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How to pick-up women at a Club.

A Nightclub is a place where people go to drink alcohol, munch down pills, dance like fucktards and eventually go home with whatever bush pig, gutter trash woman will agree to fuck them. Resident frequenters of nightclubs are stereotyped as being the run-of-the-mill, carbon copy Guido scumbag. But there is so much more, my friends, so much more.

So get out your fake ID, hand over your $15 cover charge, grab a drink, sit back and read on for the madness, drama and lulz that is the Nightclub Entertainment Industry.

Types of Nightclubs

A typical nightclub patron.
You just paid $40 to spend a night with these morons.
mfw strobe lighting
Cool club, bro
This guy likes Ice Bars
Wearing your sunglasses in a dank, dark nightclub = instant cool.

When someone thinks nightclub, they tend to envision a place full of flashing lights, a busy bar, a dance floor full of honeys, and bad music. But in every city, there are several different types of nightclubs, all pandering to a different niche market. For example:

Dance Club

  • Nightclub. This is your everyday, mob-owned, Guido ridden cesspit. These places are normally called "PLace", "Everyone" or "The Family". Despite the cool names and mile long entry line, they should be avoided like an Italian avoids a real job. Unless you fancy paying a $35 cover charge, $15 for a Corona (two drink minimum), and $20 for parking. All this to be shot down by overweight orangeskins who will think you're a fag because you don't wear a muscle shirt.

There are several types of dance club, most falling under these different categories:

  • Dance club. A club for people to actually dance. These clubs normally play Hard-style, Trance or any other form of Hard Techno. Of course, all of it sounds like shit so it doesn't really matter. Within these clubs you will find the phenomena of Ravers, performing "dancing" which resembles someone convulsing around the dance floor like they just drank the juice of half a dozen glowsticks.

Drugs are not only rife in these places, they're mandatory. The going drug is normally ecstasy, or whatever bunk is currently being passed as such. Sometimes you may see a Guido lurking about looking for pills, but you will rarely see them dancing, unless it is with other men.

  • Clubs. These are the places with hot women, douchebag men, and you standing alone, failing yet again to strike up a conversation with anybody. Anybody.

Strangely, for a dance club, very few people actually dance, unless you can call "drunken shuffling" dancing, which most people do. Also, for a club that works to establish a facade of class and sophistication, it strikes the novice night-clubber as strange that regular patrons of these places are the most unsophisticated scum to burden Mother Earth. Containing women who's only saving grace is their pussies, and men who's only saving grace is that they keep Maxim magazine in business.

  • Indie Bar. These places are normally small, hot and crammed full of pretentious indie fuckwits, milling about with a Scotch and Soda, shoe-gazing to the music of The Streets playing softly in the background. It isn't uncommon to find old pinball machines, video games and other "retro" things strewn around these clubs. The dance floors are a haze of smoke from Newport cigarettes.

Indie Clubs like to exude an image of a small club, doing it for the local scene. But they are in fact, every bit as corporate owned as the huge dance clubs the patrons of those indie bars despise. In every town there is a little place, kinda tucked away, where all the indie hipsters hang out, and it's really local, and it so like, fits this town, right?

And that exact same club is everywhere in America. A cookie-cutter, corporate concept. From the Christmas lights on the door to the fringe on the bar, it's all designed to look local, but charge global. Suck on that, emo faggots.

Live Venue

An awesome Live Venue.

Do you like punching people to Thrash Metal? Can you see the irony of a Straight Edge Hardcore Punk band playing on a beer soaked stage to a room full of drunks? Well then, you might enjoy a rapidly dying breed of Nightclub: The Live Venue.

These places are run by the skin of their teeth by kids who don't really know what they are doing. Their money is light and their talent even lighter. Live Venues are places that you can go to see local bands that are too crappy to grow beyond being a crappy local band play.

The IRL drama of these places is incredible. Being known as alternative draws a special kind of patron. These people don't fit in with the regular clubbing crowd, and therefore become regulars of these clubs. The result isn't far removed from incest. A bunch of kids all fucking each other, all getting the same diseases. Despite the availability of booze and sex in these clubs, you still won't get laid there.

On the upside Live Venues provide somewhere to see live music, which is fast being replaced by faggot DJ's, showing how non-conformists they are by using Macbooks. Every one of them.

Old People Clubs

People who were alive before the internet had nothing to do but fight The Jerry and get drunk. This naturally lead to a combination of the two. The facilities that sprung forth are known as Returned Services League Clubs, or RSL's for short. If you are under the age of 25, by no means should you enter an RSL, lest you be accused of being a Whipper-Snapper, Commie Bastard or have you brain melted with bullshit war stories coming from the elderly over the sound of cells dying. Although, let me point out, that there is one exception to the Rule. RSL clubs are by far the cheapest place to get drunk in the whole entire world. The beers off tap are at genuine 1960's prices, and the food is also cheap as hell. RSL clubs also cater to the lesser members of our society, offering daycare services for the children Teenage Mothers, until mummy is drunk enough to drive herself and her 4 screaming kids back to daddy for a night of abuse.

