Oh ok

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Oh ok is a sarcastic response used to depict disinterest in a subject. Some would whine like little bitches that you can't read sarcasm, to which you should reply "Oh ok", hence the reason for this article. Unfortunately for you, whilst "Oh Ok" may be an appropriate response, it isn't a funny one, and for that, using this response will always result in complete anti-lulz (ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT?).

This term has never achieved meme status and probably never will.

Proper Application

The correct situation in which to deploy "Oh ok" is after skimming something tl;dr in which you were supposed to show interest. This will elicit one of the following responses:

  1. The whiny bitch who wrote the shit in the first place will become an even larger whiny bitch.
  2. You will be ignored by the OP/"Author" but that's your fucking fault for using something that isn't funny.
  3. You'll be exposed for the basement dweller that you are.
  4. Someone will advise you join Jessica Simpson and sign up for some Proactive.
  5. Life will take a happy turn for all of us as you (or the author of the article) becomes an hero.

In any argument evar when someone says something stupid batshit crazy, "Oh ok" can be a appropriate response, but still isn't funny. Not being funny is part of what produces the Anti-lulz, which we here at ED will never forgive you for. Shame on you!


Just because it's a universally well-known saying, doesn't mean it is a meme. That's right, IT IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A MEME. In fact, 'Oh ok' is just the opposite: it is an anti-meme.

Life Cycle of an Anti-Meme:

1. The Anti-meme is birthed from the womb of the unfunny.
2. The Anti-meme reaches out across to the far corners of teh internets.
3. Overuse of the unfunny causes it to slowly become one of the biggest cancers killing the internet, second only to deviantART.
4. The Anti-meme reaches the MySpace, and is used in situations that revolve around IRL drama.
5. In some cases the Anti-meme has gone even lower and surfaced IRL.
6. Those that gave birth to the meme (you) are filled with regret.
7. The Anti-meme lives on, spreading, and becoming moar and moar famous for the anti-lulz it produces.
8. The Anti-meme is used in every forum-based website across teh internets.
9. The Anti-meme has it's name further disgraced by 12-year-old fan fiction authors, 16-year-old girls, Twilight Fans, IRL Pedophiles, deviantART users and Gaiaphags.
10. The anti-meme continues for Over 9000 years, wallowing in it's pitiful existence until, eventually, it slowly fades from the lips of people everywhere.
11. It does society the only favor it was ever capable of and becomes an hero.
12. ????
13. Profit!!!!

"Oh Ok" and You

Whilst "Oh ok" is often the appropriate response to a lot of things, we still suggest you only use it sparingly. "Oh Ok" has been known to screw up whatever humor someone may have had going for them. You ever heard of Carrot Top? There's a reason he's not funny. And that reason is "Oh ok". You know those old Chuck Norris jokes? There's a reason those aren't funny. And those reasons have to do with the phrase "Oh, ok." You wanna know why things like Caturday and Mudkipz get boring and old and full of fail? You can thank "Oh ok" for that.

And don't think that saying a witty sentence before or after use of the phrase is going to make it any better, because it is not. Anti-memes have been around since the dawn of time, and have had centuries to perfect their ability to make pretty much everything that had the potential to produce lulz a wasted effort. Much like Anon, teh internets, and Camwhores, "Oh, ok" is srs business, and should be treated as such.

Oh ok is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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