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User talk:Halcy/poop
—Mai's infamous line in the comic |

How I Became Yours is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fancomic that truly shows how to completely butcher a somewhat decent series by having an atrocious plot, ill character interpretations and piss poor art. The infamous comic was created by Jackie Diaz, another Zutara fangirl disappointed by the ending of the series as Katara chose a bald kid over the super-hot emo kid the fangirls love. Because of her dissatisfaction, Diaz created this atrocity as an attempt to show her interpretation of what happens three years later in a universe where an action-centric series becomes a poorly-constructed soap opera. This fan vomit is abhorred by the internet so badly that even having her comic pages on a computer screen is to be considered an embarrassment.
Moar info: Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Ever since 2005, Avatar has gained a large cult following, and with followings comes the "shippers". The most popular pairing, which is also non-canonical, is Zutara: Zuko and Katara. Unfortunately for those who ship Zutara, Kataang, the pairing between Aang and Katara, was made official and vast disappointed ensued when the series ended. A good fraction of the Avatar fanbase was devastated over this ending and will vigorously deny Kataang being canonical; Diaz is one of those people. This fanbase is more concerned with the romance rather than the action and plot of the series. Zutara fancomics were never new, many great artists from deviantART contributed to a number of Zutara comics. What made Diaz stand out was that “How I Became Yours” is, in almost every way, a brain dead experience when reading it.
The comics were first posted on deviantART, the garbage dump of bad drawings, under the account waterbender196. The comics redefined laziness as the art was nothing but tracing; a single comic page contains a single piece of artwork but with different close ups and positions. The irony is that the tracing only makes up a fraction of the failure of the visuals; Diaz is even too lazy to trace. So lazy, she ends up stealing photos from Google to make backgrounds and a number of objects that are even used on the characters.
Because of her blatant copyright infringement deviantART banned her and she took this opportunity to go into hiding to save herself from the embarrassment. “How I Became Yours” gained its infamy after she was banned as one of her loyal fans mirrored the entire comic on Photobucket. Diaz claims to have a graphic designer degree as she even cited HIBY on her resume. As a graphic designer, she sure isn’t familiar with copyright laws.

— the poor sap who cataloged the entire series before waterbender196 baleeted it. |
GOOD GOD. That is the only way to start off when talking about HIBY’s "plot". The writing will absolutely floor you; your jaw will drop at how mind numbingly stupid it is. To say that Diaz bastardized the characters is an extreme understatement. The plot is nothing but Diaz’s fantasy ending for the series as it revolves around three pairings. Zutara, the main focus and most popular while the other two are just farfetched and mind-blowing. She transformed the series’ villain into an amnesiac doll who falls for an Eskimo.
HIBY revolves around Katara who was pregnant with Zuko’s baby at the age of fifteen. Fifteen. Her brother, Sokka, accidentally sends news of the baby to the Fire Kingdom and Mai, Zuko’s canonical girlfriend and villain of this fangarbage, takes revenge on Katara by feeding her a poison apple which- UH OH! DEAD BABY! Skip three years to the future, Zuko decides to cheat on Mai again, Aang conveniently loses his love interest for Katara in exchange for an even younger whore, Toph, and, perhaps the most facepalm-inducing factor, Sokka hooks up with Azula.
Ms. Diaz also ignored the show's established setting in favor of her own, and made up her own character interpretations as well:
- Azula went from being a fearsome, psychotic killer to a tearful amnesiac who falls for Sokka. Oh, and at the end she becomes some kind of lobotomized reincarnation of Yue.
- Mai, formerly a sympathetic girlfriend to Zuko, becomes a shrew who sends Katara a poisoned fruitbasket to make her miscarry Zuko's baby. But it's okay, because Katara gets her back by bloodbending her to death.
- Toph goes from being a badass action girl to being a simpering nitwit concerned only with whether or not Aang thinks she's pretty.
- Zuko has sex with Katara despite his marriage to Mai, then beats Mai when she complains.
- Katara gets knocked up with Zuko's baby, then miscarries, bloodbends Mai to death as revenge, then reunites with Zuko and gets knocked up with even more of his babies.
- Aang exists to be rotated at odd angles and have painful expressions on his face. Oh, and to hook up with Toph.
- Sokka is just Zuko recolored and flipped. He brings Azula back to life by being really sad about her death.
- Suki does not exist, although her character design was traced and used as a Fire Nation servant.
Painless Summary
Chapter 1: Life in what is totally the Earth Kingdom why do you ask?

