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LtFlagger (Power Word: Adam Tyldak) is a family-leaving pedophile who frequents the game Subspace/Continuum. At the height of his reign of terror, he was grooming a 15-year-old girl by the name of Tally3993 to be his sex slave. He was also notorious for paying the players on his Hockey Zone team, Scorgasms. Players were paid based on their statistical performance, and despite the fact that everyone on this team was awful, it is estimated that LtFlagger has spent at least 100 dollars of his own money on paying his players. When his unlimited disposable income ran out due to him being court-ordered to pay his child support payments, he vanished without a trace, leaving many talented internet athletes high and dry without their earnings.

Nothing that leaves evidence :P
LTFlagger> Because I'm everything you wish you could be


—LtFlagger the Pedophile

LtFlagger> I kiss her plenty

LtFlagger> but we dont have sex
LtFlagger> or do anything that leaves evidence :P



—LtFlagger, describing his perfect crime.

Everything you wish you could be...


LtFlagger on Chat Roulette

LtFlagger first emigrated to Hockey Zone from another area of Subspace, Metal Gear CTF. At first, his arrival was not very noteworthy. Nothing was known about him other than that he was a greasy 27-year-old man from Illinois who worked some kind of IT job. That all changed on one fateful day, when LtFlagger decided to piss into an ocean of piss and introduce his girlfriend to the fine denizens of Hockey Zone.

LtFlagger is known for his high sense of unwarranted self-importance. He will frequently go out of his way to inject himself into chats and forum conversations to brag about himself, his love life, and his high-paying job. He has a very high view of himself in spite of the community's unanimous rejection of his child-grooming, pedophiliac tendencies and profound retardation. He apparently has no shame, going so far as to post pictures of his fat, greasy self with his underaged girlfriend.


In the span of one conversation, LtFlagger managed to morph himself into HZ's public enemy number one. By inviting his girlfriend and known minor, Tally3993, to come play Hockey Zone with him, LtFlagger showed that he clearly had no qualms with talking openly about their relationship, even though he is 12 years her senior. LtFlagger had also previously admitted that he had left his family, a wife and three kids, and bragged about refusing to pay child support. This fact made everyone rage even more as LtFlagger described, at length, his loving relationship with a minor:


GameChip> rofl
LtFlagger> you can "holla" at the 15 year olds all you want
LtFlagger> just cant touch them if yer older
Splenetic> jailbait
GameChip> splen
Temperal> fuck you ga
 LtFlagger> only if you get sexual with them
Hot Rodste> haha afh
GameChip> ill get some girls for you tho
Hot Rodste> u coudl fo just asked ice
Splenetic> they dont have no hair down low
Golden Arm> lol temp
Splenetic> only good thing
Splenetic> they havent grown hair
Splenetic> lol
LtFlagger> I know all about it
LtFlagger> cuz I'm going through it
Splenetic> r u a girl?
LtFlagger> no
GameChip> no
Splenetic> lol
GameChip> his girl is jewish tho
LtFlagger> my gf is young
Splenetic> u said ur going through it
Dumpy> u can touch them
Dumpy> if u want
Dumpy> retard
LtFlagger> not if I dont wanna go to jail :P
Splenetic> nah i gotta claim
Dumpy> u just cant touch them
activation> wat
Splenetic> i cant look at that
Dumpy> in the wrong places
LtFlagger> oh
LtFlagger> yeah
Golden Arm> f
Golden Arm> fa
LtFlagger> I kiss her plenty
LtFlagger> but we dont have sex
Dumpy> u can grab the ass too
LtFlagger> or do anything that leaves evidence :P
Dumpy> just not anywhere else
Dumpy> kisses dont matter
Dumpy> just aslong as u dont have sex loool
LtFlagger> like I said
LtFlagger> we dont have sex, plenty of other stuff though
LtFlagger> nothing that leaves evidence
Navimaster> what are you talking lt
Navimaster> your gf?
Dumpy> no 1 is gonna
Trick-> how old r u LtF
Dumpy> catch u guys
LtFlagger> yea
Dumpy> 27
LtFlagger> 27 trick
GameChip> has hot girls there
Dumpy> going out with 15
Trick-> how old is ur gf
Leafy> LOL
Dumpy> LOL
Navimaster> how old is she again?
Leafy> LOL
LtFlagger> 15
LtFlagger> There is nothing illegal about dating
LtFlagger> Already confirmed that with attornies
bff> guy has to get legal advice before his dates lol
bff> guy has to get legal advice before his dates lol
bff> guy has to get legal advice before his dates lol
Leafy> LOL
Trick-> wow what
Dumpy> LOL
Splenetic> 27 and ur dating a 15 year old
Leafy> LOL
Dumpy> LO
Leafy> LOL
Dumpy> LOL
Splenetic> HAHAH WHAT
Dumpy> LOL

