Columbine Copycats

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If you are some retard considering committing a mass shooting (especially at a school), remember this isn't 1999 and no one is going to idolize you. You will be rightfully mocked relentlessly for being a massive faggot.

Average Columbine fan

This is a comprehensive list of every known copycat of the Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The two shooters warned of a revolution of violence caused by the creepy autistic admirers they would have after their NBK. Their predictions came true, as over 75 fanboys (and rarely, girls) have actually committed to their own attacks, or made serious plans for violence. The first copycat attack only occurred eight days later.

Most notably, these include the mass murderers Cho Seung-Hui, Adam Lanza, and Pekka-Eric Auvinen. Legit Over 9000 students in the United States have been suspended or arrested due to mentioning, admiring, or worshipping Columbine in some way. The homosexual kike couple, Eric and Dylan, have also inspired thousands of outcast Loners, and have countless obsessed fans from the cesspit that is Tumblr; these freaks are called Columbiners, and we have a page covering them as well. Luckily these retards are generally not smart enough to pull off a good massacre.

This list is desperately needing names and dates. Please fill in whatever details you can find, along with a brief description of the suspects.

A, B, C

Aaron Ybarra

A 26-year-old spic who committed a mass shooting so insignificant, it doesn't even have a wikipedo page. Being a janitor who still lived in mom's basement, Ybarra shot up Seattle Pacific University on June 5, 2014 but only managed to pwn one person until being pepper-sprayed by the "student safety monitor". He planned on becoming an hero like the most other school shooters but couldn't even do do that right. He's such a faggot, some girl literally laughed in his face and walked away during his rampage. Ybarra failed to beat William Atchison's measly score of 2 AND was laughed at for being a retard during the actual event! Ybarra wrote in his journal fantasizing about notable virgin with rage Eric Harris and gook Cho Seung Hui the day of the shooting.


Adam Lanza

Adam Lanza was the autist who sprayed kindergarteners with bullets at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 after shooting his mom in the head. He was a member of the SCRPG Shocked Beyond Belief forums under the name Smiggles. He created a seven foot long spreadsheet detailing the best mass shootings up to James Holmes to research the best way to get the high score. Alongside his ample child pornography collection, Lanza had various files relating to the Columbine fags on his computer and cited them as a major inspiration/topic to research. Lanza was also a Wikipedophile who edited the articles of lesser known spree killers such as Kip Kinkel.

As a final act of trolling, Adam had his brother Ryan Lanza's ID in his pocket during the shooting which resulted in him getting v& and shackled for a brief time.


Al Joseph DeGuzman

22-year-old pinoy and almost the OG "Blzn Azn" who hanged himself with a bedsheet in prison after being sentenced to 80 years in the slammer for plotting an attack at De Anza College in California. Some bitch ratted him out to the police after trying to get pictures of himself surrounded by guns and bombs developed in January 2001. He was caught with his pants down by the police as he had described his planned attack in a 19-minute audiotape (so he could re-listen to it later if he forgot!) as well as in a neatly organized binder. Al also had a website that expressed his admiration for Dylan and Eric. He was particularly fond of Eric like every other Columbine wannabe. DeGuzman was initially sentenced to seven years in 2002 but was resentenced to 80 when the court changed its mind.


Alex Hribal

Alex is a pimple-faced little dweeb who sliced up his school and stabbed a few dozen kids before getting tackled and v&. He was known to have been an admirer of the shooters. Notable for nothing more than looking like he eats lead paint chips off the wall.


Alina Afanaskina

Alina was a 14-year-old girl and an heroine who stole her dad's shotgun when he was drunk or something and subsequently shot up her school in some shithole in Ruzzia to exterminate all her bullies (including her own twin sister). In typical female shooter fashion, she failed miserably and only killed one of her classmates before turning her tiny brain into paste.

When police searched her belongings, they found a diary in which she idolized E&D, Ilnaz Galyaviev and other school shooters.

Alvaro Rafael Castillo

Alvaro Castillo was another disturbed teenager obsessed with Columbine, and the posterboy for the Columbiners due to his obsession and actually going through with what he said he was going to do. He even went as far as to buy the same type of guns that Eric Harris had, namely the Hi-Point 995 Carbine. He also named his gun the same name as Harris did, "Arlene". Additionally, he made a pilgrimage to Columbine High School and the Memorial nearby. He made videos demonstrating his guns and trenchcoat, and killed his father at home, to "put him out of his misery." Alvaro sent his creepy videos and letters to the news, warning about his imminent attack in the same way that Cho Seung Hui did.

Alvaro then shot up his old high school on August 30th, 2006, only killing one person (his father). He set off 3 smoke grenades, damaged some windows (which injured two students), before getting v&. While being dragged into the partyvan, he screamed "Columbine, remember Columbine!" He was eventually sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Good riddance.



Alyssa Kucharski and Zavier Lewis

Alyssa Kucharski, Zavier Lewis, and two other 15-year-old zoomers were caught planning a 2024 attack on Whatsapp in May 2021. Alyssa was the ringleader of the NBK group chat and was caught with Molotov cocktails and other bomb-making material. They were planning on shooting up Dunmore High School in Pennsylvania but were reported to the feds by one of the kids' parents. The pigs also found a notebook dedicated to Columbine. Alyssa wrote, "I think I'm gonna go with Klebold setup, a Tech-9 and a sawed-off shotgun" since her pea-sized brain decided there wasn't enough evidence apart from their unencrypted group chat where they discuss shooting their principal in the face. She also failed to notice in her four years of research what a piece of shit weapon a Tec-9 is in the first place. Alyssa inherited her retardation from her stupid cunt of mother, Jean Dewey Kucharski who apparently knew about her spawn's obsession with Columbine.


