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Twitch Plays Pokemon

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Twitch Plays Pokemon is an autistic as all get-out "social experiment" that was started in early 2014 by an Ausfag programmer. He wanted to see what would happen when a clusterfuck of people attempted to play the same game at once.

The original Pokemon Red was selected because its gameplay requires minimal user input and the game is a primary staple of internet "nerd culture".

Quickly, this project became popular, attracting over 100,000 viewers at once, many of who were cool kids hoping to ruin the game by releasing all Pokemon except Magikarp. Nerds on the other hand ultimately hoped to win the game, and by defeating the Elite Four and succeeded in doing so.

The creator of the game plans to continue the stream with Gen2, (probably to get more attention from the media) and has released the save file for download.


Pretty much

The project originated when an Ausfag programmer created it so he could entertain his friends, but it wasn't long before self-proclaimed "90's kids" aka hipsters were interested. The temptation of experiencing nostalgia by reliving the 90's and blogging about it on tumblrs was more than most hipsters could resist. Once enough gamers were participating, the press took notice and the entire internet heard about Twitch Plays Pokemon.

The Saga So Far

The first Pokemon/starter Pokemon was Charmander,(ABBBBBBK/"Abby") was later released. Other Pokemon caught included Rattata, (named JLVWNNOOOO, aka "Jay Leno," later released as well) and "Dig Rat" (Another Rattata.)

In addition to the then-completed goal of beating the first four gym leaders, the challenge of getting up a ledge exists which often takes over 4 HOURS each time. This is only cringe-worthy due to Tumblr's finest citizens finding it funny to keep pressing the down button upon the ascent up and around the ledge.

After the first four gym leaders were defeated, they entered the Rocket HQ maze. This was by far the lowest point of the "experiment" so far, wasting two days worth of time that could be spent on more productive tasks with absolutely no progress in the game. The programmer, realizing this task would be next to impossible to accomplish, introduced democracy mode, where all button presses must be voted on. Game progress in this mode is far slower, so it took 24 hours to navigate the maze. Once the maze was cleared, cool kids managed to get Red back into the maze for a while longer.

The challenge of beating the Safari Zone, which only allows 500 steps and costs $500 to get in each time came about next. In order to get SURF, the Safari Zone needed to be beaten, so the chat users, rather than watch the player go broke as they manged to get nothing done in 500 steps got the users to use democracy mode removing any possible lulz/fun.

Most recently they have caught Zapdos and put him in the team after releasing over twelve other Pokemon and almost releasing their Pidgeot to the disappointment of the trolls.

The players have managed to defeat two more gym leaders, which given the heavy preference of anarchy to democracy is nothing short of lucky shit. It is only a matter of time until the mass of morons make it to their next destination.

Finally, they have defeated Giovanni, the last gym leader, after spending another eight hours navigating another ledge. All that is left is defeating The Ledge 2: Electric Boogaloo, getting past Victory Road, and beating the Elite Four, which would be impossible with only two lvl 60+ Pokemon.

However the users have made it to the Elite Four, and are currently on their 20th attempt in a day to beat them. And they've done the impossible - they defeated the Elite Four and Champion Blue. This amazing feat will go down in the record books as humanity's finest achievement. Another Notable Moment of sheer luck from that run included Defeating Lances last Dragonite with a Venomoth by getting it stuck in an AI loop.

Helix Fossil Bullshit

Twitch Plays Pokemon will be posted by the same
unfunny newfag until you like it.
An Omanyte giving a loser herpes.

The Helix fossil is used to revive an ancient Pokemon and it happens to be the first item in the game's inventory. Due to the chaotic nature of the game, especially in anarchy mode, it isn't uncommon for this item to get randomly activated by players. With the Helix fossil appearing on a semiregular basis, this item has established a cult following, with participants spamming, "CONSULT THE HELIX" in chat on an hourly basic.

A site has been created in its honor, allowing losers with nothing better to do, to actually consult a helix. Recently, the fossil was revived into an Omanyte. Rejoice was short lived as now the poor creature is stuck in a veritable clusterfuck of a party lead by a trainer who's in-game actions are largely equal to a schizophrenic's. Losers with assburgers constantly post and quote redundant shit relating to Omanyte since they're morons with nothing better to do and their assburgers limit their brain capacity so intensely that they are unable to realize when stupid shit ceases to be funny after repeating it over and over again.