Pokies, or slot machines as they are known in The States, are the main source of income in RSL clubs. Veterans routinely enter the clubs, put their pension check for the week into a small box and walk out to spend the rest of their week eating dog food. This is how drinks at these places are so cheap. RSL clubs are everywhere, and there will most likely be at least one in your local suburb. Also, due to enormous amounts of cash kept on site, and the apathetic, zombie-like nature of the staff, RSL clubs are fantastic places to commit armed robbery.

Stupid Theme Clubs

These places are seriously only for desperate middle aged women just after their 4th or 5th divorce, because they want to go somewhere unique and interesting to find a guy desperate enough to want to fuck a sagging, 45 year old single mother.

The more frequent the theme nights, the more retarded the club. Themes include, but are not limited to:

  • Foam Parties - The entire club is filled with soap suds.
  • Speed Dating - A way for you to get rejected 30 times in 30 minutes.
  • Gay Night - Your favorite night of the week.
  • Ice Bars - Ice Bars are exactly that, nightclub where literally everything is made of ice. Ice Bars are found everywhere, even in warm places, including Australia's Gold Coast, which is located in Queensland, one of the hottest places in Australia. Many, many thousands of dollars are spent on keeping the club from melting, and then when it inevitably does, paying some douche-bag to carve out new chairs, tables, and toilets.

All this money has to come from somewhere, and as usual, that place is your back pocket. These places prey on your desire to get fucked, and that's exactly what happens. You just spent 35 bucks at the door to the fucking Ice Capades, sucker!

Like your mother, these places really do suck, they are cold, wet and often empty. Don't expect to pick up in one of these clubs, as it is notoriously hard to look cool in a Parker.

An ED Exposé: Inside Nightclubs

Walking into the nightclub for the first time, you will have every sense raped. The bright, flashing lights melting your brain. The stupidly loud sound systems making you dumber by blasting "Tik Tok" at 2000 decibels. The smell of beer soaked floors, cheap cologne, sweat, testosterone, vomit, piss and shit making your want to rip your nose off. The taste of cheap, watered down bourbon, vodka, rum and other spirits giving you a severe case of The Jew when you realized you got $20 change from a $50 for this drink, and the feeling that you can only experience when you've spent an entire night running on white heat after ingesting stupid amounts of nasty Speed and dancing like a fuckwit for 6 hours.

Nightclubs are much like the internet. They are dank, dirty places where only the nice parts are illuminated. Everyone is pretty much Anonymous, unless they want you to know them and anyone can be whatever they want to be. No one will know otherwise. So, dear reader, let me give you the run down of the kind of people inside nightclubs in a way you, as a basement dweller, will understand.


Typical Nightclub owner

These are the Joseph Everses of the nightclub. Very rarely will you ever see them in the club, and even if you do, you will never know who they are until you pick a fight with one and wake up the next day in the desert with two broken legs and half a Smirnoff Ice bottle lodged firmly in your arse. They own the venue, not run it, and simply stand around raking in the cash and doing lines in the office. These people are normally mob affiliated and not very nice. Chances are they don't just own the current club you are in, but many, many more. They are almost certainly packing heat and are not afraid to use it.

What to look for:

  • A sober look about their face.
  • Normally wearing some sort of dressed down business attire.
  • A compulsion to clutching the hidden handgun in their jacket pocket.
  • Shooting your bitch-ass in the head in the alley behind the club.


Nightclub manager hard at work

Club Managers look like, do the same job and are as expendable as Jacknstock. They are all buzzing of a vibe of grand self importance and are all insufferable assholes. They walk around the club at night, making sure they are seen telling lesser staff to do their job, when in reality, there is so little for a manager to do that their job isn't nearly as hard as a bartender or door bitch. This lasts until about midnight, when they have done enough to consider themselves "clocked off". After this point they can be seen drinking a stupid amount of free drinks and sleazing onto girls saying bullshit like, "Youse girls, deres something schpeshul about youse girls. I'mma head honcho here. I's own seven house. If youse girls ever need a house you can have one of my houses".

A manager looks like:

  • An urgent rushed look to cover the fact that they have nothing to do.
  • Walking around with a bottle of spirits/bundle of drink cards.
  • Constantly talking to bar staff, bouncers and VIP guests.
  • A Sleazy, Guido demeanor.


A Bouncer. Evolution has moved their peanut sized brains to within the neck for self-preservation. He is also almost always disappoint.

These are the IRCops of the Nightclub world. They are built like brick shithouses and are often ex-cons. Their job is to sell drugs to patrons for the club, and have sex with the female regulars so they can obtain VIP door spots. When you see a bouncer coming towards you, you should remain completely still, as their sight is based on movement. One thing about bouncers is that when you are being harassed by some asshole all night long, and finally take a swing at him, they will be there to haul your sorry ass out of the club and into an alley for a righteous beating. But as soon as some Guido motherfucker decides you looked at him the wrong way and pulls a knife, there is never a bouncer around to stop your skinny ass from getting shanked.