Amanda & Jerad Miller

They were a pair of loony fuckers from Las Vegas, who had a criminal past. They shot up a restaurant and killed two cops, then fled to a Walmart. They murdered an armed citizen who attempted to stop them. They got into a shootout and lost, with Jerad getting killed and Amanda becoming an hero. A picture of them dressed up as the Joker and Harley Quinn garnered a lot of attention online after their attacks. They had a connection to Columbine, as they (notably Jerad) had a strong admiration of Eric and Dylan, bordering on idolization. They apparently wanted to "follow in their footsteps".

To the people in the world...your lucky i can't kill you now but remember one day one day i will get you because one day all hell will break lose and i'll be standing in the middle of it with a shot gun in one hand and a pistol in the other.


—Amanda; May 23rd, 2011


Anton Bichivin

The perpetrator of the January 18, 2018, Ulan-Ude attack in Russia who couldn't get guns so he went NBK with an ax and a KMFDM shirt instead. He attacked five little kids and their teacher then set a classroom on fire. He attempted to become an hero by stabbing himself in the chest with his butterknife but failed just as he did in life. Mamoru Takuma did it better.


Anthony "T.J." Solomon

On May 20th, 1999 (1 month after Columbine), Anthony smuggled a 22lr rifle onto campus and shot 6 students. One of the victims, a 15-year-old girl, was listed in critical condition but all students recovered from their wounds. Solomon attempted to an hero with a revolver but was talked out of it. He called himself a member of the Trenchcoat Mafia and stated that he was inspired by the events in CHS. Originally planned to be sentenced to 300+ years, he had his sentence reduced down to 20 years by a successful plea blaming his mental illness.

Artyom Kazantsev

34-year-old Russian schizophrenic shot up his former school in all black dual wielding illegally obtained handguns. After racking up 17 kills (+24 injured), Artyom called it a day and shot himself in the head, thrilled to place 31st on the single-player scoreboard. Russian police seized 5 mobile phones and a computer containing his suicide note, and later confirmed his involvement with the Columbine terrorist movement.


Artyom Tagirov

A Russian Neo-Nazi who stabbed his teacher and three of his classmates before setting a classroom on fire on April 18, 2018. Artyom then attempted to an hero by slitting his own throat. He has posted over 100 Columbine related videos on his social media. As far as we know, all the victims lived. Copy and pasted previously listed Anton Bichivin's failure of an attack at a different school.


Asa Coon

This little fucking faggot was one of the cringiest copycats of them all. He wore a Marilyn Manson shirt during the shooting. He got punched in the face and peed his pants, before retaliating by shooting the nigger bully in the ass. He shot a few others but failed to pwn anyone except himself. He also wore a trenchcoat and probably listened to the SCMRPG OST like the autistic nerd he was.


Brian Draper & Torey Adamcik

A couple of nerdy faggots, just like Eric and Dylan. Instead of attempting a school shooting like most copycats of the Columbine massacre, these two decided to stab their friend Cassie Jo Stoddart to death, citing partial inspiration from the movie Scream.

Brooke Higgins and Sienna Johnson

Two hot 16 year old girls who lived 10 miles from Columbine, who wanted to go postal at Mountain Vista High School. They got caught after vandalizing some bathroom wall and leaving death threats, and will now likely be v& for a very long time. These girls wanted to be one of the first female mass shooters but failed hard. The female brain clearly isn't smart enough to pull off a crime as great as this.

Caleb Sharpe

A little faggot who got bullied at Freeman High School and brought his dad's guns to his school in Washington on September 13, 2017. Caleb shot one kid in the face and injured three girls with a pistol before he gave up and surrendered to the janitor. Fortunately, the kid wasn't smart enough to know how to unjam the AR-15. The one kid he killed told him "I always knew you were going to shoot up the school" before trying to disarm him. He told two girls about his plans a couple of days before but no one did anything about it. Apparently, he liked to watch documentaries on school shootings.


Charles Andrew Williams

Charles was a 15-year-old boy who shot up Santana High School on March 5th, 2001. Two students were pwn'd, whilst 13 were injured. An impressive feat, considering he was using a weak ass .22lr revolver. Growing up, he suffered extreme bullying. He hung out with skater kids, where he was accepted for the most part, although did suffer a lot of bullying from these 'friends' too. A few weeks before school, he sought out a school counselor but was told to fuck off. I bet that broad felt real sick after the shooting spree, huh? As time went on, his mental state deteriorated, became suicidal, and his wrath for these douchebags was accelerating. A few days before his shooting spree, he was made a laughing stock in his drama class by the teacher. He stated twice about "pulling a columbine." He told his friends the classic "Don't go to school tomorrow". He stated that he did the shooting spree because he was dared to by his friends.

The monkey in charge of Dumbfuckistan, W, gave a speech for the community. He called the shooting "a disgraceful act of cowardice," while bombing the shit out of innocent sandmonkeys whose country did nothing to the USA. He stated, "When America teaches our children right from wrong and teaches values that respect life in our country, we'll be better off." while snorting a line of cocaine off a 14-year-old arab boy's erect penis.

Charles plead guilty to all of his charges on June 20th, 2002. He was sentenced to 50 years to life, and ordered to serve time in Juvie until he was 18. He apologized for his actions, even though those fags all got what was coming to them. His life was shit; a divorce, moving across the country, the death of his friend, being suicidal, drug use, extreme bullying, etc. He stated that he wanted to commit suicide by cop during his rampage, but surrendered at the last minute. His case has attracted a small following who seek to reduce his prison sentence. He will be eligible for parole in 2052, when he'll be 66 fucking years old. In 2013, he is now a tall man, standing at 6'4. He has found peace through time and has accepted his fate.


Cho Seung Hui

Cho was a batshit insane gook from Virginia who shot up Virginia Tech back in April 16th, 2007. He brutally murdered 32 people, and still holds the American High Score. Omar Mateen holds the American High Score with 49 kills. Scratch that, Stephen Paddock currently holds the High Score. Anders Breivik is still the current world champion as of October 6, 2017.