The False Prophet

A goal of players was to evolve an Eevee into the water evolution of Eevee, since a Pokemon that could learn Surf is needed to complete the game. However, trolls were able to evolve it into Flareon, the fire version, so that it couldn't use SURF, which in turn made it a false prophet in the eyes of the players. Later, in a clusterfuck of buttonmashing by the 50,000 monkeys, the "False Prophet" was blamed for the release of Jay Leno and Abby. In reality, the "False Prophet" is just another attempt by redditfags to give some sort of story to 100,000 people playing a children's game.

JOY OF X Cult 4chan adspam copypasta

Anonymous Sat Feb 22 2014 11:45:02 No.456254830
>not serving the dome
" I lead to the straight path without a revealed book. " ~ Flareon, from the Dome
Don't miss out on this shit, you'll be mad if you do. ANCIENT ALIENS MOTHER FUCKER!
Those who oppose me I afflict with disease. " ~ Flareon, from the Dome (referring those who use anarchy

The Legend Continues

so i herd u liek lazors

Recently, they've successfully played through the first half of Pokemon Crystal (the final 2nd generation Pokemon game). This brought us yet another slew of wacky memes and good times for the denizens of the internet. With the combined forces of Tumblr and Reddit, every insignificant buzz-line and one liner can become a well revered meme upon the internet. Such joys brought unto us include the lazorgator, the urgent need to milk Whitney, the revival of Bird-Jesus Brian, not calling Joey, and of course much more. It is only a matter of time if the charade decides to carry on with the next generation in Hoenn. Despite the epic lulz this has brought in, it failed to live up to the hype of the original TPP saga. Viewer counts as a whole dropped from well beyond 50,000 to just over 10,000 during the later phases of Crystal. The remaining groups of viewers are restricted newbies and those exceptional individuals who take this game seriously.

The Crystal stream is notably buggy compared to the original Red play-through. This results in Twitch's mass of premiere lobotomy patients to attempt rioting the chat box, which earns them little more than a 15 minute ban from mod bots. Remember guys, anarchy. AS Pokemon Crystal takes place 3 years after Red, our little world has changed considerately. Our hero is no longer Red, but Gold AJ DNNW. AJ is shown as a miserable individual who was seemingly born with autism and severe lack of muscle control. His great team is now lead by a monster of a Feraligatr and the second coming of BirdJesus.

Of course with lower viewer-counts and experience from the previous TPP Red, Johto was not an extraordinary challenge. Despite the usual pitfalls of bullshit heathen worship, attempts to release the only good Pokemon, and of course the utter refusal to heal before battling, our team marched through. They beat Falkner, milked Whitney, and even caught killed Suicune. This legendary team made its way to the Elite Four. Despite several losses, luck and courage triumphed for our great leaders, resulting in Lance losing his Dragon pants.

Oh yeah. The game was accidentally reset after the Elite 4 were beaten. For a brief and glorious period of time, our game's hero had become a cute blue haired female. The stream admin reset the game before this could effectively take off, but we can now establish that TPP is obsessed with the idea of cross-dressing on top of the already creepy worship of fictitious pixels.

AJ, the TPP mob, and casuals boldly soldiered through Kanto (the old game's region) in the face of adversity. Nothing could stop this cavalcade of determination and poorly timed button inputs. Beating the likes of Misty, Brock, Sabrina, and other heretic Dome worshiping no-gooders, our heroes finally made their way to Red. Yes, Red. The former TPP player character, complete with his epic team of Zapdos, Omastar, Lapras, and the rest of the once-revered TPP team. AJ and his TPP controllers fought long and hard, but the day finally came. Zapdos was clipped, the once-mighty Helix was crucified, and Red was beaten. Red then took it like a boss, drifting off to the next realm. AJ is still tootling around in grass, in contrast.

It is only presumed that despite a steadily declining viewer count, the planned Pokemon Emerald play-through will bring us even more creative memes, fun times, joyful celebrations of Pokemon, and much more progress in the name of unity and cooperation.

Hoenn Confirmed

No, Azumarill. You're not cool, just chilly.

