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[[Category:Internets Phenomena]]
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Revision as of 06:50, 11 February 2014

Add pixplzkthnx to JihadUnspun.com
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.

Watch out, jihadis!
The trolls were expecting the webmistress of jihadunspun.com to look similar to this...what a disappointment!
How she really looks.

Jihadunspun.com is a "Jihad" website that is run by the CIA in an effort to trick would-be Jihadis into revealing information that could lead to their arrest.

It is full of overblown jihadi rhetoric, so as to make it seem authentic. The pretended central theme of jihadunspun.com is that:

1. Muslims based abroad should start a "jihad" with their non-Muslim neighbors. To quote 1 "Abu Haitham al Hijazee", a scholar/sockpuppet who only seems to moonlight on jihadunspun.com,

"Do you notice the word “fight”? The prophet did not say he was ordered to talk to them and invite them to Islam. But the point is, Allah wanted Islam to be the law of the land, and people have a choice of either embrace Islam or remain on their religion but live under Islamic rule and pay Jizyah. Do we know better than the Prophet (PBUH)?"

2. Muslims must reject fancy conspiracy theories of "Jews did WTC" and instead should wholeheartedly embrace Bin Laden's message of jihad (as the taxi driver Abdul broadcast it on CNN) To quote Mr. Hijazi again 2,

"With respect to the blessed New York and Washington, D.C. expeditions, a Muslim brother of ours, by the name of Osama Bin Laden, may Allah preserve him, has taken credit for the attack. In the meantime, a bunch of filthy Kafir put together a conspiracy theory to explain the attack. What do some weak Muslims do? They opted to believe the Kafir and disbelieve a Muslim brother who gave everything up for Allah. Isn’t that a shame?"

Despite all this seeming terror-mongering, Jihad Unspun has had remarkable success in not being shut down by the US storm troopers, unlike every other jihad web site in North America.

Jihadunspun.com is on ED for two reasons: 1. For the lulz 2. For being a Lolcow

Enter the Lulz

Jihadunspun.com raised eyebrows right from its inception. Earlier versions of the website were remarkably cheesy, overdoing the jihad rhetoric. The early version also had fonts for subheadings in fake-looking faux-Arabic style.

Then Azzam.com, a website belonging to GENUINE Islamic hardliners began spewing allegations that Jihadunspun.com was being run by the Men in Black at Langley, Virginia. They wanted jihadunspun.com to back off THEIR jihad. A fighting match ensued and jihadunspun.com releases a flurry of counter-allegations to salvage its reputation. To quote 3:

"In recent weeks, JUS has once again come under attack by Azzam Publications and their affiliate Maktabah Al Ansaar - our very brothers in Islam. Although some may consider it flattering that they have acknowledged us as such a formidable competitor, they are fully aware that the information they are disseminating is false and we believe this damages the Ummah."
"We then purchased the exclusive web rights to Osama bin Laden’s Unseen tape from Maktabah Al Ansaar for a large sum of money as a special promotion to launch our JUSPLUS streaming channel with. No sooner was our credit card charged but they were actively on message boards discrediting our exclusive!! This experience is only useful now as they have inferred publicly that we are the CIA."
"So there you have it. We are not the CIA and both Azzam and Maktabah Al Ansaar are fully aware of that fact. We do not buy our tapes from them and we do not publish computer-generated casualty shots. We use the best of our intelligence in evaluating news, footage and photos. We are not infallible and can certainly err in our judgment however that does not negate the fact that we do our very best to serve this Ummah."
"Many people wonder why our site hasn’t been down – indeed it has, it is just that we planned for this from the beginning. We have been forced to changed locations three times to date however we are technically knowledgeable and therefore we have only experienced one small down in moving so far. We experience identically the same problems as the others and we expect more of this not less. The CIA accusation doesn’t cut water either. Surely the CIA puts out disinformation but logic defies this accusation for several reasons. Firstly, what would they achieve? A list of email addresses and IP addresses of faceless Muslims and non-Muslims with no other information? JUS get approximately 500,000 hits a day and the cost of producing JUS, let alone trying to develop some kind of tangible leads based on IPs and emails, would make this price prohibitive. Secondly, the CIA may be involved in disinformation but never would they put out Casualty Reports and send them to the media as JUS has done – this is the Bush administration's worse nightmare. The CIA are budget and resource restricted – they wouldn’t play around at this level for some possible low level gain nor would they break the cardinal casualty rule."

