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Colonel McBadass

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Colonel McBadass (aka TheVoice aka Harold Hall) is an obese, sociopathic pedophile from Madison, Wisconsin who is known for having massive amounts of Unwarranted Self-Importance, constantly projecting his own personality flaws onto others, making death threats at the drop of a hat, and for stalking an underage girl simply because she called him out for being creepy. This guy has such a thin hair trigger that almost anything anyone says to him will elicit an essay of death threats and butthurt. He also expresses a desire to be famous. Well, he became famous alright, but for all the wrong reasons.

TV Tropes

Colonel McBadass got his start on TV Tropes. He mostly spent his time whining about how statutory rape laws are unfair and how he should have the right to diddle any kiddy he wants. However, he did talk about this one time when he tried to be a vigilante.

A young girl named lolacat stumbled upon the statutory rape thread, got creeped out over how everyone wanted to abolish them, and chimed in:

I would be very uncomfortable with a grown man banging someone my age and he should be placed on the register for that.

Yeah, the 15 year old is in the wrong but not even close to being as wrong as the adult!


Colonel McBadass replied:

Do you even do anything here besides use bias in place of actual reasons?


Yes, he's actually telling an underage girl that her not wanting to be raped by a creepy man means she's "biased". lolacat reported him to the mods and he got permabanned. Of course, this is TV Tropes, so they also permabanned her because she was being mean to a pedo. Colonel McBadass got extremely pissed over this and proceeded to stalk lolacat across the internet because he's a deranged sociopath who is utterly incapable of just letting things go. While he was stalking her, he encountered Something Awful's TV Tropes thread where he found this comment from a guy named Roland Jones:

Okay, this guy? This guy right here? This guy is a horrible person and needs to be put on a watchlist or something. He's in full-support of having sex with kids, to the point that he is telling a kid that she should not have any problems with an adult wanting to have sex with her. Nothing has made me want to break the prime directive more than this scumbag right here; someone needs to arrest him. I am more angry and disgusted now than at any point in the past reading these threads. He is, I repeat, telling a fifteen year old girl that her being against adults having sex with kids like her is "bias". Yes, dirtbag, most people tend to be biased against being raped; it's just that you're such a horrible piece of garbage that you can't realize it.


Colonel McBadass responded by making a video.

After he got torn apart in the comments, he took the video down. Luckily, someone managed to save it. Unfortunately, most of the other videos on his channel were lost.

The Fight with shinkaito

Colonel McBadass continued to bitch at people in the comments and continues to make death threats against lolacat. He was also constantly bragging about how strong he was and was challenging people to fight him. (Unfortunately, most of these conversations have been lost.) A YouTube user named shinkaito called his bluff by accepting his challenge for a fight. The Colonel made plans and told him to meet him at a middle school parking lot. shinkaito, wisely knowing that this creep shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children, offered to fight him at the Pheasant Branch Creek Conservancy instead. Colonel McBadass agreed, and proceeded to go on and on about how he was going to destroy him. When the day of the fight finally came, shinkaito brought along his video camera to make a record of the fight. So what happened? Did Colonel McBadass utterly destroy shinkaito like he said he would?

Oh wait, that's right. Colonel McBadass never showed up.

After being called out on his cowardice, Colonel McBadass disappeared off the face of the internet, never to be seen again.


Or so everyone thought. Instead, he simply changed his name to "TheVoice" and created a blog where he bitches and moans about every single internet person who wronged him and makes death threats against them, all mixed in with massive doses of projection, delusion, and unwarranted self-importance. He transmitted his messages to an empty house until he was discovered by 888chan. They saw how he was "campaigning" against "internet injustice and, seeing a great opportunity for lulz, offered to be his "villain". After some time of lashing out at their troll comments, he got scared and ran away. A mere one day later, he came back to his blog more defiant than ever. 888chan reminded him that Anonymous does not forget, so he got scared and ran away again. Thinking everyone left, he came back to his blog AGAIN, declared victory, and proceeded to go on and on about how he's going to prove all his detractors wrong.


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See Also



Colonel McBadass is part of a series on
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Aaron WilliamsAdam LanzaAlenonimoAlison RappAmber ButtrumAndy MaherAngryjediAnimatedJamesBeefraveBikerfoxBill CosbyBritbongCamHeadCasey AnthonyChaosscizzorsColonel McBadassComicalityCyraxxCyril SmithDan SchneiderDoomentioDr DisRespectDreamDrossRotzankDaddyOFiveDahvie VanityDangermanDeekerDidaskalosDynacatlovesmeEric RidenourErik MöllerFergie OliverFrank BonafedeGreg MazujianGreville JannerG-ZayGeosheaGalaxyRailways2199Harrison DigfootHumonHypnoHunter MooreIrish282Isabella Loretta JankeJames Terry Mitchell JrJaSonicJerry Peetjervaise brooke hamsterJimmy SavileJoey NigroJohn Patrick RogersJoseph KonyJustin BerryJustin DabrowKaitlyn HuntKatherine MarionKyle PerkinsLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.LittleCloudLtFlaggerLogansperman2Lucian HodobocM. ChaosMagicrichMandoPonyMar9122Michael JacksonMikevirusMatrooko11MZMcBrideNathanrNeil FoxOmegaloreOnideus Mad HatterOnisionPaul WalkerPennywisePurple AkiPutridRalph SquillaceRiverman72Roger SampsonSam DeathWalkerSam RassenfossSarah ButtsShane LeeSibeScientologySethistoSmartschoolboy9Sophie LabelleTheAmazingAtheistThomas Watt HamiltonTimboxTrap-kunTyciolUncle GrandpaUpdownmostlyViolentacrezVonHeltonWoody AllenW. T. SnacksYandereDevYoung Tubers UnitedYtaskZeitgueist

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