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Innocence of Muslims

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Your life ends where muslim feelings begin.
Rage Ahmed Hassan, the most appropriately named muslim in the world.

Innocence of Muslims is a [srike]troll movie[/strike] produced and directed by a Jew that compares Muslims to cancer, and gained notoriety when sand niggers experienced nuclear-grade butthurt and wanted to prove the movie wrong by attacking a couple of American embassies, and killing Christopher Stevens, the ambassador to Libya. The director/producer, Sam Bacile, managed to Jew five million dollars from a hundred donors, shat out an obscure shit flick that looks like it was funded by welfare checks of the staff, and went into hiding to masturbate with his shekels and laugh at exploding Muslims.

Back in America, now that the video that has so far gotten four Americunts killed, the fallout was of a different nature. While nobody has strapped bombs to themselves to kill American politicians (yet), things quickly got dramatic. No sooner was Ambassador Stevens' body turned cold was when Mitt Romney decided to turn the entire international crisis into a campaign issue, much like abortion and gay marriage. Appropriate, considering what the movie is actually about.

The Movie Itself

Our hero.

While it's worth mentioning that the actual movie isn't out as of the time of this writing (EDiots are planning a full review of it when it does release), the trailer, which can be seen below, reveals how despite its alleged $5,000,000 price tag, looks like utter shit. The backgrounds of the movie were clearly made with cheap-as-fuck green screens, the artwork is just slightly above Chris-chan quality, and one of Muhammad's disciples is reported to have been played by a gay porn star. The movie's completely undeserved publicity can also be attributed to pastor and professional Christian troll Terry Jones, the mastermind of Burn a Koran Day.

Despite the shit-tier production value, the movies does deserve credit for delivering a 100% accurate account of Muhammad's life and times, perhaps even more accurate the the Koran or the Hadith themselves. Throughout the course of the movie, Muhammad is shown murdering men and women, and then raping and enslaving their children. He is also shown having a gay orgy with his followers (in which he admits to enjoy being both the top and the bottom), pathetically begging a man to sell his daughter to him as a slave, and is even shown being beaten up by two of his wives because one of them got jealous, due to Muhammad fucking one of them and not the other.

Perhaps most notable of all, the movie depicts Aisha, the six-year old girl Muhammad bought as a slave, whom he would later go on to rape at the age of nine, something that is actually depicted in the Hadith. And no, the rape isn't actually shown in the movie, you sick fuck.

Ironically, such a historically-accurate portrayal of Muhammad butchering Christians and Jews for not converting to Islam (albeit with non-existent, Halloween costume-quality special effects) and fucking his harem made up of men and women like the depraved, pedophilic alpha male he is should have been flattering to Muslims everywhere. I mean, really, nobody ever depicts Jesus like that, because he was a fucking pussy who turned the other cheek while being beaten up by Romans. But, no. Muslims responded by killing four Americans as of the time of this writing, and if the last two major Muslim chimpouts are any indication, they're just getting started.

Mudslime Chimpouts So Far

OH LAWDY, this is like another 9/11!
I told you about the extremists, dog
"Oh come on guys, I though we agreed on the jew issue!"
D'aww, babby's first chimpout!
"All the UN base are belong to loli"


Recognizing the true Achilles' Heel of American civilization, the Mudslimes of Lebanon decided that the best way to retaliate is to burn a local KFC. This caused extensive butthurt among the urban population of America, and hopefully both sides will resolve the issue respectively by killing each other.


Some thousands of butthurt muslims settled for screaming at the embassy and tearing down a couple of flags. 225 injured for bashing their heads against the wall.


Unlike their pyramid-building pussy sandnigger cousins, Libyans actually did something. A guy called Christopher Stevens, an ambassador to Libya who made more dough while taking a shit than you make in your entire lifetime, was having a joyride in his pimpmobile with his homies and got to experience some of that famous Libyan hospitality in the form of an RPG.

One of the victims was Sean Smith or "Vile Rat", an e-jew known for defrauding people in EVE Online and being a moderator in money-grubbing grand jew Lowtax's pay-to-post Web 1.0 forum that stopped being relevant about a decade ago. He was famous for defending minorities and banning people whom he disagreed with. It is sweet irony that he met his end at the hands of his beloved dunecoons. According to a reliable source, his last words were "B-but I defend you on the internet".


Afghanistan's prez and Bush's buttbuddy Hamid Karzai announced a nationwide YouTube block in Afghanistan because of the movie. In practice, meaning that he installed NetNanny on his own computer, thus effectively blocking every computer from being able to access YouTube in the country. Later the Taliban got jealous for being late for the party and attacked an Afgan military base. Proudly setting a new highscore of the whole chimopout of dead butthurt muslims at twenty, they returned to whatever sandy cave they crawled from.


No proper chimpout without niggers, so Sudanese raghead nignogs decided to join in on the fun. In their Qoran and kool-aid induced rage they attacked the first white devil embassies they could find and stormed British and German embassies and set them on fire. Finding the right embassy at the third attempt, they proceeded to do the same thing to it as well.


In Tunisia, the muslims set trees in the US embassy's yard on fire. Still high on Islam and a few matches in their pockets, they did the same to an American school in La Goulette.


Maldivian jihadists, renowned internet tough guys the world over, laid siege to the UN headquarters. However, since they're pretty much pussies when it comes to doing some shit on their own, they brought out child soldiers in the hopes of baiting the 'murrikans inside. A few hours later, in a surprising spark of intelligent thinking from the otherwise retarded-as-fuck towel-head wannabes, they realized they were SUPPOSED to attack the US Embassy. But them being the dumbasses they were, they could not find the US Embassy no matter how hard they tried, and finally - with their rage-boners flatlining on them, they retreated to their caves for another round of raping their concubines.


Yes, apparantly there are enough mudslimes infesting Australia to stage a protest. Cheap and easy "chop everyone's but ours heads off" cardboard signs were plenty and the protesters showed their appreciation of Osama. As the muslims started throwing rocks, attacking the cops and went full jihad mode, Australian cops gave the "Allah Ackbar" chanting monkeys a faceful of mace.

The JewTube trailer of the movie

The Full Movie

Sam Bacile?

Nakoula. He's something like this.
Our hero was right.
When the land of American pigdogs who mock our holy prophet is ashes....

Israel was quick to deny that their Jewbase had any record of Sam. This, however, didn't stop anally destroyed Palestinians from doing the muslim-chimpout-routine of burning Israel and USA flags and chanting "Death to Jewnited States". After he trolled the troll bomb, Sam went into hiding and nobody has yet found him. Some sources deny that Sam Bacile even exists. Would it be possible for a jew to disappear into thin air, or are we getting trolled?

As Sam's phone number was backtraced, it was found out it belonged to Nakoula Nakoula. Nakoula² stated that he was a manager for Sam's company. It turned out that Nakoula had held interesting jobs before his career as an aide to master troll, such as gas station attendant and meth manufacturer. So, the next time you want to get job as a professional troll, adding those to your CV might be a good idea.

Some argue that Sam is Nakoula. Were the muslims trolled by a crafty jew or an ex-con sandnigger follower of RaptorJesus, possibly trolling muslims right now while high as balls? You decide.

Also note that Mr. or Monsieur Bacile becomes M. Bacile, or Imbecile. More evidence of trolling?

Some choice selections of OTI chimpouts.

Gallery of Pis-uh, I mean Peace. About missing Pics
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External Links

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Featured article September 16 & 17, 2012
Preceded by
Barrett Brown
Innocence of Muslims Succeeded by
Robbie Farah