cartoon character, for me she's someone I can truly relate in our world. You can’t really blame Mandy for what she did, she’s only doing her job as the Grim Reaper, sure she made the plans. But that’s what every Grim Reaper should do (remember the movie Final Destination) At the same time Mandy is a reincarnation of all evil, her existence is the source of humanity’s darkest and most cruel essence. While Billy on the other hand and is a representation and a source of man’s stupidity .And because mankind welcomes both evil and stupidity so willingly Mandy is able to carry out her plans. In short, Mandy simply presented her ideas to mankind and mankind simply accepted it with open arms. ( Because we am dumb and bad humans.) And as for the natural disasters she came up, let’s just say she had an appointment with Mother Nature. These things happen because I believe there is a Billy and a Mandy in all of us, we can be stupid and evil, and with it comes our bestest friend, The Grim Reaper. We have no one but ourselves to blame.

A couple of themes I want to point out is… ”Will humanity ever learn?” …I guess not. Is Mother Earth pissed ? I guess so. That’s what I like about comics, add a pinch of idea based from our real world. To help remind us of things and never ever forget.

Things like our wounds, and I’m talking not just America’s wounds, I’m also talking about Iraq , Indonesia , Sri Lanka and every other country that’s facing hell. So please look at it not just in your own nation’s perspective , but through other countries as well. Try to look at the wounds through the eyes of the whole world you self-centered bastards. The wounds are painful and have yet to heal , well it shouldn’t. Cause it’s only through these wounds that you can become Hard-ass. It's the only thing that makes you stronger. Pain and suffering is part of life, it's what my pappy taught me. These things happen and will continue to happen so you better get used to it and face it you bunch of wuss.

The images I used were not intended as a mockery or a tribute, but a slap in your face to remind you that life is not all sugarpuffs and candycorns. Life can be cruel, very ,very cruel. Life’s a bitch, and so is Death.

If you feel offended, angry or pissed right now….well ,you should be. If you feel the urge to email me concerning this issue do so. Emails, hatemails, flamemails. You have every right to.

Ok I was just kidding about the “Especially if you’re a wuss who whines a lot” thing on the warning page. Seriously, speak up. If you have something to say about these pages positive or negative, or that I’m a heartless dick, say it. You wanna make a political issue out of this ,knock yourselves out. Please comment and spare your 2 cents. God bless America. Allah bless Iraq.

P.S. I took a big risk making these pages, and if I so seriously give a horse shit about my reputation just so people can love me and praise me I wouldn’t bother posting this in the first place. But I don’t, so hate me, flame me. However, I still give a damn about respecting other people’s feelings and opinions. So I want to apologize to everyone I offended. I’ll be posting a poll on Deviant art whether these pages should stay or not. Technically the grim tales storyline can go on without it. (ed note: So why did you do it in the first place you fucking idiot?)"

Cartoon Network trolls back

Sooner or later, Cartoon Network realized Bleedman's popularity and how his fans were buying various forms of the network's copyrighted characters. Instead of suing him into creating original characters, the Jews in charge decided to steal Bleedman's art concept, hire game designers and programmers, and created a new MMO called Fusion Fall (moar liek Fusion Fail, amirite?).

Now that Cartoon Network has launched their own shitty online gaming platform, with all their characters animu'd up the asshole, it now is attracting the same weeaboos who have loved Bleedman and his art for years, and with any luck Bleedman will be out of options (except creating his own stories, or just drawing constant child panty shots panel after panel and drawing porn of his characters like the pedo that he is).

Besides the game's animu fucktartedshit, by some fluke miracle of programming, Fusion Fall is absolute bullshit; even by MMORPG standards. The game tosses out grinding and click based combat for stuff that's just as lameass. Cartoon Network will overcharge the shit out of everybody if anyone(nerds) wants to get past level four with a full skill set. The only redeeming factor about the game is the character customization options to dress up as a fag.

And since Bleedman was using Cartoon Network's copyrighted characters to begin with, the bitchy fucking baby faggot is unable to do a fuck about it!

