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WARNING: A team of experienced investigators from ED has found that 88.73% of this article is revenge bullshit.
To maximize the lulz, it's strongly advised to read first its twin article Kyle Perkins
May this stay up as a cautionary tale about the dumbness of trusting an stranger on the internet

Julianne with some shitty instagram filter

Julianne is a 41 year old pedophile from Hawaii that has devoted her entire life to adminning facebook groups. Despite being old enough to have watched the Challenger space shuttle explode on TV when she was already in middle school, she spends her time doing the unthinkable, adminning Facebook groups dedicated to gaming, even though she has never played a single video game in her life. Instead of having a career or even being a respectable member of society, she has chosen instead to be worthy of an article here. She is your typical entitled whore that when confronted by anyone that won't tolerate her bullshit, she becomes a victim by default after years and years of practice. She has no real friends, but her online legion of lonely faggots suffices her for now until she has her next meltdown and ends up on the news.

Julianne is well known on the internet for her tendency towards pedophilia and has thrice been accused of providing pornographic materials of herself to underage children.

In The Beginning

Julianne before applying filters. Much older than she pretends to be.

Julianne was raised in whatever country Borat was filmed in and spent most of her childhood being raeped by her biological uncle (this really happened) before her soon-to-be husband dished out the potato and nickel it costs to buy her online and have her sent to America so he could fulfill his fantasy of fucking men but without "technically" being a faggot as far as his family was concerned.

Tragedy struck as soon as she walked off the plane and he noticed her incredibly mannish jawline and less than discreet bulge of her massive cock peeking out through her third world clothing. He knew at that moment that he could never fool his family. He lived in denial and shame for years but still cleverly avoided fucking her by keeping his cock in other women at all times as to avoid getting her smegma on him.

She started with her Skyrim group on 11/11/11, the day the game was released to the public, and thus it was the only Skyrim group on facebook which led to its wild success due to there being no other options whatsoever. This gave her a huge fan base of teenage boys and white knights which she then used to make several other gaming groups and added all of the same people from her Skyrim group to every other group she made, giving the illusion that she had a massive fan base. In reality, it was the same people repeated over and over in every group she admins.

The problem with this of course, is that she did such a good job at fooling her fans, that she inevitably ended up fooling herself into ACTUALLY BELIEVING that she is some sort of deity. It was after this that she began calling herself Nocte Matrem, which is latin for "Stupid Cunt." Julianne, with her new found god complex (the kind that can only be gained from thirsty white knights telling you that you're perfect), began ruling over her groups with an iron fist and having her minions call her "The Night Mother", while she called them "Mortals". She started making memes of herself in the image of a goddess.

Whenever anyone disagrees with anything she says, she bans them or posts their personal info then rallies her legion of faggots into her personal army, which always works because her fans are all desperate virgins.

Her Failbook Group Rules

All visitors must sign the guest book.

This is a place to talk about any games (ALL PLATFORMS FRIENDLY) and perhaps just about any other topic of your choice.

With that said, few rules do apply:

  1. No porn (real, cartoon or hentai).
  2. No posting offensive pics of a fellow member or an admin or their family members. This includes memes. Unless they are cool with it.
  3. No spamming of any kind, it will result in a permaban on the first offense.
  4. No nudity.
  5. Do not post personal information in the group.
  6. Worship our group! This is a community and NOT everyone for themselves!
  7. Do not post links to other groups or pages without admin permission. This also results in a permaban on the first offense.
  8. If you block an admin, it will result in instaban.
  9. No bashing about the group or the admins. If you don’t like it here: leave.
  10. No selfies on any day other than Sunday. Results in a week ban. (So that you miss the next #SelfieSunday
  11. All Selfie Sundays are themed. Selfies not related with the current theme will be removed. Moreover, from now, you are allowed to post only one selfie per post. If you want to post more selfies, you must post them as comments to your original selfie-thread. Also, post more often and not ONLY on Sundays (lame)
  12. Talking back to, or disrespecting admins = Permaban on a1st offense - No warnings!
  13. Trolling is encouraged. Bullying absolutely NOT.
  14. Stitches for snitches.
  15. This is a 16ys+ group. Anyone under 16 will be banned.
  16. Racism and Religion. Both subjects that could result in massive group drama: AVOID!
  17. Please although this group is an all-topics friendly, try to keep it enjoyable.
  18. Absolutely no whining about admins on the wall. If you have any problems, contact the admins privately.
  19. Group wars: Please keep us out from other group/s drama.
  • Have fun! These guidelines are in place to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and welcome.
  • Please if you have any problems with a fellow member, remember that you can block and/or report that person to admins and/or to Facebook.
  • Disclaimer: This group is NOT suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised (not for the weak)

Her Battle With Off-Topic and The Stalking of Jim Reichers

This bitch actually thinks she is a celebrity.

