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What is Gothzilla? Well..... Gothzilla (Powerword: Ayudaqualosga "Age" Tsu-na, pronounced: uh-yu-duh-kwuh-los-guh age joo-nah) claims to be a 19-year-old gay/goth/punk/furry/vampire/dragon/otherkin, he always calls himself a dragon, even though he wears fake fucking vampire fangs, and constantly points at them and screams "I HAVE FANGS, THAT MAKES ME A VAMPIRE!!!!11!1! AND I DON'T SPARKLE, SO VAMPIRES DON'T SPAKLE!!!11!@ YOU'RE ALL GAY AND UGLY!!121!" He's a youtube ranter, furry artist, necrofur, and he's either the spirit of the internet incarnate, the saddest excuse for a human being in the history of existence, or the greatest IRL troll who ever lived. We may never know.

But what we do know is that wherever Gothzilla goes, lulz is sure to follow.
100 years ago there was a previous Gothzilla. Hot topic needed some money to help build their emo empire so they got hired to stop the Godzilla problem in Tokyo. Since Hot topic was full of nerds and angsty fan girls, they could not defeat Godzilla. Fortunatly there had an idea. They put emo makeup on Godzilla and renamed him Gothzilla. Because of the loophole in their contract they got their moneys. So next time you see an emo remember that it was all thanks to Gothzilla that they came to be.
The Artist
While YouTube is where most people who know Gothzilla know him from, his art is 500 times less TL;DW, and at least 100 times more lulzy.
He draws furry guro, and a plethora of other fucked up furry shit. His art is usually characterized by shaky lineart, flat colors, sameface, and fail, but in all honesty, I don't even have to describe it. His art speaks for itself.
Original caption: "Happy birthday, my olde friend, it seems this horror show will never end. Any moment's your last breath. Here's to another day closer to death."
As if drawing softcore cub porn wasn't failing enough, he misspelled HIS OWN NAME.
A group picture of his original characters, note the lack of originality.
From what I understand, this is normal for a schizophrenic.
Words cannot describe this... but drugs sure would explain it...
He loves him some Rule 34.
Another reason why ICP should be gunned down in a random alley ASAP.
As for hate art...well, since Gothzilla is relatively new to the internet, there isn't much hate art for him (or by him). You can rectify this problem by drawing some and/or pissing him off enough for him to draw you some.
For Argarondrakescale.
For Taurin Fox.
By Anomoo.
For JeremytheDragon.
By Flaming-biscuit.
For Anonymous (not hate art, but it might as well be).
By FloRidas.
For Adf-fuensalida.
By Flaming-biscuit.
By Flaming-biscuit, who does, in fact, have no life.
By Gothzilla.... wait...... for Gothzilla? Yeah... your guess is as good as ours, pal.
The Photographer
Most people know Gothzilla for his videos and/or art, but recently (as of late 2011/early 2012) he has shown an increasing interest in Cars and automotive photography.
Well its a little grainy, a sign that usually indicates a shitty camera, and the lighting isn't very good, which is likely the reason its so grainy, but for an amateur photo it isn't TOO bad. It looks like something a professional photographer might have taken in his first semester of photography class, maybe the rest of these won't be too bad either.
We're in for pain, aren't we?
Make fun of this photo here.
Clean the damn lens, you twat.
The Ranter
Gothzilla joined youtube on August 06, 2008 as RevengeofGothzilla. Originally he was sort-of a gothic Chris Crocker, with videos like Gothzilla Rants About My Chemical Romance, Gothzilla's Ponytail and Cradle of Fail. Though, over time, he has digivolved into a typical vlogger/ranter/faggot/every-single-person-on-YouTube, with a super-awesome and totally original "pony-hawk".
Typical Videos
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They See Me Trollin'...
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A reoccurring theme in Gothzilla's videos is him ranting about how some STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF HUMAN SCUM pwnt his bike with their car.
