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You can also email Tabs directly at tabs@tabbygarf.club with your preferred username, pronouns, and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.Encyclopedia Dramatica:Lulzcon 07 planning
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This article documents the actions performed under the old regime - red links are abundant & are meant to be that way! |
This article documents a current event.
Information may change rapidly as the lulz progresses.

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Disregard the entire article, I sucks cock!!! |
Lulzcon '07
- Has an official website
- Took place from September 28-30th
- Took place at the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago IL. Here's the Mapquestdirections.
- Rooms cost $159.00/night for double occupancy at the Congress Plaza.
- You were invited.
- Director of promotions [designing ads and posting them, handling the media, promotions, etc]
- Director of Events [Speakers/entertainment]*
- Director of Registrations [create badges, find printers, create registration pack]*
- Director of Guest relations [aka security/badge checking]*
- Assistant to the Awesome [that means me]*
- Pretty much Jesus [Dying for sins/fixing LAN connection]*
You don't have to do all this work yourself, you would just have to find people and co-ordinate your team. Also titles are up for negotiation. If you want a position, you'll get listed on the website and get free admission for yourself and a guest. So that's two free passes to Lulzcon. This is of course under the requirement that you get everything done. If you want one of the spots, please throw your name in the hat in this post. I have a special mailing list set up for staff and I will add the proper people to it as we select them.
"*" Please don't volunteer unless you are relatively certain that you'll be at lulzcon.
List of Shit That Happened
- LOLDONGS Scavenger hunt - Find ED Related items throughout the hotel and surrounding area.
- Comedy Writing Workshop - lern2fail less plzkthnx.
- LOLDONG tossing - Game involving dildos and holes.
- Meme costume contest, $100 prize for best.
- Jew skull shotput - Throw the severed Zionist pig dog heads as far as you can! Win stolen gold!
- Video game panel - Video game tournament, bring your own consoles/tvs if you want. [here] to talk about it. (only if jz can go.) [fucking weeaboo]
- Nigger Pageant, best of show gets to lynch the losers.
- The grossest orgy in the history of sex.
- Mudkipz grotto.
- The pissed off whore walk - Yelling memes at all the unpaid escorts from craigslist that get pranked into coming to the hotel Saturday.
- Massive streak through Olive Park (598 E. Grand Avenue, about 2 miles north)
- Snapesnogger lookalike contest
- Circle Jerk
- Goatse contest: biggest asshole wins
- Hammering [Lady Twilight's] steel vagina into a mudkip statuette.
- Rate My Poo LIVE (to be held in the men's restroom)
- Pedobear Kart Racing
- Beat the shit out of gaiafags fest
- Juggalo/Wigger Crunk Dancing Contest: First one to be shot/stabbed by a digusted Nigga gets street cred Yo!
- Mitchell Henderson Memorial iPod Scavenger Hunt
- "LOL WUT is Longcat, Alex?"--ED/Internets Trivia
- Naptime!!1
- Working paper presentation: "Tex on Imaeg in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Solutions and SolJEWtions amirite?"
- Roundtable: "To /b/ or not to /b/?"
- Rule 34 Costume Orgy
- Furry Hunting
- Loli time
- Duckroll
- The first ever Lolympics: First event, trolling IRL.
- Tay Zonday performing live (Confirmed)
- Impersonating My Immortal characters.
- Evacuating the hotel at 4am in response to a phoned-in bombthreat from a Mr E Bauman
- Batshit crazy car stunts... INSIDE!!!11one
- Do it for the Lulz 10000 Internets 1st prize
- Put moar ideas here or at the lulzcon community.
- Guess the number of members of Slipknot in the jellybean jar!
- Meeting with Jesus
- Free anal porn
- Rate My FAIL!
Wanted: Willing EDiots to act as ambassadors to various online communities. Something Awful, Youtube, YTMND, the *Chans, Livejournal and pretty much anywhere else. Even Ebaums, Gaia, and Wikipedia. If you are so inclined, please list yourself below next to the online community you will act as a liason to. *chan: SA: YTMND: LJ: Youtube: Heartdreamer - I need sugestions because I have no idea what to make.