Cho was obsessed with Columbine as soon as it happened when he was 12. He directly mentioned "Eric and Dylan" as "Martyrs", and wrote poems and reports on them during his time in school. His manifesto sent to NBC, which has yet to be released to the public, is rumored to mention Eric and Dylan on a consistent basis.

Chris Harper-Mercer

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest.


4chan anon (Chris)

Chris Harper-Mercer was a friendless loser from Oregon who attacked his creative writing class at Umpqua Community College to kick off the Beta Uprising on October 1st, 2015 . He mentioned several notable mass shooters in his manifesto:"Elliot Rodger, Vester Flanagan, the Columbine kids, Adam Lanza and Seung Cho” specifically. His kill count of nine is okay but he failed to do anything interesting or noteworthy like doing the killings live like the nigger faggot or pwning a bunch of little kids like Lanza. He is more well known for looking like Anthony Fantano than anything he did during the chimp-out. Chris wrote a manifesto about how he was sad he couldn't get laid where he reveals he is suffering from a rare form of GOTIS that affects nu-males who consume too much soy (it's true, his favorite drink is soy milk). He was also a satanist who unironically liked Marilyn Manson, proving his "music" causes retardation leading to adult conniption fits.


Christopher Levins and Adam Sinclair

Two high school students from Dutchtown High School in Geismar, Louisiana, aged 17 and 19 respectively, were arrested and charged with terrorizing in early January 2004 after it was found out that they had wished to recreate Columbine on its five-year anniversary of April 20th. A person who remained anonymous snitched on their "elaborate" plot. The evidence that local police found were poems that they were being bullied, that they were a part of the Trenchcoat Mafia, and numerous other miscellaneous drawings and writings.

D, E, F

Daniel Hawke Fears

A teenager from Oklahoma who conducted a shooting spree that killed 2 and injured 8 others, in the year 2002. He used a 20-gauge shotgun for a driveby massacre. He got arrested after he crashed his pickup truck near a police roadblock. Is believed to have been inspired by the Columbine massacre.


Daniel Gonzalez

24-year-old British schizophrenic druggie spree-killer who stabbed 6 old people, killing 4, on September 15th and 17th of 2004. Apparently was obsessed with the Columbine shooters and compared himself to them. Eventually commited suicide in his prison cell by slitting his wrists.


Daniil Monakhov

Another Rusky teenager who was inspired by Columbine. Had plans to shoot up his high school on October 12, 2020 but was caught by grandma trying to take a gun to school. He then shot granny in the face and three random people at a bus stop before offing himself. Daniil is a rare and elusive Dylan Klebold stan. He opted for a black "wrath" t-shirt instead of the normal "natural selection" one sported by the majority of Columbine copycats.


Darion Marcus Aguilar

Nigra perpetrator of the Maryland Columbia mall shooting on January 26, 2014. He was active on Dumblr, and was likely a Columbiner. Darion researched mass shootings extensively, focusing on Columbine the most. He is believed to have played Super Columbine Massacre RPG like many of the other retards on this list. He also took some shitty explosives using fireworks along that did not work at all just like his heroes. After a double kill at a Zumiez and a couple of assists, Daquavious Niggario Aguilar III ate a 12-gauge slug. The police got to the mall in 2 minutes after they were called. Crucially, they didn't just sit in the parking lot jerking each other off like at Columbine or Uvalde, probably because it is standard police protocol to seek and destroy niggers.


Dillon Cossey

Some fatass who was planning an attack on his school, but got arrested after the NSA did their job right or some shit. Had frequent communication online with Pekka-Eric Auvinen, the Finnish mass murderer.

Dimitris Patmanidis

Alias: Death_Salvation

Dimitris was a 19-year-old student at OAED Vocational College, located in Athens, Greece. On April 10th, 2009, he shot up his college armed with a Tomb Raider arsenal; two pistols and a knife. Despite this handsome loadout, he only managed to score a single frag- himself. He injured 3 others. The motive is due to bullying, like 85% of other shootings. It was the first school shooting in Greece. He was frequently bullied, probably for still using Myspace in 2009.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis

Dimitrios is yet another white virgin with rage who shot up his art class at Santa Fe High School in May 2018. Unfortunately, he failed to remove himself from the gene pool and the American taxpayer is supporting his worthless existence in a mental institution. Dimitrios was a member of the Trenchcoat Mafia like his heroes Dylan and Eric. His whole plan was copy-pasted from Columbine, including the explosives that failed to go off.

Dominick Sergio Maldonado

On November 20th, 2005, Dominick shot up the Tacoma Mall, located in Washington. He attempted to get a high score but managed 0 deaths and only 6 injuries, despite using a Chinese AK-47 and pistol. Maybe it's the fact that the gun was Chinese and probably shit. He took several people hostage, who lived to tell about it on the TV show "I survived...", a decade after the attack. The shooter was a 20-year-old guy who had a tl;dr rapsheet. Shortly before the shooting, he broke up with his girlfriend and was fucked up on a lot of Meth. He got sentenced to 163 years in prison, and unsuccessfully attempted to escape on June 29th, 2011. During this escape, he took another fucker hostage- a corrections officer. He managed this feat using nothing but scissors. Another inmate was murdered by the pigs after he drove a forklift through some doors and crashed it into a fence. The shooter had a connection to Columbine through great personal interest in the story.

Elizabeth Lecron

Elizabeth was a 23 year old Tumblrette dyke, Columbiner, and former pen-pal of tactical bowlcut wearer Dylann Roof from Ohio. She got on the CIA glownigger watchlist in 2018 after her boyfriend told an undercover agent about their plans for an attack. They soon found her CharlestonChurchMiracle Dylann Roof Tumblr stan page. She was obsessed with Columbine and had apparently gone on a sabbatical to Columbine High School. Elizabeth got herself and her boyfriend arrested after admitting her "D-Day" plans to blow up a bar to ANOTHER undercover agent and buying gunpowder and screws. On top of this, she listed all her plans in a diary. She couldn't have made the prosecution's case against her any easier.