Tally3993 enters the arena to confirm the story, and reveals, among other things, that she is a young girl with problems at home, making her a prime target for LtF's grooming. Seriously, this shit can't be made up. The entire conversation reads like a log that Chris Hansen would be holding as he asks you to have a seat over there:


Tally3993> beacuse he treats me likea person he respcet me he doesnt try to use me or brag about anything he gets
LtFlagger> only in here
LtFlagger> mine?
Reppotimus> Sad
Leafy> hi pedo
Reppotimus> ltflagger what's ur address
LtFlagger> be more distinct
Reppotimus> i am lookin up the local police department
Reppotimus> for ur area
 togofoyo> night
LtFlagger> reppo yer an idiot
Reppotimus> what why
The_Crushe> what's there to know? I am not in the middle of anything unless your refering to you mounting some sort of defense for yourself.. I know your and adult; that your attracted to a child; and that that makes you a pedophile according to
Tally3993> u need names
LtFlagger> I wouldnt give you my personal information regardless
LtFlagger> And as I've said repeatedly
Nub> You just made me choke on a strawberry
Reppotimus> my sister is 13
LtFlagger> You really need to educate yourself
Reppotimus> if she dated a guy of ur age in 2 years
LtFlagger> Jack: did you want 2 of MY flaws?
Reppotimus> i would probbaly kill you
togofoyo> her
LtFlagger> You could try, you would fail
Mr.Jack+> that and relationship flaws
LtFlagger> anyway
Mr.Jack+> that u see
LtFlagger> hmmm
LtFlagger> ok
LtFlagger> mine
Tally3993> well at least she has people that care about her i dont
Tally3993> well didnt
Reppotimus> oh so basically this big yokel has made you feel loved
LtFlagger> I am very jealous, and sometimes can be quite insecure, lacking in confidence
Reppotimus> and now ur going to stay with him
Mr.Jack+> ltflagger
LtFlagger> both of which we openly discuss and talk about, isnt that right hun?
Tally3993> yes
Mr.Jack+> thts the thing br0
David Seam> i wonder if tally enjoys being a confused broken home  soon-to-be-prostitute
Reppotimus> there are plenty of fish ur age
The_Crushe> I'm educated enough to know that if you even have your socks off in the same room as her your commiting a crime.  your dating her dude your a pedo.  what kind of relationship can a man almost 30 have with a damn 15 yearold? all her tales of junior h
David Seam> no more
Tally3993> i love him and nothing any of u say will chage that
The_Crushe> amaze you
Mr.Jack+> is insecure and lack of confidence y u dated freaks in the past
LtFlagger> Crusher: you are wrong, again.
Mr.Jack+> have u tried 2 fish bigger
LtFlagger> Go relearn your "education"
LtFlagger> no
Reppotimus> ltflagger you should prolly just go to africa with her
Reppotimus> no one would give u trouble there
David Seam> ltflagger my good friend crusher brings up great points
The_Crushe> yeah I guess it depends on what state you live in but in texas your screwed
Tally3993> in entering sophmore year of hs
David Seam> i have 3 questions
Tally3993> not jhs
LtFlagger> I dont know how I ended up with them. Not all of my relationships were like those 2. I used them as examples since they were marriages
David Seam> 1: how do you fall in love with a 15 year old
Mr.Jack+> tally
Mr.Jack+> wut do u plan 2 b
Mr.Jack+> ltflagger whatis your current career
Tally3993> i have no idea
David Seam> 2: that aside, is it not embarassing around friends when u say u date a 15 year old....its an insult to your intelligence
Mr.Jack+> tally are you planning to go to college
Tally3993> im just doing what i love right now and thats singing dancing drawing
Leafy> oh my god
Leafy> shes such a child
LtFlagger> Crusher: I'll help you. [[Internet law|The law is that the contact must be sexual in nature, and must involve a define sexual area, such as breasts, vagina, penis.]]
Leafy> thats what infants do
Leafy> sing, dance, draw
Tally3993> -.-
Leafy> LOL
LtFlagger> Jack: I'm an IT Manager
David Seam> 3: as the crusher says.. how would you guys have anything in common  youi being double her age and she being a freshmen in highschool
Neverendin> My girlfriend like to sing dance and draw, wtf
Leafy> kids only know 3 things, sing, dance , draw
Reppotimus> this conversation is honestly golden
Leafy> tally dont you have a curfew
Tally3993> im in 2 chiors in school one is our scond best one and i do mucials and i love to dance and im really good at drawing
Leafy> didnt mommy tuck u in
David Seam> ltflagger can u answer my questions plz
David Seam> i feel i deserve the truth
David Seam> 1.  are you some sort of outcast, id say 99% of males in our age would be ashamed of having a 15 year old girlfriend
LtFlagger> Yes nub
LtFlagger> heh
LtFlagger> Not in the least david
Reppotimus> did you see his picture
Reppotimus> straight off of maury
The game will start in 26 seconds.
Nub> The fact that he isnt ashamed of having a 15 year old says a lot though.
The_Crushe> so your an internet predator?
LtFlagger> No reason to be ashamed
David Seam> 2. even if you say ur some visionary who sees above cultural norms and taboo,  do you think you could also possibly be a defective human who cant land a chick on his own mental maturity
Reppotimus> david really giving this his all. i am impressed
Tally3993> i mmore mature than u
David Seam> sure kid
David Seam> shut the fuck up and let adults talk
Nub> David have you ever been in love or do all you care about is the size of one's T&A and how well they put out?
Neverendin> That might be true actually
Nub> Just out of curiousity
David Seam> ok and finally my 3rd question
Tally3993> no u shut up u dont know what my life has been like
LtFlagger> Unfortunately, in todays society, you are as likely to find someone of equal "mental maturity" in a teen, as you are a mother of 3
Reppotimus> U DONT KNOW ME
LtFlagger> Hun, calm down
Reppotimus> ice cream usually works on kids her age lt
Reppotimus> try that
Tally3993> no he doesnt know the shit ive been though he cant judge me and u know it
LtFlagger> Sweetie
LtFlagger> Please calm down?
LtFlagger> He is just trying to get you riled up
David Seam> 3. you guys both have stated you are from broken homes that are fucked up, there is a correlation between this and these fucked up alternative lifestyles you feel are normal
David Seam> what shit have u been through
David Seam> and are you implying your better then me because you have been through feces
LtFlagger> Why is this a "fucked up alternative"? Because it is considered taboo by TODAYS standards? For the vast majority of human history, she would have been married off and started a family with someone exactly like me by now. Sometimes "progress" is
LtFlagger> anything but.
David Seam> well ltflagger
Reppotimus> for most of our history they didnt know a whole lot about mental development
LtFlagger> I suppose my view of equality for everyone would also be a "fucked up alternative"?
David Seam> during hte vast majority of human history black people used to rub sticks together and make ape noises in jungles
LtFlagger> Reppo: We still dont.
Reppotimus> we know more than we did

