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lol libtards can't even get views
Their god. Oh wait... if they don't believe in God, they cannot believe in Satan either. Or could they?

'The IrrationalWiki™ (RW™) used to be the arch-nemesis of Conservapedia, but now has devolved into a far-left Cultural Marxist, SJW rip-off of Encyclopedia Dramatica where SJWs, Jews, Atheists, and feminists go to have a circlejerk and talk about how religion is stupid and how their liberal SJWs agenda bullshit is the best thing ever since Jesus. Contributors to RationalWiki are to be known as Rat-Tards.

Of course, this is why the RationalWiki is so humorous. It was originally founded by atheist trolls making fun of religion, but at the same time, are completely unaware that what they write is anything but rational. They legitimately believe what they write. They, trying to rip off good old ED, think they can get a pass by using outdated, forced, garbage humor that even Uncyclopedia could do better. Remember that one kid who was an insufferable know-it-all who tried to fit in by telling awkward jokes while also talking about how "knowledgeable" he was? The crew manning the RationalWiki are like that minus several hundred IQ points. They're smart enough to realize that there are cookies in the cookie jar but too stupid to unclench their fists to allow procurement of said cookies.

Nowadays it's devolved into the Wiki version of Tumblr: infested by Social Justice Warriors (aka SJWs), PZ Myers fanbase circlejerks (definite SJWs), and other low life basement dwellers to go rant about everything that triggers them, and is over 9000 SJW-times as bad as Conservapedia ever was. From feminists who think that fart is rape, to edgelord atheists who think that being smarter than Kent Hovind and flat-earthers means that you are a fucking supergenius. It's so much of a circlejerk that it puts Reddit to shame. Most of the editors today are 13-year-old boys (who identify as female) and 16-year-old girls (who identify as male) who get picked on at school and undoubtedly masturbate to Nick Cruz and Dylan Klebold.

The site is on so far on the regressive far-left fringe that it frequently turns against Itself for not being on the fringe enough for its own editors. Thereby hastening it's decent into complete irrelevance.

TL;DR version

Do you think she calls him "assfly" in bed?


—RW's Human, on Andy's wife ( WIGO's talk page)

the site encourages trolling
We are a mobocracy and are so not authoritarian
No, really. We are rationally democratic.
lol, Ace McWicked was so butthurt that he was mentioned here that he trolled this very talk page. Nevermind that this is coming from a site with 100,000 posts about Andy Schlafly and individual Conservapedia sysops
disgusting, incredible true story posted on this very talkpage

Originally RW was to CP what SASS was to SA. That is, a site solely devoted to making fun of and trolling another site. It used to revolve around obsessing about every single edit Conservapedia editors made and nit-picking every single thing it's creator (Andy Schlafly, who is not a SJW) does - right down to criticizing the buttons on his shirt), which was sort of pathetic. But nowhere near as pathetic as running a wiki supposedly revolving around objectivity and humor, while simultaneously writing humorless feminazi propaganda, giving admin privileges to folks like Ryulong (who was banned from TOW for accepting bribes to edit the Gamergate article) and Laurelai (a real life rapists who tried to get their victims to kill themselves).

Jerking off to Andy Schlafly is normal.

Today the site's original userbase of trolls and science-obsessed nerds has left it to be replaced with hysterical gender studies graduates and Freethought Blogs followers; the only time they talk about "CP" anymore is when defending Sarah Butts' pedophilia. And the site is now a humorless lolcow fallout shelter for biased SJW cuck retards who got banned from Wikipedia for being too radically-left even by TOW standards. (Half of them only ended up on RW in the first place when both TOW and ED banned them for writing shitty hate articles about conservative nobodies they were mad at).

RW articles no longer even attempt to be funny, and are instead either 100% serious opinion pieces about social justice bullshit written in a way TOW wouldn't let them get away with, or personal attack articles about people who dared to criticize feminism or promote "crank science" (such as the notion that drinking GMO-free milk is healthier for you). Like Conservapedia, 99% of the RationalWiki's articles are crap, like this fucking shit, however unlike CP, RW attempts to simply bypass this awful truth by throwing a few "goat" memes and penis jokes into its articles and claiming it's all just "humor" when called out on their bullshit.

While the humor cop-out works with websites like ED which don't pretend to be anything other than misanthropic satire (with the occasional grain of truth)— it runs completely contradictory to RW's mission statement as a skeptic wiki dedicated to "refuting crank science and authoritarianism". RW wants to have its cake and eat it too: claim it's "satire" to avoid admitting it's poorly written SJW propaganda, while at the same time allowing its brainwashed members to believe they're on a mission from The Flying Spaghetti Monster to warn the masses of the dangers of homeopathy, birthers, MRAs, Donald Trump and "steaming vagina", wtf. Hell, even Conservapedia never tried to use their articles to bully people off the internet like an Encyclopedia Dramatica for leftists but driven by butthurt and zero self awareness.

