Mi Vida Bajo El Puente

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This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry


With Spics,
Do not mix!

Mi Vida Bajo El Puente AKA El Jerry (Powerword: Luis Gerardo Candelas Chavez) is a 40-years-old mexican leftard, doctor of old people, faggot, liar, hypocrite, mythomaniac, social justice warrior, "internet vigilante", drama whore. attention whore and A-Log of Doomentio. He is also a Youtube cartoon and animation reviewer, although nobody knows him for that sort of content. He is only "famous" for being a complete drama whore and for constantly talking about Doomentio and other more irrelevant hispanic lolcows that nobody has ever heard of on his shitty streams.

Despite looking like this, he portrays himself as a red-haired, muscled and white dude.

Just like his english version, Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto, Luis Gerardo Candelas Chavez "Jerry", as he likes to call himself, is a fat, neckbearded, maggot, attempting to grow even fatter by feasting on the scraps of the bloated, rotting corpse of infamous hispanic Internet lolcow, Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado "Doomentio". The main reason for this is the fact that Jerry can't get over a grudge from 10 years ago, which left him deeply obsessed with Doom ever since.

As with many A-Logs, Jerry is a prime example of why doing this sort of activity is pathetic and also dangerous, he thinks of himself as some sort of "superhero" who always "defeats the evil Doomentio". He likes to overexaggerate Doom's lulzy facts, portraying him as a "real danger to society" instead of the pathetic failure of a person he is. He also, like many other A-Logs, constantly compares himself to someone as dysfunctional as Doomentio, and claims that he's not as incompetent him and that he is a "good person" while Doomentio is "the worst person on earth".

However, unlike others A-Logs who are rightfully mocked of and called out for being like this, Jerry managed to gather for himself a loyal legion of fanboys known as "crapulianos", most of these fanboys come from the Doomposting, a group that was originally created to troll Doomentio and his circlejerk of friends but ultimately degenerated into a ween-filled group that also tend to A-Log Doom and suck Jerry's cock a lot just for "humiliating him", as if that was too much difficult (they also tend to suck the cock of other retards, anyone who opposes Doomentio is ok for them). Most of his "crapulianos" are very autistic themselves and this could be explained as some of them are just 13-year-old boys, but others are manchildren who have nothing better to do than to follow a failed doctor's footsteps.

"Professional" career

Probably the only positive things about Jerry is that he is not a basement-dweller and that he has a real profession, he is known for being a doctor, specifically a geriatrician, who specialize in caring of old people. This had led him to have nicknames such as the "ass-cleaner".

However, his salary leaves a lot to be desired:

Despite being a doctor, he has a mediocre salary consisting of $729 dollars per month at worst.

Despite having a plain profession as a doctor, he spends most of his time making streams and videos talking about random nobodies from the internet, which has led many people to question if he truly practices it or if he's just using his title to A-Log Doom even more, by claiming to be a "successful person" and compare himself to Doom who has no superior studies.

He studied on Cuba, which is probably one of the reasons why he and his followers have a leftist ideology.

In these pictures we can see Doctor Candelas in all his glory:



Originally, he started as another generic cartoon and anime reviewer, but he was very irrelevant and his content didn't really catch-up.

Jerry making his "content".

After his feud with Doomentio began (which will be discussed below), he decided to dedicate his entire channel just to Doomentio and his friends, since he realized that most of people only cared about that and not his other attempts at "original content".

This led Jerry to become a drama whore who only made videos (and later streams) discussing any stupid possible thing related to Doomentio, even though this sort of content quickly became very repetitive and boring, he wouldn't stop, just for the sake of gaining attention, money and views. This is the actual reason of why Jerry is mainly known online, only for Doomentio-related drama and called as the "Doomentio guy".

His streams are boring as fuck and very awkward, full of unfunny jokes, Jerry taking too long to explain something that could be explained in a few seconds, going too long to read the chat, and also being filled with notification spam from donors. Jerry's attitude is very annoying by itself.

It is quite surprising the fact that his fanboys like to consume his shitty attempt at "content" and even donate him money during his boring streams.

After more people started questioning Jerry and labeling him as an obsessed with Doomentio, he started to say that he would "change his content" and leave the doomverse behind, but it has been made pretty clear that any further attempts to upload unrelated videos to Doomentio or the doomverse in general for Jerry has failed since he doesn't get as many views or attention as when he talks about him.

Obsession with Doomentio

Jerry probably neglected a patient just to make one of his livestreams talking about Doomentio.