Eric McKeehan

Eric and two other students were arrested in November 2001, for plotting a Columbine-esque assault on New Bedford High School. Two were too young to be legally identified. A janitor found a letter detailing a plot to set us up the bomb and sh0t sk0l n0w. The loser sent the letter to the authorities. Somehow, (probably some dumb whore ratting them out) the teenagers were quickly apprehended and v&. This incident occurred just two years after the Columbine massacre, which is still fresh in Americans' minds a generation after it happened. In the immediate years following the bloodbath in Littleton, there have been countless copycats.

New Bedford tragedy averted


Evita Kolmonen

23-year-old hawt gril irl that wanted to shoot up her former school, but was arrested because she posted about it on the internet.

G, H, I

Geddy Lee Kramer

Dumbass white kid who literally went postal at a FedEx warehouse on April 29th, 2014. Luckily for all his coworkers, he filled his weapons with buckshot and bird-shot too for some reason. Geddy couldn't aim for shit either (WITH BUCKSHOT). Other than the guy he surprised with a shot to the gut, his other victims were basically only hit in the legs. The spray and pray method was completely ineffective so he failed to get any kills (other than himself). Geddy was an emasculated virgin who admitted to being a piss fetishist in his manifesto.




Failing to have an ounce of originality in his body, he was a fan of KMFDM and Rammstein just like his idols. Apparently, he was also the pinnacle of a school shooter stereotype since he was a loner who wore all black and was obsessed with guns and Columbine. He planned a school shooting to take place on April 20, 2013, the 14th anniversary of Columbine. However, he was such a loser, he was unable to procure any weapons. He couldn't even manage to find a toothless crackhead prostitute to suck him off in the bad part of town, probably due to smelling like shit because he slept on a pee-soaked mattress (also self-admitted in his manifesto).

Geddy wrote sometime in 2012 "I wish I could kill all of them, but there's just not enough time and so much to do. And, like Dylan Klebold, I think I'll have some followers. Maybe a few at least. All I have to say to them is kill those that stand in your way." You have to frag some fags first retard. EPIC FUCKING FAIL.



A German dude who went postal at his school in 2009. He apparently crunched data about mass murderers on Wikipedia, probably including Columbine.

Grant Acord

A 17-year-old student from Albany, Oregon. He built several bombs and had a very detailed plan for an attack, modeled after the Columbine killer's own plans. He was only caught because a faggot snitched him out. He was obsessed with Columbine and studied their weapons too.


Guilherme Taucci Monteiro and Luiz Henrique de Castro

Moar info: Suzano School Shooting.

Two Brazilians (17 and 25 respectively) that attacked their school in the favela. Guilherme was a fuckboy zoomer who admired not only the Columbine kids but Timothy McVeigh and Anders Breivik as well. He recruited his autistic friend Luiz, who was absolutely useless during the attack. They killed five kids, two teachers, and Guilherme's uncle. Maybe could have gotten more kills if THEY BROUGHT MORE THAN ONE GUN. Guilherme actually has a decent sized following of thirst fangirls in Brazil.

Gunnar Rice, Asa Candela, and Dylan Michael DeAngelis

A trio of retarded 14 and 15 year olds that made their own set of basement tapes detailing an epic attack on Zemmer Middle School set for 2020. They were v& in 2017 after someone snitched on them. Upon being questioned in court, they responded with "it was just a prank bro". See how long you can get through their cringy basement tapes.

J, K, L

Jacob D. Robida

A neonazi autist believed to have admired the Columbine killers. A crazy-ass Juggalo who went postal with a hatchet at a fag bar in 2006 and sliced up a few bitches.

Jared Cano

In 2011, Jared Cano, a 16-year-old stoner who tried to blow up Freedom High School in Tampa, Florida on the first day after being expelled in April of that year was arrested after an anonymous tip complained of him testing out bombs. He ended up getting his ass sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Jeff Weise

Jeff Weise was a fat Injun goth outcast from some shitty rez in Minnesota. He copied Columbine extensively; He researched the shooters, wore a Trenchcoat 24/7, watched the same movies and listened to the same music, and during his school shooting, even asked a victim "Do you believe in god?" the same line that Dylan Klebold said to one of the students during the Columbine Massacre.

Jesse Osborne

Moar info: Jesse Osborne.

John David LaDue

A 17-year-old boy from Waseca, Minnesota. He produced several bombs which he recorded videos of him testing. He stored his weapons in a storage unit where a suburban whore spotted him acting suspiciously and reported him to the pigs. They caught him and he was arrested for 2 years until being released in 2016. He apparently wanted to kill his entire family, start a fire, then kill everyone he could. His journal revealed his plans. On fagbook, he liked guns, the "dark side", and nearly 200 heavy metal bands. He had a history hunting and posed with a slain deer. He idolized Eric Harris extremely. He wanted to initiate his attack on April 20th. The fag admitted he was never bullied, so he has 0 reason to want to do this shit. Faggot. He hated Adam Lanza because that fag targeted little kids. "I didn't want to be known as a guy who would go to a place with a bunch of kindergartners" John studied nearly 100 years of mass shootings in the USA. It is very likely that if he wasn't stopped, his attack could have potentially killed up to 300 people, becoming one of the deadliest acts of domestic terrorism in the history of America.


John Hagins

19-year-old dumbfuck Floridian who was arrested before being able to go postal due to telling everyone and their mother about his plans to "enact a Columbine" at Embry-Riddle University on Snapchat. The pigs caught him with a collapsible Kel Tec SUB2000 rifle and 9 mm rounds. Basically, Hagins was being a butthurt faggot about getting suspended and threw a big boy temper tantrum resulting in him getting v&.


