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Warning! The following user gets extremely butthurt. Proceed with caution young Jedi. |
UsurperBobO or UsurperBoob as he is sometimes called is a hypocritical Musfag that occupies the interwebs, notably DevinaTART. His notable claim to fame is striking down any criticism of Islam where it can be found. No srsly. Prepare to hear the baaaaaaaawl fest. You will see a persecution complex that has never been seen since the likes of a Jew in 1942 Germany. Every criticism that is not sucking the dick of Islam results in a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawl fest along with a resounding squeal of "BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGOOOOOOT!!!!!" This ironically makes him sound like the Tumblrtards and extreme feminists. Funny since his religion seems to be against those people. BobO has a persecution complex unlike anything the world has ever seen. Everyone that points out there is Islamic terrorist and those who want sharia law in Europe are clearly Neo-Nazi Islaomophobes. Also he believes that America and Israel area creating a Lolocaust against the Failisitinians. He is also a white Middle Class American living in the first world where his freedom of religion is protected yet hypocritically feels that he is as persecuted as other Muslims living in the third world like the asshole he is.
A Brief Overview

As mentioned BobO is a hypocritically asshat who thinks Muslims are a persecuted minority around da wurld and are basically the new Jews. Except the Muslims have not been pwned yet 600,600,600 million times but its only a matter of time. He also thinks that Muslims are a persecuted minority in America and face much "oppreshun". This is similar to how the GOP and Republicans say that Christians are persecuted in America despite them being majority. Of course the Muslims and Christians in the Middle east who have to live with Al-Queda and Isis will have to wait for these noble white knights to save them as soon as they are done putting a theocracy in America.
BobO is much like his senpai Nutsak in that he takes every opportunity to bash the west and America while bragging about Islam while simultaneously leeching off western benefits and culture that protect his religion. Of course telling this to Boob will get you called a "BIGOT." All Muslims are persecuted no matter what and everyone who says otherwise is totally a Nazi who wants to LoLocuast them. Also Isis is TOTALLY NOT Islamic guys. Srsly. We here at ED would kindly tell Boob the rivalry between the Shiites and Sunnis and Christianity's similar catholic and protestant fights but we would just be called a bigot :\ .
Prepare For Dumbles
If you are ever unfortunate enough to run into Boob prepare to cry yourself to tears due to boredom. BobO will write you a meta paragraph on how an immense bigot you are for dare pointing out the flaws Islam has and you are nothing but a Neo-Nazi who wants to kill 666 gorillion Muscums for thinking otherwise. He will then simultaneously threw his own country under the bus and talk about how bad the wast has done like the Americunt he is. Please take note the following list is shit he claims the west has done however Islam HAS never done. Including but not limited to:
- Slavery
- Imperialism
- Genocide
- Colonization
- racism
- and Nuclear Bombings
We here at ED would like to know what he's been smoking because we want some. Whatever has brought him to this P.C fairy land where Islam has done nothing wrong must be one hell of a drug. Hypocritically he lives in the west while saying this and thus benefits from all the stuff he claims to hate while h brags about Islam.
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Did You Know: That pride and bragging is a fundamental sin in Islam, “I shall turn away from My revelations those who show pride in the world wrongfully.” (Koran 7.146) Would anyone out there be so kind as to tell BobO this? That would be just peachy. Along with the fact Islam still has one of the largest slave trades in the world today. |
Prick moments
— BobO on how he views Islam and Muslims compared to other religions and ideologies. |
You know, the little prick could best be summed up here.

Yep, this guy went full prick here. In case anyone wants to know Jizya tax is Islamic law made a distinction between two categories of non-Muslim subjects—pagans and dhimmis (“protected peoples,” or “peoples of the book”; i.e., those peoples who based their religious beliefs on sacred texts, such as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians). The Muslim rulers tolerated the dhimmis and allowed them to practice their religion. In return for protection and as a mark of their submission, the dhimmis were required to pay a special poll tax known as the jizya.. BobO here presents the Islamic law of love and tolerance... by presenting us a law that directly attacks non-Muslims and trying to soften it up by claiming its promoting for equality... somehow. So here is a fine example of how BobO acts like a good Muslim on DA by telling all the Dhimmis where their place is and to give all of their Zionazi Jew gold to him and all other good Muslims so they can go an hero and get those 72 virgins from allah. It is also noted that the reason Muslims are so pissed off is that they can never get the Zionist Jew gold.
Bob0 Continues to show Islamic love and tolerance... how you may ask? By promoting Sharia law of course!

That and he tries to load the question to make Muslims seem innocent. Anyone noticing a pattern here. Funny that he should mention Jizya and Sharia thoguh. The other wiki has something interesting to say about that:The tax is no longer imposed by nation states in the Islamic world. However, armed groups such as ISIS enforce it in some areas they have captured.

You here that? Isis has both Sharia and Jizya. It's BobO's wet dream. We here at ED would like to start a donation pool to give Boob a one way ticket to join the Islamic state so he no longer has to face oppression here as a Muslim in the evil west. Made all the funnier by the fact that he claimed that Isis was not Islamic despite having Islamic state in their name. They simply just aren't Islamic, nope! No sirree. Not Islamic at all. No sir.
The Baaaaaawlza Lolocaust
As mentioned above, Boob thinks there is an outright lolocaust in Gaza. Like many over Mustards, the recent pwnage of Gaza by Israel has caused much butthurt by him. BobO in typical SJW and Muzzie fashion claimed the estimated at least 100 Muzzies killed is proof positive that Muslims are being oppressed world wide. Naturally this means BobO can now capitalize off this conflict to rack those victim points up. Sorry Israelis and Muslims and Christians living in the third world, you will never know oppreshun like BobO does ;-( .