Much cussing, rage, and specist remarks fill these videos. Why doesn't he have a car? BECAUSE DRAGONS CAN'T DRIVE, SILLY!
Many people over the years have decided to start shit with Gothzilla, though none of them ever finish it.
In mid 2009, his video Cradle of Fail managed to spark a lollercaust when some gay, Canadian, metalhead watched it and decided to make a video response and send his personal army to attack Gothzilla's channel. This however grew old very fast, and eventually degraded into back-and-forth video responses that could all pretty much be summed up as "NO U!" And eventually they both gave up.
Distorted View
In late 2009, Tim Hansen of Distorted View took notice of Gothzilla, and actually took his videos seriously. Tim started including Gothzilla in the "YouTards" portion of his podcast, and of course, Gothzilla, being the experienced internet detective that he is, found out and started making videos taunting Tim and egging him on, and Tim, being the pussy that he is, hasn't mentioned Gothzilla since.
TheeObsidianReaper, while not as insane or fucked up as Gothzilla, he is nowhere near being goth, let alone goth enough to call Sleeps-With-Corpses a poser.
He honestly believes that by making videos about his life, claiming to be in the Marines, and writing shitty poetry, he will become UBERGOTH. In reality, it just makes him a faggot.
Anyways, his beef is that he thinks Gothzilla is making goths look bad. See: Irony.
UPDATE: Reapie recently deleted all his videos and he and Gothzilla now both work for iChan. See: More Irony.
Gothzilla does believe in the steadfast internet tradition of DELETING FUCKING EVERYTHING, Gothzilla deletes everything, especially when he is being made a fool of and dosn't have a witty come back. So take those screen caps!
You know you're fucked when your best friend can't understand you.
They see me trollin, they hatin'
Oh, quotable
Find a good Gothzilla quote? This is the place to put it. Go on. HE'S FULL OF THEM.
—Gothzilla, telling it like it is. |
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The Camwhore
A collection of particularly stupid and/or embarrassing photos of Gothzilla.
"Writing upsidedown is hard"
His mother must be proud!
It is rumored that Gothzilla got held back a few grades.
The "Dragon" IRL
While Gothzilla has created much drama OTI, he has created created more than his fair share of drama IRL. Most notably at Richland Collegiate High School. Though, he has started going to conventions, and is suing his own mother as well.
Richland Collegiate High School
What happens when you throw a batshit insane otherkin into a school full of talented, and gifted high school kids, run by a principal who has *GASP* RULES!?!?!?Q21!!@!!?!?! You get a lame attempt by some goth kid whose mommy never loved him, at trying to go columbine on his school, USING A 3 INCH POCKET KNIFE INSTEAD OF A GUN!
Needless to say, his feeble attempt at murder-suicide was stopped very quickly, due to him lacking the proper equipment and sufficient tools, an he was quickly turned over to the proper authorities. One week later, he was released with a full, industrial-sized bottle of Paxil, an ankle monitor (pointless since he never leaves his house), and a certificate which says he is completely, irredeemably, criminally insane.
This all started because the principal of his school wouldn't let him dress how he wanted, because he wanted to look like a black metal transvestite. Which, in any sane person's eyes is a perfectly reasonable cause to throw the book at someone, but in Gothzilla's eyes it was because the school was run by GOTH-HATING, HOMOPHOBIC, NAZI-FASCIST CONFORMISTS!
So how does he go about fighting the system?
By wearing 20 times his weight in spikes, wearing baggy pants that kept sagging lower and lower, and wearing belly shirts that kept getting shorter and tighter, and, eventually, wearing no shirt at all.
He made everyone's life shit. He joined the robotics club, and spent all his time there taking everyone's picture 50 times with the flash on, fucking up whatever they were working on beyond repair, until they finally told him to GTFO because nobody likes him. If you had food, he would Jew. He was supposedly the treasurer of the D&D club, though he never showed up (not that it mattered, though, since the position of treasurer is pointless, because D&D nerds have no money, in addition to having no life). He was a member of the anime club, and spent the whole time drawing gay furry guro and/or bitching about how much all the anime sucked. Not to mention he failed all his classes because he spent the whole time either listening to Linkin Park or cussing out the Asian professors for their bad English.