Look out for:

  • Uniforms. These apes are normally the only ones wearing a uniform in the club.
  • 6ft 11 and 290lb of pure muscle.
  • Crazy eyes.
  • Prison tattoos.
  • A neck thicker than your waist. If there's a 45 degree angle between his ears and shoulders, you've found the bouncer. Drop your wallet on the floor and back away slowly.

Bar Staff

Technically, she does work with a Bar. But she is not Bar Staff

You can thank God for these guys. They are the under-paid, under-appreciated and under-privileged bastards that get your sore and sorry ass drunk every night. They are the unsung heroes and heroines of our generation, and are by far the most useful people in the world to become friends with. Visiting a bar regularly you will invariably get to know the staff, unless its a huge place or there is a high staff turnover (common in the shit-kicker Nightclub Industry). But when you do, free drinks ahoy! Plus the ladies love it if you can talk to the staff and actually look like somebody.

Bar staff are:

  • Behind a Goddamn bar serving drinks, Idiot.
  • Rushed, malnourished and depressed.
  • Smelly.

Door Bitches

These are the happy, smiling and inviting people that take your $20 before you even set foot in the club. Almost always women, because you are an idiot and think you actually have a chance of taking one of these people home for a long night of wild monkey sex. One thing to remember is that these people recognize faces of banned patrons with utmost accuracy. So wear a good disguise, faggot.

Look for:

  • The girls sitting at the front door, moron.


Women stripped down to their bare essentials, essentially glorified waitstaff who do a damn good job at doing nothing. Which is probably a good thing.

Look for:

  • Tits
  • Tits
  • The bouncer approaching you, creep
  • Tits

Enjoying your night out

Activities within nightclubs are limited, boring and dangerous. Guys go to clubs to get laid, and you are no exception. But no one who admits this is going to actually get some pussy. Women go to clubs to play a little game named "how many guys can I steal off my friends tonight" with the gaggle of female friends they go with. The point scoring system is subtle, competition is intense and occasionally deadly. The fact that all the chicks are playing this game is why you always, always, hit on the friend of the girl whom you actually want to fuck, not on the girl herself.

Picking up involves charm, wit and good looks. So you are fucked. However, lucky for you, nightclubs are laden with Booze, Drugs and poor lighting, so you're in for a chance.

The Bar

  • See the ED article on Alcohol for more coverage.

Every single nightclub in the world has a bar. This is how they make their money, selling beer. The promoter makes all the money on the door, so that doesn't count. Bars are the busiest part of the club, and therefore, the most likely place to get beat up. The correct way to buy a drink at a bar in a busy club is to line up, stare at your feet, yell your drink at the bartender, receive the wrong drink and change, take it anyway and walk away quickly. Any other way will get you in trouble and either beaten to a pulp by frat boys for holding up the line or cut off for the night (no booze for you!).

Drug Dealers

  • See the ED article on Drugs for more coverage.

Lets face it. Nightclubs can be pretty shitty places to be sober. The music is bland, monotonous and repetitive. The atmosphere is overpowering, with strobe lights, drunken jocks and up-tight bitches as far as the eye can see. So, the natural way to offset this bullshit is to get completely fucked out of your skull on drugs. This is where your friendly local drug dealer comes in. Nightclub veterans will have their own dealer, who they know personally and score decent shit off for a reasonable price. But you are a noob, and therefore need to scope out the shiftiest bastard in the joint for your drugs. Once you find Mr. Right, you may be overwhelmed with choices! First up, the king of the scene, Cocaine.

Coke is the number one choice of clubbers everywhere, as long as its in powder form and is snorted. There is nothing more glamorous then racking up a few lines in the bathroom and spending the next 20 minutes buzzing around, with a half chewed off jaw. Fun for the whole family.

Pills or Ecstasy are also popular, especially in the Dance Clubs, as mentioned earlier. When you first buy pills you may notice that there are a million varieties all claiming to be a million different things. Disregard this. If you have ever seen a dude cooking pills, you'll know that all kinds of lethal shit goes into them, and that if you get anything that even mildly resembles MDMA, you are a lucky bastard. Most of them are just full of shitty speed laced with drain cleaner and rat poison for added flavor. If you are gonna hit up the pills, get more than one for a night. Light weights might want to get two, but not take a whole pill at once, spread it over the course of the night. And don't be a pussy, munch down on them, tastes good, man.

Some people smoke pot when they go clubbing. You can tell who they are by looking at them sitting alone staring at the lights. These people are shit, just walk away.

Encyclopedia Dramaticans experience with Nightclubs

Got a lulzy clubbing story? Leave it in the Talk Page!













See Also

is part of a series on


[BRB HugboxGo Live One]

Featured article May 20, 2010
Preceded by
Nightclub Succeeded by