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Know Your Meme

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Kill Your Meme (KYM) is essentially the end product of greedy corporate intervention into anything OTI. The site itself, which was for a short time a subsidiary of multi-national corporate giant Sony, was created entirely for the benefit of the newest of new internet users and the odd over-the-hill, internet disclosing news sites (due to KYM's political correctness). It is distinct from other similar wikis (e.g. Lurkmoar wiki) in that they are clearly intended for mass commercialization of every meme, large or small, that ever sprang forth from a *chan. It's also mostly safe for work, which makes it even more pathetic. Sounding like someone yet?

Naturally KYM had to rip off Æ-tan too.

Since its inception, KYM has had no shame corporatizing the internet culture they take no part in and, moreover, are exceedingly arrogant about this fact. You will often see this arrogant attitude first-hand from an odd mod or site rep attempting to justify the site's existence with such disingenuous statements like "nobody owns a meme, we all do", which is fine, except they are a company that fucking profits off of them at the same time. If they could copyright every meme in existence, they would – a corporation's eternal mission is the divide and conquer mindset. It is basically I Can Has Cheezburger? raised to the tenth with double the faggotry. The site survives largely off Google and a userbase of autistic 14 year olds, which have since evolved into a cult of elitist, hypocritical snobs who think they're hot shit for forcing memes while attacking normies for trying to get a slice of the meme pie, when KYM has already beaten them into the ground to begin with.

Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.


Robert Benchley, former memesmith


Some people started doing it and then others too and then more people and now there's a lot of it


—Every KYM article ever, as described by some guy on

1. Kill Your Meme
You may ask "why don't my videos have ads on them?" Because they don't generate money like Rocketboom does!

Although the site has been up since December 18th, 2007, it's surprisingly small and lacks content. /b/ on its worst day will never be as raeped by newfaggotry and AIDS. They hired mememolly to anchor their "webshow" in July, 2009, who just happens to also be in the YouTube Partner Program.

What's worse is KYM signed a major distribution deal with Sony in 2008. Now you can learn about memes while you're browsing on your fucking iPhone in class or playing MW2 on your PS3! Soon enough, you'll see niggers, kikes, and guidos walking down the street wearing XXXXL shirts stating that their penis size is over 9000. Supposedly this deal fell through not long after, but it will not be long before they're sucking more corporate cock.

Typical search results for anything that matters.

The Videos

YouTube promoting KYM's faggotry on the front page.
KYM will deadpool any memes they can't profit from.

KYM/Rocketboom managed to multiply already unthinkable faggotry with their Jewtube "webshow". The show consists of some hostess walking pair of tits or similarly clueless "researchers" doing their best to read a fucking teleprompter or script to explain any given meme in the most WACKY way possible. Soon everything you used to hold sacred will be able to be downloaded to some retards PSP for the low price of just $19.95...the days of reading through endless lines of boring text are over! Just watch a short YouTube video, and you'll be an instant oldfag.


Typical Know Your Meme

Typical day at Know Your Meme

<video type="vimeo" id="6952858" width="540" height="406" desc="What KnowYourMeme thinks lulz are made of." frame="true" position="center"/>

Your IP has been banned for using proxy. Know Your Meme will ban you anyway

It actually got shittier!

Sometime around 2011 KYM was sold to the cheezburger network. Nothing really changed except for the fact that the web videos are now made by a completely different set of people which are actually worse than the first set of people. Currently anything pony related is dominating over every other article on KYM. As of late 2013, nothing has changed. There was a brief invasion of Doge as the top meme, but that quickly thinned out once Season 4 premiered.

It actually got shitter!: SJW Edition

Being right-wing on KYM = PERMABAN!!!!1!

It's 2019. Has Know Your Meme gotten shittier? Yes, Know Your Meme has literally gotten even more shittier now that the mods went hypocritically full social justice retarded. Mostly the main SJW mod, 3kole5, more like 3kuck5, who will get triggered over anyone posting memes of trannies, yet it's okay to document about trannies on a fucking meme site. Because he claims to be, like all nu-males and soyboys, a strong male ally of the LGBT+ movement with multiple good boy points cards.

3kuck5 will ban you for talking shit about lolcows like Jim Sterling as a fat cuck.