Shortly after this spat, Azzam.com was shut down by the British government and its directors were later arrested. And Jihadunspun.com started establishing itself in the jihad internets.

At that time, the contact address for jihadunspun.com was:

Bruce Kennedy, #300 - 1497 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC V7T1B8 Canada
+1 604 913 2241, Fax: +1 604 913 2240
[email protected]

Bruce Kennedy? Sounds like Jeff Gannon's boyfriend. Again, note that the server is not in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The website was hosted by two servers
GT Group Telecom Services Corp. -Pacific
20 Bay Street, Suite 700
Toronto ON
[email protected]

Why those Canadians #$%!@#... Apart from jihadunspun.com, jihadunspun.net was registered in their name on another Canadian server
Shaw Communications Inc.
Suite 800
630 - 3rd Ave. SW
[email protected]

Both servers were hosted through YOURGALAXY.COM, a Canadian business providing streaming video support for jihadunspun.com's Bin Laden videos!

E-Tech Computers Inc.
3080 - 8888 Odlin Cres.
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 3Z8
[email protected]

The alarm is sounded

The initial alarm questioning the credibility of jihadunspun.com emerged from political message boards. Then the alarm spread to other media.

According to Professor Israel Katz in a Chicago Tribune article:

"Some Web watchers, including Katz, believe the U.S. government may be using the Internet jihad to spy. They speculate that Jihad Unspun, an English-language site that appears to promote terror, may be a CIA creation, designed to find out who visits or orders videos glorifying bin Laden. A lengthy notice on Jihad Unspun denies the allegations, saying the site is "a labor of love for Allah." Bruce Kennedy, identified on the site as editor in chief, said by e-mail that Jihad Unspun's operators "are not doing any interviews with American press at this time." A CIA spokesman denied the site has any connection to the agency."

The Internets Strike back: The Enver Masud episode

Enver Masud, contributor to an Islamic website 4 decided to ask some questions to "Bruce Kennedy". In Response, Mr. Bruce revealed herself to be a female, Bev Kennedy. To quote from her replies:

Although it grieves me a great deal to say this, the CIA accusations stem from Muslims, my very brothers and sisters. The first rumors were started by Azzam Publications and Maktabah Al Ansar, both who know exactly who I am as we have had business dealings early on. As the new kid on the block and an experienced publisher, I had vision of a Muslim media coalition that would strengthen Muslim publishing efforts however I learned very quickly that not all Muslims are committed to the good of the Ummah. Further, I stopped carrying Azzams news when I began to foster deep concerns about the validity of their reports. If we are going to be taken seriously, the facts must speak for themselves.
We thank Allah that today, albeit with very limited resources, JUS the largest viewed portal in the space, with over 800,000 viewers each day. Each time Azzam resurfaces, we go through another round of CIA accusations as they endeavor to regain their market share. At one point we addressed the matter publicly and appealed to them to bury the hatchet for the good of the Ummah however that fell on deaf ears. We forgive our brothers for their indescressions and avoid any public debate even at out own expense as this only hurts the Ummah. The Jewish vigilante groups have a heyday with this kind of stuff!
As the result of these rumors some Muslim viewers subsequently suspect we are the CIA. Their reasoning troubles me greatly for it speaks to the oppressed state of mind of some Muslims. They often say that we must be the CIA because Muslims could never put out this caliber of portal. This is sad indeed. They attribute this to "overblown" budgets when the reality is that JUS operates today on a shoe string, with a small group of core brothers and sisters who volunteer their time, effort and financial resources and who strive to be the best that they can be as Allah commands us to do.
The CIA accusation defies logic even at its lowest levels. First, they could not produce a quality work like JUS due to their limited understanding of Muslims, the Quran and high caliber publishing techniques. They can't even make a fake bin laden tape that flies with the help of Hollywood! The CIA would never publish casualty reports that defy U.S. government figures as we have done nor could they ever receive funding for a project that is unmistakably anti-American foreign policy.