Promotional Images
See also: http://lulzcon.com/promo/readme.html
You can post or embed the promo video above by using this code: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oWIbxZENCwI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oWIbxZENCwI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
List of Attendees

This shows who is coming, who is probably coming, and who wants to come, but is fagging it up.
Definitely Coming
Put your name here if you are srsly cmmin.
- XPingtronX
- The guy who's in this picture http://uploads.nextphaze.net/lulzcon/banner1.gif is coming. Yup, that's right.
- Delicious Cake
- Jesus maybe get laid with a 16-year-old girl
- Careet
- MelkiahFox
- Newfags by the truckload
- koryoko
- Girlvinyl
- Weev
- NeoLobster
- Ajt
- Mudkips
LoliHAETpizzasomething came up- HACKERS ON STEROIDS
- Hitler
- Drugs
- Booze
- Hookers and blow - if only
- User:Hive Node
- number_7
- Frank Campo is also a faggot.
- Emilyjo: Going, planning to write a srsly unfunny paper on the lulz, driving from Ohio (rideshare?).
- Zak Broman is coming from Indiana to share the lulz about spoiling Harry Potter for faggots in Boston.
- erix is indeed the third faggot.
- Bloodydiaperman Acting as a goodwill ambassador for Totse.
- thatkidparker wtf, why ?
- Divx-Mongool
- Anon E Moose + 1
- Rfjason
- pedobear
- Streator Driving from Indianapolis, can give rides if you show your cawk
- Cataclaw B& for blanking, sent "Porm" to ED IRC to add to list
- SeanWDP Looking to split a room for the lulz
- Cokesquirrel Noone gives a shit, but I will be there
- User:ElBalboa
- Nihlidos: planning on flying driving Knoxville <-> Chicago. Anyone need a ride? I now need roomshare. We can use eppigy's it is in the Lulzcon block and it is still reserved.
- BigZ Is gonna be there sunday with niggers!!!1!!!one!!11!!!
- Applemilk1988 any wapanese lulz!??111
- Hal_Turner im in ur con, killing ur blacks
Probably Coming
Put your name here if you are afraid of commitment.
- Beemer
- noone
- Cthulhu
- even more mudkips
- pingu
- zaphraud (Might come, not a probably)
- Taryn (Might come, not a probably)
- Jesus (wants to be in a great place Free of Jews, but can't decide if heaven or lulzcon is a good choice.)
- Incestqueen Need to go 50/50 on room ticket. I believe its $80 per person.
- Zombie_bomb 1 hour train ride lol
- Datenutbread
- Jakeirz (Might come, not a probably)
- Otonin BlackCock Ub3rSnip3r OMG 12 HOUR ROAD TRIP FROM MD!!!
- Xenocidebot Will split room and/or give rides for gas money to improve odds of going (Wisconsin FTW! Milwaukee area.) Also Prime Minister of delishus cheeses.
- BARBIEFUCK will room with anyone who has a 9 inch dick and a condom lololololol
- User:FedoraLou (May show up, not for certain)
- Ifeedonjapanesehobos Will attempt to get moar goldz. May bring a crackwhore. And hobos FTW.
- Zenzetra GUess what he's doing with the next 159 bucks her gets...
- Dayne253 is fucking coming!
Definitely NOT Coming
Put your name here if you are totally no way not at all ever going to be there.
- DUfire Want to go, but out of place since only 16. And lives in NC with no license yet. May see you guys in NY next year. Oh yes, I request you come to Charlotte, NC in 2009.
- Impulse Lives in Canada also, UNDERAGEB&
- eppigy is a faggot.
- Pokchu - Maybe next year
- Wissam - I live in England, so, you know...
- Jawsome: No golds = condemned to western Kanuckistan.
- Nakamura - Busy.
- Tara: Also no gold, plus too old.
- Tfo:On the no-fly list, and have been B& from Greyhound. Or possibly just spending a ton of money on new furniture for new apartment.
