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Blonic is a Flash animation series by cartoonist Ukinojoe and it is about a annoying fat bastard in a Sonic suit who goes by his original character name Blonic. Not much of a surprise that fans love Blonic and friends. It reminds them of Sonic fanart and DeviantART in a nutshell.


It was December 3rd, 2011, Ukinojoe created a cartoon on YouTube about a screaming fat guy in a Sonic fursuit name Blonic. And that's pretty much it.


Blonic - The main character. He's a fat annoying bastard in a Sonic fursuit who yells too much and never shuts up about original characters and other original things. Sometimes he inexplicably inflates at random like deviantART in a nutshell.

I'm not Sonic!! I'm my original character, Blonic!



Blails - A fat George Takei looking Asian in a Tails fursuit that just sits his fatass down looking retarded.

And I'm not Tails. I'm my original character, Blails.



Bluckles - A very depressing sad person that keeps smoking and drinking in a Knuckles fursuit. Bluckles always whines about Eggman taking his family away including his lover Shaq. He thinks he's the actual Knuckles.

Don't you GET IT?! I'm NOT my original character Bluckles! I'm the actual Knuckles, trapped in the real world....




Blonic Restaurant - It's not Sonic! It's a original fast food restaurant with original recipes, Blonic!

Starblucks - Your original common coffee chain shop.



  • Blonic inexplicably inflating is based on Sonic inflation drawings by endless untalented DeviantART deviants into furry, inflation, and original Sonic characters.
  • Ukinojoe is furry enough for Sonic characters.

Blexternal Links

  • Ukinojoe - Blukinojoe's BluTube page.
  • Rodeo Arcade - Blofficial original character Blonic blirts for only $25.00. SOLD OUT
  • Newgrounds - Some Blewgrounds fan animation not worth watching.

Blee Also

Blonic is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Blonic is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.


Blonic is part of a series on
Sonic the Hedgehog

[...and then there was a gay orgy.It was a dark and stormy night...]

Blonic is part of a series on FanFiction


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