Galleries of Lulz

The Internets Improves on Bleedman

ED Presents: The BLOODY MAHOOON Gallery

The BLOODY MAHOOON Gallery About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Creepy Fanservice Theatre

Bleedman's popularity comes not just from shiny, soulless animu versions of popular children's cartoon characters, no! But also the constant glimpses of prepubescent little girls' panties.

Creepy Pedo Shit About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Sing it with us now:

Iiiii-Ahh-Iiiii looove little girls they make me feel so good, I love little girls they make me feel so bad! Wheeeeeen theeeeeyy're around they make me feel like I'm the only guy in town! I love little girls they make me feel so good!

Uh oh take a second take
Uh oh it's a mistake!
Uh oh I'm in trouble
Uh oh the little girl was just too little, too little, too little, too little!

Teh Fandom


i assume you don't understand the underlying meaning in bleedman's artwork. he's not the pedophile. most people who like anime like some sort of perversion. anyway, there is a hidden intelligencs that persuades me to believe that he is mocking the veiwer.


—One of his Retard fans trying too hard.

Anyone who believes Bleedman is a good artist are, without exception, TV addicts, basement dwellers, engrish-speakers and either complete virgins or completely in easy business. Those know even less about art than a nigger knows of science, and will try to take you down if you state the obvious.

Bleedman's fans are easy to troll because, being lolcows, they all believe that bleedman is serious business. Facts are:

The average Bleedman fan.

Bleedman Clones & Wannabes

Take manure, cover a weeaboo with it, and chop it so you can replenish the orifices. Blend this together, adding much fail, a lot of faggotry. Give the mix to a dog. When the dog excrete this, give it to a tubgirl, and let her process it trice. Give it to a dA admin disguised with a 3% of gin (so they won't notice), and after 2 drinks it will be barfed by such. Remove the power factor of the admin so the mix can ferment drama. Add any drawing method and pour it hot. Now, you've got the prime matter of a Bleedman-Fan:

The lord of underage pantyshots has principles? O RLY?

Why develop your own artistic style when you can use someone else's shitty style? Bleedman won't stop you.

