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Did You Know: Ghost makes money from all you failtrolls that tune in? A true capitalist is he. |
This article is paid for by taxpayers like you. Thanks, America. |

The Host They Call Ghost is a fat, racist, alcoholic, Alex Jones wanna-be midget who takes it up the shitter who runs a gay show called TRUE CAPITALIST RADIO, out of his Texas home trailer home, while claiming to have an actual "studio" from which he operates and has thousands of listeners THROUGHOUT THE WOOOOOORRRLLLLDDD!!! listening in on his broadcast. His show was previously called "True Conservative Radio", where he spewed out his extreme far-right views, projected his Internet Tough Guy persona, and raged at prank callers and liberals until he withdrew into an alcoholic coma for a few months because of his disgust with Sarah Palin being the face of the GOP. His show was reborn like an overweight, drunken phoenix stumbling out of Texan wildfire ashes as ""True Capitalist Radio"", where he spewed out his extreme far-right views, projected his Internet Tough Guy persona, suffered from a terminal case of USI and raged at prank callers and liberals. Only this time he now identified not as a conservative, but a "Capitalist", which basically meant that he was so far-right that he even scared the other BTR hosts. Despite trying to conduct a serious broadcast in an attempt to be emulate successful Conservative radio show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, his Hulk-like temper and tendencies to rage at inane trolls instead derailed his show into a troll olympics where over 400 trolls competed to make him flip his shit. He can be considered more of a newfag's best friend than McKay Hatch and Alex Wuori integrated into some sort of ultimate lol-cow. Ghost's lack of radio and all around technical experience can be demonstrated by the fact that his show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio, the YouTube of radio blogging, and his reliance on a mentally disabled fellow Texan with an incomprehensible speech impediment known only as "The Engineer" who fails at both screening calls and phonetic pronunciation. Despite hosting his failure of a show since 2008, it was only in 2010 when his show was raided by 4chan did he finally received the fame he desperately deserved. Ghost temporarily rage quit his dead horse of a broadcast in 2012 when he became sober enough to wedge his fat folds from his out of his chair. Before returning in 2016, he had left behind a legacy of broadcasts filled with absurd rage-fueled rants and a goldmine of prank calls, a slew of hacked twitter accounts, and 2 followers who took his advice seriously consisting of Goofybone, an illiterate Mexican who ripped off his show and Karaszkun, an autistic manchild who Ghost fawned over. Truly, Ghost is the prognosticator of prognosticators.
His Show
Ghost's show is 3 hours long, consisting of 3 separate segments which are completely ignored when Ghost is either derailed by trolls, auto-trolling himself when he rants so hard that it results in him having a heart attack on live air followed by 10 minutes of wheezing and coughing, getting so angry that he plays the Nyan Cat song while singing along in a bizarre goat impression for 12 minutes, BTR's shitty service shorting out his show early, the Engineer hijacking his show when he passes out, or rage quitting his show when epicly trolled by a caller. However, when Ghost's blood sugar is high enough, he conducts his show like so:
- The Markets
In this segment, Ghost reads off changes in stock entities and commodities while giving advice about what to invest in the future such as investing in chocolate before Valentine's day. Bizarrely, Ghost claims to make money from the stock market every day, even on those that had downturns. One may only attribute this to his brilliant investing advice such as not investing in coffee because only assholes drink it and he is naturally energized by making money and correlating the price of wool with the happiness of "Bull-Nosed Bulldykes". He extends this economic brilliance to his advice on gaining capital, which is to ignore higher education (which will make you a debt slave and destroy your life with compound interest) and that the only way to success consists of working at GameStop for five years and then blowing all of one's money in the failing stock market. Compare this to an actual redpilled YouTuber who would promote minimalism and claim that your main goal in life is not to play some silly wall-street game, but to instead build a minimalist lifestyle that would defend you against the banks by having a skill that produces value in society. This evidence has also led our acclaimed veteran researchers to conclude that Ghost must be an angry high school dropout working two janitor jobs to support his alcoholism. Also of note is that he opens up his first beer in the beginning of this segment and opens a second one at the end. Ghost nowadays makes his money tard raging on the internet, do you really want to take financial advice from a mentally unstable person.