Some examples of the shit that passes for rationality at IrrationalWiki:

  • Monsanto's Roundup is safe for humans to drink! And if it ends up in breast milk, it's safe for babies to drink too! And btw typical PC shittery like



One should analyze these creatures with great caution, lest they burn you at a stake like the raging hypocrites they are. If you ever encounter a editor of the RationalWiki IRL, please don't touch the poor creature (you can get diseases from them, since they're obviously just a bunch of evolved monkeys) and refer them to the nearest mental hospital available (a church is fine too). Just troll'em good (you fuckwad!) until they become an heroes. Returning to the main topic, all of the RationalWiki users are required to be at least five of the following:

About RW

old memes = funny

In summation:

PROTIP: If you're going to start an Encyclopedia Dramatica rip-off, don't use it to preach your political and/or religious agenda. If you do, YOU FAIL.

So anyways, RationalWiki (more like CRAPtional DICKy, amirite?) appears to be staffed by a bunch of elitist, pseudo-intellectual douchebags who attempt to use internet/4chan culture to appear "witty" and "edgy," apparently to appeal to *channers and other people like me and ensnare us in their little anti-religious crusade.

The true motives of RationalWiki?

If they stuck with bashing the Christian and Muslim fundamentalists then I'd be fine with that, but hell noooo, their main focus seems to be wiping out ALL FORMS OF SPIRITUALITY off the face of the earth. I grew up spiritual and not religious, since my mom was one of those New Agey types - I learned pendulum dowsing (divination,) guided meditation, herbal remedies, crystal therapy, and other staples of the "crackpot" New Age practitioner..RationalWiki labeled all that stuff as "woo" and thus in their "bullshit" category.

That and I am an otherkin (I believe I am a halfblood angel - yes, I actually believe that and I don't care what you'd say) so you can imagine atheists would all cream their pants at the opportunity to tear me down with their sarcasm. This amount of disrespect and snark sure doesn't make atheism look all that good to us theists, now does it?


Even furfags hate the RationalWiki


The site is said to have been founded in response to Conservapedia by some dude named Trent Toulouse; he claims to have degrees in biology and psychology. Toulouse seems to have more or less abandoned the site, having made less than 40 edits in 2015. Toulouse is on record saying he enjoys being sued for defamation over the shitty attack articles on RW.

The RationalWiki 1.0

Andy Schlafly, cuckservative and mommy-lover

Ironically all of the original RW editors were originally banned Conservapedia editors. In 2007, several wiki-obsessed evolutionists from Wikipedia felt that they could gain acceptance on the CP. They, of course, were completely wrong. Eventually, these former Conservapedia hopefuls were banned or provoked into ragequitting. These Conservapedian rejects were gathered up and the RationalWiki was formed.

The first incarnation of the RationalWiki was a invite-only site. Rational 1.0 was a hidden hive of liberal freethinkers and have mostly used for Conservapedia-related discussions. They often discussed their vandalism of Conservapedia. Unfortunately, while the RationalWiki users were discussing the CP users' stupidity, stealthy Conservapedia ninjas learned the secret the RationalWiki handshake, infiltrated the wiki, and exposed all of their secrets.

RationalWiki denies Jesus, amazing
More properly, SJWs.

The RationalWiki 2.0

Realizing that ceaselessly moaning about christfags made them look as retarded as the very christfags they were moaning about, the RationalWiki did the first rational thing by banning most of its members. After the infiltration and the banning of several the RationalWiki members from the RationalWiki, the sysops decided to take the wiki in a new direction. They reset the wiki and started over from scratch. The wiki has now open to everyone and their contributions. Of course, this doesn't mean that RationWiki 2.0 is open to everyone's thoughts, especially the ones deemed "irrational".

The Userbase

Ever had an atheist come up to you and say that he hates your guts for being Christian IRL? I sure as hell don't. Maybe it is just because I'm rich and beautiful.


Proving that bitchfights over religion are not limited to JewTube teenagers, some RW admins, like Trent Toulouse and Ames Grawer, infiltrated Conservapedia with honorable intentions, but they were detected and banned for life by the clueless pedos that run CP. They failed hard. CP sysops Brian Macdonald and Andy Schlafly launched some legal threats to Trent and Ames, yet they never materialized. Schlafly, despite that he's been online for more than ten years, is still oblivious to the inner workings of the internets, and that flame wars are futile.

The Administration

Even these guys are fed up with Ryulong.