Jerry's absurd crusade against Doomentio began approximately on the year 2015, after Doomentio responded negatively to a comment of his on a video. It seems that this comment from someone who was 18 at the time was too much for a man who was almost 30 at the time and made him butthurt enough to declare him his "enemy of the internet" for life. Some time later, Doomentio would make a video criticizing different "animation channels in Spanish" where he would place Jerry in a very low position.

That's right guys, unlike what many people believe, Jerry and Doomentio's fight didn't start over Team Loco, it began much earlier and over something incredibly stupid like a youtube comment that was responded negatively by Doomentio.

Speaking of what everyone is probably interested in, it is not so necessary to explain about Team Loco here, you can read about it on Doomentio's article, although what is interesting is the fact that Jerry for some reason was very desperate to be proven right about his claim of this project being a scam, so he proceeded to fabricate false information such as "Team Loco receiving a legal complaint" when it was pretty clear that was false.

These actions would bring him repeated ridicule and memes during the Team Loco Saga from Doomentio and other of the Team Loco supporters, for Jerry and the doomposters this would be enough justification to dedicate his entire career to Doomentio years later, despite the fact that he did not lose his job, his family was not affected, his YouTube channel was not affected, or in general nothing bad really happened to him during the Team Loco Saga.

Since then Jerry has lent his channel to only talk about Doomentio, his followers, related people, and everything that happens in between, becoming so obsessive and shameless as to even mess with content creators who have done nothing to him just for having a minimal relationship with Doomentio in the past like Derker Bluer or Zebitas Martines.


In a short time it will be 10 years since their first encounter and Jerry will continue to be obsessed with Doomentio, who has already relegated himself to doing almost nothing or having any significant activity on the internet, becoming a dry lolcow.


Examples of his lies and hypocrisy

Jerry lamenting the death of a dictator who ruined Cuba and caused the misery of millions.

Jerry has a habit of making up anecdotes to impress his (already impressionable) audience.

One of his most well-known lies would be when he made-up that he was Fidel Castro's "best friend" when he was studying on Cuba.

This even led him to invent that he somehow ended up sleeping drunk in Fidel Castro's garden, a place that became inaccessible even to the CIA during the Cold War.

Although a story like this seems implausible enough, to his retarded audience his mere words were proof enough that it was real.

However, his most famous and pathetic lie would be when he invented that he would open his own clinic, shortly after it was discovered that the photo in question actually belonged to a retirement home for the elderly, owned by the Mexican government, where Jerry worked.

Jerry's "future" clinic vs Retirement home for the elderly in Zacatecas, property of the Mexican government.

He also stated frequently that he "went to the gym" , even publishing alleged photographs of himself where it could seen a person with a quite marked body. However, when he was doxxed, his true appearance was revealed and it was noted that he did not look anything like the person in the photos, which has led many to think that he probably stole someone else's photos and passed it off as his own just to get some praise from his autistic followers.

How he said he looked like.
How he really looks like...

His avatar

Jerry portraying himself as a "chad".
Doing It Wrong.

He created an avatar for himself consisting of a muscular, white-skinned, red-haired man wearing sunglasses and a suit. On his streams he uses a Vtuber model of this avatar.

Of course, this is just one example of Jerry's hypocrisy and personal insecurities.

He created an idealized version of himself, which obviously represents how he wants to look IRL (he actually looks like a brown chud) but mocks and calls out Doomentio and his friends when they do the same type of bullshit.

Funnily enough, this was made by Bachatota, one of Jerry's cocksuckers.

Collaboration with Noid D Reiss

Noid D Reiss was one of Doomentio's probably biggest trolls turned A-Logs, he, along with his group of friends, orchestrated behind the shadows many events that happened within the doomverse in the year 2022, such as: The "secret discord server" controversy, the banning of Doom's Patreon, the false news about Debahni Escobar that attracted Ruinaversal, and most importantly, Kalcifer Vallarta's doxxing.

Noid was (allegedly) the person who leaked the secret discord server to Jerry so that he could expose it on livestream, causing one of Doomentio's greatest humiliations in his history. According to Noid, this is why "Jerry is famous" and Jerry "owes his fame to him". Later, Noid had no better idea than to doxx Jerry since he felt he didn't "give him enough credit" for exposing the server.

