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This is what libtards actually believe.
This is what libtards actually believe.

MAGABomber (not to be confused with the Unabrowmer) is the unofficial pseudonym that has been given to an unknown individual or group of individuals who, on October 22, 2018, began attempting to assassinate prominent members of an obscure, quickly dying American political party known as the Democrats by duct taping a bunch of wires and plastic crap to a pipe and then hoping that all of his targets die of heart attacks upon seeing the devices – a truly ingenious plan, considering that all Democrats are older than slavery and have a tendency to freak out over the absolute dumbest shit.

Despite being christened as "The MAGABomber" by die lügenpresse and a bunch of liberal retards on Twitter, the MAGABomber is neither an actual bomber nor is there a single shred of evidence that he/she/xe actually supports Making America Great Again.

The /pol/ Man's James Bond

The /pol/ Man's James Bond About missing Pics
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See Also

is part of a series on

Big Players

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Anders Behring Breivik Antifa Australians Barack Obama Black Lives Matter Brenton Tarrant Cho Seung-Hui Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain DisruptJ20 Dnepropetrovsk maniacs George Soros George W. Bush Grog Jack Gilbert Graham John Walker Lindh Matthew Murray Michael Moore Mohamed Abdulaziz Rashid Saeed-Alim Muslims Osama Bin Laden Philip Manshaus Robert Hawkins Sharjah Ruler Sam Hyde The Finnisher The Unabrower Timothy McVeigh Unabomber

Terrorist Groups, Beliefs and Causes

Arab Axis of Evil Binghampton Iran Ireland Islam Israel Maniacs Murder Cult Pakistan Palestine Sudan

Terrorist Actions

1-14 Jakarta Attacks 2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing American Airlines Flight 63 Ariana Grande Massacre ATHF Terrorist Attack Beheading videos Binghampton Tet Offensive BLMKidnapping Boston Marathon Bombing Breitscheidplatz Columbine Crocus City Hall Massacre Dallas Police Shootings Delaware State University Shooting Gaza War Halle synagogue shooting Khalid Masood's Westminster motor massacre London Bridge Attack 2017 Mass Shooting Narcovideos Nice Truck Attack 2016 Nitroglycerin Occupy Wall Street Oklahoma City Bombing Paris Mass Shooting Pittsburgh Paint Job Pulse Nightclub Massacre Police Brutality Ramadan Van Man Reina Nightclub Massacre VTech Waco WTC

is part of a series on Donald Trump.

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