This news was, of course, taken in stride by everyone:


T  LtFlagger> Everyone say goodbye
T A Band-Aid> Lol.
T  Makavelii> nooooooooooooo
T   Mr.Jack+> wer u going
T      Zanaz> wat noo
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T   Mr.Jack+> dont leav3e
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  LtFlagger> You pissed her off
T  Makavelii> noooooooooooooooooo
T A Band-Aid> Bye to who?
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  Makavelii> nooooooooooo
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T 2pacalypse> PEDO
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  LtFlagger> And shes leaving
T      Sting> Stewizzle was the 1st victim of the sex ring
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDO
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  LtFlagger> I'm not leaving
T  LtFlagger> She is
T  LtFlagger> lol
T  Joe~Sakic> LTF i told u so long ago to ignroe these people they are idiots
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T      Zanaz> compliment her quickly
T X`terrania> least tally isnt 12 this time
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  Joe~Sakic> u should have listened
T X`terrania> now she's 15
T  LtFlagger> Specifically
T      Dumpy> lt
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T         wO> rofl
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T      Dumpy> and tally
T      Dumpy> wasd up
T  LtFlagger> Shes pissed at the DS people
T man seekin> any 15 year old girls wanna chat
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T      Dumpy> pedophile
T X`terrania> ur makign quite the jump you small dick faggot
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T Art of Mon> lol @ man seeking 15 yo
T 2pacalypse> Ez
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T krystallin> ltflagger a/s/l
T 2pacalypse> EZ
T  Makavelii> ltf is it her bedtime?
T A Band-Aid> Lawl.
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T   Autofire> I'm on your side ltf
T  LtFlagger> krys: 27/m/il
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T   Mr.Jack+> krys
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T activation> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T   Mr.Jack+> 27
T X`terrania> 14/f/tx 7777 for older men convo
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T X`terrania> 14/f/tx 7777 for older men convo
T  LtFlagger> uh, thx auto?
T X`terrania> 14/f/tx 7777 for older men convo
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T activation> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T man seekin> aim 28
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T Art of Mon> X has that shit down pat
T   Autofire> np
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T  Makavelii> bye tally
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T Art of Mon> Must do that often
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T  Makavelii> goodnight
T       koho> PEDOPHILE
T     cocain> PEDOPHILE
T man seekin> im 28
T  LtFlagger> thank god the ignore list has no limit