The RationalWiki has a liberal approach to promoting users to sysops. Just about any active, "good-faith" contributor can become a sysop. Even you can have sysop rights there. A full list of sysops can be found here though it won't ever be checked, since no one wants anything to deal with these faggots. But kind /b/, prove me wrong.

As already mentioned RationalWiki is a rather wretched hive of scum and villainy. With RW's cult-like mindset and easy-to-gain administrator privileges, the website is home to many little Stalins who failed even to meet Wikipedia's low standards of admin-ship and have no joy in life other than bullying newbies and threatening bans (likely overcompensation for all of the playground beatings their pimpled faces received during HS). For real, most of the site's admins' behavior would get them banned as trolls by the standards of nearly any other community on the internet - even bottom of the barrel sites like Stormfront. Yet the sheep who patronize the website ignore and condone it, knowing that calling out these punks would mean excommunication from their favorite social outlet.

Read it and weep, and ask yourself if you really want to contribute to a website where people too ill-bred to even serve you a Big Mac at McDonald's are given admin privileges and elect themselves to the site's prestigious "Board of Trusteees".

Comrade Admin exiling traitor to Siberia for daring to criticize Margaret Sanger.
Admin list
  • Ace McWicked
  • AgingHippie‏
  • Avengerofthe Bon
  • Bicicle Wheel
  • Bongolian
  • Brxbrx
  • Castaigne -- got triggered, left site
  • David Gerard
  • DiamondDisc1
  • FuzzyCatPotatoe
  • GrantC
  • Hipocrite -- got triggered, left site
  • Krej
  • Laurelai
  • Messah of Doom
  • Mona
  • Nerd
  • Nutty Roux
  • Owlman
  • Pbfreespace3
  • Plutoniumboss
  • Proxima Centauri
  • Raysenn
  • ReverandBlackPercy
  • RobSmith -- token Trump supporter
  • Ryulong
  • Scream!!
  • Sprocket J Cogswell
  • ScepticWombat
  • Tmtoulouse (Trent Toulouse)
  • Weaseloid

Mission Statement

The true intention of RationalWiki: being the coolest kid on the block.

RationalWiki™ is a grimdark place of pure, unadulterated dread and misery. For the utter despair of all, packs of manboobed individuals roam the land, yearning to add the latest speck of fail to their collection of rubbish. However one should not be surprised, since every major wiki on teh Internets is just like that. Assuming you believe those faggots, their intentions are:

  1. Analyzing and refuting pseudoscience and the anti-science movement.
  2. Documenting the full range of crank ideas.
  3. Explorations of authoritarianism and fundamentalism.
  4. Analysis and criticism of how these subjects are handled in the media.

By "pseudoscience" and "anti-science", RationalWiki users generally mean Creationism. RationalWiki consider any scientific idea not taught to them by their high school science teacher to be irrational nonsense.

How to Troll RationalWiki

Ever had an atheist come up to you and say that he hates your guts for being Christian IRL? I sure as hell don't. Maybe it is just because I'm rich and beautiful.
Please don't link to ED from RW, it falls under doxxing.


—FuzzyCatPotoato, telling ED users what to do and not do, and right on ED itself too.

As with all fundamentalists, trolling them may not be as easy as it may first appear due to their inability to listen to anything they do not agree with. Fighting fire with fire may be the best method. If you have a dynamic IP, you can force them to spend hours playing whack-a-mole with your sockpuppets by using "private" tabs in Apple Safari (to evade Media Wiki's cookie-based auto blocks) and turning your phone or modem off and back on (to refresh your IP; just be sure to always make an account so they don't block your range). You've claimed victory when innocent bystanders start getting blocked as being your sockpuppet, with bonus points if this results in someone being desysopped for abusive blocking.

Proven by SCIENCE:

