From Encyclopedia Dramatica
Jump to navigation Jump to search is an archaic Usenet-based trolling newsgroup that provides annoying basement-dwellers a way to vent their angst and disrupt other newsgroups at the same time, all the while sounding 1337 because of the oh-so-kEwL group name.

They were involved in one of the biggest and longest flame wars in the history of the internets, bringing misery and woe to many, many groups for over 45 weeks.


The Meow flamewar was the WWII of teh intarwebs. This conflict lasted over 45 weeks and involved basement-dwellers from over 80 newsgroups. It started rather innocently, between and, on the 9th of January 1996:

Meow meow Henrietta Pussycat meow meow meow The Presidents of the United States of America meow Kitty?

As it continued, an individual discovered by chance, and spammed the unholy fuck out of it, and crossposted an anti-alt.syntax.tactical/ troll.

This small scale invasion provoked one of the biggest flamewars of all time. was overrun by the cretinous Beavis and Butthead fans, and they claimed it as their base of operation for killin d00dz. Eventually, the adventurous Meowers poured into more and more newsgroups, basically anything Harvard and beyond, and more idiots from other groups were drawn into the conflict after having enough of MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW.

All of a sudden, hundreds of groups were spammed to hell with ASCII cats, one hundred line "meow" posts, some beyond repair, and the conflict was still continuing. was reduced to a burning heap of internet shit by the Meowers, for example.

The original trollers were, as they say, burnt to a crisp in the end and had to migrate to a newsgroup on a Harvard server. The 2nd and 3rd generation Meowers commonly frequent newsgroups such as alt.flame and alt.syntax.tactical.

See Also is part of a series on Usenet. [CollapseExpand] is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.
is part of a series on Web 1.0


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