  • Griddles This pedophile retard without talent is the one responsible for the shitty plot of the powerpuff girls doujinshi and also delivers each one of Bleedman's porno drawings on notfourchan. He also love to have sex with all his girls inviting all his friends to join the fun but does not share because not only is he a sick fuck, he is a selfish one. He also likes to steal characters and claim them as his, bitch all about, then use people to draw his uggo mary-sues. BREAKING NEWS: He's send to jail for showing his collection to a loli.
  • electronic-musix Oh god. ANOTHER rip off. She likes to try to draw bleedfag style, fails at it, and has these Angst! Mary Sues that are based off of Bleedfag's stories. She also likes to suck Griddles' tiny cock and be his bitch. Request everyone to draw her Sues, also has some rip off gay ass comic coming up featuring her in them. When you tell her off she uses some stupid picture of her ugly character whos a total copy. DEACTIVATED. Made a different account to hide on mikera-moo where she draws THOSE SINGING ROBOTS.
  • jemylover is a whiney little cunt who requests everyone to draw her shitty ass rip off charaters. She will make a BAWW journal and send her hoard of retarded white knights upon you if you piss her off. She's now moved onto new fandoms and destroy them with her shitty as sues.
  • happydragon101 How many moar bleedfags in a day?HappyDragon101 is a 15 year old UTTER bleedfag, and yet lies and says she dislikes Bleedman because of his pedoart. Yet, she draws her mary sue power shit characters,colors Bleedman's art, and rides on Griddle's dick hard. Funny how she said she also reported him to authorities for pedophilia since he showed his dick to her, but she still colors his porn for him and,like Bleedman, says she dislikes him. She also has a 13 year old girlfriend, which she cheated on somebody for that little girl, and probably just likes her cause she's loli. Reports were faked.
  • Chain-619 Is a 20-year-old Bleedfag artist who is known for pairing up his gary-stu OC Chain with Mimi and has developed a love child name Chimi, who is a total rip-off OC and an underaged whore he created. His "fans" believed he would be the second Bleedman who mastered his style and never came up with his own style to develop. He was also accused of being a trace artist, who he traced on few of screenshots he found on google images. He is known to be an attention whore, whom he whines over stupid things and wants his watchers to have sympathy for him. He is best known to draw lolicon porn with him fucking underage girls (one of them including Mimi obviously), which makes him a total pedophile and a poor excuse of an artist. He would use people just to get what he wants and would often try to mooch on Bleedman by trying to become like him. This short dick Bleedfagtard is known for not finishing everyone's requests nor commissions and would steal their money/points from them without drawing what they asked for. He gets butthurt whenever someone starts a drama with him and expects his watchers to stand up for him. This retard drama queen would delete journals after he finishes fighting and bawwing to other people and managed by deleting journals, acting like nothing happened. Every week or less, Chain would spam people's inboxes with commission journals that shows off his lame artwork he progressed. He would attempt to flaunt his bipoloar white cow slutty gf to his own friends by drawing countless pictures of her in skanky outfits that shows off her diseased panties, her saggy granny tits, and her Mary-sue OC Hoodie. The two losers had made countless of lame stories, never EVER get around to finish them, so they just waste their times on making stupid crap. Chain has a habit on making groups and contests of his or his gf's shitty OCs and expects everyone to join or draw each one of them. He also has a habit of stealing people's ideas, such as weapons and OC designs. He claims that he's mature, but really, he's the immature type of person you will ever know of. His gallery is full of shitty coloring, it would make you want to puke into a nearby trash can. Chain does NOT know how to type correctly.BREAKING NEWS: As of September 19th, it was revealed that Chain has stolen his ex girlfriend's OCs and claiming them as his own instead of crediting her. He tends to block anyone of her friends who were trying to demand him to stop stealing OCs from her instead of fighting his own battles like a bigger pussy he is. He was threatened that he will get sued or get beat up if he doesn't give his ex girlfriend's OCs back or at least credit her (Technically, it's the broad's fault for telling him her ideas in the first place). This retard is known to be the owner of ALL accounts he creates: aaron6199, zerofist, aaron619, chrishill333, namtaf619, and many more accounts he makes in case he deletes on of them and move onto one of them. His idiot white knight watchers does not learn that their beloved artist is a no good thief and scam artist and will never know when to unwatch him nor discover the truth behind this pedophile weirdo. His signature emoticon expression is XD, an annoying emoticon where he uses in EVERY art, journal, or comments. Chain tends to draw himself in EVERY anime he watches-- Attack on Titan, Bleach, and many more, which is extremely annoying to see in peoples' galleries and groups.
  • bigsheezy Geez, MOAR Bleedfag artists? This deviant is a 15-year-old Bleedfag wannabe rapper whom he is known to draw every piece of his art in Bleedman style. It seems this kid does not learn how to develop his own style. He tends to make fun of people along with his friends and only cares about his reputation. He BAAAAWWWS over anything he sees and has his white-knights believe every single lie he makes. He was also known to think that he is EXACTLY like bleedman in every way, shape, and form even going as far as to want to do look more like making bleedman credit him for finding blacksheep, a deviant who is a replica artist of bleedman. He is also known to have a large ego with pretty much everything he does. After receiving a commission from bleedman for Sheezy's birthday, Sheezy suddenly thought he was the hot shit that in a way he was like bleedman, going as far as making loli porn for his chain and his other sick friends. Sheezy wrote that he is going to be "original" right before he drew in Blacksheep's style. We may never know if he is ever going to stop this shit storm he calls art but we know one thing, we will be there laughing at it. Sheezy would often draw pictures of him and Chain having pointless battles, asking fans which one of them is better. Both of them are not better, they're just pathetic morons looking for attention from viewers. Sheezy claims to be the Angel of DeviantART. Yeah right, more like the Devil of DeviantART who causes trouble among people. Sheezy is generally known to be a HUGE pervert, often faps to perverted pictures of females on DeviantART.