- OldDirtyBtard: Needs a new $1,500 comp00ting machine first.
- Ribs: Spent all my gaia gold on books ;_;
- Zaphod: My classes starts the same week as lulzcon.
- EON8: 77 65 20 61 72 65 20 61 62 6F 76 65 20 61 74 74 65 6E 64 69 6E 67
- JailBait: because my nubile body is too fragile for this party. See: Rape
- Please explain? { User is afraid of spiders. }
- Jew
- Puppies because Kittens are better.
- Niggers because niggers ruin everything.
- Interwebz because series of tubes won't fit on the mantrain.
- Freeradical: I have this prior appointment with hookers and blow in Las Vegas, see. Lousy timing
- Sihylm I live in england and am too underaged to attend your delicious lulzfest. Joey Bishop.
- Fidim because i'm at Argentina
- Theteleputty not like anyone cares or knows who I am.
- digiwombat due to new job.
- TheShining I'm too busy fapping fuck you.
- Heartdreamer because I go to school.
- Capwr8q in Sweden.
- iicatsii IRL crap has taken over my internets.
- rustypapyrus has terribly embarrassing body odors and can't possibly be seen in public.
- emolotricity because ED is shit and has filled /b/ with deviantART fags and the like.
- User:Bluehearts because ED gave me AIDS and i'm dying :(((
- User:Crakwhrrr banned from entering USA due to criminal record. Miserable fun spoiling cunt of a country.
- User:Playerhater is Australian, therefore unemployed and can't afford to come to lulzfest. Also can't take VB on plane.
- User:Lonelyjoe is an ugly motherfucker, poor, in college, sucks dicks, has no money, fucks babies, etc.
- Gorbanic would but doesn't feel like it.
- Safalo is a Canadian minor... This is self-explanatory.
- Everan lives in Poland, where no planes ever land because of cannibals!
- women.
- qaX is underage and b& until next year.
- User:Weener_Dog_Shelter because I am packed full of weeners that need a home and someone to take care of them.
- blackjohnflint is too poor.
- Cho Seung-Hui dead
- user:Hellomoto lacks a passport to get to USA and is going to school.
- user:ShesDressedToKill I live in Australia thats why. I have no cash to spend on air tickets.
- shoopinalways UNDERAGE B& FOR 2 MOAR YRZ
- tennyocelestia is too poor and in need of Mudkipz
- Knight lives in fucking california
- User:Lawl And Pawnder Thrice i have been deported
- LULz OR GTFO Will be on the no fly list for raping an air traffic controller at work next week.
- ShepPlaying epic guitar solos (raeping Herman Li via phone with said guitar solos) and has spent gold on guitar gear and lives in the UK, lulzcon, plz cum UK, k thnx.
- somekindofcunt Not enough stolen jew gold to fly over big fucking pond.
- User:Faggotry Passport lost in Goatse's anus, also in dire need of moar interbuttz.
- Salambo Will be out the cuntry; however, would love to be there next year and has needed to go to Chicago for a schlong time now.
- Damn-o-tron Spent all my mony on shemale porn and mayyonaise (gonna be one hell of a weekend).
- Lolicyst Same reason I won't come to Wikipedia meetings: nazis stalkin' me. Also I live in Canada. Also, because Safalo isn't coming, if it's female. Plus I'm a cheapass and I hate travelling.
- Chiaki I have many reasons why I'm not coming. But boy, if I could, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
- JAF I have absolutely no money. I do have a suggestion though. Assuming the costume contest doesn't have a prize? When you get there, get together about forty people and go to Walmart, get a ton of white fabric, come in as Longcat!
- User:Emoskank: Lack of money, coupled with the fact that I'm trying to end my skanky ways and I know at least 3 ediots who have promised to anal rape me if I attend.
- User:Closer of Pools: TF;DG (Too Far: Didn't Go). And besides, someone has to close those pools.
Phyllis Schlafly
- Arssle Trapped in his basement.
