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BoggiDWurms/Thunderf00t looks like shit but it is NOT a {{crapstub}}. It is a work in progress!
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Phillip's ego
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Moar info: Jesus Christ.

Thunderf00t as seen by the naked eye.
Thunderf00t as seen by atheists.
Thunderf00t as seen by everyone else.
All of Thunderf00t's fame and prestige.

Thunderf00t (powerword: Phillip E. Mason) is an arrogant, hypocritical, smug, know-it-all pundit and cult leader who embodies everything wrong with the atheist "movement". Throughout his Jewtube career he has amassed an army of slavish cocksucking drones. Boasting over half a million subscribers readily swallowing his bullshit, he thoroughly puts TheAmazingAtheist to shame. Hailed as a "great thinker" he really is a public face and mascot whose iconic image is the only thing that separates him from all the other dogmatic, shallow, and obtuse atheists on YouTube. Ironically he sports a thick beard and long hair, giving him an uncanny resemblance to Jesus. Furthermore, like Jesus, he is a passive-agressive prick and has attracted thousands of mindless followers throughout the years with his simplistic and catchy teachings. Like the two other most popular atheist attention whores, Pat Condel and TheAmazingAtheist, he is a blockheaded douche bag. That is precisely why he has such a cult following.

Why Do People Laugh At Creationists

Thunderfail the legend began when a creatard equally as stupid and smug as he was, VenomFangX, began posting utterly retarded creationist videos from his basement. Thunderf00t, having enough luxury to waste his precious time on the hate-filled half-pint fired back with his ZOMG Creationists R Stoopid LOLOLOL series. His series (now counting to 38 tedious videos) is hailed as an opus of genius and an essential tome of the atheist "movement" by Dawkinsfags everywhere. Truth be told creationist are low level opponents and refuting them, let alone 38 times very repetitively, is easier than pissing in the shower. It is something even Christfags and conservatards are capable of. Thus Thunderf00t's epic fame is completely undeserved and and his video series serves no benefit other than to bloat his own ego.

Ray Cumfart The Way Of The Master

Thunderf00t hooked up with the evangelical Ray Cumfart last Thursday to have a "discussion" in Ray's Way of the Master studio in sunny southern California. Stutterfoot expected to deliver a complete pwnage of Ray but, being exposed to the spotlight for the first time, he degraded into a stuttering retard.


Last Thursday, unfunny, obnoxious Youtube Atheist, (but some how proves to be more entertaining then boring droning piece of shit Thunderboobs) TheAmazingAtheist was getting promptly pwned by Youtube conservatard and David Wain impersonator, HowTheWorldWorks. Thunderf00t, in typical fashion, decided to intervene to get more fame and prestige (read: more blind sheep sucking his asshole). What followed was the battle of the least charismatic, most boring, most butthurt conservatard on Youtube against a slightly more charismatic but equally as arrogant and obnoxious turd. HowTheWorldWork's arguments consisted of defending crazy conspiracies like the idea that Arabs were behind 9/11, socialists buttfuck Hitler, and that Thunderf00t has a haircut that Jerry Garcia would be ashamed to have. Thunderf00t, not dismayed by HowTheWorldWorks' epic insults, rejoined by saying that capitalism emboldens slave trade, that England is made of win and bad teeth because of Socialism, and asked, "if HowTheWorldWorks loves capitalism so much why won't he buy some nicer shirts, buy some dandruff shampoo, and blink every once in a while?" The climactic battle raged on for a few weeks but fizzled when both HTWW and Thunderf00t realized that no one gave a shit and that they both know fuck all about politics or political theory. Needless to say, the battle of HTWW v. Thunderf00t killed over 9000 Youtubers out of sheer boredom.

