Rayyan Sokkarie

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Rayyan Sokkarie (a.k.a. ريان, anotherarabgurl1, anotherarabb, droptopwop97 and Rayyan Sukkarieh) is a Lebanese Hijabi and self-proclaimed "model" who attends the University of Central Florida where, on February 1, 2018, she celebrated a made-up bullshit holiday called "World Hijab Day" by handing out free Islamic oppression rags to any UCF students who were dumb enough to take them. After a conservative Azn UCF student named Kathy Zhu made a tweet criticizing the female oppression booth at the school, Rayyan responded by having a total chimpout and commanding her 3,800 Twitter followers to spam UCF's Office of Student Conduct with emails demanding Zhu's expulsion from the school.

As you'd expect, this brilliant plan quickly backfired on the ugly sandmonkey as she learned the true power of the INTERNET HATE MACHINE.



Let’s get this girl expelled. Email [email protected] (UCF OFFICE OF STUDENT CONDUCT) and send them Kathy’s tweet, including the photos in her thread. Ignorance will not be tolerated on my campus.


—Rayyan Sokkarie, trying to get a student expelled for not accepting her death cult (archive)

KATHY should be EXPELLED b/c she is putting Muslim students, especially those wearing hijab, in danger with her tweets. She’s illiciting violence and is a danger to those on campus that are easily identifiable as Muslim. She goes against UCF’s values of integrity and community.


—Rayyan Sokkarie, being tolerant (archive)

1)you’re putting whoever is in those photos in DANGER with your negative rhetoric

2) how can you speak for us when you haven’t even tried walking in our shoes?
3) were getting you expelled because UCF has no tolerance for discrimination



—Rayyan Sokkarie, being an intolerant cunt (archive)

It’s only 9 AM I already got cat called what’s new


—Today on shit that will never happen (archive)

Drop That Wop

After getting called out on her shitty behaviour, Rayyan decided to prove how tolerant and not racist she is by privatizing her account and changing her Twitter handle to droptopwop97 – yes, the woman who was screaming at UCF about another student being racist for not wanting to wear a hijab changed her handle to include a offensive slur against Italians for some unknown reason.

Hopefully UCF responds to the outrage of the Italian community and expels Rayyan for her blatant racism.

See Also

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