The comic opens with Katara infodumping the audience about how beautiful the Earth Kingdom is. Then she cries for some reason. Toph runs into her bedroom to comfort her with some hot lesbian sex and tells the audience that it's "the anniversary" (straight-up stealing dialogue from Iroh and Zuko's conversation in the first episode of season two of the actual show). They walk to a memorial marker and we find out that it's actually the grave of Katara's aborted baby Kuzon. We then flash back to three years in the past where we see a super-preggers Katara with a fish-lipped Sokka pressing his face against her stomach. Katara punches him in the dick and sends him into the kitchen to make her a sandwich.
At that very moment, far away, Fire Lord Zuko is angsting into the sunset about his inability to type out the word "you" instead of just using "u" all the time. Oh, and we also find out that Zuko is Katara's aborted baby daddy. Three years in the future, Iroh busts down Zuko's door despite the sock over the doorknob and tells him that he must look inside himself to save himself because only then will his true self reveal itself. Oh, and that Katara was going to have his baby and name it something completely retarded but then it died. And now Zuko's real wife, Mai, is pissed.
Also, Toph has a massive rock-boner for Aang. Back to Zuko, he and Mai have a fight where he keeps his pimp hand strong and she calls him a CHARD MONSTER and he calls her a TRATIOR and basically their marriage is so over.
Chapter Two: Europe and Dead Babies

This chapter begins with preggers!Katara hanging around being fat when a servant brings her moar food. Katara starts shoving everything she can grab into her fat face when suddenly HOLY SHIT THE APPLE WAS POISONED, TIME FOR A MISCARRIAGE! The remaining audience still reading this shit is then rocketed BACK TO THE FUTURE when Katara wakes up from this memory/nightmare and we get three pages of the exact same panel of her crying copypasted over and over and over again, interspersed with panels of her having sex with Zuko.
Meanwhile, Sokka is wandering aimlessly minding his own damn business when he *hears woman grunting and whine in pain* and yes that is the exact "sound effect" used for this scene. Turns out its some ninja chick who done got herself stabbed so Sokka resists the temptation to stick his dick in the wound and instead carries her back to Toph's house. Aang has a brief conversation with a tattooless clone of himself. Turns out Toph makes his panties wet, who knew.
Then Zuko shocks the entire Fire Nation by wearing his hair down so that Katara will recognize him when he goes back to see her. Uh, pretty sure you've already got a distinctive scar there, Zuko. You'd need some serious plastic surgery before anyone could mistake you for someone else. While Zuko's getting some fabulous styling advice from his uncle, Katara's having a ball in 18th century Europe to celebrate her birthday. Every minor Avatar character gets their own OOC cameo and is quickly forgotten. Then Aang shows up and Toph cums everywhere. Then Zuko shows up with his hair in a topknot, completely negating the "I will wear my hair down and blow everyone's minds" scene earlier. We are treated to a sloooooooooow moooooooooootion scene of Zuko and Katara running towards each other across a ballroom full of photos of European royalty. They do it right there on the dance floor. Afterwards Katara informs Zuko that whoops his baby is dead and it died on the day before her birthday, HOW TRAGICALLY CONVENIENT!
Chapter Three: A Whore's Redemption

