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Add pixplzkthnx to Nayzak
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.


In the name of Allah[God] The most Gracious, The Most Merciful,

Greetings of peace to all of you my visitors. whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, humanist... brothers and sisters in humanity, you are all welcome to my humble gallery. WELCOME WITH PEACE, BE IN PEACE, LEAVE IN PEACE. But I do hope you enjoy your time here and maybe learn a couple of new beneficial things.


—His introduction on Deviantart.

Nayzak (Powerword: Nayzak Al-Hilali) is self rightous devianTARTLET much like Xiao-Feng-Fury, except that he is even more self centered and full of it. Unlike Xiao, he is a Musfag apologist who uses kawaii Animu art to spread his message of Peace, Love, and other bullshit. What sets him apart from Xiao (aside from his art actually being pleasant to look at) is his attitude towards trolls and criticism. If you dare question the word of Allah or Nayzak himself, he will block you harder then Tom Preston ever could, and punctuate this with his favorite catch phrase, beloved by all: "May Allah guide you and correct your thinking," which translates into "FUCK YOU I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG!"

All for Earf

From Dumble Beginnings

We will silence the infidels with more kawaiiness!

Before Nayzak revealed his true form, he was on Deviantart as a user named   FullWhiteMoon. From this account, he made the same type of "educational" mangas that can be seen on his current page. During this time, he tried to silence anti-Islam pics by having his army of snowflakes report deviations to try to get them removed despite them following the rules and being protected by the Fair Use doctrine.

No one knows why he changed accounts, but it may have something to do with his works being revealed by ED, and he feared the future onslaught of lulz that would ensue.

Response to Criticism

A standard Nayzak comment

Nayzak is no stranger to critics of Islam. In fact, he's encountered them so much that he forbids any bashing of Islam whatsoever. If you actually manage to get into a debate with this guy, prepare yourself to be bored to tears. In every response he makes, he will quote you in bolded letters followed by a massive wall of text. If you post a link that proves him wrong, have fun getting your comment hidden and/or getting blocked.

If things go too badly for our pious Nayzak, he'll simply disable comments on a pic completely, as demonstrated with the release of his anti-April Fools pic.


Major note: If you're going to troll him, screencap the hell out of everything. He's quick to hiding comments and deleting posts.


In case you haven't noticed by now, Nayzak can't take a joke. Hell, all you have to do is call Muhammad a bunny rabbit and it's a brutal blocking and Allah correcting your thinking for you!

Don't send this to Nayzak. He may send Allah to correct your thinking.

The contest that unleashed maximum butthurt

In 2011, our good ol' friend Zak started a contest called Interfaith Tolerance. The goal was to create an image that demonstrated love between two religions. That was...until this was created:


When the   SirPaahdin submitted a pic of a lesbian Christian and Muslim couple not having sex, Nayzak outright refused to accept the submission despite LGBT art not being against his rules of the contest he made... not that anyone would know because once word got out of his bigotry, he quickly deleted the journal with the contest rules. He then proceeded to go complete retard, cursing out in Arabic, and deleting any and all journals and comments that cast him in a poor light. In response, several other TARTlets created their own Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. Naturally, it was twice as gay as the original.

Conversations With Nayzak

Real classy Nayzak. Reallllll classy

On April 24, 2014,   CoolLittleDude posted a journal explaining his interactions with Mr. Nayzak. The journal lists all of Nayzak's beliefs and his actions when criticized or proven wrong. After that, Nayzak responded in the user's notes, which then lead to the inevitable block.

Quotes from Allah's Gal Friday Himself

sir, this is the last warning I'm giving you.

the next time you try to sarcastically mock the God almighty IN MY *&^%$ PAGE will be the day you will go straight to my block-list. I respect the fact that you choose to disbelieve in the God almighty and I'm not mocking your belief. I appreciate you do the same.


—So much for being peaceful.

How old are you?

as old as the earth.


—There you have it. Nayzak is a lich

May Allah guide you and correct your thinking


—Let's get a contest running to see how many screenshots we can get of him saying this.



See Also

External Links


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