How The Mighty Have Fallen

Jizzslam Asshattery

The excessive unwarranted self-importance generated from his dead horse series became the architect of his own demise. As Blunderf00t Man of Letters expanded his "commentary" from science to social issues he failed to consider that non-creatards wouldn't roll over and die instantly. Always Thunder-foot-in-mouth has jumped into a topic only to double wham both his feet in his mouth, hence his namesake. Thus he began his "in depth critiques" of Jizzslam making him indistinguishable from other class A morons such as Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck. When radical Jizzlamists canceled an episode of South Park for putting Mohammed in a bear costume atheistfag and leftard Molly Norris initiated Draw Mohammad Day. Once every year atheistfags and leftards would stop their pointless bickering and attention whoring and unite to draw pictures of Mohammed as a pedophile while indulging in the idea that this is a witty and insightful statement to make.

This blasphemy caused the radical Jizzlamists to shit their pants all at once and demand Norris's beheading, causing her to hide in your basement. ThunderJew, arrogant and vain as ever, seized this opportunity to earn even more internet points and recruit even more slavish subscribers to suck his tiny hairy dick and "spearheaded" Draw Mohammed Day as an Internet phenomenon. To add stupidity to pomp and plagiarism he made dozens of more anti-Jizzslam videos. Overall the videos have zero content, their two main pillars being that All Jizzlamists are raghead radicals and long-winded melodramatic rants about freedom of speech, a concept he clearly does not understand other than a vague glittering generality. In particular he "misread" Dawah Film's video as a death threat and used to the opportunity to further rant at the evils of Jizzlam while praising democracy, freedom of speech, the wonders of science and other such bullshit.

Many atheistfags on YouTube fired back, in particular the crack baby manic-depressive britfag Coughlan666, telling him how full of shit he was. Thunderfail, since he is always right, ignored all criticisms except for the least substantial ones that were easiest to strawman and debunk. Furthermore, he gave the we-need-to-unite-to tackle-bigger-goals-and-ignore-issues-I-deem-unimportant canard. Coughlan, being the hyperactive nicotine-addicted aborted monkey that he is, spat at least a dozen videos back. Thundersnoot only was able to respond to a few of them. Rather than responding with anything substantial, Thunderfail instead decided to characterize his detractors as all blowhards of Dawah Films and diagnose Coughlan using Wikipedia.

Blunderf00t's clumsy attempts at social commentary exposed him for what he really was, a know it all pundit who knows jack shit of what he's talking about. He is just like every other arrogant asswipe atheist that has ever disgraced the Internet.

Thunderf00t Deciding to E-beg

Thunderfoot, realizing that money is good, went into partnership with the Jewtubes, and was a drama whore of global scale and made e-begging a pursuit of his, complete with videos with misleading titles to sucker his viewers into sending him money. Despite his career obviously being comfortable enough to have allowed him to churn out several YouTube videos and allow him to go on road trips across North America and Europe, YouTube is becoming a hinderance on his job... so he's ditchting the job. Essentially he wants to hop on e-welfare like TheAmazingAtheist so he can videotape science experiments all day.

If I am to be ‘in’, it requires the de facto sacrifice of a perfectly functional scientific career. Thats something I’m willing to do, but I’m not willing to commit financial suicide at the same time.


—Thunderf00t on how he's willing to give up a career in science to beg for money on YouTube.

Donations proved to have some potential, but only really come in if attention is bought to the need for them.


—In other words, the money only comes in when he begs for it.

-Is it possible that this channel could produce a living wage? Not a rich mans living wage you understand, something along a teacher's salary. Well having seen all sorts of people go down this route before, it seems they pick up chump change... a few thousand bucks. Teachers salary is about 40-50k a year. Turns out the advertising currently on the channel brings in about 10% of this, but this is mostly due to 'science and education for the win' is neither sexy, nor something that's good for selling stuff. From a personal - career point of view of course even entertaining youtube as a 'job' is suicidal. I have a perfectly respectable and stable future.... who in their right mind would trade that in for the chump change and volatility of youtube? -- truth is though that youtube offers the potential to influence the future on civilization... and in that sense the risk of an individual is maybe an acceptable gambling token.... but Im not about to do anything stupid or suicidal like not testing the ground before making such a bold move..