His hobbies at the time included dressing like a fag, ranting about how everything was a conspiracy and how everyone was out to get him, not showering, stalking people, and smelling like a landfill covered with dog shit and dead homeless people.
The old media never got wind of what happened that Monday morning in that pathetic excuse for a community college, due to some persuasion by the principal, but the internets weren't so easily silenced, and Facebook exploded with that video, many lulz were gained at the expense of pseudo intellectual yuppies, and for one week, it was a trollercoaster of awesome, but like all good things, it eventually came to an end.
Last Thursday, Gothzilla announced that he was suing his own mother because her boyfriend, a homicidal ex-con, tried to pwn him IRL, resulting in Gothzilla doing something amazing: BREAKING A PAIR OF NUN-CHUCKS WITH HIS BARE FIST, WHIPPING A BADASS EX-CON WITH AN XBOX CONTROLLER, DODGING 50 POUND BARBELLS BEING THROWN AT HIM, SMASHING A GLASS STOVE TOP, SAVING HIS HIGH SCORE ON TONY HAWKS UNDERGROUND 2, AND THEN MAKING A BREAK FOR IT BEFORE THE COPS SHOWED UP. At first glance this sounds like something that would make Chuck Norris look like Violent J after seeing a pelican, but in reality, it was more like kicking an autistic kid crying on the floor.
What really happened? Well, first of all, Griff, the "badass ex-con" is actually fat and dumb as a cucumber, not to mention he, as Gothzilla himself put it, "punches like a girl." Second, the nun-chucks were most likely cheap plastic, and Girlf most likely had no clue how to use them. Third, Gothzilla ran away, like a pussy. Fourth, the cops never came. Fifth, a cat got hurt in the process, and that's just not cool.
Even so, he's still filing a restraining order against his mom and suing her for custody of his little brother, and also her SUV. Though, this all begs the question: he's got 0 gold and is unable to finish a single quest, how is he going to support a Level 11 Star Wars fanboy? In fact how does he afford to live in a real 2-story house with real laminate flooring rather than his mother's trailer in a completely different city? Simple, it isn't his house. It belongs to his grandparents who let him have it until he graduates college. Why would they do something as stupid as giving a schizophrenic otherkin with bipolar disorder and a fetish for dragons ripping out their own guts their house? Elementary, my dear fucktard, they're loaded, have two houses, and want to keep the psychotic hellspawn their daughter produced inside and away from anyone sane. If Gothzilla wins his custody battle then they'll probably be paying for their daughter's other demonchild while Gothzilla raises him to be a batshit insane furry gurofag just like his big bro.
But hey, if K. C. Tsu-na grows up to be even half as much a lolcow as his older sibling, then we're all in for a treat.
There are three four videos on this and you need to watch them all to get the full expireince..
- Message to my Mom - The first video, in which we find out that Gothzilla was attacked (unsuccessfully) by his mother's boyfriend, his mom is the creepy stalker type, and, startlingly enough, Gothzilla might actually make a better parent then her.
- Taking Back K.C. - The second video, in which Gothzilla talks about how his grandparents convinced him that suing for custody was better than kidnapping in addition to being more legal. Useless trivia: The title of the video is a play on the name of the emo band Taking Back Sunday.
- Q & A Time With Gothzilla and Lil Bro - The third video, in which we get to witness Gothzilla showing off his uber-leet parenting skillz by having his little brother help him answer hate mail. Maybe creepy stalker bitch wasn't so bad after all...