John L Schultz IV and Donald V Robin Jr.

Two Columbiner methheads, 18 and 17 years old respectively, from Indiana who listened to KMFDM and made plans on Facebook to shoot up multiple schools in 2020. Someone snitched on them to the feds, which is their fault as they were too stupid to keep their mouths shut. The pigs found rifles, bullets, a hit list, and of course, trench coats in their rooms. They couldn't come up with their nicknames so they called each other Reb and Vodka (Eric and Dylan's nicknames) because having any creativity would be too hard. Also searched for things like "how to hide a gun under a trenchcoat" and "how to steal propane tanks" and other obvious queries that would get you on the CIA glow-niggers' watchlist. Like every other wannabe, they wanted to beat their heroes' high score but there was no way they would ever be able to considering they have an IQ of 100 combined. Donald Robin was given 17 years in return for tattling on his boyfriend. John has yet to be sentenced but he'll get to know his cellmates Bubba and Tyrone very well. Voted most likely of the wannabes to ask "Do you believe in god?


Jon W. Romano

Jon Romano was a 16-year-old who tried to shoot up Columbia High School, located in suburban Albany, New York in 2004. Only one teacher was wounded by this jackass. He was severely mentally ill and was barred from attending the school for a while, similar to Jeff Weise. He lost all of his friends and was extensively bullied by the school. He watched Michael Moore's movie, Bowling For Columbine, and referenced this in his suicide note left at home. He shot at two people basically point blank with a shotgun and missed somehow. Then two teachers successfully talked him down, wrestled the guns away, and detained him in the office until the pigs could arrive. He was sentenced to seventeen years in prison for such a pitiful display. (archive) (archive)

Luckily for Jon, his ineptitude was a virtue as he was released from prison in 2020 and now has a TikTok account where he describes his encounter with a sword wielding homeless man defending his honor.

José Ángel Ramos Betts

11 year old kid in Mexico borrowed two handguns from his narco grandad to play Fortnite IRL at Colegio Cervantes on January 10, 2020. He executed his teacher cartel-style and injured six before killing himself via shooting directly into his eyeball. José wore a homemade natural selection shirt and suspenders. Getting tired of reading that yet? The Mexican old media blamed violence in vidya games for the shooting years after Americunts got bored of doing it.


Jose Reyes

A 12 year old boy from Sparks, Nevada, who on October 21st, 2013, stole his parents pistol and shot up the basketball court, injuring three people, one of which was killed. After this, he committed suicide. Police found pictures of the Columbine killers on his phone.


Joshua Alexander O'Connor

18 year old Eric Harris stan who made plans to shoot up ACES High School in "Mid-April" of 2018, probably to coincide with either the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19) or Columbine (April 20). He was turned in by his grandma on February 13, 2018, the day before the Parkland shooting and the day after he robbed a convenience store of a whole $100 in a Kim Jong-Un mask. Here lies another example of why you shouldn't write down your exact plans of your totally epic day of retribution. Joshua sported Eric Harris' NBK look a month prior to getting caught at school, natural selection shirt (albeit, natural was misspelled) and all, for an acting class. He also bought a Hi-Point 9mm carbine rifle, the same rifle sported by his hero Eric. He was sentenced to 22 years in prison.


Josh Magee

A 17 year old boy from Nebraska who was inspired by Columbine. He was arrested in early 2004 after he was caught. The cops found a fuckload of bombs and weapons.

Juan Manuel Morales Sierra

21 year old Spaniard who tried to obtain 140 kilos of materials for making explosives, resulting in getting himself v& on October 2, 2012. He had written about plans to blow up the University of Balearic Islands on April 20, 2013 and posted about Columbine on his blog. He caught the interest of los glownegros because of his blog detailing "operación Columbainero" and other comments sympathizing with Reb and Voddy. Being a Europoor, he had a hard time gaining access to weapons and resorted to explosives. He was released from prison in 2016.


Justin Dorset

Justin Dorset was a fifteen year old middle school student who tried to shoot his teacher but missed and an heroed instead on May 18, 2009. The lulz come from the fact he attempted to go postal in his shitty rural Louisiana town with his dad's .25 pistol and five bullets. Unsurprisingly, he had a fetish for the Columbine duo. His last words were "Hail Marilyn Manson" (really).


Kali Jade Bookey

Columbine massacre obsessed Kali Jade Bookey (aged 15), of Wisconsin slashed the throat of her brother’s girlfriend. During the attack, Bookey referred to herself as a ‘psycho’ who was looking for her ‘first kill’. Bookey’s Facebook page “Laudy Love Kvety” posted a picture of Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters on his birthday. Bookey told police she didn’t want to kill her bother’s girlfriend; just scare her enough to make her move away. Bookey had become jealous of how happy her brother was with his girlfriend.


Karl Pierson

Did You Know: Arapahoe High School is located in Littleton, CO, about 8 miles from Columbine!

Some asshole kid who got really butthurt about getting booted from the debate team at Arapahoe Highschool so he went postal on December 13, 2013. He wanted his NBK to coincide with Adam Lanza's crusade against kindergarteners at Sandy Hook that occurred a year earlier but unfortunately for him, the 14th landed on a Saturday. Karl's NBK was insignificant to say the least. He shot some hoe in the head then went to library to threw a single molotov and rage quit like a bitch. Didn't go after the debate team teacher (who also happened to be the librarian) due to being a pussybitch.

Karl was obviously aware of the killers since he lived in Littleton but was particularly fond of King of Edgelords Eric Harris. When he wasn't plagiarizing his hero almost word for word, he listened to KMFDM and shilled Communism to anyone that would listen.


Kimveer Gill

This guy was another loser who failed to get the High Score. He shot up his school, Dawson College, and killed only 1 person, injuring 20 others, before becoming an hero. He was known to have been obsessed with Columbine, 9/11 and other tragedies along with conspiracies. He wore trenchcoats, obsessed over Goth culture, and made various posts / rants relating to or mentioning Columbine. The only notable thing about Kimveer is that his name was the inspiration behind Adam Lanza's "Queer for Kimveer" Tumblr.