This entire chapter is basically just Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" with stupid names.
Ninja bitch wakes up and is revealed as PRINCESS AZULA OH SHIT! Except she has ~*~amnesia~*~ and thus no memory of who she is. Instead of doing what any sane young man would do and exploiting this fact in order to finally get laid, Sokka attacks her, proving once and for all that he is gay. Azula runs dramatically through a field but is unable to escape her European garb. Then she stops to feed some hilariously Photoshopped turtleducks. Katara catches up with Azula and they have a nice long chat.
Meanwhile, Toph explains to Iroh, Aang, and Zuko that Azula is back. They promptly flip the fuck out but are placated by the reminder that this means there will be an additional vagina around, bringing the male/female ratio that much closer to 1:1. Azula steals Belle's outfit and starts communing with the animals and shit. She also has nightmares about losing her mother, being consumed by blue flames, and missing out on the latest Evanescence concert. To comfort her, Toph and Katara braid her hair and have naked pillow fights. Sokka reads poetry to her.
A few days later, Azula is hiding in a tree spying on Sokka when the tree branch breaks and they immediately fall into the sex position. Since Sokka is gay, Azula has no choice but to rape him. Katara and Zuko have sex and it is revealed that Zuko got a really blurry tattoo to prove his love for her. After sexytimes, Katara and Azula braid each other's hair and giggle for five pages. Every panel is copy and paste.
Then Azula runs through a fucking rainstorm with Sokka and makes out with him under a tree. Tragically, no lightning bolt strikes them both dead.
Chapter Four: Katara kills Mai. SPOILER ALERT!

So apparently Mai has an older brother named Sho who is a trained assassin and a clone of someone from the Bleach universe. Whatever. Mai explains to Bleachy that she won't be happy until she sees Katara's head ROT ON A SPIKE! Shit just got real, yo. Azula gets her memories back and cries over what a terrible person she was. Sokka swallows his gay pride and comforts her with sex. Aang asks Toph to be his wife using a betrothal necklace, despite the fact that betrothal necklaces are a Water Tribe tradition, not Earth Kingdom. Instead of earthbending him to his knees so he can suck her dick in penance, Toph accepts his proposal.
Toph announces her engagement to Katara and Azula. They promptly squeal like High School Musical fans and have a tea party in celebration. Aang announces his engagement to Sokka and Zuko, resulting in the most obviously copypasted page in the entire epic. But all is not well in 18th-century Europe! We cut to Mai, who is plotting in gawffick darkness to visit the Earth Kingdom with her throwing knives coated in POISON. GASP.
Zuko broods into the twilight while Aang and Toph have sex. The next day, Azula and Zuko and Iroh have a touching family reunion and are joined by Ursa, who apparently shops at the same mall as Mai. Speaking of Mai, she shows up in Katara's bedroom and complains that Zuko never bought her flowers! Oh, and she confesses to being the one who poisoned the apple that caused Katara's miscarriage. Whoops. Katara cartwheels her way through a fight scene with Mai.
Toph and Ursa, who can apparently blend blue fire now, rush to Katara's aid. Sokka is accosted by some mysterious assassin dude traced from a Bleach manga. Katara appears at the scene of Sokka's fight and starts waterbending Bleach-guy. Then Azula shows up and angsts for a bit about how her favorite fuckbuddy is in danger. She attempts to lightningbend at Bleach-guy but OH SHIT KNIFE IN TITS!
Yep, Mai's killed Azula, and Toph and Ursa finally arrive on the scene. And then, in this comic's crowning moment of glory, Katara bloodbends Mai to death. IN THE FUCKING DAYTIME.
Chapter Five: Epilogue
Five years in the future, everyone is happy. Azula is Yue for some reason, no one ever talks about anything that happened in the five years previous, and all of the characters have offspring, and all of the offspring have the exact same face.
First page and you're already met with a text wall.
That's not rain.
"Sugar queen"
The turtleducks blend seamlessly into the rest of the image.

See Also
External links
- "How I Became Yours" on Photobucket - sub-albums located on the side. Suprised that the albums have Twilight as the background?
- "How I Became Yours" on MegaUpload ~1GB in size, xbox hueg image sizes.
- "How I Became Yours" on Mediafire ~60MB in size, smaller image sizes, more complete archive. Moar added.
The devianTART account that originally hosted the comic Banned for tracing
- Article on the Bad Webcomis Wiki
- TVtropes article
- Analysis on Avatar Fan Comics
- Lizard-Man's in depth review
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