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Nayzak has moved pages due to the lack of damage control on his old one. You can now find him at Nayzak-Studio

In the name of Allah [God] The most Gracious, The Most Merciful,

Greetings of peace to all of you my visitors. whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, humanist... brothers and sisters in humanity, you are all welcome to my humble gallery. WELCOME WITH PEACE, BE IN PEACE, LEAVE IN PEACE. But I do hope you enjoy your time here and maybe learn a couple of new beneficial things.


—His introduction on Deviantart.

All for Earf
Real name Nayzak Al-Hilali
Nationality Malaysian
Occupation Kawaii Muslim Artist
Religion Islam

Nayzak (Powerword: Nayzak Al-Hilali) is a self-righteous Tartlet much like Xiao-Feng-Fury, except that he is even more self centered and full of it. Unlike Xiao, he is a Muslim who uses kawaii Anime art to spread his message of "Peace", "Love", and others intended to dispel the misconception of Islam, but gone wrong because of his usage of peace rhetorics when the religion is not all about it (it is actually the truth and justice.) What sets him apart from Xiao is his attitude towards trolls and criticism. If you dare to question the word of Allah or Nayzak himself, he will block your up, and punctuate this with his favorite catch phrase: "May Allah guide you and correct your thinking," which translates into "FUCK YOU I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG!"

From Humble Beginnings

before Muslim meme jihad, there was once Muslim art jihad.

Nayzak's first account was FullWhiteMoon. From this, he made the same type of "educational" mangas that can be seen on his current page. During this time, he tried to cancel anti-Islam pics by having his army of Mujahideen report deviations to try to get them removed despite them following the rules and being protected by the Fair Use doctrine.

No one knows why he changed accounts, but it may have something to do with his works being revealed by ED, and he feared the future onslaught of lulz that would ensue.

Understanding Islam for Dummies About missing Pics
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Response to Criticism

If you're going to troll him, screencap the hell out of everything. He's quick to hide comments and delete posts.
A standard Nayzak comment

Nayzak is no stranger to Islamophobes. In fact, he's encountered them so much that he forbids any bashing of Islam whatsoever. If you actually manage to get into a debate with this guy, prepare yourself to be bored to tears. In every response he makes, he will quote you in bolded letters followed by a massive wall of text. If you post a link that proves him wrong, have fun getting your comment hidden and/or getting blocked.

If things go out of hand for Nayzak, he'll simply disable comments on his deviations completely, as demonstrated with the release of his anti-April Fools pic.

Nayzak's Jihads

Did You Know: According to Sahih Muslim Book 024, Hadith Number 5246 and Kitab Al-Libas wal-Zinah, Hadith Number 5272, Islam forbids graphic representations of living things (and doges)?

To lead his army of Muslim weeaboos in their jihad of DeviantArt, he searches and handpicks a topic from recent media either involving Islam or western culture and then brags why Islam is so great and why The West is a shithole. following the standard Jihad, below are some of his several lengthy campaigns.

The Pee Parade

from time to time I see kids peeing to the trees. that's very disgusting. some parents allow their children to do it. they teach their children how to disrespect those that are weaker than them (by peeing on them). how can you expect those children, the men and women of the future, to grow and respect nature?


—Nayzak on his hobby of watching Malaysian children pissing on trees.

Nayzak has always had weird and sometimes lulzy messages in his Islamic weeaboo propaganda, but none is as strange as "Don't took a pee in nature."

There are no words...
There are no words...

This is an actual drawing of a talking tree being pee'd on by a little boy that Nayzak drew. Before we continue let's take a moment to just let it sink in. This is an actual drawing he made, and the description is even creepier. To make things more creepier, he made a helpful guide of where not to take a whiz on nature.

So according to our handy dandy User Urine Manual that Nayzak kindly made for all of Tartlets, if you piss on any kind of plantlife, water, or trees, you gonna get cursed! According to the little logic he has, he says that urine is human waste and is harming the environment, despite the fact that urine is mostly water with nitrogen and salt, thus actually benefiting the plant. Despite all the hundreds of comments calmly and briefly explaining this to him, he still denies all the scientific evidence against his claim and the majority opinion. What's his solution? Disable comments on the pee guide of course.