Kyle Davies

Kyle Davies was an 18 year old autistic britfag nerd and admirer of Anders Breivik and Columbine. He was planning to go NBK on his college but got caught after ordering a glock-17 from an M16 sponsered honeypot on teh dark net. Kyle was immediately vanned after the coppers found a trenchcoat alongside elaborate written plans and is set to rot in prison for 16 years. Also studied fellow failure Liam Lyburd extensively.


Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, Randall Shepherd, and James Gamble

A trio of tumblrinas who were obsessed with Columbine, gore, BDSM porn, and other degeneracy. They planned to slaughter a mall in Canada, but were stopped by a snitch as they made threats directly hinting at their intentions. One of them (the one with the guns) became an hero, while the others were quickly v&. James was the ultimate fanboy of Eric as he wore KMFDM shirts, dressed the same, listened to the same music and made the same retarded rants on his shitty site.

M, N, O

Matthew Murray

Matthew Murray (Alias: Nghtmrchld26) was a 24 year old ex-Christfag from Colorado who went for the high score at two mega churches. Matt became an hero after being shot by the security guard. He was strongly influenced by Columbine, and probably visited the area since he was just a few suburbs away. He left behind many edgy postings on Christian forums. One of his posts was literally copy and pasted from Eric's journal: "I'm coming for EVERYONE soon and I WILL be armed to the @#%$ teeth and I WILL shoot to kill. Feel no remorse, no sense of shame, I don't care if I live or die in the shoot-out. All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you as I can especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world". This is verbatim what Eric wrote but with Brooks Brown replaced with Christians. He also made a fan video of Eric and Dylan with Anarchy by KMFDM in the background (probably with Window's Movie Maker since this was in 2007).


Martin Peyerl

16 year old nazi kraut who sniped some people from his house. Wrote about Columbine in his journal the day before the attack and said others should do what they did.

Max Porta

13 year old spic who attacked his school in Barcelona with a homemade crossbow and a machete because he got picked on a little :(. He shot a teacher in the face with his crossbow and then sliced some kids before crying like a little bitch and collapsing in a teacher's arms. Committed his attack on April 20th, 2015, the 16th anniversary of Columbine.


Medianeira School Shooting

An anonymous fat fuck in Brazil wore his Eric Harris cosplay to school and threw some firecrackers at his classmates with his friend for a couple minutes before being busted GTA style and promptly v&. He shot three kids' legs with some piece of shit gun. The duo failed at everything Eric and Dylan did but excelled at demonstrating why the bullying at school was justified. They were only put away for a couple months each so maybe they will come back some day for round two?


Mikhail Pivnev

Mikhail is another Trench Coat Mafia Russian kid who attacked his teacher with a meat cleaver in a Moscow suburb on September 15, 2017. 15 year old Mikhail brought an airsoft gun to his NBK and was v& immediately. It is rumored the principal was warned about Mikhail's plans but did nothing. He made references to Columbine and also changed his last name to Klebold on his social media. The teacher lived so his kill count is a resounding ZERO.


Michael Piggin

Autistic Britfag who planned a shooting at his college, a cinema and a mosque with a bunch of air guns and bombs. Was arrested after threatening kids with a knife. Looked up to Anders Breivik and the Columbine killers, wore a trenchcoat and planned to wear it in the attack. He referred to his attack as "the new Columbine" in his diary.

Nicole Cevario

18 year old Femoid who got caught before her day of retribution that was to take place on April 5, 2017 at her high school in Maryland. Like every other retard on this list that got caught, she wrote down her epic Columbine-esque plans in a journal. She wrote in her journal that she wanted to be "the first real female school shooter". The pigs found a Remington shotgun, ammo, and materials to make pipe bombs (maybe these ones would actually go off). She has been put away for 20 years. Don't write down your plans.


Nikolas Cruz

Autistic incel who shot up his school in Parkland, Florida, however unlike most on this list, he actually got a good kill count and managed to beat Columbine. Constantly researched school shootings and watched videos about Columbine, and had a picture of Columbine High School on his phone.

P, Q, R

Pekka-Eric Auvinen

Pekka was the Finnish school shooter who murdered 8 noobs back in 2007. He idolized the killers and made dozens of videos about them. He even plagiarized their manifesto (specifically, Eric Harris') and words on his channel & manifesto. He considered himself another Eric Harris, who would inspire his very own followers. Only his friend, Mr. Saari, took him up on the offer, killing a few more with a similar shitty .22 that he purchased from the same gun store.

Randy Robert Stair

Kiwi Farms

Randy Robert Stair was a demented Tranny and Columbiner who shot up the grocery store he worked at, killing 3. Like Cho, he locked the doors to the place before sperging out and becoming an hero. In addition to mass shootings, Randy was obsessed with Danny Phantom and made up his own fantasy world about it. He had a specific fetish for goth ghost girl Ember McClain who appeared in one episode. He made himself a ghost OC named Andrew Blaze as well as a couple other goth girls for his ghost band (EGS). Randy had three JewTube channels, Twitter for every character, and a Wikia to document the lore of the intellectual property he was plagiarizing. Had a very special episode of his cartoon series on his channel where he did a school shooting with his favorite emo girl OC.

Became infamous on teh internetz for being extremely easy to make fun of. Distinguished Cancer-AIDS sufferer Mister Metokur made a particularly moving biographical piece on Randy. Just like EVERY OTHER FUCKING WANNABE, Randy licked the boots of none other than Eric Harris. Randy wrote about the long dead 18 year old in his diary and cosplayed as him.