- The News
Ghost puts on his best Alex Jones impersonation and talks about current events while injecting his batshit insane far-right views on them. Just try to imagine an even fatter, uglier, more racist Rush Limbaugh who lapses into rage-fueled rants about liberals, communists, Howard Stern, being compared to Alex Jones, the homeless, welfare recipients, Canadians Americans (who are creating a "Junkyard America"), wetbacks, people who don't shit in toilets, "Fruitbowls", Sarah Palin, callers who are eating chips, Zoey 101, rap music, Beyonce, Australian Transsexuals, Ron Paul, Mexican beer having a black lady on the label, Obama, single mothers, the TSA, The Death of Capitalism™ and other intellectually stimulating topics. Ghost also takes callers to answer his questions, but will either rage if they are trolling or will mock them if they have an opinion different from his. He also gives Twitter shoutouts and Chatroom shoutouts to people listening or retweeting his broadcast by saying their name live on air. Trolls use this oppurtunity to make him says offensive or disgusting names that offend him or piss him off. Much beer is consumed during this segment. Viewers will note the sound of what appears to be a mountain of beer cans being kicked around when ghost gets angry, also termed "Cans.wav" by fans of the show. Our best investigators suspect that either Ghost drinks such a high volume of beer during every broadcast that the cans end up towering over his desk, he is too much of a fatass to bother cleaning his office, or both.
- Radio Graffiti
This is the only segment of the show his fans bother to listen to. Ghost dedicates the last half hour for people to call in and play whatever they want for a few seconds before he switches to the next caller. This is his most trolled section of the broadcast as hundreds of trolls call up to make Ghost rage by playing splices of his voice saying racist or offensive stuff, playing songs he hates, remixing his voice onto songs he hates, or pretending to be something he hates. Ghost has rage quit multiple times during this segment. Notable trolls include:
- The Ghetto Capitalist - A welfare-collecting nigger from Georgia who is constantly coming up with schemes involving food stamps to gain money to buy ribs and calling it capitalism. His calls are notable for the constant sound of a baby crying in the background and for making ghost rage hard.
- Tub Guy - A gay truck driver who calls from his tub and solicits ghost to join him in sick sexual activities.
- The Internet Buttstalker - An effeminate male who would call up Ghost multiple times on a single show to sexually harass him or asked him to join in on homosexual activities while calling him "baby-buns". Often causing Ghost to either rage-vomit or ragequit but no longer called the show after the bronies took over.
- Suck Mah Dick Guy - A clever troll who pretends to be a serious caller before chanting "SUCK MAH DIIIICK!".
- CooDoo17 - A troll who would play remixes that caused ghost to rage quit his broadcast.
- Asho - An unfunny Mexican immigrant and Justin Bieber fantard that calls Ghost to annoy him and pretend that hes getting abused by his mother who always goes to Applebee's to get double penetrated by some black guys.
Musicians of TCR
- Alex S - (Or Alexis, how Ghost pronounces it) an anti-brony who makes sick remixes of Ghost's broadcast. Now he sells out and makes songs for other Youtubers and fucking JonTron.
- Xarahox - A pianist that calls up Ghost to play music on his cheap keyboard but actually pressing his dick on each note as a sign for a homosmex.
- Celtic Brony - Canadian man/woman/thing who copies NavyHusky on a daily basis and goes to Bronycon.
- NavyHusky - Nobody cares about NavyHusky anymore.
Ghost and...