He and his strange friends also planned and executed the doxxing of Kalcifer Vallarta, fabricating captures to accuse Doomentio of provoking this, when in reality they were the ones who did all this and planned the brutal harassment of Kalcifer's relatives by the doomposting exactly on his birthday and just one day after the death of his grandfather.

Like many of the other doomposters, Noid quickly become obsessed with Doomentio and turned into a crazy stalker who had no problem with lying, harassing and defaming many people, most of them innocent, such as a minor who was falsely accused by him of being a pedophile just to defend the doomposting and to further tarnish Doomentio's reputation.

Obviously Noid's reprehensible acts led to him being exposed along with his group of collaborators:

And what did Jerry do after all this? He simply feigned amnesia, despite having collaborated a lot with Noid, he acts as if he had never existed and despite knowing that Doomentio never doxxed Kalcifer, he keeps saying that it indeed happened.


At the beginning of 2023, a chilean woman with mental problems named Fantagoria, said she wanted to interview Doomentio to learn more about online harassment for a work she was doing at her university, she also said that she was open to know "his side of the history".

After being quickly questioned for this and other things she said (mainly by the doomposters), Fantagoria had no better idea than to accuse Jerry of possessing CP, since Jerry himself declared that he had in his possession the alleged images of Doomentio's discord server where illegal material was shared.

Of course, Fantagoria did a tremendously stupid thing, and even though she quickly retracted, that didn't stop the doomposters and especially Jerry from taking it as a "declaration of war." After this a harassment campaign on the doomposting against Fantagoria began, which also included doxxing and even death threats.

Jerry himself mocked Fantagoria in several of his livestreams, and when an audio of Fantagoria crying in despair over what was happening to her got leaked, he played it on live for everyone to see and to humiliate her.

Fantagoria tried to make an attempt on her life, which caused her to end up in the hospital for one week. For some reason no one questions Jerry despite what he and his followers almost caused.

His fanbase

Crapulianos in action, white-knighting for Jerry on a video respectfully criticizing him.

For some reason, he managed to spawn a strong and loyal fanbase that named themselves as "Crapulianos", a word that derives from "Crapula", which is synonymous with "depraved" in spanish.

His followers, as you might expect, are autistic as fuck, most of them developed some sort of personality cult around Jerry, representing him as some kind of "deity" or "superhero", they, just like their idol, like to compare him to Doom and say "how good of a person Jerry is". They also tend to get very angry when you criticize Jerry in any way, even if you do it in a respectful way, this will make them accuse you without any evidence of being a "fan of Doomentio". They are Jerry's very own white knights and his personal army (something that he takes advantage of).

Most of Jerry's fandom is made up of these four groups: Porn addicts with disgusting fetishes, furfags, faggots, and doomposters. In some cases they are part of all groups.

Even though his channel consists of only content about Doomentio that doesn't really contribute to anything, these people tend to donate excessive amounts of money to Jerry during his streams, one guy in particular who apparently gave a large part of "his salary" to Jerry was known as "TokuPower", that would be if he didn't steal from his mother's card.

"Crapuliano" autism About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Most of them are 13-year-old boys so it's comprehensible for Jerry's fanboys to be this insuferable, however, some them are manchildren. Ironically, while they make fun of Doomentio's followers (doomtards) for being "idiots", Jerry's are probably even worse.


Arianne Chan, the mascot and personification of the Doomposting, it seems this group is full of weebs who think of themselves as anime girls as well.

The Doomposting was a troll group originally created to mock and make memes about Doomentio and his friends. The first Doomposting group was created on the year 2017 after Doom's stupidities attracted so much attention that it was decided to make a group to publish about it there. For a few years, this group would be the main hub for memes and trolling related to Doomentio and others of his friends, with various well-known Doomentio's trolls such as "Rapunzel" being from this group.

However, not all good things last forever, and the Doomposting eventually began to have many members that were practically weens and A-Logs whom where even worse persons than Doomentio. Many of these became infamous such as Erina Paradiso, Kaede, Julian or SEBDAN, the latter being an important member of this group since he would end up becoming the main administrator, he allowed the doomposting to become a full-fledged harassment group filled with grotesque imagery, pedophile posts, incitements to suicide, doxxing, death threats, attacks on family members, mockery of the dead, and so on. Most of these attacks had nothing to do with Doomentio and were simply done with the intent to harm. Despite everything explained, Jerry approved what the doomposting was like and collaborated with this group, since most of his fans came from there.