An example of the kind of thing that really pissed certain Rats off (I'm especially thinking of LeftyGreenMario and Anna Livia). Chances are you'll get blocked on site, but if you do this long enough and burn through enough socks you'll eventually get under their skin. The only thing that would make this better would be to reference cheerleaders in it.
  • Talk about cheerleaders. This has been a surefire way to piss off rat-tards and generate a lot of lulz (such as this rant by a former mod) since the site's early days, probably because no cheerleader, even the super nice ones, would ever give any of them the time of day (the mean ones probably outright bully them). It doesn't matter if you praise cheerleaders (because it boils their blood reminding them how the cheerleaders at their school aren't obsessed with atheist bullshit like they are) or attack cheerleaders (because the opportunity to play hero by blocking the big bad troll gives them an erection/makes them wet), either way will push their buttons.
  • Copy paste sections from Metapedia.
  • Add {{cn}} to article text after stupid SJW narrative bullshit that doesn't have any science to support it because it's just postmodern feels. This makes [citation needed] appear and it triggers them off because you questioned their narrative.
  • Tell them that irrationality and logical fallacies are not inherently wrong.
  • Inform them that if you have to constantly put forward the idea that you're "rational", the likelihood is that you aren't really rational.
  • Remind them that 99% of the articles on the site are chock full of logical fallacies, particularly ad hominiem (which is considered the lowest form of rhetoric in formal debates) - they even have article categories such as "internet kooks" and "batshit crazy" while at the same time decrying other websites like Conservapedia for their use of ad hom and other fallacies.
  • Find every reference to 'Ether' ("Luminiferous ether") and Einstein's relativity, and edit this link into the page with the comment that even Einstein believed in the ether theory and didn't debunk it with his relativity. This one will generate sustained amusement as they simply cannot cope with this fact to such an extent that they will revert every such edit, proving that they are in denial about something incontrovertible, which is of course not at all 'rational' of them.
  • It's fucking easy to refute creation science. A goddamn four-year could do it; seriously, get a life, people.
  • Write something about economics, especially criticism of capitalism. The RW editors are secretly rich SUV-driving suburbanites who only allow bitching about social issues (not economic!), so they're enemies even with the tankies at r/ShitLiberalsSay.
  • The RationalWiki can also be quite heavy-handed in opposing what it considers to be "authoritarianism", which is the quality they apply to American conservatism. Although some conservatives seek to shrink the size of the government and the amount of money people are forced to pay into it, and defend the right to own guns, RationalWiki users somehow believe that conservatives are seeking to have the government control everything. Not to mention on RW libertarians and Christian theocrats are lumped into the same camp as "far right wingnuttery", despite being polar opposites on many issues. "Authoritarian" basically refers to "anything RW doesn't like".
  • Remind them that they may claim to be above the "childish" humor of ED, but love to photoshop cocks on everything and troll new users.
  • Become a parodist (just as bored RW members gloat about doing on Conservapedia). Subtlety add as much over-the-top content to articles as possible to further degrade the quality of the content. Write about how George Bush killed babies and masturbated to images of Gitmo, how all marriage is rape and all men are either rapists or wannabe rapists, or how Kent Hovind feasts on the corpses of atheist babies - once it's lingered for a few days it will be to stay because anyone who dare remove anything negative about a subject that RW's admins despise will be accused by the paranoid admins of being a "right wing apologist".
  • Tell them Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson aren't real scientists and/or that kids/teens who actually have a life think they are stupid, not cool.
  • Since RationalWiki has no CheckUser function (meaning they can't get your IP address), it is an excellent platform to post your fantasies of mass murder, child rape, political assassination, or other highly illegal nonsense (regardless of whether those fantasies are real or just horseshit intended to piss off the mods). Of course there's always risk, but seriously, they're not going to get your IP.
  • Sexually harass users. This especially pisses off those who identify as female. You don't have to stalk anybody to do this, just ask them what size their bra is, have they ever been raped before, etc. Now if you choose to go beyond the wiki and actively stalk people like a dumbass, well that's on you.
  • Pull names, addresses, phone numbers, etc out of your ass and claim it is the identity of users who haven't edited for a few months or years. Since that user isn't around to let people know that it's fake, they'll think this is real doxxing and freak out over it. Try to make it believable though, don't post American information for someone who is clearly British for example, or Chinese information for someone who is clearly Japanese.

Petty grudges and online bullying - RW: The ED for butthurt leftists

Basically, one writes an RW article by:

  1. Write an article on TOW to slander someone
  2. Get banned from TOW
  3. Going to ED
  4. Trying to start an article about them here
  5. Getting told that nobody cares about some republican faggot pissant
  6. Getting banned from ED
  7. Going back to RW
  8. Being accepted with open arms and writing your shitty attack article

Site staff essentially misuses RW as their own ED or Ripoff Report to try and sling mud at people they are angry with for editing over them on Wikipedia. There are only two real differences between ED and RW which are that we're a comedy site that bullies everyone for being lolcows and causes them butthurt, while RW is a site of lolcows that only try to bully conservatives out of butthurt, then attempt to pass it off as humor, while being incredibly butthurt about comedy sites that aren't shit, and the other difference is that we're actually good at it.


Here are a couple of RW's more lulzworthy incidents:

Conservapedia Obsession

WIGO pages

Criticizing Conservative Christian sites is one of the RationalWiki users' favorite pastimes. They host several What is going on at...? (WIGO) pages. This is a sure sign of spending too long on the internet (no shit, Sherlock). Of these, the What is going on at CP? page is the largest and most popular. In fact, that page is the second Google search result for "rationalwiki".