His Views
Being a proud Texan would be all the information you would need to know about Ghost to deduce that he is overweight, homophobic, racist, nationalistic, ignorant, and holds deranged Tea Party views. However, to compensate for the fact that he could no longer reach his best friend within the canyon of fat that may possibly double as his desk, Ghost goes one further in the batshit insane department. When not bashing liberals or gays, he states that he believes that we must "metaphorically" (Read "literally") "throw the old people off the cliff" because the baby boomer generation is clearly conspiring to demolish America as we know it. He also believes that all the poor people are mooching off of da gubmint cheese and living lavish lifestyles off of foodstamps and we can solve poverty and world hunger in one fell swoop by having the poor people eat each other. In fact, he is so conservative that he alienated himself from the other hosts of BTR by labeling John McCain a turncoat and refusing to support him. He also has a huge rage boner for single mothers and claims that all the kids that call up his show are the result of their mom's visiting Applebee's during happy hour to get some Alabama Black Snake. In fact, ghost just seems to hate all women in general due to his tendency to quickly label female callers as "Skankasauruses" and that any female with a vagina not filled with white cock is probably destroying America. This may be due to the fact that he was teased in high school for being a fat, friendless loser by all the pretty Texan blonde bitches (who today are probably fatter than him) which inspired him to get a BS in business and regularly browse r9k. Speaking of 4chan, Ghost has a disturbingly good grasp of memes and modern pop culture despite claiming to be a grandfather, further solidifying the fact that he is a basement dweller. He once even attempted to do an actual barrel roll on his desk only to have the table give out on him for some reason. Ghost also hates Christmas because he never gets good presents from his relatives. Any good political takes he has come from his inner circle or the engineer and not himself.
His audience
The audience of his broadcast consist of a rag-tag band of functionally inept misfits whom all suffer from various congenital learning disabilities across the spectrum which he erroneously deems "The Capitalist Army". Due to many of the members of his "army" being 13 year old boys with no conception of a world outside of Runescape let alone capitalism, Ghost is subjected to a massive amount of prank calls.
According to Ghost, he desires to organize his audience as an elite force of trolls to target anyone who he considers to be an enemy to his show or anyone he simply doesn't like in methods including raids and posting DOX. Many of people who have witnessed DOX and raid attempts conducted by his retard army will be able to testify that they resulted in nothing more than utter fail.
An interesting fact is that many members of his "Capitalist" Army have been unable to grasp that Ghost's obvious trolling and over the top acting and claims he's made on his show are likely not genuine nor is he a day trader or really broadcasting from am office and more than likely unemployed and collecting government benefits himself as evidence seen in the fact he spends all day on Twitter and in his Paltalk chatroom.
WARNING: Many members of the TCR audience have been using this article as a method of free advertisement as well as to sing the praise of Ghost. Please do your part by removing such things that were mentioned and replacing them with the unbiased, unparalleled truth that is only available on Encyclopedia Dramatica!
The question that always comes up when dealing with Ghost; is he racist? Considering his heritage, it wouldn't be surprising that Ghost hasn't had a few lynchings (and adipose tissue) under his belt. However, when confronted with accusations of being a racist, Ghost responds that he is a "melting pot of friendship" and "a nice guy". He follows that up by claiming to have friends that "happen to be black". He further proves this claim by having "special guests" on his show such as Tyrone, Paco, Mr. Fortune Cookie, Mahmoud, and Chief Slapahoe which are totally not Ghost doing racist impressions. When confronted with the fact that due to his love of money he is actually a Jew he responds by saying that he uses yarmulkes as coffee filters, which is strange considering that he also says that doesn't drink coffee.
Here is a list of ethnic groups whom Ghost has put down at one time or another (normally, on every broadcast):
- Monkeys - All blacks that are not Herman Cain or Donkey Kong are ruining America by not getting jobs.
- Mexicans - He actually proclaimed himself to be the "King Of The Mexicans" and that he is down with "La Raza".
- Indians (dot)
- Indians (feather)
- Pacific Islanders
- Canadians - He often insults "Canadia" by combining the following phrases: Celine Dion loving, moose antler humping, canadian bacon, and icehole.