The doomposting tried to doxx Ruinaversal, this led to its first downfall and SEBDAN's as well, since then, other "healthy" and "wholesome" doomposting groups have been created where censorship and faggotry abound, the same unfunny Doomentio memes from 5 years ago are constantly reposted, and the groups themselves are practically dead now.

The "modern doompostings" are now controlled by Jerry behind the shadows, as the current admins are all his fanboys and it's practically an unwritten rule to suck his dick or you'll be permanently banned and accused of being a "defender of Doomentio".

Despite their historial, Jerry and his followers pretend to be "politically correct" and always appeal to morality when Doomentio or one of his related people "do something bad".

The doomposting is mostly made up of weirdos, 13-year-old boys, NEETs and manchildren who are obsessed with Doomentio and the doomverse in general and who try to force these things in every conversation they have like it was the most normal thing to talk about a lolcow from the internet on your daily life, they non-ironically think everything is an "anime" and "manga" where "everyone is a character". Most of the doomposters are actually very similar to Doomentio himself in at least one aspect, but they still try to project on him, they also try to justify all the utter harassment they do with lame excuses like saying that "Doom deserves it because he's a Nazi". This group is also filled with SJWs and trannies who are only mad at Doomentio because of his political views.

This group has a strange tendency to see the world as if there were "good" and "bad" people, probably because of their "it's all a manga and anime" complex, they idolize anyone who is able to ridicule Doomentio even a little (something not very difficult obviously), which has led them to idolize disgusting people who ended up being worse than Doomentio himself like Ken L Wright or PlutonicClown.

They dedicate their entire life to a a failed morenazi, at the end the doomposters ended up being worse than Doomentio himself.

A good video summarizing what basically happened to the doomposting.


He originally had other youtube cartoon reviewers as his friends and made livestreams together with them that were known as "La noche de los reviewers" (The night of the reviewers), however, when his obsession with Doomentio began, he alienated himself from these people.

These are his current "friends":

  • Ocio: Originally a friend of Doomentio who lived with him (at least until he ditched him for being a complete failure of a person) and another enemy of Jerry, who was harassed and doxxed by the doomposters to the point of almost committing suicide (something Jerry approved of). He is a fat Mexican guy whose dream was to "be a voice actor", until he spoke negatively about his future co-workers, this made Lalo Garza, a well-known Mexican voice actor, close him the doors to the industry. He suffered from many anger issues which made him a target of attack from the doomposters, however when he went to therapy and managed those problems, and at the same time he allowed himself to be trampled by Jerry and started to hang out with him on his streams, the doomposters began to say that he "redeemed".

He drew lolicon for money despite having criticized that type of art in the past.

Despite having said that he would leave the doomverse due to the toxicity of the people from there, he now became obsessed with another Mexican lolcow very similar to Doomentio and with an equally toxic environment called Espartaco 18.


Photo shared by herself (just look at those portraits from behind).

Bachatota is Jerry's personal artist, she is an argentinian tranny artist mainly known for making drawings for Jerry, most of them are degenerate and yaoi-style drawings where he for some reason is depicted in sexual situations along other doomverse characters such as Doomentio, Oveja, Kalcifer Vallarta and Ken L Wright.

Despite Jerry's audience being full of minors, nobody bats an eye when Bachatota or other doomposters artists make that kind of content, Jerry even seems to approve it.

Why would you have that in your room?

She has a strange obsession with Jerry, treating him like some kind of cult leader, having an actual plush of Jerry's avatar (probably crafted by her) and constantly making drawings for him without Jerry even paying her.

More recently, she attempted to follow her master's footsteps and uploaded a 7 hour-long video A-Logging another degenerate artist known as Loulouvz (creator of Spaicy Project), with the intent of converting Loulouvz into "another lolcow just like Doomentio".

Of course her attempt quickly failed since nobody really wanted to waste their time watching a 7 hour-long video plagiarizing Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History and she learned the leason about why troll shielding was bad since, just a few days after the video was released, people started digging into Bachatota's past and discovered many lulzy details about her:

After all this shitstorm happened, Jerry tried to do damage control defending his "friend" by saying that the person exposing Bachatota was a fan of Doomentio without any proof or evidence, which led to his doomposter followers trying to doxx this user (despite being underage). To this day Jerry still hasn't provided any evidence to support this claim.


Funnily enough, if Bachatota was on Doom's side, Jerry would probably have dedicated her a lot of livestreams and videos.

See Also

Jerry even physically resembles the original A-Log, Anthony LoGatto.

Social Media

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Those Dying Alone

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Their Methods

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