RW users would waste hours of their lives DISREGARD THAT, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY watching Conservapedia's RecentChanges for any little piece of dirt that they can get their hands on and display them on the WIGO page. The RationalWiki even has a bunch of custom extensions for the WIGO pages in order to "enable" the obsessions of RationalWiki users. Because the little turds tried to vandalize Conservapedia for years systematically, and failed. Andy's far crazier than even that low-rent vampire Gerard.

Deconstructing Andy

Their favorite pastime: raping this man on a daily basis.
...and learning about his secret sex life.
His shirt is ill fitting, cheap, and he didn't bother to remove the extra buttons on his cuffs....



—RW's Nutty Roux, in a micro analysis of a photograph ( Sauce)

I think he is wearing one of them Watch/Calculator things.



—RW's Ace McWicked, going deeper and deeper in the matter ( Sauce)

To say that RationalWikians focus all their energy on every single stupidity that comes out of Andy Schlafly's head is an understatement. They have dismantled Schlafly's mind, body, and soul; analyzed and psychoanalyzed his personal and professional life, his debating tactics, his concerns and his obsessions; and even imagined how the asshat behaved as a kid.

Add to that dozens of essays, anagrams, games, and poems; a comparative study of Schlafly and Black Jesus; daily wikistalking; a rock opera (written by RW's resident gays); and endless, massive ridiculing directed at Andy himself and his cronies. What you have is a morbid fascination with a guy who is, plain and simple, a fuckwit who does not deserve the slightest attention.


Actually try it out and see how fast you get banned.
File:Straw Man.jpg
How the mods engage in straw-manning Thomas Sowell in his article (nevermind the cherry-picking of many of his works, a hasty generalization, denouncing personal statements while making personal statements about people themselves, a falsely-attributed fallacy and even a broken link).
File:The hypocrisy of RationalWiki.png
"Personal statements don't belong here."

RationalWiki doesn't have a good relationship with Encyclopedia Dramatica. Contrary to popular belief, ED isn't just a liberal stronghold. In fact, ED is home to many conservatives, libertarians, republicans, fags, dykes, creationists, and kikes. No, we're indeed all jew-hating, fag-burning fat basement dwellers. On November 17, 2007, some butthurt fag named PyroPython created the RationalWiki's ED article (not a surprise considering that the entire wiki was created by banned users). On February 3, 2008, the article was rewritten in a more neutral tone. Before the rewrite the article had the following text:

Encyclopædia Dramatica is a Wikipedia "parody" that tries desperately to be funny. Despite all of their attempts (which almost invariably consist of belittling others on the internet and attempts at "shock humor"), they fail to understand that goatse and porn don't make people laugh.

In many ways they are like USENET's alt.tasteless gone completely out of control.

It might be one of the few websites worse than Conservapedia.

Update: ED may yet redeem themselves, to a degree, as an active contributor in the war against Scientology [1].

Sadly the "new and improved" article isn't as funny as the above text, but it did succeed in hiding their inner butthurt selves (well, at least until you view the page history or this article).

Although RW has inspired the expansion of our very article on Conservapedia and the creation of the article on Andy Schlafly, as well as the ongoing investigation on Ed Poor's pedophilia, ED's Urban Space Cowboy actually created the CP article on February 21, 2007, whereas RationalWiki 2.0 was founded by some guy named Colin on May 22, 2007, with the help of Trent Toulouse.

Urban Space Cowboy left our dimension in 2008.

RationalWiki, however, still contains trace amounts off butthurt over their ED article, especially on the talk page.

There is a fine line between "raunchy entertainment" and silly childish rubbish. Most of what ED has is not really of the former and a lot of the latter, so I see no point in emphasising its rarity at the expense of its common. I personally think most of the "jokes" here should go if they can be replaced with quality material, but that is another conversation.

In other words, when ED makes jokes, insults, and admits that it's a satire wiki, it's shit and childish rubbish. Yet when RationalWiki makes jokes, insults, and admits that it's a biased wiki, that doesn't mean the wiki is bad, it means that there's room for improvement.

The un-Critical Thinking of RationalWiki

Ironically enough, RW's people actually think that they're rational. Although the RationalWiki proudly sports the word "rational" in its name; nothing could be further from the truth. The contributors and editors of the wiki are hopelessly irrational and butthurt and will stop at nothing at proving they're the biggest flamers on the internet. Known as hipster-pseudo-intellectual-fags, the operators of the RationalWiki are trapped in the mind-slog which is their critical thinking skills. This may partly explain why the site is now overrun by a cabal of inbreds which includes many disgruntled Wikipedia editors; said folks were likely fed up with WP's policies on neutral POV and reliable sources: preferring a socialist echo chamber instead.