BobO decided to take his Crusade Jihad against the infidels to the next level. Boob has participated in the world regionals "Whine Olympics." Dare point out that there are radical sects of Islam and Muslims aren't always oppressed and Boob in typical SJW fashion will try to point the spotlight of oppression back on Muslims and wank pity points. Sorry to Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, and Jews who live in the Middle East and suffer under radical Islam. White-Middle class Muslims on the interwebs know more about oppression then you :-( .
To further Exemplify this. One day by chance Boob stumbled upon this Tartlet stamp

This is what the author had to say:
Before you all flame me for this, let me explain what it is about. (If you don't, I'll just ignore what you wrote and reply with a "Read the description" copy-paste)
- bulletorange: Disclaimer: This stamp does NOT deny the existence of fear/problems/blah with Muslims nor promotes hate against them.
- bulletgreen: What it is about:
> If you dare to disagree or dislike something they do, a bunch of haters bury you in insults like: "U sux ur a islamophobe!" "It's their culture!" "They do nuthin wrung!". But if you insult Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Budism or other religion even if you're offending people NOBODY GIVES A FLYING SHIT. Double standars :lol:
> According to recent researches on 2015, 80% of people who are tortured, killed and persecuted for their religion are Christians, not Muslims. Still, nobody gives a shit. Do I have to say that the mayor number of people/countries who do this follow Islam? (Source: www.bbc.com/news/election-2015… )
> "Not all of them are murderers!" I'm aware of that. Just stop defending and victimizing them like if they all were innocent and harmless sheeps.
> I'm atheist, so don't try to blame me for this stamp for being Christian or whatever.
> No matter what shit they do. They're always the one to defend. They can never be criticized or you're a racist, intolerant piece of shit.
> They can do whatever they want on your country but you cannot on theirs.
> They complain about the culture of the foreign country they are living in (ex: eating pork, religious activities, women going "nude" on beaches, etc.) (Note that, again, I'm aware that not all of them behave like this)]
Now how you do think Boob reacted to this stamp?
A. Rationally and sanely.
B. Baaaaaaaaaaaawl. Mah-mah lolocaust.
If you chose B you are teh winnar. BobO Replied to his tyeprical lulzy glory here. You can practically here "mah oppreshun" with every jam his pudgy little fingers make on his jizz covered keyboard. We here at ED are concerned about BobO thinking the Jews take all the oppreshun. We here at ED take the piss out of the Kikes and their shills over at JewTube all the time. We just like to spread the love and get the muzzies in on the action too in the spirit of equality. Of course that would be lost on Boob. Bob also took this one last time to take a doulbe jab. To talk about how the Muscums are under oppreshun in Burma and how the Israelis are also committing a Muslmaic lolocaust. Two lolocausts for the price of one!

Master of Debate
Boob goes no to show how he is a master tactician of debate. Simply put, say anything bad about Islam he doesn't like "BIGOT". Refer that Islam has more terrorist groups than others, "BIGOT!" Tell him the time of day, "BIGOT!" Boob seems to be at a loss where debating with a strategy that does not devolve into just screaming bigot at someone is nigh impossible for him. The process goes as follows:
- Say Islam has flaws.
- Get called a bigot.
- Refer that not all Muslims are terrorist but radical Islam is a problem.
- Get called a bigot.
- Refer that many Muslims are trying to shove their religious beliefs on an unwillingly population.
- Get called a bigot.
- Ask that he use actual debate tactics.
- Get called a bigot.
- ????
- Get called a bigot.
- Profit.
- Get called a bigot.
How to Piss off Boob
Really an incredibly easy process. So easy even a retard can do it.
- Mention that being Muslims will not make him an Arab.
- Tell him that 9/11 was in fact done by Muslims and not by the Jooooos as we were deceived.
- Tell him that Islam is the second largest religion in the world and that he is still not a minority.
- Remind him he is white.
- Remind him his only friend is that goddamn bird.
- Tell him the Baaaaaaawlza Lolocaust was the most entertaining shit you've seen.
- Tell him that Allah has no connection with faggots who don't shave.
- Give him the proposition he either has to become a neckbeard or get rejected by his gawd. His choice, he loses either way.
Boob's intelligence
BobO has reach the pinnacle of Islamic intelligence. BobO has created a new defense mechanism that will be sold to Jihadis around the world to send moar butthurt rocketz at the infidels. BobO's new scientific innovation shows the world how far Islam has come since its scientific golden age. To see this new innovative tech, simply click here here. There are plans to ship this shit to Hamas and Isis pronto!!! This is the greatest Islamic military feat since they invented the suicide donkey. The only tank you could ride and fuck at the same time.
- BobO would have been the GOP candidate of 2016 but he's a Musfag and not a Christfag.
- BobO take sit up the ass from Musfags at school. This explains all the Islamic cock sucking.
- BobO is secretly upset the Muscums have not been Lolocausted yet.
- BobO follows jack shit of anything in the Koran yet claims he's a Muslim.
- For opreshun points for sure.
- BobO has never read the damn Koran or else he would know that Allah is a Zionist.
- Allah is embarrassed that Boob is part of his fanclub.
- If Muscums get lolocausted chances are Boob will go first if he doesn't go An hero first.
See Also
- Nayzak
- Boob's hero whom he sucks the cock of.
- Carlos Latuff
- Sootyjared
- Jejejeje823
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UsurperBobO is part of a series on Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage. |