Masud further asked regarding one of jihadunspun.com's sockpuppets, Ahmed Yousef:

I would appreciate the phone number of Ahmed Yousef, and the best time to call, or the phone number of a couple of your Muslim writers.
You say that "Publishing a site like JUS is risky business. All the names on our site are pen names to protect the identity and limit the risk to the individuals and their families who work on the portal.
Certainly there is risk, but there are dozens of web sites that publish the sort of stuff you have and more, and they don't use pen names. We are in the Washington area a mile from the Pentagon, we run articles critical of our government. My book The War on Islam should be as risky as the articles on your site, and our site is regularly visited by intel and military agencies. But we do not advocate violence, and we exercise our free speech rights as Americans.
I'm afraid as long as your writers hid behind pen names they will be suspect. Perceptive readers want to know who is the author, what are his/her qualifications.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, and would like to support worthy efforts. But knowing a little of how our CIA operates -- http://www.twf.org/News/Y2001/0215-CIAfunds.html, we try to ascertain if we are being fed disinformation.
It's also strange that a Google search on <"Bev Kennedy" Canada publish> yielded this article which says pretty much what you say -http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/813959/posts?page=35, BUT there is nothing prior to Sep 11, 2001 which is rather strange for someone "well known among business magazine publishing circles".

Tracing Jihadunspun.com

Masud noted some inexplicable stuff while pinging jihadunspun.com 5

TRACEROUTE jihadunspun.com
August 23, 2003 8:10 PM

"When traceroute fails to get packets through to the remote end system, 
the trace trails off, displaying a series of three asterisks (* * *) at each 
hop count until the count reaches 30."--http://www.expita.com/header2.html#tracert

Traceroute has started ...
[[Image:Jihadmobile2.jpg|thumb|Bev Geisbrecht cruises around Vancouver in her own jihadmobile!]] 
[[Image:Mongoatwork.jpg|thumb|Geisbrecht's boyfriend, Alhaj Bruce Kennedy. He also works for the gubmint!]]]] 
traceroute to jihadunspun.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 (  43.683 ms  11.202 ms  14.159 ms
2  at-5-0-0-1712.core-rtr1.res.verizon-gni.net (  27.567 ms  14.211 ms  11.171 ms
3  so-0-1-0-0.bb-rtr1.res.verizon-gni.net (  17.726 ms  15.983 ms  21.193 ms
4  so-6-0-0-0.peer-rtr1.ash.verizon-gni.net (  15.131 ms  19.937 ms  22.761 ms
5  dcp-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net (  15.512 ms  13.209 ms  14.045 ms
6  dcp-brdr-01.inet.qwest.net (  15.435 ms  15.381 ms  14.212 ms
7  bpr2-so-7-2-0.virginiaequinix.cw.net (  18.538 ms  14.194 ms  17.913 ms
8  bpr1-ae0.virginiaequinix.cw.net (  21.993 ms  12.864 ms  15.05 ms
9  dcr1-so-4-3-0.washington.cw.net (  15.799 ms  16.87 ms  15.035 ms
10  acr2-loopback.seattle.cw.net (  79.201 ms  82.942 ms  79.066 ms
11  bpr2-so-0-0-0.seattleswitchdesign.cw.net (  76.468 ms  81.583 ms  76.222 ms
12  gt-group-telecom-services-corp.seattleswitchdesign.cw.net (  74.863 ms 75.899 ms  93.304 ms
13  ge4-0.wana-vancbc.ip.grouptelecom.net (  94.792 ms  95.266 ms  93.904 ms
14 (  77.522 ms  83.555 ms  78.188 ms
15 (  94.095 ms  79.563 ms  79.702 ms
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *

All Your Jihads are belong to us!

Jihadunspun.com briefly went down and then re-emerged, briefly associated with the sophisticated Peer 1 Network, a specialty web service provider for those with deep pockets.

In a more recent strange case, the Firefox add-on Shazou was used to ascertain the the server position of jusonenews.com, to which jihadunspun.com was redirecting on August 8th 2006.

The server appeared to be on an island just below the Brooklyn bridge of New York. The building appeared to be an intelligence building. Since then, the server has walked away to Canada, and Google maps is blocking treetop level resolution. This is only done for military facilities.