- Escapin' from Strait Jackets with Gothzilla & Lil' Bro - Someone said that Gothzilla would make a shitty parent, so he got all defensive and set out to prove them wrong. How? By teaching his brother two amazing new tricks: escaping from a straight jacket and dancing to Linkin Park. While entertaining, these tricks don't make him suck any less as a
Update: THIS JUST IN! Gothzilla traded his integrity AND his little brothers well-being for a shiny, new hatchet and a couple pitchers of iced tea. Nice one, big bro. However, knowing that Gothzilla is an hXc injun dragon, he probably just took the axe so he can go back later and scalp them, rather than beating them to death with a 9-iron, like he originally planned.
Yes, Gothzilla has recently started going to conventions, which may provide future IRL lulz (due to the fact that many of the people he's trolled go to those same conventions).
Anime Fest 2009
Nothing particularly lulzy here, except that he spent the whole time stealing shit. The proof (screencapped from the comments on Re: FOR THE FURRIES THAT ARE INTO YIFF):
AKON 2010
He spent the whole convention getting dunk, stumbling around, and running up to random people and screaming "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!!!", so nothing exciting.
Oh, except that he trashed his friends' hotel room, then ran away, and left those Arab to pay the bill and explain why there was blood and cocaine ground into the carpet. Real nice.
Dream Job
Gothzilla is a faggot. This is a fact. He also hates stereotypes, but, lo and behold! Stereotype of stereotypes! HIS DREAM JOB IS TO BE A CLOTHING DESIGNER!
What qualifies him to be a clothing designer? Other than the fact that he's absolutely fabulous? Not a damn thing. However, he claims that all the clothes the furries in his drawings wear are all-original designs, and this qualifies him to be one.
Lets take a look at his designs...
Blatantly copyrighted logos and originality go hand-in-hand!
Speaking of jobs.....
Real Job
Gothzilla, much like Dragoneer, has claimed to have many different jobs and has never put forth any evidence to prove that he has ever worked any of them. He has claimed to be a computer repairman, a funeral comedian, an amateur clothing designer, a busboy, and a flea market clothing vendor. With the exception of the last two, Gothzilla isn't qualified to work any of these because he is uneducated, untalented, unfunny, and uncreative, but, seriously...
See Also
- Kenneth Eng - These two were made for each other.
- Cradle of Filth - Furry h8
Kvlt-Gawf-MehdullEVERYTHING - Crematory
- Necrofur - Gothzilla's people.
- Artist Failure
- Fuckin' Dragons, how do they work? (Never)
- MissHannahMinx - The big-tittied female, non-furry (possibly) version
- My Chemical Romance, whom Gothzilla is the self-proclaimed enemy of.
- Teen Werewolf
Gothzilla's External Links
- YouTube Account - RevengeofGothzilla - Revenge? Revenge from what exactly?
- Backup channel - RevengeofGothzillALT - A few lulzy videos here, though its mostly shit that was just too shitty to upload to his main account.
- Another backup channel - DJDoomgeddon
- Obvious sockpuppet - TheBallinDragon
- ModtheSims(2) Account - (none of the downloads work anymore, so don't get your hopes up if you like the faggy gothwear)
- Rule 34 - Gothzilla - Because who doesn't want to see a poorly drawn sketch of Spyro being fucked by a robot skelelton?
- On Goth.net, Gothzilla Where the Goths even hate him.
- FurAffinity - Gothzilla - Who doesn't want to see the exact same stuff that's on Rule 34 except with more lame fursonas and you have to make an account to see it?
On ED User:Flaming-biscuitHacked because he kept trying to write himself into articles. Now used to document his drama for the lulz. Oh, and his password was "beans".User:Beast_That_Lurks_Beneath_The_Crimson_Vaults_of_CydoniaAbandoned for great justice.- User:TheRemixMaster Not sure if its him. He hasn't vandalized anything or written himself into any articles, but TheRemixMaster is an MSN handle he used at one time.
- Gothzilla's Yiffytube account. Yiffy Gothzilla!
- Gothzilla in the urban dictionary - Define this bullshit!
Gothzilla is part of a series on Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage. |
Gothzilla is part of a series on Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage. |