- Russians - According to Ghost, all russians are still communists and keep a picture of Vladimir Lenin's foreskin to fap to
- Arabs - Like all ignorant Texans, Ghost believes that all Arabs are terrorists. And by "Arabs", he means any brown person not immediately identifiable as Hispanic.
- Germans - When mentioning Germans, Ghost will perform a hitler impression
- French - Ghost thinks that all French people are overfeminized fruitbowls.
- Brits
- Any Europeans Really
- Furries - Justified
- Bronies - Justified
Being a melting pot of friendship, Ghost also plays a game called "Guess The Minority" when he hears that a caller has an accent which involve him playing the "Price is Right" theme, guessing that the caller is either an Asian or a Mexican, asking the caller if he is right, ignoring the caller's response when he is obviously wrong, and then claiming that he won and that he "loves this game". Sometime he plays the guess the minority even when the caller is speaking perfect english.
Here's some proof of his loving demeanor:
Ghost is undoubtedly always slurping down Jim Beam Jonnie Walker Blue Label, Miller High Life, and some kind of German beer (or so he claims) while on the air, causing him to go on alcohol-induced tantrums whenever those damn trolls dare to question his views and beliefs. On a side note, his health seems to be failing rather quickly, seeing as it is not uncommon for him to have heart-attack like fits following by five minutes of coughing and gagging. Of course, all that down home Texas cookin' could very well be causing this. When confronted with the obvious fact that he has a drinking problem, Ghost claims that he isn't an alcoholic but rather that he is a connoisseur. When threatening to rage quit his show, Ghost will often state that he would rather be at a bar on 6th street (a shitty, homeless-ridden, tourist trap/stretch of bars in Austin that caters to said tourists, frat boys, and other insufferable cunts) drinking watered down liquor.
Bad Financial Takes
Ghost isn't just your run of the mill capitalist, he is someone that you should not listen to unironically. Ghost is an NPC and any good idea comes from his inner circle and not himself. Most people do not take him, seriously and very few actually do. Listening to Ghost is like talking to someone from a 5150 mental ward. The worst investment Ghost has made in his lifetime is pulling out of the amazon stock when the dot.com bubble burst because anyone with a brain can see that amazon would become a corporate giant if you understand how capitalism really works. Ghost not knowing that amazon or the other tech giants would become big, decided to take his money out.
Ghost is basically a gateway into becoming the type of communist that Ghost hates because the traits of a communist are someone who is bitter, sad, lonely, and fails at life all of which fit Ghost and his pessimistic view in the world. Although Ghost himself does not approve of college or business schools, many people would lose money from listening to Ghost because his financial takes sound as if they are rooted within the Carlson School of Management, a place where out of touch boomers get together and talk about stock valuations which do not mean jack because the stock market is controlled by bots. Ghost has shilled the same two shitcoins (QTUM and 42 coin) over and over again while trashing actual good investments like Monero, TSLA, and Dogecoin all with shitty reasons to not invest in any of those. Ghost will often trash a coin or a product simply because he hates the person running the company or finds him to be a fruity pozzhole brony faggot like the creator of Monero. Outside of Bitcoin and ETC and otherwise safe investments that boil down to common sense, his trash advice allows people to miss out on plenty of coins and opportunities for wealth. You simply do not need a 7 hour broadcast to know that BTC will go up in the future and there is much more lulzy content creators you can watch in that span of time. The possibilities of what you can tune into instead are endless and pretty much any decision is better than spending every 3 or 2 days a week watching Ghost scream like an autist every week. Ghost also has no clue how the capitalist system works, he believes that any American can get rich from being an unpaid intern and claimed that Morgan Freeman, a black celebrity, became a successful Hollywood got rich from being an unpaid intern prior to his career in Hollywood.
If you were to take Ghost seriously, your advice would be to take shitty mainstream safe coins, ignore coins or stocks that will explode in value, miss out on investments, bootlick unpaid interns as a NEET or College kid, and somehow magically believe that we are still in the 1950's when the system was slightly less rigged. Instead listening to an actual redpilled YouTubers who knows how to detect Jewish ponzi schemes like MLMs, compound interest, and how you can improve your life as a white man by being a minimalist and being the opposite of someone who is entitled. All entitlement gets you is a ticket to the DNC voting block.