Her first "troll" group was called Off-Topic, where people could come together and post edgy gore porn and other furfaggotry. It was here that she started her career in being a super 1337 troll, before her sex change operation that didn't take.

Around this time, Julianne truly started getting her god complex. Members in the group were not amused, and they swiftly booted her from her own group due to her aggressive stalking of one of their members, Jim Reichers. Jim made the huge error of actually getting into an online relationship with Julianne which quickly led to her doxing him and displaying it for all the internet to see. When the members of her group disagreed with how she was handling her new love life (while still married), she sent legion after legion of her fail army to publicly attack him online. Jim was left with no other option but to quit all facebook groups and fly under the radar to avoid her, which, luckily for him, worked as she found a new target (See below).

After her group was stolen by Kimberley Warwicker, it led to her starting her "Gamer's retreat" group in August, a group that was dedicated to destroying Off-Topic. Many days were spent with her and her minions creating fake accounts for the sole purpose of reporting everyone in the group and all content shared, eventually Off-Topic had to only let in accounts older than a year old. Since Julianne could no longer harass them, she conjured up a fake story where she had gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage (lol menopause) to not only garner sympathy, but to make Jim "jealous." It didn't work.

A Hero Emerges

Julianne before her surgery.

One day in Gamer's Retreat, one of her many, many groups, a certain fellow had enough of the white knighting and the admin worship and decided to do something about it. This namefag goes by Kyle Perkins, and what Kyle did was begin infiltrating all of her groups and befriending all of her top "trolls", flying under their radar until Julianne herself fully trusted him. He even went as far as to sit in their "trolling sessions" they held on Skype where they picked who they would shit on each day in the group.

Now, having gained the trust of Julianne and her minions, Kyle convinced Julianne to "hire" him to troll her groups because they "didn't appreciate" her enough. Her plan was to use Kyle to play good cop/bad cop to manipulate people into liking her. Kyle bit and played along making her look like the good cop so that in the end, he could pull off the magnificent troll he had planned from the start.

Eventually, Julianne made the fatal mistake of making him an admin to her favorite groups. He spent months devoting time to making her fall in love with him.. She told her closest friends and family how she felt about him and that she was falling for him. Eventually, she made the very lulzy mistake of buying him a plane ticket to come visit her in Hawaii (despite knowing he had a girlfriend for the last 3 years, and yet she plays the victim). Kyle waited until the tickets were nonrefundable before breaking the news that not only was he never going to come, but that it had all been an elaborate ruse to troll her and take over her groups. He then gleefully began removing her from her admin position from all of her top groups as she had a nervous breakdown publicly in her groups and on her wall. The backlash of this is still going on as she has been stalking him and his family ever since.

Her Battle With ED

ED took a pretty big hit here.

Last Thursday, Julianne joined ED's Facebook group and began posting attention whoring threads like "OMG I realized you guys are a real website and i lovvvee the drama!!! Love you assholes <3" and was met with the usual "TITS OR GTFO U SLUG." So Julianne in her typical attention whoring fashion liked every single derogatory comment left by anyone having or perceived to have a penis. Once people realized her scheme, which quickly became apparent, ED goers began shredding her apart in spectacular fashion before she hurriedly erased the entire thread (her go-to strategy in her groups to save herself embarrassment, used often).

She then posted a few more, rinsed and repeated before the ED admins were notified by 100% of the group that this annoying twat needed to be removed and was only there to recruit people to her super 1337 troll groups. Julianne was removed and a few days later returned and begged an admin that didn't witness her faggotry to let her back in the group. Against their better judgement they allowed her back in and she summoned her mighty faggot army that began posting shitty gore pics in an attempt to offend. They were promptly removed again for being summer fags and all was quiet in ED.