The best part of the RationalWiki is the genuine belief each of their contributors have of their own critical thinking skills. Like a six year old who discovers they can blow bubbles with bubble gum, the cogs of the RationalWiki have discovered that they can criticize and rebel against their parents. Unfortunately for many of them, they lack the balls to confront the people they know in real life with their rebellious beliefs. Instead, they spend all day being angry and creating barely comprehensible, raging anti-Conservative/Religion manifestos in the guise of wiki articles.

To avoid seeming completely one sided and agenda driven, RW very occasionally has articles bashing extreme "moonbat" (AKA left-wing) subjects such as PETA and eco-terrorist groups; nevertheless this doesn't change the fact that this is a site which considers Dawkins too "far-right" because he disagreed with some feminist on Youtube. The site is like Rush Limbaugh occasionally dropping a negative quip on the air about the KKK or some far-right group which everyone hates, immediately after having claimed that liberal public schools brainwash your kids into shooting heroin and joining ISIS.

For that matter, sourcing on RW is a joke in every circumstance. No really, the site accepts sources from anybody; Cracked; TV Tropes; even crank sites RW has articles mocking like globalresearch.ca are used as sources. Not even just as extra reading, but sources. RW is willing to accept crap like this as sources so long as they agree with the site's POV while ignoring legitimate sources used in points to the contrary, proving that any idea of objectivity or rationality is a farce.

Kevin Martin

Worse yet the site serves as a platform for rejects to pursue off-site grudges over dick-measuring disputes. After some petty insanity Kevin Martin had a shitty RW article created on him, accusing the guy of being a "pseudoscience and woo" promoter (simply for being an autistic weatherman wannabe), with old and out-of-context blog comments and Wikipedia posts being used as primary sources.


One day, when the Yids were comfortably abusing their control over the internet, a user named -Mona- appeared and fucked up their gay shit for the lulz. When the Jooz attempted to stop the white hero from spreading the truth, she threatened to expose the site to her journalist peers and caused great butthurt and rage quits amongst the Kike mods and their shills, leading to claims of anti-Semitism and clashes with self-proclaimed Zionist Avengerofthe BoN. Mona later admitted to being  Mona Holland, after negatively tweeting about the site which resulted in the Jewish mods becoming irrationally angry that someone dared to resist their hebe dominance, and then attempting to ban her.

Mona, you're an insufferable holier-than thou bitch.[...] Ryulong (talk) 06:50, 9 December 2015 (UTC)

Ryulong, triggered weaboo Juden

Her trolling resulted in many pages being mod-locked, and incited a Ratwiki civil war with well-known users clashing in an ultimate display of faggotry not seen since Hipocrite, resulting in accusations of trolling by the Jewlord agents. Eventually the Goy realized she was in way over her head, and attempted to bury the shitstorm she had created by deleting all the writing on her talk page.

Indeed, the State of Israel probably would not have come to exist absent Zionist terrorism.

Mona, trolling the Filthy Kikes

Dyskliver and Oxyaena:2 abusive techs and 1 cup

On a dark and stormy night in 2014, a user account named Palaeonictis was created on Rat-Wiki. For some bizarre and unusual reason, Bongolian decided that this user was worthy of "tech" rights (basically an unelected moderator; they have the same tools but can't don the "mod" hat). This account renamed itself Don Juan and then later Oxyaena.[1] This user was trigger happy in every way. At first, it was just really lax in giving out user rights (even more so than the old guard in the early days); it once gave an impersonation account sysop rights before it even made its first edit for example. It later turned into the polar opposite (see below).

In comes Dyskliver (properly pronounced "dick sliver") in 2018, who like many Rat-Tards had been banned from TOW and other online communities including Uncyclopedia. Unlike the other Rat-Tards, this lunatic is not just a drama queen, he's an admitted troll and a known cyberstalker and sockmaster who has since been honored with a highly coveted "office action" from the Wikimedia Foundation. Why anyone would trust this person with tech rights is incomprehensible, yet that is exactly what Oxyaena did in 2018. Dyskliver pulled out his usual bag of tricks, creating an sockpuppet he claimed to be his sister, stirred up drama, unilaterally banned people he didn't like, etc. In other words, as legendary troll, he'd fit right in at ED! But wait, there's more! In 2020, the idiots at RationalWiki decided this loser was worthy of being on the Board of Directors for the RationalMedia Foundation, meaning he literally pwned them![2]

While Dyskliver was busy being a legendary troll, Oxyaena was busy being a legendary lolcow. Oxyaena claims to be a autistic transgender girl[3] who has been threatened by her local police to be charged with abuse of the 911 system.[4] One can imagine how easy it is to push this thing's buttons. Oxyaena became obsessed with "Mikey" and "Morris", issuing thousands of blocks on likely innocent contributors to the wiki, especially any new members or IP addresses that challenged any action of Oxyaena, at one time blocking the IP of a logged out moderator and accusing it of being a "sock of Morris." During this time, Oxyaena was your go-to if you wanted lulz out of the Rat-Tards. At first, Oxyaena and Dick Sliver were like best buds, tag-teaming in their war against Morris and Mikey, but they eventually turned on each other because people like this can't have friends.