Robert Steinhauser

Robert was a kraut who got expelled from his schule for not attending and forging a note which said that he was at a doctor, which is why he wasn't attending. What he was really doing was hanging out at a gun club. He tricked his mommy into thinking that he was still at school and apparently "was fascinated by the attack at Columbine and admired Harris' and Klebold's methods" according to Peter Langman. On April 26 2002, he discriminately targeted and executed a fuckton of teachers with high skill, and accidentally killed 2 students after shooting through a door. I guess skipping school to go to gun clubs was worth it, even though it got him expelled. However he somehow lost all of his fucking braincells mid-amok, because a teacher managed to lure him into a classroom and lock him in. However, Robert hadn't lost enough brain cells to realize that it was a good time to an hero because the pigs would probably zerg rush the room ASAP. At least he was a copycat who was decent.

Robert Gladden Jr.

Bobby was a 15 year old boy who conducted a school shooting at Perry Hall High School, on August 27th, 2012. He attended the first two classes of school, went to the restroom during break, reassembled a 12 gauge shotgun, and loaded it with live ammo. He snuck the shotgun into the cafeteria, shot a 17 year old guy in the back. He was quickly rushed and subdued by a teacher. More people detained him, but he fired off a shot which struck the cieling. Several people suffered minor injuries in the chaos that ensued. He was sentenced in February 2013 to 35 years in prison. During police interviews, he revealed that he had an interest in Columbine and an admiration for the killers.


S, T, U, V

Seth Trickey

He was a 13 year old boy from Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, who shot up his rural middle school and injured 5 students a few months after Columbine. The police recovered a 9mm handgun and found no motives for the attack. The gun was owned by his father, purchased 6 years prior to the attack. He conducted his shooting spree with just one 15-round magazine; he waited for the bell to ring and then picked off students as they entered the school. After unloading all the bullets, he was quickly tackled and shackled. In 2002, he apologized for his actions;

I exploded; I know I was angry. I put a lot of pressure on myself to make good grades. If I didn't make that goal, I would get mad. I got mad at myself and at the school, because I felt they didn't do the right thing or something like that. I feel really bad, really, really bad that I did it. I wish I didn't do it every time I wake up in the morning. I wish I never hurt those victims, and I wish I never hurt my family the way I did.


In 2005, 5 years, 3 months, and 23 days after his shooting spree, he was released from prison, due to being a juvenile (13) when he was arrested, and now hitting the age of 18.

Classmate, 13, held in shootings of Oklahoma students, 5 hurt in Fort Gibson school shooting, Gun in School Shooting Was Father's, Police Say, School shooter says he's sorry, Seth Trickey's release final, judge declares.

News Video

Sebastian Bosse

Sebastian Bosse was another pissed off 18 year old virgin. He tried to shoot up his school using Flintlock pistols and a shitty single-shot rifle. These are the types of weapons from the 16th ~ 18th centuries, that required you to take half a minute to carefully load, and were usually as accurate as a sawed-off shotgun. Impressively, he injured 20 people total, but sadly the only fatality was himself. He also wore a trenchcoat.

Sky Bouche

5'4 manlet who staged the most boring school shooting ever with a KDA of 0/0/1 on April 20, 2018 (Columbine's 19th B-day!) in Florida two months after Nikolas Cruz stampeded through Parkland. Said he did it because he "felt ignored" and wanted people to feel scared. Apparently, Sky had been on the Feds' radar since 2013 after posting comments supporting Columbine. He got thirty years in prison so don't bring a gun to school unless you mean it.


Stephen Kazmierczak

27 year old responsible for the shooting at NIU on Valentine's Day 2008. He studied V-Tech and Columbine extensively. Stephen was a big fan of the movie Saw and even had a super gay tattoo of Jigsaw on his forearm. He is said to have been bullied in highschool until he graduated in 1998 for being a trenchcoat wearing goth (he even did it before it was cool). In '99 it was too late to show those bullies dad's guns unfortunately. After downing a bottle of Tylenol in 1996, Stephen was put on every medication under the sun. He stopped taking his meds in 2001 and was doing pretty ok for a couple years. He became unable to cope with life after graduating from university Marilyn Manson's music made him do it!!!1!


Sulejman Talovic

They planned to steal his guns afterwards and shoot up their school, the plot failed because the man had stored his guns in a safe.

Thomas Wyllie and Alex Bolland

Two 14 year old Brit-fags kids who plotted to get a co-op high score at their school in Yorkshire in 2017. Thomas Wylie, the ringleader of the operation was your average bullied emo twink who worshipped Eric Harris and Charles Manson. The two got v& after Alex Bolland pussied out and told some girl on Snapchat about their plans. The two were put away for 12 and 10 years respectively.


Tim Kretschmer

An IRL troll from Germany. This disillusioned teenager went for the high score and killed 15 people in March 2009. He was well-aware of Columbine and used a picture of the gunmen as an avatar or signature on a forum he browsed.

Todd Cameron Smith

Perpetrator of the first ever Columbine Copycat attack. He shot up his school in Canada only 8 days after Columbine happened. He killed one, injured another, and missed his third target. He got wrestled to the ground and arrested. Throughout his life, he was extremely bullied and dropped out of the school a few months before shooting it up. The father of a victim forgave Todd, and became an anti-bullying activist.

Trey Eric Sesler

Trey Sesler was a NEET known on Jewtube as Mr. Anime until he wiped out his family on March 20, 2012 with a Hi-Point model 995 carbine rifle, Eric Harris' weapon of choice. He had plans to shoot up Waller High School but he was caught by the police fucking around at his friend's house. Trey was purportedly interested in both Columbine and V-Tech. He was given life in prison so no more anime for this guy.


Vester Flanagan

Proving that not all Columbine copycats are skinny white and asian fags, Flanagan is a nigger faggot known for killing two reporters during a broadcast on live TV. He admired Eric and Dylan as well as Cho, especially the latter for his impressive kill count.

