Justin Trudeau

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IT'S 2024!!

Justin Trudeau (moar like "Trust in Jewbo" amirite?!) is a Liberal soyboy and The Donald's androgynous little sister elected to office in Canada as Prime Minister. His main election promise is to legalize marijuana and to turn Canada from a comparably respectable civilized country into a multicultural suicide-bomb riddled hellhole. He converted to Islam in 2016 and declared his support for Allah during a 2017 pride parade, shocking crowds when he failed to suicide bomb the entire event. Some have called him a marijuana-addict because of his support for legalizing it.

Justin Trudeau's newest trolling involves putting more women into the Canadian federal cabinet. Justin then moved on to delude people into thinking that instead of telling a woman where she belongs they should instead support women's rights. He also supports handing billions of dollars to Injuns because they're too busy sucking off the bottle to do anything with their lives and handing millions of dollars to literal terrorists to apologize to them for having been held prisoner for murdering American soldiers. Many moralfags are pissed about the murder of babies via abortion, something that people in Canada have not cared about in decades outside of trying to come up with a reason to jostle this cuck from office. As if they needed to come up with new reasons to dunk on this faggot, given his track record of corruption, accepting bribes, hypocrisy, gross incompetence, and flaming racism.

Due to his young age, the fact he is a clone of his father from 40 years ago and because of his status as a massive SJW he has been called the Hipster Prime Minister. This is multiplied by the fact that he replaced the now ancient Stephan Harper, outraging millions of Canadian Conservatives.

Basically the best way to imagine this tool is to think of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer becomes the new sanitation commissioner by slandering the old one and lying to the public, and then pisses off everyone by blowing the entire year's budget in two days on frivolous, self-serving impossible pipe dreams and causes permanent irrevocable damage that he bullshits his way out of via more lies and less than savory methods. If that is too tactful, just imagine if if the Democrat's caricature of Trump leaned left instead of right.

If you fight the fire, it wins.


—Justin Trudeau, on the fires of 2016.


We had a few good friends over for a dinner party, our kids were at their grandmother’s for the night, and one of our friends lit a joint and passed it around. I had a puff.


—Justin Trudeau, smokin' dat dope.

Trudeau is one of the first elected Canadian politicians to openly endorse marijuana legalization. This is long after the Canadian Supreme Court ruled in favour of giving marijuana to Cancer stricken patients. Under the Harper government, the RCMP would go in and arrest anyone with a single plant, regardless of whether or not they had permission from health Canada.

People have been smoking marijuana in Canada for at least 60 years, and many of the people opposing legalization of Cannabis are also the same people who smoke Cannabis recreationally. This is especially true in British Columbia, where 420% of the population grow and smoke weed everyday. In reality, BC should have legalized it a long time ago so they could legally export the cannabis to Americunts, sparking another long international trade war about trees.

Right now, most cannabis is bought and sold in Canada through stoners, Hells Angels, injun gangs, or Provincial Mental Health programs. Canada runs a large amount of seedbanks for cannabis cultivation. These make marijuana in the US much easier to cultivate. If marijuana were to be legalized in Canada, it would mean cheaper weed in America through cheaper seeds.

IRL trolling

Not shooped
He's also sold all of the country's gold to jews, which will provide a long enough distraction for goldstein to turn his back and allow the arabs to come in and culturally enrich canada with a lot of men wearing weird belts



—Some anon after writing a bad new article and in desperate need of Haldol.

Justin Trudeau's trolling began in Parliament, where he openly swore in front of everyone about some shit. This caused a massive amount of TV and internet drama about the incident.

Other trolling include his attacks on his predecessor, Stephen Harper, which are boring as fuck. He also supports bringing more brown towelheads to Canada from Syria.

Trudeau is also a flaming homosexual.

As denounced by Snopes, so it must be true
“It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation. While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for “el Comandante”. I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.


In his latest and greatest troll Canada's first butt pirate Prime Minister praised his father's dead butt buddy Fidel Castro. This has caused great butt hurt among those who found their loved ones and property in the way of Fidel's glorious search for True Communism.

Affirmative Action

Recently Trudeau's speech about making the Canadian cabinet have a 1:1 ratio of women to men has sparked a minor online shitstorm because Trudeau's argument for the whole thing was that it's The Current Year. Not to mention the sad fact that he believes that if something is 50-50 male and female it'll somehow fix everything.

When Alberta went up in presumably drug lab-related flames, Trudeau responded by turning down every country that offered aid before begging South Africa (which, unlike the others, is predominantly black) for help. This went about as well as you'd expect, since it turns out that the Kaffir method of dealing with fires mainly involves hitting them with leather sticks.

So about a month was wasted training the specially imported niggers before they were finally deployed, which amounted to nothing since the lack of whipping-related encouragement meant that they started loafing around and demanding more money in less than a week.

Notable Quotes

Obvious caption goes here

"If you kill your enemies, they win."
"The Budget will balance itself."
"The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should be able to keep their citizenship."
"Deficits are a way of measuring the kind of growth and the kind of success that a government is able to create."
"I am a feminist."
"I don't read the newspapers, I don't watch the news. I figure, if something important happens, someone will tell me."

"ban assault weapons they're scawy"


Peter Kent is a piece of shit.
Conservatives calling the whambulance
Claims he's had 420 puffs in his life.
An excellent public speaker too!


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