And if you're lucky, 3kuck5 will be triggered enough to have a raging male ally hate boner and permanently banned you for inflammatory content on, as usual, a fucking meme site.

Posting memes about trannies = permabanned for inflammatory content.

The Fags Behind It

What? This article needs moar people behind the faggotry.
You can help by adding moar people behind the faggotry.
Go nuts.

Behind the scenes are unfunny middle aged men shooting for humor. A female is often employed for the sole purpose of inciting rebellious boners and raking in the hits.


The virgin faggots of KYM.

You're probably thinking, "who the fuck enjoys this stuff?". Well guess what? People actually do! Here's a short list of people who frequent Force Your Meme.

  • 12 year old: Constantly spamming forced meme entries (like this asspie) and cancerous comments such as "U MAD" or "ITS OVER 9000!". They are the bread and butter of this site.
  • Confirmers: If they see it once, they confirm it. If it's on youtube, they confirm it. If it's about their favorite game, they confirm it. If it's about anything they like, they will confirm it no matter how shitty or mind numbing it is.
  • Ponyfags: Rejects of pretty much everywhere, they are welcome here at brony central known as KYM. They viciously defend the Friendship is Magic article and always ensure it stays trending due to that they constantly loom over the article like neckbeard vultures with nothing better to do. Beware, don't try to troll them! They will bury your comment like they did their virginity.
  • Elitists (aka internet toughguys): The badass mother fuckers of KYM. They'll comment on your profiles and tell you to fuck off and tell you that your mad. Mods too. Try and Deadpool a cool meme? They teach you otherwise with a thumbs down. You can tell who they are by their animu avatars.
  • Intellectuals: People who put logic and reason into everything and "secretly" make fun of the trolls with their "startling intellect". Their favorite sayings are "well played, sir!" or "good fellow, I have to disagree!" or "gee, I could fancy a nice ass drilling right now!". They usually like to reference politics or make secular references to mask their inferiority complex, however this usually fails tragically since their prominent Brony-themed names or avatars are a dead give away to their crappy and lonely lifestyles (a perfect example of a typical KYM Brony Intellectual Elitist is this fag).
  • Furries: Yet another exiled race to be welcomed into KYM and make up a large portion of the userbase. They pal around with the Bronies, the Elitists, and the FNAF fandom.
  • Faggots: Many of the more prominent and older members of KYM's user base are attention seeking fags (mostly trannies) who are easily butthurt when either offending a meme they enjoy, offending one of the mentioned members of the user base, or using the word "gay" or "fag" in any instance unless it's to say "OP is a faggot".
  • Paraphilias - Somehow Know Your Meme allowed fetish autists from DeviantArt to submit their fetish scribbles they call art as long as they keep it PG-13.
  • Social Justice Warriors: Many of the already mentioned types of users above belong to this bothersome category of whiny shits. Luckily there are just as many people who just don't give a fuck as there are Social Justice fags, which evens out the faggotry a bit (however even these supposedly Anti-SJ users will blow a gasket if a mild gay or tranny joke is made, basically making them closet-SJWs). Regardless, members of KYM will create shitstorms over just about anything, whether it is social issues or a fictional medium. And now some mods join the social justice clan like RandomMan and 3kole5 protecting the Brianna Wu KYM article from adding ED articles to the Additional References links in hoping to earn good-boy points for their brave white knighting. The rest of the userbase REALLY hates them.
  • Hypocrites: These people get butthurt when other people (i.e. 9Gag, big companies, and anywhere that isn't the internet) use memes, despite the fact that KYM themselves are promoting and gushing over the memes. They also hate people like Wil Wheaton for attacking people he doesn't like when they treat him and countless webcomic artists and YouTubers like complete shit, as well as hating /pol/ despite being just as racist, sexist, transphobic, and generally anti-diversity as they are (see the article on High Guardian Spice, which is somehow even more cancerous than the show itself looks). In other words, 99.3% of the community.
  • Assholes: See Riff-Raff.
  • Mods: Dickless smug assholes who think they're important and better than everyone else and bans you for a fuck you reason if you have a problem with them. Almost all mods from their private basement dwelling mods-only forums likes to discuss users that are shit.
  • Don: KYM's based leader. The rest of the userbase is plotting to stage a coup against him for constantly forcing new Advice Animals, but you didn't hear that from us.
  • Bill-Stan-That-Looks-Like-a-Bill: Some guy who doesn't like anime.