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Gaza, Future Islamic Caliphate has been a pressing issue on DeviantArt and the news, mainly with the Muslims on DeviantArt. So Nayzak decides to capitalize on this tragedy to gain moar followers and views.

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What could have been a heartwarming message to reach out for action against the siege, instead became a clownfest of disabling comments, blocking users, even calling them terrorists. Yes, if you believe that hamas is the bad guy, then you are a heartless Zionist apologist fucktard and you will burn in the fires of Hell with people as bad as you! (AKA Adolf Hitler) Apparently this caught the eye of those evil Zionist, secular-liberal terrorists and one-sixth of the entire comments section was flooded with anti-Hamas comments. because of it, Nayzak then decided to close comments and retire to his personal spider hole of animu for the rest of the day.

Recently, he announced a boycott of all the evil western Jew corporations that must be stopped in order to stop Israel. This will definitely stop Israel for sure!

Nayzak's Gaza Comments About missing Pics
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The contest that unleashed maximum butthurt

In 2011, Nayzak started a contest called Interfaith Tolerance. The goal was to create an image that demonstrated love between two religions. That was, until this was created:

When a homosexual tartlet SirPaahdin submitted a pic of a lesbian Christian and Muslim on first place, Nayzak outright refused to accept the submission despite LGBT art not being against his rules of the contest he made. he quickly deleted the journal with the contest rules. He then proceeded to go complete retard, and deleting any and all journals and comments that cast him in a poor light. In response, several other Islamophobic Tartlets created their own Everybody Draw Muhammad Day drawings. Naturally, its were twice as atrocious as the original.

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The Shitposting Siege of 2015

Despite the fact everyone knew he was a homophobe, this was the comment that caused the shitstorm.

After his Gaza meltdown, Nayzak disappeared off the face of the Earth. Some say that he is a high school student in Asia and is having tests, some say that he realized that his jihad is pointless and people stopped giving a shit about him and his propaganda, others say he simply joined the cause, or the most likely scenario: He met his 72 virgins upon reading his ED article. As of now, he has been gone for over five months, which strongly supports the An Hero theory. All was quiet, until a severely outdated comment from the long deactivated user was posted by tartlet FullmetalKobe824, who is a member of a religious trolling group called Counter-Jihad. Once posted, all the 'counter-jihadists' shat bricks, and proclaimed: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!111!

The first strike against Nayzak (Or as they call him "Nutsak Senpai") was swift. What went from four people shitposting quickly became five people. Leading the charge was their leader, The-Conquerors. All over the main page and the propagandas, Zionist lies, Israeli flags, and people trying to be as hardcore as /pol/. Casualties were high, over 9000 Muslims triggered, their leader banned by dA mods, and everyone's time wasted. One thing is for certain: when Nayzak emerges from his closet, he have a lot of thoughts to correct.


sir, this is the last warning I'm giving you.

the next time you try to sarcastically mock the God almighty IN MY *&^%$ PAGE will be the day you will go straight to my block-list. I respect the fact that you choose to disbelieve in the God almighty and I'm not mocking your belief. I appreciate you do the same.


—So much for being peaceful.

How old are you?

as old as the earth.


—There you have it. Nayzak is a lich

May Allah guide you and correct your thinking


—Let's get a contest running to see how many screenshots we can get of him saying this.

freedom of speech, however, is not a necessity for progress and development. This is an assumption based upon Europe’s historical struggle against the Church that prevented intellectual progress and investigation. Muslims do not have the same historical baggage.


—-natural selection is still bullshit tho.[1]


Prick moments About missing Pics
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See Also

External Links

  • fullwhitemoon - Nayzak's first DA account.
  • nayzak - His second DA account.
  • nayzak-studio - His new DA account, eventually abandoned it for bad.
  • Please politely refer Nayzak to this video and this video to show him that imitating the work of Allah by drawing it and asking for donations for such drawings is Haram.

Nayzak is part of a series on


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Nayzak is part of a series on

Social Justice

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is part of a series on
Tro0 Muslims [-+]
Countries & Peoples [-+]
Beliefs, Events, Traditions & Other Drama [-+]
Infidels & Islamic No-Nos [-+]
Featured article March 15 & 16, 2015
Preceded by
Nayzak Succeeded by
Jeff Weise