bleedmanlover Another Bleedfag who would wet herself every time she sees anything that is "sexy" or "cute" to her. She would pair herself with Sheezy, her little boy toy and often faps to every piece of his art he posts. She believes that she is the General's "pet", more like the General's bitch. She also faps to Chain's shitty ass art, thinking everything he posts is cute. Girl, get a fucking life and stop commenting on every art you believe is cute. No one cares about your opinion on every piece of artwork. Stop riding on their dicks like you have nothing better to do for your pathetic life. It is confirmed that the bitch is either dating fellow thief Chain-619 or probably sucking on his dick for more art. Evidence is shown where she draws herself with him in pictures or writing 'I love you' texts on the picture.

che999 is a 14-year-old Bleedfag and is also Sheezy's bitch who often spends time trying to become like his "mentor" and become a popular wannabe like him, where he cannot come up with his own damn style. Che has a large habit of saying the word "nigga" at almost everything: journals, comments, and pictures. It gets annoying how this pathetic moron think using the word "nigga" is cool, we know for a fact that his watchers would get extremely annoyed by his obnoxious behavior. Che believed that he would become the amazing rapper along with Sheezy, which they are known as "Wannabe Rappers". We don't know how long he will keep up this charade, but this little boy needs to stop acting so gangster and speak PROPER English like a real boy should do. Che will BAAWWWWW or rage at anyone who doesn't show him any "love" for him or his terrible art. As of October 14th, the little shit is complaining how he misses his little "boy toys" and is trying so hard to bring them all back like one big happy family. I guess this moron doesn't learn that some people chose to do whatever is in their lives instead of hanging with him all the damn time.

kitty-sweeping is another Bleedfag and one of Sheezy's bitches who ALSO spends time trying learn Bleedman-style from her so-called master. Little Miss Kitten Sweeper is one of those types of artists who can't draw their OWN style and she is known to be stupid and pathetic little girl. Like Miss Bleedmanlover, Kitty-Sweeping is known to be sucking on Chain and his friends' dicks for more art of her diseased-looking catgirl OC. When will this charade ever stop?!

External Links

Bad Reviews

Needless to say he gets the lowest possible score on virtually all of these.

Bleedman is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

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Bleedman is part of a series on Webcomics

Manga Ripoffs - MegatokyoSnafu comicsSuirenoki

Furry bullshit - BengoExterminatus NowHousepets!Kevin & KellLackadaisySonichuTails Gets TrolledThe Dragon DoctorsTwoKinds

Soap operas - Moon Over JuneSingle Asian FemaleQuestionable contentThe Nice Guy ComicRain

Gaming - CTRL ALT DeleteGod ModeMSPaint AdventuresPenny ArcadeSore ThumbsSweet Bro and Hella Jeff

Fandom - Ancient RealmsHow I Became YoursTG ComicsThe Legend of Razor

Weird shit - Anonymous AsexualApartment 18Assigned MaleAutobiography of an invisible monsterBilly The HereticChick tractsCocoa The ClownDeCadence ComicThe Dilbert HoleDNS ComicDr.Choker and PalsDrawn-chanElectric RetardExplosmHathor the Cow GoddessHipster HitlerHumonJerkcityJoe Mathlete explains MarmadukeLego Robot ComicsLOOK WHAT I BROUGHT HOMEManic Pixie Nightmare GirlsMarried to the SeaMorning GloryNeo-KosmosRocky DennisSarah's ScribblesSpace MoosePokey the Penguinxkcd

Providers - Ayyk92Anne OnymousBengoBlazesonicCarlos LatuffCheddar-CheesiaChris-chanComic GenesisD.C. SimpsonDave CheungDave HopkinsDave KellyDavid GontermanDragonfiendDisneyFan01Drshnaps ProductionsEric W. SchwartzHamletMachineHeather DowdeeHayakainHumonImmelmannJames M. HardimanJay NaylorJennifer Diane ReitzJohn CampbellJustflyakiteKay FedewaKurohimeLeoianNostrafortPsyguyRaulo CáceresRHJuniorRodney CastonSmackjeevesSnapesnoggerSteve MacIsaacStoneTossTargTim BuckleyTim ToddTom PrestonWhitedog1Wyatt MannZyklon Ben

Enemies - Constructive CriticismJohn SolomonTalent

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