Ghost would make you believe that if you become a Mexican or a Jew instead of a weak white man, you would live a better life even if he himself does not actually say this. Ghost is CRINGE AND BLUEPILLED!!! From politics, to policy making, and virtually everything else. For example, Ghost did not know about mRNA, when Alex Jones knew about even in 2007. All Ghost provides is demoralization for the right since he spends more time bitching about how his movement is filled with grifters and being negative than providing a voice that uplifts people out of impending doom and bad financial decisions that can cost them their life. The purpose of the redpill is to wake up people and question themselves and how they can improve themselves to become stronger men and see how they can prevent themselves from becoming the whiny millennial which is the end result of the bluepill. Ghost's version of the redpill is devoid of anything that would otherwise help wake someone up, in fact he would be better at bringing people towards the left through his terrible ideas and bad advice. Ghost is a bootlicker who is blinded by nostalgia towards a past that didn't exist.
Besides hating on liberals, Ghost's favorite group to bash are homosexuals. Ghost is extremely homophobic and will quickly label any caller that doesn't talk like they have throat cancer a "fruitbowl". He has regularly stated that boys who do not spend quality time with their father will become effeminate males who take it in the pooper. In fact, similar to Fred Phelps, Ghost talks, thinks, and reads about gay sex and glory holes way more than the average gay man. It has been estimated that if Ghost and Fred Phelps were placed in the same roomLOL DEAD to meet up in hell, their combined closet homosexuality would cause a black hole.
His Vocabulary
Ghost has a surprisingly interesting lingo consisting of self-coined terms due to his commitment to not use strong language on his broadcast and to separate his personality from other liberal bashing, ignorant, right-wing radio hosts.
- Fruitbowl
- Hambone - Ghost originally used this to make fun of the fat people at Walmart riding on their Rascals until trolls started using it against him.
- Bean N' Cheese - Something cheap in quality
- Transtesticle
- Shooting Pearls - Ghost means that he is shooting nuggets of wisdom at his viewers.
- Kentucky Fried Chicken Piss - Ghost's term for cheap beer, often used to deny that he drinks Jim Beam.
- Alabama Black Snake - What all single mothers want
- Horizontal Mambo - What all single mothers are doing instead of raising their kids.
- Junkyard America - This is what You are doing by not capitalizing.
- Herman Sugar Cain - Ghost's pet term for his buttboy Herman Cain whom he was endorsing during the 2012 elections. Much lulz was had when trolls made twitter names such as "HamboneHerman", "NoSugarforGhost", "CainTrainDerailed", and "SugarPickingCain" which caused ghost to rage and quit the show.
- Troll Terrorists
- Cyber Vermin
- Milky Licker
- Roman Polanski Butt-Loving Pedophile - Ghost doesn't know or care that Roman Polanski fucked a loli, not a shota. He also used the term Woody Allen butt loving pedophile on occasion, but again, same fucking thing.
- Helen Keller Deaf-Mute
His Own Identity
Despite being bad at internets, Ghost has somehow evaded attempts to Dox him, leaving his power word a mystery. He claims to own brick and mortar businesses as well as broadcasting his show out of an office in downtown Austin. Some speculate Ghost is secretly Alex Jones, while others speculate he's actually Alex Jones' secret fruitbowl wife. Considering that Ghost believes that his wife is the only one NOT out looking for "some Alabama Black Snake", that would give us an indication into what kind of self-loathing closet-case he may be...
Either way, I guess we'll never know...
But, like any other Jew, he's a shape-shifting lizard.
Or he could be an elaborate troll with lots of money to waste.
Did we mention that he is fat?
In 2016, Ghost moved to Santa Fe Apartments, 12315 Jones Maltsberger, Unit 604, San Antonio, TX - LOL priced out of Austin's housing market.
