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I'm so confused

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Cup of confusion or 2girls1cup
File:I is Confused.jpg
Confusion may lead to entangled knickers.

"I'm so confused" or rather "I'm like, soooooooooooooooo confused" is a common attention whoring tactic used by all teenage girls and gays over 9000 times in an internet year. It is used and abused as a lame way to excuse their violently stupid behavior or misunderstanding of the most simple of concepts, such as meaning what you say and saying what you mean. In other words, it is the perfect statement for girls who just have to have it both ways; it's a way to ask a stupid (or painfully obvious) question without the guilt of admitting that they're a fucking retard. Many cases of "confusion" surround pregnancy issues, resulting mostly in teen mothers.


  • "I need $100 more to buy food for my babies, but I spent the last of my money to buy the new Gucci purse! What should I do? I'm SOOOOOO confused!!!"
  • "My teacher forces me to have sex with him after class, and I can't say no, or go to the police because he said if I do, he says that he will fail me!! WHAT DO I DO??? I'm soooo confused!"
  • "My BF and I did it w/o a condom and he pulled out but now I'm all fat and I haven't had my period in like eight months! Could I be pregnate?! im soooooooooooo confused!!!"

It gets Better . . .


Dear Agony Aunts,

This is going to sound so crazy...and I am completely embarassed to ask it but...Well, here it goes. My boyfriend and have been dating for almost a year now and we are very much in love...Also, he and I are highly sexually active. He has been more sexually active with me than any of his past relationships and visa versa...The thing is...I can't believe I'm asking this...He likes me to pee on him!!!!It started out on his feet,then his back and now.......his face.......He never likes to do it to me. Just me to him. I asked him about it but all he said was that anything coming out of me was hot....What does this mean about the way he feels about me?

Why does he like me to do this?!?!?!?! I'm so confused!




—She claims to be between 22-25 years old. But also an Americunt.

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Featured article February 13, 2007
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Featured article February 23, 2007
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