- lolcookies Lives in Chile, and has no money to go :/
- QuicksmacK lives in das Philippines und we are currently in a state of rebellion following this years 18th coup attempt. Also international airport is at present being held by neo-sandinista rebels bemanding the release of several Hamas militants as well as the H5N1 strain of the Avian flu.
- DataVortex Pretty sure my IRC ban effectively keeps me from entering Illinois.
- acatisfinetookthxbiUh. For some reason I feel like lulzcon is just a joke and you're trying to get people to go to the hotel for the lulz, tricking them. Does it even exist?
- BURK- due to unfunny, faggotry, and terminal lack of golds. im planning for it next year though since i should have money by then. i will however be buying shirts.
- Richard S. Dreyfuss. Currently I'm appearing on Broadway with Faye Dunaway in James Lipton's production of Sweet Bird of Youth. (The truth: Dreyfuss lives in the Caribbean and cannot travel right now.)
- Flare - Because I'm an Argentinian faggot that doesn't have money.
- A dog
- Token Latino - can't get to the USA because of that border wall.
- Jericho - can't get to the USA because of that Ocean being in between the States and Australia. And wont swim accross cause hes afraid of stingrays.
- Loxes - Atlantic is BEEG problem.
- Get a van Sparkling Wiggles!
- zaphraud & Taryn (We will probably drive the whole way lol. That is if we decide to ditch a school day or two and come.)
- Whatsisname - I live right by a bridge that eats cars
- Incestqueen - I live in Arnold, right next to St. Louis. If anyone is passing through, or near, there let me know. I'm supposed to be on staff, but that's kinda hard to do if I'm not there.
- User:Blu Aardvark (possibly, but odds are not good. Cannot provide transportation). Location: John Day
- User:Xenocidebot Has minivan, will travel. Southern part of state though, so Canadians am out o' luck.
Want to Come, But Need Halp
Put your name here if you eat and digest cock. Tablecloth is the most important member and all other faggots come last. Especially Primo250 who is obviously a fluorescent faggot.
- iamusingtheinternets I sure do wish i could go, I'm going to be in pilsen from 3:00-9:00 more than likely pandering for money with a banjo, if i can work up 25 dollars would anyone want to spot me 25? kthnxbai
- User:Tablecloth Halp the internets. I'm stuck on this island called Bahrain with a bunch of Muslims hugging each other. It's hot and my WoW account was banned because Blizzard felt I was a complete faggot when in fact I am only 2% skim faggot, which is only due to my inability to grow facial hair. Other than that I am manly and worthy of going to Lulzcon. Dote Up a Terri Sciavo.
- Chin-chan My new website, www.faceminuschinbook, is not producing enough monies, or lulz
- Milhouse-is-not-a-meme College is eating my time and money ):
- Blu Aardvark (Coming only if I can cough up enough money by the middle of September and can arrange for transportation out of Oregon's anus.)
- janus zeal (Really really really want to go, but having issues with plane ticket money, hotel money, etc.) [im a poor ass nigger]
- Draculus I am a jew and won't even pay my court fines... I'll go if Dwerb wants to go 50/50 for transportation
- Ravo_5002 I NEED A PRIVATE JET AND 10K IS $$, SO DONATE IT AND I MIGHT COME (Message from Community: FUCK YOU)
- anonyoufags poor white boy, with douchebag parents.
- The Lulz Troll I'd love to go, but I have no way to get there and I'm shit out of money.
- Pdspatrick Would love to go....but i blew all of the jew gold on a video card
- Bengoshia Spent my money on going to Texas to see old friends.
- Dr. Strangelurk I'm a big fat insane bitch who only has money because the Government found me too crazy to work (GOD BLESS AMERICA), and am compulsively spending it on food and anything I save is to stalk cast members of The Electric Company (j/k] on that last note ;))
- neechee does anyone live near west lafayette, IN/purdue university, or is taking I-65 north to chicago? i'm about an hour away from chicago; free ride=handjobs for all concerned, srsly though, i'll pay some gas money. ***NEECHEE, SEE Streator***
- Entropy I'm Australian, plz donate to me over 9,000 dollars so I can come kthnx.
