Luke Mochrie

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Anyone up for a round of the crying game?

Luke Mochrie is actually a tranny.

     Enjoy your cock!   8====D (_(__)


This person is fucking boring.
Now a beautiful woman!

Luke "Kinley", formerly "Hannah", Mochrie (b. September 3, 1990: Age 34) is the name of the mentally unstable son of Colin Mochrie that for some reason thinks it's a she, even though it could never hope to pass in a million years. Born into money and instant fame thanks to its' dads exploits on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Mochrie realized that he would forever be in his father's shadow unless he did something drastic to force himself upon the public consciousness. Hence, "Kinley" was born.

Surprisingly, Luke has quite the storied history with the Internet, being previously associated with Channel Awesome, although his stint with the company and even his article on their corresponding wiki, much like anything else in his life, whether it's the size of its she-cock at full mast, the length of hair from its rapidly-balding scalp, or its lifespan once it kills itself before it has the chance to turn 40, could only ever hope to be a disappointing stub.

Career as part of TGWTG

Perhaps as a foreshadowing of things to come, Luke made his debut for TGWTG as part of the show Transmission Awesome back in 2010. He then went on to produce his own show, named Film Conscience, wherein Luke talked to his other two personalities about a certain movie's topics. According to the CA wiki, "He left the site around the beginning of 2013 to pursue other interests." Rather hilariously, in 2017 the article was rewritten as though Luke were a girl from birth, all the while retaining the same picture of his ugly-ass mug.

Colin's reaction at his absolute failure of a son

Knowing that his reputation would be forever tarred in the event he ever called out the failure at life that at one point called itself Colin's son, he has forced himself to play along with his son's delusions, since Canadian law prevents him from doing the true fatherly thing any man would do.

The negative is that my mom refers to the community as BLT. It's a learning curve.


—Colin's then-87 year old mom trolling the shit out of the withering male branch of her family.

Luke Mochrie is part of the TGWTG Circle-jerk

Circlejerk: That Guy With The GlassesDoug WalkerJewWarioLinkaraTheSpoonyOneScrewAttack/Former TalentAngry JoeTodd in the ShadowsNostalgia ChickJesuotakuAnime News Network
Enemies: AsalieriScrewAttack

Luke Mochrie is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Luke Mochrie is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.