Because all good things eventually come to an end, Oxyaena was eventually permakicked upon its own request, and Dick Sliver was eventually kicked for doing what cyberstalkers do. Mentioning either of these two on the site now usually results in interesting reactions. Someone really needs to create an account pretending to be Oxyaena to make RationalWiki funny again.


To the outrage of the Jews (besides the fact the Holocaust did not happen), on September 18 the goyim was made an admin. This did not stop angry Kikes from claiming -Mona- was using sockpuppets in their Chicken coop e-court which ended in an epic fail for the Zionists, where the tranny mods did not accept the wild claims of the Jews, causing the raving Hebrew's balls to shrivel up into dust and blow away in the wind, a defeat for the Hebrews and a victory for the world.

B a s e d Vordrak!!

Shouniaiasha saga

Shouniaisha's first revisions to RationalWiki; covered up over a month later.
What one can expect to experience when trying to report a pedophile (Note that Matthias Huess / Mr Burton doesn't go full troll until after the "dear sir" block).

On November 13, 2015, a pedophile created an account named "Shouniaisha" (Japanese for "pedophile"). Two days later, he made his first revisions to the wiki: suggesting that RationalWiki's article on "online pedophilia activism" should cover Newgon.com.

On November 15th, Shouniaisha created an userpage where he admitted to being a "(self-diagnosed) pedophile and a hebephile". Rome Viharo-obsessed sockpuppeteer Krom saw Shouniaisha's userpage, created a fresh sockpuppet named "Matthias Huess", and demanded that RationalWiki ban Shouniaisha.

Matthias Huess was a sock of mine. Note that they also banned my other account, Mr. Burton for a comment I left there. At that time on Rationalwiki I was editing something else on Rome Viharo's entry on another sock, then I saw that paedophile which was just created and I made another sock to complain in the community portal about him.

Kroms, recounting his experience on RationalWiki

On the 18th, Ymir alerted big boss David Gerard to Shouniaisha's pedophilia, but Gerard didn't do anything besides expressing some pessimism.

On December 1st, Shouniaisha's posted pony porn on an user's talk page.

On the 7th, Shouniaisha took a break from RationalWiki.

T h e R i g h t S t u f f

Arisboch and the creation of SecrentAgentoftheMods

On December 20, 2015, RationalWiki user "Arisboth" joined Kiwi Farms as "systemlord_baal" (a Stargate SG-1 reference) and asked "yes or no" questions ("Does anyone know?" / "[Do] you know anything about it?") about the rumor about Queex being doxed "out of of idle curiosity".

On December 22nd, Gooniepunk created "Category:Anti-Gamergate_slate" and Gooniepunk added it to his userpage in "a statement of defiance". Arisboch, -Mona-, and co. began arguing on the category's talk page and -Mona- accused Arisboch of not showing enough compassion on Kiwi Farms. Arisboch responded by saying that behaving like a moralfag on Kiwi Farms wouldn't change anything.

Late on the next day, -Mona Emailed Gooniepunk, presumably about Arisboch's presence on Kiwi Farms. Within an hour of that Email being sent, the "SecretAgentoftheMods" account was created and granted advanced moderator privileges, including the ability to suppress content and logs. Gooniepunk's NoiseBot then suppressed all logs related to the creation of the account and who granted it advanced moderator privileges. In order words, the account was made for cowards who wished to avoid accountability. The account's first action was to block Arisboch for alleged "off-site doxxing and harassment", then hide the log so that the blocker can't be held accountable for the block. By "off-site doxxing and harassment", they mean those "yes or no" questions he asked at Kiwi Farms, even though those questions didn't instigate the doxing in the first place, as Queex was doxed on the previous day, as the thread they apparently used as evidence even acknowledges. Oh, and by "doxxing", they mean participating in a thread that links to Queex's public LiveJournal profile. They also ignored the fact that Arisboch himself is (by RationalWiki's definition) a "victim" of Kiwi Farms "doxxing".

Even RationalWiki's sysops know that Arisboch's ban is bullshit, yet they still cover it up.

After the SecretAgentoftheMods account finished its business, Gooniepunk left an "olive branch offer rescinded" message on Arisboch's user page.