Buckle up, because the brakes are cut and the five-o are snoozin’. The rules are more lax here, so remember not to take yourself too seriously.


—The introduction of a failure 4chan clone.

The Riff-Raff forums is a piece of shit 4chan clone from the Fun section where faggots can treat Riff-Raff like 4chan's inbred child and be told not to take it seriously. Created by literally a fat fuck name Captain Blubber. Ever since Riff-Raff was created by The Captain of Obesity, Know Your Meme has become more cancerous than it ever was. Even more cancerous, Captain Blubberfuck made his rules for Riff-Raff to inspire 4chan's rules of the internet listed below:

  • 1. Duplicate topics are fine. If someone makes a thread and you think that you can do it better or if you want to parody the other thread feel free.
  • 2. Relevancy is not necessary. Purple monkey cheese XD. If you think a thread is bad or you just really, REALLY, need to get post an offtopic picture just to get it off your chest, there is nothing against that.
  • 3. No porn or gore. Sorry, but there are other places you can go for that sort of thing. CNN does link to this site sometimes, you know.
  • 4. No flooding or spamming. It’s not funny, and clogs up the board so we can’t read all the delightful shit posts. Leave it at the door.
  • 5. Do not attempt to evade a ban. Kinda a site-wide thing, so if you are evading a ban just to post in Riff Raff, keep it on the DL.
  • 6. Be Friendpfffhaha sorry, let me try again. Ahem, Be Frhahaha. No, that rule is not enforced here. Don’t go cyberbullying or publicly harassing, but if you have beef this is the place to vent. We promise not to laugh at you ;).
  • 7. You might get suspended. Mods are free to give small 1 hour suspensions, for flights of fancy. Usually if you are a bad poster or just unlucky, you might get a 3 hour or less time-out. Don’t worry, these won’t count up to a suspension total and will not result in bans.
  • 8. What happens in Riff Raff stays in Riff Raff. Riff Raff promotes shitposts and making fun of each other, but that doesn’t mean you can spill it out into the other boards. Keep the other boards on topic and don’t chase users around the forums mocking them. The regular rules apply out there and you’ll get in deep doo-doo.
So yeah, that’s how it plays out. This is an experiment we are all taking part in so let’s make this the best shitpost board possible. So go and post, make a thread, drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open! Today is where your book begins… the rest is still unwritten.


—Captain Blubber The Hutt's fat shitty 4chan inbred rules

See those words up there? they say forums / fun / RIFF-RAFF. we all like to crack wise on this forum and frankly, you can’t be taking it so seriously my man. This forum is for making funny irony posts that you don’t mean, not for being honest with someone about their posts. face it, you’re in over your head if you are that serious about these posts that they make you mad. by the way i’m not being serious about your post. also I am not ruining the joke by explicitly stating that this is the joke forum. this is a good post and any dipshit who upvotes it is of course right to do so. something abuout stupid people getting mad at stupid posts fills me with an indescribable urge to defuse the situation by being the Helpful Riff Raff Guide™. Because even in the forum for dumb nastiness, i still desperately want to be liked. Enjoy you stay and don’t feed the trolls.


—Captain Blubberbutthurt being butthurt in his fathole.


Cancer IRL.
  • Know Your Meme constantly get their facts wrong. In their video on Weegee, they state that he simply originated as a creepy drawing that someone uploaded on the internet, completely glazing over the fact that Weegee is undeniably real, and will kill you. They also contend that Pedobear PROTECTS lolis and That Really Rustled My Jimmies originated from FunnyJunk.
Do your part!

We all know how wrong that is.

  • Unsurprisingly, was named Time Magazine's 50th best website of 2009, which is ironic because all of its content is derived from other websites.
  • It is also completely useless because you could just use ED to research any meme that's worth two shits, and many which aren't. Fortunately, every KYM page links to ED, so after reading their shit, you can just click on the link to know the truth.
  • The admins of Know Your Meme can easily be offended and ban you if you break the following rules:
    • No trolling.
    • No nudity. Not even a camel toe in sweatpants, or even open cleavage.
    • No porn. Not even porn covers, yet they allow cloppers to post My Little Pony porn.
    • No spamming.
    • No insults or threats.
    • No advertising.
    • No kids.
    • No memeing trannies, or else you'll trigger certain SJW mods like 3kole5 and you'll get banned.
Even KYM knows that ED is better than Uncyc.
If you've ever been stung by the word newbie, then this is the vlog for you. Every other week or so, "researchers" from the thoroughly tongue-in-cheek Rocketboom Institute for Internet Studies explain what's funny on the Web and why — so you can be 1337 and have a life too.