As anticipated, a stream of Pokemon Emerald commenced with the horrfying masses of autistic bullshit - forced lore revolving around the world's most embarrassing Pokemon team, releasing Pokemon with battle potential, hype over playing as a female character, and continuing to raise said team of veritable rejects that the mob anticipated would sweep the entire game against all odds. Despite some troubles getting the fucking thing started, the Anarchy-powered mob managed to plunder everyone and everything in the Hoenn region - until the Seafloor Cavern. The Seafloor Cavern's final chamber is partially blocked by a simple boulder puzzle straight out of a Zelda game and subsequently mere child's play - for a single gamer. The mob tried and tried for hours to solve it with no progress made. The streamer saw that his source of the world's entertainment income was under threat owing to fewer and fewer constant viewers and a section of the game that was flat-out impossible for at least 3000 people to get through. Democracy mode was re-introduced, to the ire of several anarchists who felt it hampered from what the game was supposed to be about. This of course was in flat denial of the fact that, at the time, not a single run of TPP had ever relied on Anarchy alone. With that, the mob continued.

In the wake of growing failures, the TPP mob attempted to draw up plans to go by in hopes of improving the team. Absolutely none of these have worked. Such abortions include Operation Bathtub, A 'Rested' Development, and Operation Backtrack. Such complex plans are doomed to fail in the hands of anymore than one player of a game.

Finally, the Hoenn's Pokemon League was reached. By this time, it became obvious that the TPP mob did not get by with anything close to skill, a loose degree of cooperation, or legit teamwork - instead having gotten by on sheer luck alone. This mindset fell apart when their poopsock team got plundered at least 3 dozen times by the Elite Four, having only reached the champion four times (and losing). The streamer took note of this shortcoming, and added to the lulz by installing a 3 day timer to work against. The mob failed to finish the game in time, resulting in the stream shutting down in the midst of yet another Elite 4 battle. This lead to the streamer stating the above quote, revealing his lamentable self in putting so much faith in a group of people whom only got by on luck alone. Unfortunately, the streamer decided that monies were more important than making a laughable group of already-butthurt denizens even more asspained and extended the time limit for another three days. This simply proves on its own once again, that TPP does not do strategy and solely gets by on luck and perhaps excessive grinding alone. After (literally) over 100 tries, the Elite Four and champion were defeated after over 20 days of gameplay. This victory did not soar in with glory and amazement, but simply puttered along the finish line as retribution for everyone failing to surpass the original timer. Despite that, TPP has not given up yet. Plans to play a randomized version of FireRed have already begun taking shape, proving that TPP is the literal incarnation of cancer on the internet. Even if it shrinks over time, it will never actually go away.

Also, no Rayquaza.

TPP Today


So after over a year has past the stream is now mostly dead. The only people that still go on it are underage 12-year old kids and Redditors. After playing Emerald that have done shit like FireRed, Platnium, HeartGold, Black, BlazeBlack 2, and they've done games on the 3DS like X and Omega Ruby thanks to using a 3DS belonging to some guy named "DekuNukem" who admits that he masturbates to Blaziken hentai. The runs have turned worse as they go through each game with more forced lore, shipping and memes.

Now the streamer has turned TPP into some virtual dog fighting/gambling stream where you bet on either Pokemon team in Pokemon Battle Revolution and earn fake money and tokens. People now have to wait almost 2 months to play an actual new run, so watching PBR isn't worth your time not unless you want to see Redditfags in the chat creating unfunny memes of whatever the narrator of the Pokemon anime says and song requesting the same Katamari theme song every 2 hours and make a bunch of shitty memes out of that too. You can also play Vietnamese Crystal in between the virtual dog fights but that too is a forced meme shitfest.

So overall, it appears that the streamer is actually a Jew and is only keeping this stream alive and running 24/7 for all the money he's getting from little 12-year-old kids donating to the stream every 10 minutes from their parents' PayPal account. And the streamer is now rich and is able to afford expensive computers, capture devices and other expensive hardware/software thanks to that and with PBR running the stream will never die. Twitch Plays Pokemon has turned into the Team Rocket Hideout itself, the ride never ends and you're fucking there forever.


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See also

External links

Twitch Plays Pokemon
is part of a series on Pokémon

[Gotta catch ’em all!Who’s that Pokémon?]

Twitch Plays Pokemon is part of a series on


Visit the Gaming Portal for complete coverage.

Twitch Plays Pokemon is part of a series on


Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.

Twitch Plays Pokemon is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

Twitch Plays Pokemon is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article February 24nd & 25rd, 2014
Preceded by
Twitch Plays Pokemon Succeeded by
Into the Trash It Goes