Late on the 24th / early on the 25th, "Sorte Slyngel" lowered the duration of Arisboch's block to three months, with opposition, especially from -Mona-, who appears in be in on what happened. Gooniepunk tried to defend the banning of Arisboch by throwing words such as "consensus" and "unanimous" around, even though there were only three moderators at the time, and finding "consensus" among three like-minded (RationalWiki is a leftist wiki) individuals isn't a difficult task at all. Plus, only a mere 37 and a half minutes passed between -Mona- sending sending the private complaint and the creation of the SecretAgentoftheMods account, and given the online environment, that means that there couldn't have much investigating or deliberating, especially if a portion of that 37 and half minutes went into deciding whether the SecretAgentoftheMods account should be created in the first place. And, of course, none of those 37 and a half minutes went into obtaining Arisboch's side of the story.

On 27th, Gooniepunk once again defended the ban, reinstituted Arisboch'd permaban, and hid the blog log entry with his bot.


Vordrak discusses events with Dynastia.

On the 30th, the SecretAgentoftheMods account removed Ryulong from the vandal bin and then suppressed a portion of the log entry pertaining to it. FuzzyCatPotato later took credit for this action, although he may be covering for one of the another moderators.

On the next day, FuzzyCatPotato renamed the "Shouniaisha" account to "Aisha" (Japanese for "lover"), but a spoiled sport used the "SecretAgentoftheMods" account to rename the "Aisha" account to "Collingwood" (Vordrak's middle name). The comments of a pedophile were attributed to Vordrak's middle name for fourteen hours, when FuzzyCatPotato and Weaseloid undid the actions of the "SecretAgentoftheMods" account.

Possible identity of SecretAgentoftheMods' operator

Nobody knows who the operator of the SecretAgentoftheMods was. The high-profile drama it was involved it demands that we speculate, and frankly, someone ought to pay. What do we know about the SecretAgentoftheMods account and the events:

This all points to Gooniepunk being the operator of the SecretAgentoftheMods account during Arisboch's ban and the renaming of the "Aisha" account to "Collingwood".


Despite undoing the account's actions, they avoided taking action against the account and it's operator. That changed when users began questioning the existence of the "SecretAgentoftheMods" account a couple of days later, forcing FuzzyCatPotato to desysop the account, yet they refused to take action against the account's operator and tried blocking the person bringing up legit complaints as a "concern troll".

Gooniepunk has since left the site permanently. :hmmmm:


But the worst of an already bad lot may be Laurelai, a narcissistic, openly man-hating pre-op transgendered "female" who split from the site to found the even more horrific SJWiki; testimonies from people she/he knows IRL have come forward claiming him to be a real life raper of women (yes, as in rape with his penis) - resulting in Laurelai launching an online crusade against his detractors, including this website - complete with stalking, fake suicide claims, and bogus legal threats.

One of them (Laurelai) is a rapist (the real kind, not the "regretting sex a week later = rape" kind - as the article will explain shortly). Having antisocial personality disorder actually boosts one's odds of becoming an admin on the site.


SJWiki was Created by Laurelai and other RationalWiki splitters for whom RationalWiki wasn't biased and SJW enough.

Oliver Smith

  • Oliver Smith: sysop who has written a large amount of articles for RationalWiki since 2012. In that time has managed to attract a handful of trolls who dislike his edits and article creations, including Mikemikev who Smith has blocked on over a hundred accounts (and is still being blocked on hundreds more to this day, lol). Smith has "retired" from RationalWiki about 5 times (for 3-4 months break), only to return after his enemies kept doxing and attacking him.

Cultural Marxism

Enemies of RationalWiki

Michael Coombs
Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax
  • Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax: an internet harasser banned from almost every wiki (Wikipedia, Wikiversity, RationalWiki etc) for misusing them for long-term disruption and for his personal vendettas; Lomax ended up with his own RationalWiki article that he has attempted (unsuccessfully) to remove by doxing and smearing RationalWiki sysops on his blog. Also claims to be suing RationalWiki, but his legal threats are always fake and just used to further harass people.
  • Michael Coombs (aka Mikemikev), a neo-Nazi vandal who has for years created sockpuppets on RationalWiki to spam Holocaust denial and racism. Coombs also creates lots of fake accounts, impersonating people, but like a deranged liar denies his accounts, trying to blame them onto innocent people.
  • Rome Viharo: crybaby who dislikes his RationalWiki article, and created an entire website to whine about it.
  • Emil Kirkegaard: child-rape apologist who wrote on his blog pedophiles as a "compromise" should drug and rape children while they sleep. Now claims to be suing RationalWiki for the crime of documenting his sickening comments and pointing out the fact he's a paedophile - sourced to his own words.
  • Laird Shaw: schizophrenic who says he's possessed by demons.
  • Cheerleaders: RationalWiki really HATES cheerleaders.


External links

  • Kiwi Farms thread on RW with over 100 pages full of lulz

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