Victor Cordova Jr

A middle-school aged mexican who shot up his school in Deming, New Mexico in late 1999, just months after the Columbine massacre. He boasted to his classmates about his ammo and stated he would kill them all. He stated "Watch, I'm going to make history blasting this school".

Vladislav Roslyakov

Moar info: Vladislav Roslyakov.

The best copycat on this list by virtue of outdoing his hero Reb's very own NBK. This strapping, young Ukraini lad is what Eric Harris wishes he could have been. First off, Vladislav managed to build explosives that actually detonated. Second, he got a better kill count in single player than Reb and Vod got combined. Congratulations Vladislav! You are the winrar!!

W, X, Y, Z

William Atchison

Aka User:AlGore or "couch cuck". Atchison went to his old high school disguised as a normal student and prepared his load out in a bathroom where he shot an unfortunate bystander who just wanted to take a piss. Will ran out, shot some random girl who was late to class on the wrong day, and tried to breach a classroom barricaded by an old lady and a very comfy couch. He then proceeded to shoot at the wall before becoming an hero when the partyvan arrived. All in all, Will killed a pitiful two people despite being armed with the knowledge of a thousand wise men after reading every wikipedia article on mass shooters.

AlGore was a notorious edgelord who made hundreds of edits on this wiki about school shootings and Columbine in particular. If you have read an ED article about any mass shooter made before 2017, you've read his writing. He also happens to be the creator of this very article!



These people weren't criminals or were John/Jane Does.

  • 3 kids arrested for planned attack on their high school in Hoyt, Kansas. Each possessed a black trench coat.
  • Five kids from New Bedford, Massachusetts were arrested for planning an attack on a High School, wearing black trench coats.
  • Three students from Port Huron, Michigan were arrested on suspicion of planning a columbine-inspired attack on their school.
  • Just one day after Kimveer Gills shooting, a 17 year old boy revealed to the police that two students at his school were planning a mass shooting based on Columbine. The police arrested the youth, and found sawed off shotguns, automatic weapons, pistols, ammo, bombs / guides, camouflage clothes, gas masks, suicide notes and more.
  • Four young people are arrested in Loudown County, Virginia for the stabbing/slashing death of one of their fathers, wearing black trench coats.
  • Oaklyn Public School, Camden, NJ 3 boys were arrested after they attempted to carjack a vehicle on their way to attack a school. They were wearing black trench coats.
  • A letter sent to the parents of Dylan Klebold by the Jane Doe; An unidentified Jane Doe was a 17 year old girl from Pennsylvania who was planning a massacre, and wanted to be the "first female shooter". She was charged as a juvenile, so her identity remains unknown. She sent letters to Susan and Tom Klebold, the parents of one of the Columbine killers. [1]
  • In 2001, a threatening and suspicious note was passed along to the police in Elmira, New York. The cops found a senior student who had access to a pistol, 18 bombs, and a sawed off shotgun.
  • An internet conversation was sent to the pigs. They found the suspect, a student, was planning a massacre at his school. He had a stolen AK-47 in possession.
  • In 2011, a snitch ratted out a Utah teenager who made plots to kill. He went as far as actually driving to Columbine High School, hundreds of miles to the east, before he attempted his attacks. The teen actually interviewed the CHS principal, Frank DeAngeles.
  • In early February 2016, a 17-year-old Benton High School student in Benton, Louisiana posted a Instagram photo of himself photoshopped behind Columbine High School and had a caption with the following: "your favorite school shooter is now one year older, and one year closer to the master plan." He was arrested, charged with terrorizing (info coming out that a crime was in progress or about to take place), and was expelled from the school.
  • Two 13-year old boys were arrested in Colorado Springs with conspiracy and "inciting destruction of life or property" on October 9, 2017. They established a “kill list” that named other students, faculty, and staff at Sabin Middle School. Evidence was found including firearms (PD: Teens arrested for ‘kill list,' plotting attack on school)

See Also

External Links

Columbine Copycats is part of a series on Columbine
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Adam LanzaAlex HribalArtyom KazantsevAsa CoonBob8466Brooke Higgins & Sienna JohnsonCho Seung-HuiDillon CosseyIchverbotJaylen FrybergJeff WeiseKimveer GillLindsay Kantha SouvannarathLynn AnnNeocitiesNghtmrchld26Pekka-Eric AuvinenRobert Butler Jr.Robert HawkinsRobert SteinhäuserRyan SchallenbergerSebastian BosseSol PaisTheAmazingAtheistTim KretschmerVladislav RoslyakovWilliam AtchisonYou


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Single Player Elite Hall of Fame

Adam LanzaAnders Behring BreivikAndrew KehoeAriana Grande MassacreBaruch GoldsteinBrenton TarrantCampo Elías DelgadoCho Seung-HuiDavid KozákDevin Patrick KelleyDong YanglingGabriel WortmanJack Gilbert GrahamJakrapanth ThommaJames HubertyLuby's massacreMartin BryantMutsuo ToiNice Truck Attack 2016Omar MateenPanya KhamrabPatrick CrusiusReina Nightclub MassacreSalvador RamosShinji AobaStephen PaddockTed BundyVladislav RoslyakovWilliam UnekWoo Bum-kon

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Multiplayer Co-Op Mode

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Civilization and Great Prophets

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Banned From Scoring

Alex HribalAnthony WarnerAnton BichivinAsa CoonBen MoynihanBilly MitchellBrandon CleggBrian Isaack ClydeCharles BishopClay DukeDillon CosseyFaisal ShahzadFrank JamesHayden JagstHugo JacksonIlya IvanistovJohn EarnestKyle RittenhouseLaaiti EkenstéenLindsay Kantha SouvannarathLogan ClarkMAGABomberMikhail PivnevNasim AghdamNicky ReillyPhilip ManshausRichard ReidRyan RouthSam HydeSebastian BosseSol PaisStephan BallietTodd RogersWillem Van SpronsenWilliam AtchisonYou


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