Meanwhile, a storm was brewing in her groups and on her wall as she felt a very familiar butthurt feeling stirring inside her. She began reporting the ED group and admins with her team of sheep and white knight peasantry. The reports were as usual ignored by facebook mods as they are always going through 12 year old girl's nudes in their PMs with their buddies over a 6-pack. The great heist of 2015 for Julianne ended in a whimper, but like the stalking case, is ongoing.

Update: She said a FB ED group admin initiated this whole thing but in reality her attention whoring did. She claims she went psycho and just banned her for saying hi, but in all honesty she deserved an article long before she made the fatal mistake of making herself known to EDiots. She may have spotted her first, but home wrecker Julianne is the reason for her own demise.

She is trying to get Kyle arrested for writing words on the internet and hypocritically has plans to write her own about him. She thinks writing an article equals stalking and plans to have him arrested for that, as well.

The Hatchet Has Been Buried

Despite the relatively boring maelstrom that once raged between Julianne and Kyle, it appears the two have reconciled, as illustrated by Kyle's current admin status on one of Julianne's cretinous little Facebook pages. It can be quite safely assumed that any threats made by Julianne to get Kyle v& were nothing but lamentable cries for attention made by a sad, lonely old woman fully aware that any beauty she may have once had now lies as ashes around her feet. It is unknown as to whether or not Irace and Perkins are currently romantically linked--nor is it really cared for, but it is quite conceivable that she would revert back to a previous relationship considering her status as a burnt-out attention seeking parody of a woman with an almost pathological desire to express matriarchal tendencies through the medium of a video-games based Facebook group (i.e. she is probably barren).

She Speaks Seven Languages

As with most untalented attention whores, Julianne claims to be capable of great feats, such as speaking SEVEN languages. However, a brief glimpse at her writing will indicate to the reader that she is hardly capable of being coherent in her native language, which throws quite a bit of doubt as to her competency in the other six.

So guys, i dunno what to say, but Encyclopedia Dramatica group doesn't like us (the GR) or the newfgs (how the call us) in their group


Golly, whatever gave you that impression?

Oh well, maybe they should lose up and join us instead



My doors are open haha


—Yes, we know you're a slut who fucks people so they'll like her.

Damn interwebs, serious business


—2008 called, they want their memes back.

Julianne Irace, Professional Liar

You know you can't exactly recommend yourself.

Her Hobbies

OM NOM NOM Julianne claims to have miscarried, but we all know the truth.
  • Being On Facebook.
  • Being on Facebook.

How To Troll Julianne

  • Ask her how her uncle tastes.
  • Ban her before she can delete her thread.
  • Speak to her in a language she claims to speak "fluently."
  • Tell her Spam isn't a Hawaiian delicacy.
  • Ask her if she tucks.
  • Question her jaw line.
  • Tell her that Facebook isn't real life.
  • Ask her if she makes money on Facebook.
  • Tell her to get a job.
  • Ask her how her husband's new family is.
  • Tell her that with her make-up, she is very convincing.
  • Ask her if she juices.
  • Ask her why she is a perpetual victim.

Gallery of a 40 year old slut

External Links

Her many groups are listed below, avoid at all cost, excepting for reporting:

The saga as told by the ED forum:

Her Personal Accounts:

  • Gravatar - lol who the fuck uses a Gravatar?
  • Soundcloud - unfortunately she realized nobody would listen to her shit music so it's empty

Julianneirace is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

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EDF1 Faggots

@Faust and Pory
@Moon beam 750
@Negi Springfield

EDF1 Faggotry

@Casual Friday
@DeCadence Comic
@Mod Sass
@Sheneequa Turns Four

EDF2 Faggots

@Conrad Alan Rockenhaus
@Michael Horowitz Foster
@Onideus Mad Hatter
@Tom Preston

EDF2 Faggotry

@Bullet to the Head of the NRA
@Faggot of the Year
@George Zimmerman's Big Game Hunter
@The Clown Prince Rises
@Wilkins Coffee

EDF6 Faggots


EDF6 Faggotry

@Faggot of the Year @Rule 34 League

Featured article April 17th & 18th, 2015
Preceded by
Angry Joe
Julianneirace Succeeded by
Cho Seung-Hui