This shocking admission was followed up by numerous angry threads on the HZ message boards, demanding action against the family-leaving pedophile. LtFlagger's natural response was to post pictures of how happy he and Tally were together.

Tally3993 has never appeared in HZ again following this exchange, and LtFlagger has seldom mentioned her since. Her current status is unknown.


LtFlagger wanted to play for a team in Hockey Zone. He tried so hard to make himself attractive to any of the league rosters, going so far as to play the position everyone hates, goalie, on a regular basis. However, none of the existing teams would accept the pedophile onto their squad, citing irreconcilable differences.

When LtFlagger realized that he was not going to be accepted onto any of the existing league teams, he realized that his only course of action was to create a team of his own. However, realizing that nobody would want to play with a morally-bankrupt, child-molesting scumbag without some sort of incentive, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and offered to pay his players. This way, he could play on a team and flaunt around the fact that he makes so much money, he can afford to spend it on an internet spaceship hockey team. Don't ask him about his child support payments, though.

Every player on LtFlagger's team, Scorgasms, received a "contract" similar to the one below, which was offered to a player named WhiteIrishRebel. Of course, seeing as this contract was nothing more than a forum PM sent to each of his players, it was about as legal as a 27-year-old man having a romantic relationship with a minor. This led to many people being butthurt when LtFlagger was eventually court-ordered to pay his child support payments and promptly quit HZ forever.

Example Scorgasms Player Contract



1) GOALS PER GAME = +.75
4) WIN = $10
5) LOSS = $3


1) +/- OF +15 OR HIGHER = $5
2) 15 POINTS = $5
3) OVER A 2 RPM (MINIMUM 250 IT) = $5


1) GOALS PER GAME = +.75
4) WIN = $12
5) LOSS = $3
8 ) CHECKS PER GAME = +.40




Players on Scorgasms were given the choice of receiving the payments in installments after each game or in one lump sum. People who chose to receive payments in installments made some money, as they were paid at least initially. People who chose to receive their payment in one lump sum are retarded and received nothing.

I made 72 dollars in 9 games (236 minutes in time -> 26 minutes per game).


—Stryke, a Scorgasms player

In Hiding

LtFlagger vanished from Hockey Zone (though he was likely hiding under an alias), but he was presumed to still be at large. His lack of remorse for taking advantage of a 15-year-old girl in a vulnerable situation, or his general lack of understanding that it was even wrong, implies that he was likely engaging in similar pedophiliac grooming activities with another underaged girl.

Yahoo Answers

He has been sighted on Yahoo Answers. Profile Link

Questions Asked


On August 1st, 2011 LTFlagger was found playing HZ under alias "directv2". Evidence of his return was provided by Beat- on Hockey Zone forums. Beat- had formed a pretend e-friendship with directv2 but he let his guard down by revealing to Beat- that he was indeed LTFlagger and provided him with an invite to Google+. Further evidence supporting Beat- was the return of the LTFlagger alias on the day of accusal. LTFlagger double cliented to try and prove that directv2 was indeed a different alias but because his brain lacks basic reasoning more HZ players were believing the claims of Beat-. Despite there being irrefutable evidence against LTFlagger, still to this day he denies everything. The zone staff of HZ have been protecting this fugitive for years and even with all this evidence against LTFlagger, zone staff have promoted him to referee (in which he refs 99.99% of games). Since the revelation he has taken all his anger out by being biased against players on teams who support the anti-LTFlagger movement.

Since the LTFlagger alias confirmation an additional investigation has been undertaken by Beat- to locate the whereabouts of Tally3993. Early reports suggest that she is living with LTFlagger under another alias not yet known due to the double client by LTFlagger/directv2. If you have any information please contact Beat- via message.


Uh oh, spaghettio's![1]

Contact Info

Let him know how much you respect him!

E-Mail: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: streysius

Yahoo Profile

LtFlagger is part of a series on
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