Whoa, thats on an island in the shadow of the Brooklyn bridge, New York. Where's MONGO, Homeland Security and Bill O'Reilly when you need them?
Lets take a closer look at the the Server HQ of these disloyal jihadis...
On April 14th 2007, the JUS server moved into the polar bear region of Canada. THE GOOGLE IS BLOCKING TREETOP LEVEL RESOLUTION OF THE MAP!!!

Bev Kennedy comes out of the closet

Realizing that jihadunspun.com could no longer proceed as the work of a "Muslim" with a fictitious pen-name, the owner/creator of jihadunspun.com came out of the closet. Allahu Akbar! She now identified herself as Khadija Qahar, formerly "Bev Giesbrecht" (Giesbrecht is German for superjew). The trolls on political message boards had a lot of fun questioning her about being sort of a wigger orweeaboo of Islam.

Bev Giesbrecht also included her CV in the same debut article, but since then, the link to it is no longer active. It is noteworthy to mention that Masud questioned the timing of her coming out of the closet. He also pointed out to some contradictionsin the CV.

However, portions of her CV still exist on teh internets, thanks to the trolls, and are as follows:

Created from concept to successful operation a publishing/print production company, producing a variety of printed magazines and periodicals including TREK Magazine, Connections, The ASTT Directory, IVQ Magazine, BC Discovery, Vancouver’s Business Report and others, with operations in both Canada and the US.
Created (....) TECHWEST, an in-depth database of technology companies throughout the Pacific Northwest (...)
Created from concept to successful operation Datacrafters, specialist in web site and web-enabled systems development (...)
Designed and implemented marketing programs for the Government of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, Pacific Design Engineering, Science Council of British Columbia, Applied Science Technologist & Technicians of BC, Oregon Advanced Science & Technology Institute and others.
Produced media and event materials as well as coordinated press coverage for various events including Softworld 92, The International Information Providers Conference, the Oregon Environmental Exposition, the North Pacific Pediatric Society’s 150th Historical Meeting, the In Touch Vancouver Rally and others.
Successfully negotiated a substantial contract with the BC Government to create a high technology database now established as TECHWEST (...)
Successfully developed the market for CV Database Plus*, a unique Windows-based software program that captures faculty Curriculum Vitae in a distributed system enabling administrators to build a variety of reports, including CVs, Teaching Dossiers, Appointment Forms, Annual Reports and Course Scheduling, now used by 32 university medical departments across Canada.
Successfully developed e)SYS Online, a fully web-enabled process management system for aerospace manufacturers (...)
President/Director/Shareholder 1999 to 2003 Datacrafters Inc.
President/Director/Shareholder 1996 to 2001 Newdale Systems Inc.
President/Director/Shareholder 1983-1985 Zanny Productions Inc. Publishers of Toronto Business Magazine (...)
Founder of TECHFORCE 2000, an educational initiative active in BC and Oregon (...).
Founding Director of the BC Technology Alliance, an umbrella organization that promotes education (...)
The College of the Cariboo recognized my contribution to the business community by awarding me an Honorary Degree in Business Administration in 1990.

Update: Pwnage by RL Jihadis in Afghanistan (Or self trolling?)

On 19th March 2009, Khadija Abdul Qahar released a video from Afghanistan claiming that the very same Taliban/Jihadis/Al-Qaeda whom she represented had kidnapped her and were holding her for ransom, and that she is definitely shitting bricks.

Either this a serious case of weaboo jihad backfiring, or more likely, Qahar si doing some classic self trolling. Maybe she wants to demonize the Taliban. In that case, expect a cheesy Sony Vegas Movie Studio beheading video to follow. Maybe this is an exit strategy to fold up jihadunspun.com, which has too many people screaming CIA at it.

Or maybe the Taliban really got her. Poor Qahar thought that she could triumph over real life mullahs as she did in e-jihad. Maybe she went into Taliban strongholds, all wired and GPS'd, and said "yoohoo Taliban Salamalekum, me too jihadi from Canada; I be your webmaster for Allah." The Taliban said, "WTF? If she is genuine Taliban, she would be at home raising 10 kids, not strolling alone in Afghanistan," and promptly pwned her. In that case, her last signal to Bruce Kennedy @ CIA would be "JEWHAD-ONE DOWN. REPEAT, JEWHAD-ONE DOWN. THIS IS NOT DRAMA. JEWHAD-ONE DOWN....."

Pwned by RL Jihadis....Or just more drama?

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