- Lulz4life I live in England. I am also on welfare. :(
- SoulfulZen I'm poor as shit and underaged.
- peach vomit I'm making a table coffee book about fat girl angle shots. I also live in Finland. And I'm on welfare.
- Primo250 I will probably have the moneys by then but i dunno, ill try selling my gay asshole for a holographic Charizard to sell on eBay.
- Tekjester Unless $200 USD is sent here [1] to Tekjester@gmail.com!
- Xanthine I live in Canada and also require jewgolds.
- Lady Twilight I live in Washington. Chicago is too far away.
- PirateStream I need MONEEYZ, hookers and a plane to Chicago. Fucking Australia is AN ISLAND WITH FAT NIGRAS!!!!. Some mudkipz would help too.
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how I become the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground is where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool, And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school. When a couple of guys they were up to no good, Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, And said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, But I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo home to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabby yo holmes smell ya later! Looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
- Fadedfutures FUCK SCHOOL
- dope-chan i don't have a car lulz give me a ride plox
- A Random Man I live in the ghetto suburbs of Chicago: Milwaukee. Don't have a car and too damn poor to afford a train/bus ticket.
- s1lentGFX Is Totally Willing to Give Hangjobs for a Plane Ticket
- Legendotphoenix lives in FL; is a po' ass nigga.
- Madmantyke i dont live that far away but im always fucking broke
- they4got I live in Southern Louisiana. Will come if I get a ride from one of my fellow Katrina complaining niggers.
- Filagrey I live in San Antonio, and have a scheduled ass raping by a nice young faggot wetback that day.
- conductorcat Lives in Canada, unfortunately, milk bags do not fly :(
- Koffing is a fucking ball of gas, who just used up all his annual leave, and will probably be stuck moderating ur internets due to this when lulzcon rolls around. So if you're a ball of gas, have some free time, and wouldn't mind a day of banning senseless fucks from the internet who can't figure out how to secure their wireless routers, then plz take Koffing's place at work so he can go to lulzcon.
- User:iamthething69] i live in the uk lol
- User:Whatsisname Lets get a rideshare/hotel split from Minneapolis. We can bring Tay Zonday along lolz
- User:Playerhater Will attend if moneys is given to him. This Australian is A+++. If not able to make pilgrimage to lulzcon, may become an hero. Plz halp kthnxbye.
- User:2402 PT Wants to come, but is to busy digesting tablecloth. :( TEH SADZ
- Sazzt I live in Nevada, and I has no monies :<
- Drowningfish want kum butt kant to ghet munies
- BARBIEFUCK needs maor secks ):
- IncestqueenIf I can make it up there I need to split the room cost.
- Zenzetra I'll miss the lulz! I got fired from my job for "supposedly" taking drugs. Srsly, they fired me without a drug test! I'll do anything to GTFO of Pennsylvannia
- Son Kevin Broke and in New York. No way my car can handle the trip.
- Illusione is a Eurofag. Will do a dance 4 airplane tickets to Chicago.
- TheFast Like Lady Twilight, I'm from Washington and am too lazy to make it to Chicago. If I only had someone to go with like Lady Twilight, and I don't spend all my money on hookers and blow, then I might consider going. BTW Illusione, r u hot?
- Zyclone I live in England and I need to rob your mom before I could afford to go anyway.
Lulzcon 08
The Final Boss of the Internet requests that Lulzcon 08, though 07 didn't even happen yet, be held in New York City, as last year it was on the West Coast, this year it's in the Mid-West, it only makes sense that next year it be on the East Coast. All those who agree, say "I", except Scruffy who may "Second" it.