—Time Magazine, completely disregarding other websites ("wink wink") that did what they do about a decade earlier and much, much better.

KYM's Opinions on ED

Apparently some faggot start a topic on Know Your Meme's opinions on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Our point on Know Your Meme clearly explains how much of a cancerous greedy corporate jew it is. But let's listen what they have to say about us.

A bunch of unfunny edgy 15 year old cunts.


Spider-Byte, an unfunny edgy 15 year old.

Just like Kiwi Farms, it’s a website dedicated to serving a cyberbullying and ableist agenda behind “satire.” If you do something to piss off certain Internet groups such as the alt-right, then you’re very likely to get an ED entry on you which includes private information.


chowzburgerz doesn't know jack and shit about the lulz.

It’s funny from time to time but also really disgusting and toxic. They try to come off as somehow superior in their articles but you can smell the butthurt just from reading through them. They’re also kinda tryhards when it comes to being edgy


My best behavior

In my opinion ED’s a pretty good site(if you have adblock). You gotta have a sense of dark humor for it. Like others have said, it’s interesting to see some of KYM’s users make fool’s of themselves in their forums.


PatrickBateman96 knows what's up.

It’s a place where butthurt ex-KYM users go to make fools of themselves.


Piccata Titicaca must be talking about Epyc Wyn.

Back in the day, before i joined KYM, i thought ED was the funniest shit ever. I was a teenager so my taste in humor involved shock images, making people feel bad about themselves, and calling everyone I didn’t like a fag, definitely not one the proudest era’s of my life. Even made an account and tried to edit some stuff there, but i sucked at it and got chewed out by a dude, so i stopped. Never really did much with the account except make like, 3 edits to a page.

But after a while i grew up and realized the place was toxic and immature. Some of the pages can be funny from time to time, but its best not to take the place seriously, at all. Overall my opinion of ED at this point is just meh.



It’s like visiting a huge farm full of lolcows.

Speaking of lolcows, I remember a long time ago when a certain lolcow found me posting images of a certain reply girl he’s white knighting and stalks me with illegal bots to vote everything down. I ask for help and they send Verbose to solve the problem. Unfortunately it got a lot worse when he was more of a butthole than a mod, threatening to ban me for more than a week if I even made one comment to the lolcow.

Luckily some members of ED found the lolcow and he pretty much close his account and went back into hiding.


Gabenus Trollucus, a LIAT survivor.

Needless to say, the irony on display is hysterical.

KYM Copypasta

I'm not sure if you're trolling or just have no idea who I am, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

In addition to almost 7 years as a confessed meme addict, I have moderated the largest meme forum on the Internet (at over 2 million subscribers) for over a year. You think I don't know memes? In that time I have removed over 400posts for not following subreddit guidelines. In addition to my moderation responsibilities I am one of the most active writers on You think I don't know memes? Then how do I write articles about them on a site called knowyourmeme? Several mainstream blogs have contacted me to ask about the recent meme phenomenon and each has been thankful and enlightened with what I had to tell them. It's not just limited to blogs though. Several companies have asked me to review their meme ads to avoid a failure like Toyota's meme commercial. Just last week a major food company contacted me with a paid offer to help them on a new ad campaign. I declined when I researched the company and saw that they had contributed money to socially conservative groups.

It's safe to say that I am one of the world's foremost experts on memes and in fact there is no one I can think of that has a meme resume as impressive as mine. So please tell me, what are your qualifications to say that I don't know what a meme is

How to do research for a KYM article:

  • STEP 3: Go to KYM and open new article.
  • STEP 4: Google search the meme.
  • STEP 5: Copy all the information you find.
  • STEP 7: Copy the entire article bout the meme.
  • STEP 10: ????????

External links

See also

KYM = internet culture, edited for Jews
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