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The doctor'll see you now.
The wise man who crafted this method.
A helpful illustration showimg how the knife is inserted through your nose.

Lobotomy, (known also as Lolcotomy, or Lolkotomy), is a lulzy correction tool of the past, created by Antonio Moniz, where a "surgical" knife is inserted into your nose and shoved straight into your brain; apparently this is supposed to cut off nerve connections in the frontal lobe, or some shit. Historically, in more civilized times, the process was carried out on autistics, schizophrenics, homosexuals, niggers, and kikes in an attempt to rid them of their horrible disease. Unfortunately, the process is no longer carried out, due to human rights activists and hippies getting into a world-wide debate about the procedure being "inhumane". Today, in modern times, the members of the groups listed above are only thrown into padded rooms for 23 hours a day doing fuck all except cutting their wrists and attempting suicide.

How it was carried out in the old days. Notice that they actually stick a needle in your eye, and continuously jab it with tweezers.


Many human rights activists and pussies throughout the world have claimed that this procedure is inhumane and barbaric. This is simply untrue, as it is a correction tool used on retards in an attempt to make them less retarded and more like normal human beings. A new source of information and a newly-minted medical historian contend that the crude brain surgery only helped roughly 10 percent of the estimated 100,000 Americans who underwent the procedure between the mid-1930s and the 1970s. The relatives of previous lobotomy patients want the Nobel Prize given to its inventor in 1949 revoked. Nobody listened to these people, however, but the process is no longer carried out.

Known side effects

  • Death, the ultimate desired outcome of the procedure.
  • Brain Death, another desired outcome. You're still alive, but you're a vegetable.


How lobotomy is carried out. Nevermind the shitty quality of the videos; this shit was made at least 100 years ago.

See Also

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