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Julia Alexander
Julia Alexander = infected with GOTIS You can help by not giving her any attention.
Julia Alexander is in an internet sissy fight with pretty much everyone . Please dig up lulz on them both. |
—Alexander's about page |
Julia Alexander✡ is a dyke, fucktard feminist bitch who sucks Kuchera's dick 24/7 as Polygon's (owned by Vox) main "entertainment" reporter. And that's not all, folks. She also worked at Vice, Vox, The Verge (also owned by Vox) and the far-left radical feminist outlet The Mary Sue. All she does is make smear articles without doing research (PewDiePie and WeegeeTheGod especially) and is a anti-GamerGate white knight.
Well, at Encyclopedia Dramatica, we can also make smear articles, except--we do RESEARCH and dig up lulz first! She's going to be tasting her own medicine.
She whines about imaginary "sexism" in the gaming industry and says shit like the Ugandan Knuckles meme is racist and "problematic." Oh, and she's to blame for a lot of the recent Polygon drama throughout the years. Kimberly Wallace from Game Informer is similar to this bitch as they are both dumb feminists and fuck around with their editors.
Notable Drama
Guild Wars 2 Interview
Alexander and the dumbass head editor Kuchera had an interview with Jessica Price, the stupid foid who attacked a Twitch streamer and multiple other people and got fired for it along with her cuckboy co-worker. The two faggots went along with everything she said and used it to smear gamers.
"Everyone is Problematic"
This is a very recent article from Jewila Alexander. She claims everyone like that cross-dressing JewTube fag Jeffree Star---fucking Jeffree---is "problematic." In the article, she whines about people using the word "faggot" years ago and she also uses the extremely annoying valley girl millennial terms.
—Dumbass |
Because it's not like smearing gamers and attacking people like WeegeeTheGod are problematic, right?
The retarded article. Troll the comments section if you want ;)
Alexander vs KIA
Julia, horny for attention and drama, attacks the subreddit r/KotakuInAction with a poorly done rushed smear piece. She wanted the subreddit to be banned (she wanted this with Ugandan Knuckles in VRChat) and the admins to "be held accountable for bad decisions." But it backfired and the subreddit is still up lol.
The article was deleted---but there's an archive!=http://archive.is/G0fsO
r/polygon thread about it (they are anti-Polygon btw)
WeegeeTheGod Contreversy
Her most infamous drama. Weegee played the shitty, disappointing game Sonic Forces on PC and returned it live on stream after completing the game, but Julia and the normies were mad because he streamed it, and was making money off the stream. So Julia emailed him and asked him questions--- and attacked him without doing any research at all and twisted his words to demonize him. ProtoMario defended him when he finally realized Julia was in the wrong and it caused a huge shitstorm.
Defending Twitch E-Whores
She tried, failed, and got called out by It'sAGundam. And people trolled her on Twitter. Literally one of the most retarded articles.
Other Dumb Shit She Did
- Complained about The Last Of Us Part II Trailer, calling it sexist and disgusting over some stupid bitches being tied up, and got called out by ZoeDoesLife and multiple other channels.
- Said the Ugandan Knuckles meme was racist and that VRChat should ban it. The backlash was lulzworthy.
- Attacked and smeared PewDiePie
- Attacked Mike Cernovich and said he and the others pissed at James Gunn were "far-right."
- Whined about the stupid Logan vs KSI fight because---they're problematic....
- Smeared PewDiePie
- Attacked Twitch streamers and smeared Ninja
How to Write a Julia Alexander article
- Overreact to something
- Find someone to demonize
- Lie and make false claims and don't do any research
- Use millennial slang
- Claim everything is sexist
- Push an agenda
- Abuse the word "problematic"
- Drag someone's rep through the mud
- Defend people that are clearly in the wrong
- Wait for the lulz
How to troll/get blocked by Jewlia on Twitter
- Call her a Jew
- Criticize her articles
- Tell her to make you a sandwich
- Post Ugandan Knuckles memes
- Post anti-SJW memes
- Tell her about this very article
- Post Pepe memes
- Simply insult her
- Mention her relationship with Cuckchera
Phillip Defranco and BetterHelp
It looks like DeFraudo has requested Jewlia to help investigate BetterHelp. This is going to go well. They interviewed the CEO about it and he cut ties with them but only because he got exposed LMAO
Tweet Gallery
Whining about some stupid nigger being called a faggot
Blaming the God Emperor for shit
Literally calling Alex Jones a Neo-Nazi. This is not a joke.
Defending Twitch thots
#GamerGate Series [Press Start]
Julia Alexander is part of a series on Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage. |