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GuruLarry is part of the TGWTG Circle-jerk

Circlejerk: That Guy With The GlassesDoug WalkerJewWarioLinkaraTheSpoonyOneScrewAttack/Former TalentAngry JoeTodd in the ShadowsNostalgia ChickJesuotakuAnime News Network
Enemies: AsalieriScrewAttack
Guru Larry pleads to BusyStreet about this ED article.HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS It was their prank together.
Guru Larry by day on TGWTG
Guru Larry by night on ED

Guru Larry (Real Name Larry Bundy Jr., Known aliases of TheCuriousOrange, UncleBastard, and more) was a failed artist and TV presenter in the video game industry and also a shitty fat fuck of a contributor for ScrewAttack. Larry was fired from UK Television in 2008, and fired from ScrewAttack by Stuttering "Popped Collar" Craig, who finally gave him the official boot after Larry bitched about not being paid there. Presently, Guru Larry lives a double life. By day, he works for, posting videos where he poorly informs people of such facts as, "Super Mario Brothers 2 was actually Doki Doki Panic!" By night for most of the last two years, Larry had secretly made the majority of the contributions to the That Guy With The Glasses ED article, as well as Video Game Reviewers and any sections pertaining to him on ScrewAttack.

ScrewAttackEurope then began to slowly disappear off ScrewAttack's website, first the SAE section of their forums, then eventually off their main page. This was all done without ever informing Wez or Larry that they had been fired. But come August of 2010, Craig was informed that they were making money on YouTube as they had recently become partners. Seeing red, Craig threw a bitch fit, and went Spax3 on their asses, demanding Wez and Larry close their account because of bogus "copyright infringement" claims, followed by wild accusations of them only becoming partners in the first place as they were illegitimately using ScrewAttack's name. Craig then BAWWWED to YouTube and demanded that they remove their partnership status.

Of course, he threw such a massive eTantrum this time, it caught the attention of fans, who saw this as "Stuttering Craig Vs. Handsome Tom" all over again. In response Craig released a lulzworthy video explaining what mean and nasty persons Larry and Wez were for leaving their website (note: never explaining "why" they left), whilst Destin completely ruined any discernible respect they could have ascertained from said video by acting like a total Child.

For three years Guru Larry contributed for ScrewAttack using the name ScrewAttackEurope, since he self-proclaimed himself the official Eurofag spokesman for the site. However, Craig thought otherwise, seeing as how he sort of owned the site and Larry owned a blow-up doll, thus Craig made him drop it (and the blow-up doll) to stop further dragging down the already tarnished ScrewAttack name. Craig and his cast of forgettable McJobbing teenage employees decided to host a butthurt powwow and talk about this situation along with the haters. Craig later posted a second video apologising after his man-servant, Destin decided to Dox Larry's conversations with them in a blog. Thankfully for Larry and unfortunately for ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, he has found a home with the other failure battered ex-ScrewAttack retards at TGWTG along with his friend Ashens, all of which he used to insult on a daily basis on Encyclopedia Dramatica under his well-hidden pseudonyms. And he would've gotten away with it, too, if he didn't gloat on his favorite forums about the ED articles on Chris-Chan, the article ex-fat fuck specializes in.

The vast majority of Larry's video game collection was destroyed due to his stupid negligence. To make some spare room in his house, Larry thought it would be a good idea to put his collection inside an old rusty, leaking shed. Larry made a video for the aftermath of a rainstorm that ruined his collection while e-begging people for donations while doing his best to pretend he didn't want anyone sending him anything, because that was a level he did not want to stoop to. Like his fellow countryman above, Larry is also a notable CWCfag but far more problematic than Harry. His vast expansion of the Chris-Chan articles with personal data about family members and places the retard visits, combined with Larry going as far as to interview him in several videos in 2009, are the classic features of a stalker. A stalker that probably also wants to have gay sex with Chris-Chan. It is hard to deny his physical attraction to Chris-Chan, as Larry is also a certifiable furfag as seen by his short lived webcomic Natural Born Kittens.



—Guru Larry

Larry Gets A Sniff Of A Vagoo - Changes Mind On GamerGate

File:Guru Larry Pussy Whipped.jpg
I do believe it was about harassment of women.. What changed my mind was research and my girlfriend


—Guru Larry - Changing his mind for a chance to get his dick wet

Just one month prior he held the opposite position, so either Larry is schizo or the pussy drove him mad.

GamerGate is about corruption yes, but the accused keep trying to change the subject to sexism to dodge the blame.


—Gotta delete this, Larry

I think as a survivor it's disgusting Quinn didn't acknowledge the people who tragically lost their lives during gamergate.


—Might wanna delete this tweet, Larry


See Also

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GuruLarry is part of a series on YouTube.

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