- fuck you --Ajt 11:53, 15 September 2007 (CDT)
- yes --Nakamura 14:01, 15 September 2007 (CDT)
- Thirded --Drunkenlazybastard 15:50, 17 September 2007 (CDT)
- I agree with this asshole, let's do it in NYC --Final Boss of the Internet 20:38, 19 September 2007 (CDT)
- agreed, mainly because New York is only a 90 minute train ride from where I live --Pocketjew 21:48, 23 September 2007 (CDT)
- FUCK YEAH LULZCON --Lolcookies 19:46, 24 September 2007 (CDT)
- Either that or one of the US Capitals. Philly, because there will probably be a gay pride parade to harass; and D.C. because spray painting stencils on the sidewalk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and elsewhere, would be epic: "Reflecton Pool's Closed" --SahJared 10:27, 25 September 2007 (CDT)
- Personally, I also think it should be held in Philadelphia. There will be a fabulous Gay Pride Parade, there are much moar dangerous and entertaining negroes here, and the cream cheese is also pretty good. Oh yeah, and I live in Philly, so logistically its a win/win in my personal milieu. Either that or I just agree with Ajt and the "fuck you" suggestion. --Dstohl
- Holy shit, another EDiot actually lives in Philadelphia? Yeah, Philly Lulzcon plz. PA --Pocketjew 17:03, 27 September 2007 (CDT)
- How about Bucharest? [User:Ninja|Ninja]] 19:15, 26 September 2007 (CDT)
- Fuck all of you, I already called dibs on NYC. NYC is better because if you make it there, you can make it anywhere, plus I have mad connections, I can get us a rad hotel to have it in and there can be tons of shit going down and I can even get celebrity guests cause I have mad ties to people. Don't believes me? I don't blames you, but trust me! Many more lulz will be had if we do it in NYC. --Final Boss of the Internet 22:05, 26 September 2007 (CDT)
- Moar like JEW york city! amirite?!?!?
- im gunna kill u and touch also --faggotpatrol
- have it in philly you faggots. anyway, my car might be fixed and I will be 17 niggers so I will try to bring lotsa aids and fail, if fact, I will make the most aids fail band evar and play a song maybe retardedlepracon
- I will definitely try to attend if there is lots rape. -A Rape Spider
- Ooh. I would come. (GRAB A TOWEL.) -acatisfinetookthxbi
- Yes. No one fucking lives in the midwest anyway. Salambo 08:35, 3 October 2007 (CDT)
- I second DC (lol senators) but NY is fine too Lynndieengland 17:36, 3 October 2007 (CDT)
nay i say los angeles and i'd be willing to plan most of it -heyzuess
- NYC would be perfect. Alot more people around me would be there, without a doubt. User:Orphan Mia 22:16 November 24 2007
- I but in the Bronx. And no to DC, DC is fail. Paultard 07:32, 25 November 2007 (CST)
- u nork is good. dc is where you go if you want to get stabbed by niggers. Phyrexian 15:40, 26 November 2007
- DC just so Phyrexian can meet said black people. Lothar 10:09, 11 December 2007 (CST)
- More people would come to NYC because NYC is huge and easily accessable to people within the Tri-State area, which means a much bigger Lulzcon. --Final Boss of the Internet 19:00, 15 December 2007 (CST)
- Washington DC-- Lots of black people to offend. All of the people that work in the hotel industry there are black so there would be much lulz during the activities for lulzcon. The city is easily assessable by walking or by taking the metro so no one would need to rent a car to get around. Lulzcon in the nation's capital, it's more likely than you think.--Benoittroller
- NYC would still be the best because it's huge, there's tons of areas surrounding it, and I can get it all set up, I'll get a team of people to help out, it'll be huge. It'll be what ROFLCon is now, only bigger because more people will care! --Final Boss of the Internet 20:34, 6 March 2008 (CST)
- I would prefer it be held in Toronto. Lolicyst 21:10, 21 May 2008 (CDT)
- In Wisconsin. plz. no niggas there. plz not NYC or DC - Crazyconan 00:23, 5 June 2008 (CDT)
- PUT IT IN NYC I'LL TRY TO GO I LIVE NEAR THERE YAY Terriblefrog 17:33, 30 November 2008 (CST)
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[Open the Records] |