—Thunderf00t admitting it will just amount to e-welfare.

FreeThoughtBlogs Debacle: Battle Of The Demigods

What Thunderf00t's followers want you to believe.

A while after Thunderf00t's smear of turdfests he joined the hivemind FreeThoughtBlogs along with other Internet atheists; Romanian camwhore Christina Rad and highlander Aron Ra. Blunderf00t's first post MYSOGYNIST!!!! was a convoluted shit smear YouTube rant in text form. Whatever intelligible dingleberries that could be extracted were cheap shots at leftards and feminazis and crying and whining how harassment policies ushered in a nanny state and the death of freedom of speech. The hivemind struck back by pointing out his many errors. The vagina king himself PeeZee Myers attempted to point out how full of shit he was by writing a rant just as convoluted as Thundersmear's.

Thunderboob responding by making a YouTube video using the standard we-need-to-focus-on-bigger-issues bullshit tactic. He devoted his FTB posts to doing exactly the same thing, completely devoting himself to a topic he deemed trivial. Simply counting blog entries, Thunderf00t devoted over 80% of his output to the topic while less than 20% of PZ Myers' blog posts were on this subject, including responses to Thunderf00t. So much for allocation of resources.

Thunderfail then went into CAPSLOCK MODE, complaining about the liberal groupthink in FTB while polling his own army of drones. Unsurprisingly, they agreed with him. He then proceeded to make another YouTube rant video with his standard arsenal of stock arguments. Finally, he decided to actually read a real harassment policy, written by real conference organizers. Coming so late in the day, this was an implicit admission that he didn't know what he was talking about in the earlier posts. Extensive criticism in the comments, including by people who had actually written the policy, indicated that he didn't give a fuck about the issues involved and was really only looking to score more Internet points.

Finally vagina king PeeZee Myers and his libertarian life partner Ed Brayton had enough and promptly kicked Thundershit out. Thundersnoot, butthurt over having his ass handed to him - because Internet king Thunderf00t is the pinnacle of rationality and pwnage. He can't possibly lose. - went h4x0r on FTB and disclosed personal emails and information of various users to third parties, possibly his criminal MRA fuckbuddies hiding on the Internet.

Nonstampcollector Joins FreeThoughtBlogs

Previous writers of this article emphasized how their Dear Leader Thunderbunny refused to stay butthurt. This claim can easily be refuted by looking at the countless drama Thunderpussy regularly involves himself in. The best recent example was ignited when fellow JewTube atheist and talentless artist Nonstampcollector decided to join the FTB hivemind. This rose the holy wrath of the divine Thunderchrist himself and in a matter of minutes he was reduced to a monkey throwing shit.

FreeThoughtBlogs poisons everything!


—Thunderf00t throwing a hissy fit.

A Deep Intellectual

Thunderf00t, like TheAmazingAtheist, is revered by the dupes of YouTube as a master debater and god of reason. In reality Thundershit is a very mortal man with a very mediocre mind who is just as full of shit as everybody else. In particular Thundercrap loves to use the following tactics. If you see such disingenuous trickery in any of his videos (of which there is plenty) be sure to remind him and his half a million fans how worthless they are all.

Blunderfoot's favorite tactics:

  • strawman his opponent and their arguments
  • delivers the we-need-to-unite-to-tackle-bigger-goals-crap to avoid issues knows he will be pwned in
  • diagnoses people with mental illnesses he looked up in Wikipedia == Dimestore Freud
  • ignore all criticism presented to him
  • long-winded, melodramatic rants about freedom of speech
  • long-winded, not-so-melodramatic-but-more-irritating preaching about the wonders of science, reason, and democracy
  • moves the goalposts

Thunderf00t Is A Censor Whore And A Fraud

Turns out Thunderf00t is no better than VenomFangX and countless of other parasites like him after all. Troll atheistfags with these videos to make them cry.

DMCAs Filed By Thunderf00t

Thunderf00t's Sock Accounts

Science and education for the win

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