Ghost has started to sell True Capitalist Shirts, Buttons, and even Baby Bibs at $50 to rip off his fans. Customers have noted that all of the products have shitty quality. If you buy something, and make a youtube video of yourself prancing around with the selected item of clothing, he will follow you on Twitter while laughing his way to the bank.
Ghost and the Shorty Awards
In the first quarter of 2012 Ghost was nominated for a Shorty Award in the category of radio, in which the winner was democratically elected through the "fraud proof method" of voting through Twitter. His main rival for the award was the producer for the Opie and Anthony show who used the Twitter name "notSam". Due to NotSam already being a millionaire, employed and not giving a fuck about an untalented hack, back-water radio show host to see a gain in beating him, victory was made easy for Ghost by his resource of basement-dwellers with endless amounts of free time that allowed them create multiple Twitter accounts.
Ghost continues to believe the delusion he and NotSam were bitter rivals, contradicting the reality of the situation that Ghost was barely a blemish on NotSams ass.
Ghost Takes a Break and Throws Away His Cans
On May 22nd, it appeared that Penix 2.0 backfired as Ghost's twitter got "hacked" by either Celtic/NCF (both are the same), or someone posing as either and started posting things like My Little Pony porn and tweeting those that Ghost would never normally tweet. On the next day, Ghost came onto PalTalk and finally admits that all his over-exaggerated rage near the end of his broadcasts' run was all fake and acted and also says that he's done with True Capitalist Radio, as unlike his fans, he actually has a personal life he needs to live. This left most of his fans and milkylickers both confused and heartbroken as they had nothing else to waste their time for three hours during most evenings.
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Ghost Gets BTFO On the Internet Again
As of episode 640, Ghost has stopped broadcasting because no one of listening to his broadcast. Ghost ended his show supporting the Migrant Caravan and Communism being angry at how useless the republican right is. Ghost tard raged and tard raged until he could not tard rage anymore. Ghost had already betrayed the inner circle by getting rid of radio graffiti and twitter shoutouts. Ghost then backstabbed his audience further on Gab where he posted post after the post trolling his former listeners who have followed him for years.
And any searches on youtube will result in many "trolling attempts". Some of the best ones we put here:
And most of the shows consist of just that.
As you my have noticed, ghost is on his way to become the next American Idol. He will actually often sing on his show when he is losing his audience for just fake rage quitting again just for him to get attention again.
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Memorable Quotes
Due to Ghost's limited vocabulary and wit the following quotes are repeated ad nauseam through out his three hour broadcast. The simpletons that listen to his show find it hilarious each time he says one of these quotes.
— Ghost believes that believing in a failing economic system is similar to a Medal of Honor |
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Mah Man, HERMAN SUGAR CAIN! (created by NyanNyanners)
Ghost and Engineer!
This is what happens when you leave Ghost, GoofyBone, and Asho in a room alone...
Yes, impress things upon him...
You mean, he has to choose just ONE of his problems?!
See Also
- Trolling
- Blogging
- Avery Chicoine
- Chris-Chan
- Furries
- Racism
- Texas
- Bronies
- Debi Daly, another "Popular" BTR host
- Lefty Begone
- Unwarranted Self-Importance
External Links
- Ghost's show < possibly old
- His show, now on Vaughn Live
- His New Site
- The people over Kiwi Farms now stalk him!
- A gay furry that documents all radio graffiti and Twitter shoutouts.
- RSS Feed
- Unofficial Show FanPage
- Unofficial Ghost FanPage
- Meme Generator. These are too stupid to add to the gallery.
- BTR Shows automatically create an iTunes Podcast: itpc://www.blogtalkradio.com/ghost.rss
- his facebook
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Ghost is part of a series on Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage. |
Ghost is part of a series on Gay Republicans [OPEN THE CLOSET!]
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Ghost is part of a series on BlogTalkRadio |
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featured article November 30 & December 1, 2015 | ||
Preceded by Unrapeable |
Ghost | Succeeded by Laquan McDonald |